Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance)
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He nodded. “I left when I turned eighteen and wandered a bit. Ended up here and decided I liked it.”

“Did you get kicked out of your pack?”

He looked at me, puzzled.“No, what makes you think that?”

“Isn’t that the only way wolves leave?”

Understanding dawned on his face. “I forget, how little you know about being a wolf sometimes. No, we come and go as we please.”

“But Tony’s pack only has you and me. Everyone else was born here and stayed.”


“Well, most wolves stay, don’t they?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t know that anyone’s really bothered to count. Do you know what it means when no one leaves?”

I shook my head.

“It means the alpha is good at his job.”

I rolled my eyes. “Good at chewing ass, you mean.”

He grabbed my hand, gently caressing me with his thumb. At his touch, desire unfurled within me. Just like that, I lost the keen intelligence of my wolf to the hormones of heat.

“You didn’t really tell me about your first change.”

In response, I lunged for him with a mewling growl and pushed him back as I straddled his thighs. Leaning down, I captured his lips with mine. He matched me, kiss for kiss, gradually taking over the pace and rhythm. With a swift movement, he flipped me onto my back, commandeering the top position from me.

Pinning my arms over my head with one hand, he used the other to skim the curves of my body.“You okay, Miranda?”

“This heat is messing with my head.” My body arched up toward him, yearning.

“You want this?” He gestured down his body and then cupped my breast with one hand, squeezing gently.

I nodded again and thrust my hips up to grind into his pelvis. He smiled and swiveled his hips over mine, his hard bulge pushing against my softness.

“You know what they say about wolves in heat?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“They’ll do anything to scratch their itch.” Still keeping my hands pinned, he leaned over and pulled some rope out of the picnic basket. With swift movements, he wound the rope around my wrists and secured the other end to a tree. “How far will you go?”

He moved away and a chill swept my body. Putting some fruit on a plate, he straddled my thighs once again.

“See, your mistake is trying to be a bull when you’re really a wolf.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I glar
ed at him through narrowed eyes and yanked against the rope, testing its strength.

“How about you try and persuade me to do what you want instead of trying to force me?” He pushed a piece of pineapple between my teeth.

Confused, I took it and bit into the acidic sweetness. “What is this some kind of bad dog training?”

Hunter laughed. “No. Just trying to show you a different way. You’ve had to be a charging bull to survive, but now it’s time to learn the wolf way.”

“What’s the wolf way?”

He leaned down and licked the pulse jumping at my throat and swept his tongue up to my neck. Marking me. “Submission.”

“Oh,” I said, my voice flat. You mean I do what you want.” He was just like Tony. Wanting to be the boss of me. Disappointment flooded me, threatening to snuff my desire.

“Being a wolf isn’t about being bossed around,
Randa. It’s about giving what you get.”

“And if I don’t?” I pulled on the ropes binding my hands
again, wanting to be free, but they held firm.

“You’ll be alone. At least I’m giving you a fighting chance.” He offered me a strawberry, allowing me to pluck it from his fingers with my lips this time. I ate the fruit and considered what he had said. I could refuse him and lose everything. Or I could play the game and see where it took me.

He offered me another strawberry. “Give this a chance, Randa. That’s all I ask.”

Taking his advice, I sucked his finger in with the fruit, tongue flickering against his knuckle.

His voice hoarse, he said, “Let’s take off your dress.”

I held still, almost afraid to breathe as he lifted the dress over my head and behind my neck. The rope prevented him from removing it altogether and the bunched fabric ended up acting almost as a second restraint, pinning my shoulders back.

I arched up as my breasts came into view. I’d skipped underwear because it just got tangled in my legs when I changed. I didn’t see the expression on his face when he caught sight of me naked, but I heard the hitch in his breathing.

“Is this what you had in mind, Hunter?”

“Definitely.” He set a piece of papaya on my lips and I did the same thing as before, sucking him in along with the fruit.

“Why don’t you take off your clothes?” I asked. My thinking was cloudy. I knew I shouldn’t be so eager, but I couldn’t stop myself. The beast within me had burst out of its cage and prowled through my blood, hungry for the satisfaction only Hunter could provide. Just the mental image of him plunging my depths made me tremble. I was over the edge, swallowed by need and there was no way out anymore.

Hunter slipped his t-shirt over his head, his six pack rippling as he undressed. My body clenched tight at the sight of him. He was a powerfully built man; smooth skin stretched over taut muscle. Every movement contained power held in check. In wolf form, he was larger than the other males of the pack, yet still gracefully agile.

When his pants came off, his cock sprang free, bobbing hello to me. His shaft matched his overall physique of big, hard muscles, but then, I’d heard wolves were always well-endowed. Another rush of desire flamed through me and my mouth went dry while other places, deep inside, became wet.

“Untie me,” I said, my voice a hoarse rasp.


“So I can touch you.”

“You have to earn that.” He kissed me, slipping his tongue through my lips, showing me exactly what he could do between my legs. A pulse of desire tightened my nipples and made my core bear down, wanting something to hold onto, but only encountering emptiness. Blood thundered in my ears, frustrated.

He cupped my breasts in his hands, moving up to thrust his cock between them. The head of his shaft bumped my chin. “Suck me.”

The command in his voice shivered over my skin and the fiery scent of testosterone filled my nose. He was in full alpha mode now and to disobey would mean punishment. Through the haze of hormones, I remembered this was why I avoided male wolves, heat or no heat. I didn’t want to be controlled, told what to do or suffer the consequences.

My thinking cleared for a brief moment and I thought about fighting back. Of trying to kick him with my legs. He seemed to intuit my train of thought and leaned back, pinning my thighs down with his hands as he thrust his pelvis up to my mouth.

