Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2)
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“Yes,” a moan this time. There was a reason she shouldn’t be doing this but she couldn’t remember exactly what it was. She wanted him and he wanted her. They were about to take what they needed from one another. It was as simple as that.

He called her name again as he pushed himself inside of her. “Take what you need.” She grit her teeth. “Just take me,” she ground out.

“Candy.” More urgent this time. “Wake up, Candy.”

She opened her eyes on a soft moan and immediately tensed up. What the hell? She swallowed hard and tried to keep herself from panicking. The room was filled with morning sunshine and she squinted her eyes. She began to find her bearings. Please don’t let this be real. Please.

Torrent touched a hand to her back. “Easy. It’s okay. You’re okay.”

Her nightshirt rode somewhere up around her hips. Torrent was on his back, still on his side of the bed.

“Oh god!” There was a definite edge of panic to her voice.

Her one leg was thrown over him. She could feel his hard… member under her thigh. Her… oh good lord…
was plastered up against his thigh. She may or may not have been rubbing herself against him. Please no!

It was a dream. A filthy dream. She buried her face into his chest. “Please tell me I’m having a nightmare.” Her voice sounded muffled.

He laughed and since her chest was plastered across his, she felt it acutely.

Torrent trailed his hand up and down the top of her back. One of his hands clasped her waist, holding her in place. “I don’t know, I was enjoying it, only, I would prefer it if you were awake. More fun that way.”

“I’m glad you woke me up.” She tried to pull away but he held onto her. “This is so embarrassing. I’m so sorry!” She was plastered up against him. Did she say any of those things out loud? Please no.

”I’m not sorry. Your body knows what it wants and so do you. Stop fighting this, Candy.”

“It’s too soon for us to be tied together. I would love to have sex with you… there I said it.” She huffed out a breath. “We can’t though, not yet. I need to talk to you about a few things and it’s too soon. Too big of a commitment.”

“I’m glad you’ll at least admit that you want me.” His voice was gruff. “That’s a start.”

“Um, can I move back now? Give you a bit of space? I’m so embarrassed.” She wanted the floor to open up and suck her in.

“I love the way you feel against me. I fucking love it.”

She covered her face with her hand. He was so hard beneath her thigh. Her pussy was pushed up against him. The dream had made her achy and needy. It was so vivid. Her clit was throbbing. She could feel how slick she felt.

“We don’t have to have sex, Candy. There are other things we could do.”

“Like what?”
Stupid question.
“Don’t answer that.”

He chuckled but the laughter soon died and his chest rose higher as he pulled in a big breath. “Let me ease you. Let me taste you, Candy. I want to make you come more than I want my next breath.”

She sucked in a ragged breath of her own. She wanted to say yes but oral sex often led to full blown sex and they needed to talk. She needed to come clean. What if he was disgusted with her? What if he couldn’t be with someone that had sold their body for financial gain? This was moving so fast. If she was honest with herself, she already had feelings for him. If their relationship became sexual, even if it wasn’t full blown sex, she might just fall for him and then what?

He squeezed her hip and eased her nightshirt down, pulling her away from him in the process. “I’m sorry.” He put his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. “I messed up. I was supposed to wait until you initiated intimacy. I’m rushing things.” He kissed her softly on the top of her head.

She wanted him. She really wanted him. She could feel how much he wanted her right back, yet he was respecting her wishes. Or at least, what he thought were her wishes. “Wait.” She huffed out a breath. “No sex, but we can fool around.”

“Are you sure?”

“Definitely. I don’t think I’ve ever been hornier in my whole life.”

“Me neither.” He kissed her softy, his lips soft against hers. “What do you want? How do you want it?” He pulled her onto his lap, so that she was straddling him. His massive cock was flush against his well defined abs. She was sufficiently covered by the shirt.

A shiver ran down her spine. No one had ever asked her before what she wanted. “Um.” She took her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Tell me,” a deep growl. “What do you like?”

If this was happening, it was happening right. Candy grabbed her hem and pulled her shirt over her head.

Torrent snarled. “Fuck!” He stared at her chest. All out gaped. “I need to touch you.”

He was asking for permission? How refreshing. Normally guys just groped her. They had paid after all. It was like she belonged to them and not in a good way. She was more like a possession than a person. Oh shit! He was waiting for her answer. “Yes. You can touch me.”

He cupped her breasts, squeezing and kneading them. Then he grabbed her mound. “You have a thin strip of hair.”

“Don’t dragon females have hair down there?”

He shook his head. “I like pussy hair.” He cleared his throat. “I like your pussy hair.”

“Thanks, I think.” She moaned when he touched her opening.

“Mmmm.” A deep rumble. “You’re soaking wet. Were you dreaming about me… us?”

She nodded. “I’m surprised I didn’t call out your name.”

“Were we fucking?” His nostrils flared.

She nodded.

“Was it good?” His eyes glinted. “It had better have been good.”

“Yes, it was amazing.”

“Did you like me inside you?”

“Yes.” Her voice was breathy. “A little too much