We locked eyes for a long moment. The hair on the back of my neck bristled, ready for a fight while his eyes gleamed yellow, his wolf running very close to the surface. I was seconds away from him shaking me by the throat. At that realization, my survival instinct kicked in. I was tied up and half his size, I couldn’t win.

Resigned, I opened my mouth and let him in. His shaft slid over my tongue to hit the back of my throat, making me gag.

He pumped slowly in and out, deciding when I would breathe. “Take all of me
Randa. Accept what I give.”

I glared at him as both hate and desire warred within me. To my shock, as much as I disliked being forced to submit, I also wanted it. When he filled my mouth to capacity, I felt
claimed and my wolf very much liked being owned, in fact, she had dreamed of this very moment. The traitorous bitch.

He picked up the pace. I struggled to gasp in air between strokes. The faster rhythm made it difficult for me to close my mouth over his hardness long enough to suck him. It didn’t matter though because Hunter gripped my head in his hands and took control of the whole thing. When he came, he shoved his length into my mouth and warm liquid sprayed the back of my throat. I swallowed convulsively and stared up at him. His eyes were closed, his brow furrowed at the intensity of his orgasm. Would he remember to let me breathe?

Panicked, I arched my back, jostling him as a reminder that I was there. In response he pulled back a bit and let me take one long drag of air before moving back into place.

When he was soft, he pulled out of my mouth and settled back over my hips. “That wasn’t so bad, right?”

“Fuck you, Hunter,” I said, my voice a furious hiss.

He ran a hand over my breasts, tweaking my nipples into prominence. “Maybe I will...if you’re a good girl.”

“Is this what submission is?” I yanked on the ropes. “Tying me up and doing whatever you want? Is that what this pack is about?”

His eyes narrowed. “A pack is about complete trust, something you’ve never known. But it is something you can learn, and, like it or not, I’m your teacher.”

“I couldn’t breathe.” My tone was accusatory.

“And you loved it. Or at least your wolf did.” At my sullen look, he said, “Don’t think I can’t see her in your eyes, loving every second of being taken by an alpha.”

“I’m in heat.”

“Is that an excuse or an explanation?” He watched me for a second and shook his head. “You don’t even know, do you?” Leaning down he took my head in his hands, eyes boring in to mine. “I see you
Randa. I see what you want.”

“And what is that,” I whispered.

“You’re tired of being alone. Tired of fighting. So you push everyone’s buttons harder and harder, waiting for someone to stop you.”

I gave him a skeptical look.

“You think you’re a badass, when you’re really just begging for help.” He ran a gentle thumb across my cheek. “I’m here for you, baby. But you have to give to get. This is a two-way street.”

He pressed his lips against mine in a soft kiss that demanded nothing and promised everything. Then he kissed his way down my body, parting my legs. I resisted at first, but he was stronger than me and easily swept my knees apart, exposing me to his view.

“I’m going to make you come, but I need something from you first.”

“What?” I looked at him, wary.

“The story of your first change.”

I froze and closed my eyes tight, trying to shut out the past.

Hunter caressed my inner thigh.“Why are you so afraid? It’s done and over. I just want to know about it.”

“Not everyone had a mom or pancakes.” I sniffed back tears.

“So your first change wasn’t rainbows and unicorns. It happens.” He nuzzled my mound, pushing through my lips to stroke the sensitive nub there with his tongue. My heat sparked back to life, full of craving. I couldn’t think again, sexual frustration obliterating coherent thought.

Hunter pulled back and I whined at the loss of sensation. “Why was your first change so bad?”

My hips bounced up and down, but I remained silent. I wasn’t really capable of speech at that moment. My entire being focused on my core, the lack of his touch almost painful.

Hunter yanked my knees wide with a rough movement. “You will tell me, one way or another.” With a swift movement, he smacked his palm against my core. The contact stung and I gasped in surprise. He lifted his hand up and brought it back down, pushing into my mound.

I tried to pull my knees together, but he anticipated my resistance and wedged an elbow between them, keeping me exposed. Several more smacks rained down on me, blending sharp pain with a small burst of pleasure at the pressure of his hand against my tingling core.

He stopped then and his head dipped between my legs, tasting me in one long lick that stroked me from my wet entrance up to my clit. He sucked my nub into his mouth, teeth nipping me gently. A shiver rolled through me and I couldn’t breathe.

Once again, he stopped, this time releasing my legs and moving back to sit on his heels. He watched me, his gaze probing mine, the question hanging in the air between us.

Memories of that night burned through my mind, acrid and unpleasant. My nostrils flared at their intensity. I licked my lips, the words on the tip of my tongue. For the first time I was going to talk about that night. Or not, because I opened my mouth and nothing came out. There was a wall in me, built up over the years. Hunter had carved out a small chink, but it wasn’t enough, I couldn’t face it and the weight of Hunter’s expectation was unbearable.

So I changed. I melted into my wolf and let her carry me away. Her dainty paws slipped easily out of the ropes and my clothes. She ran, her nails digging into the ground as she did so, the fear of my past driving her forward and making her forget, at least for the moment, her desperation to mate. Behind me, in the distance, I heard the faint echo of my name on the wind, but there were so many delicious smells crowding my nose, I didn’t care. I followed the trail of a rabbit for a while and then switched to a deer, inhaling its earthy musk deep into my lungs.

After a time, I became aware of the presence of another wolf: Hunter. He was coming up on my flank. My hackles rose and I changed directions. He followed me with no trouble, silent despite his large size. The wind tossing his strong scent in my nose was the only indication I was not alone.

BOOK: Werewolf Rebel Tamed (Werewolf Romance)
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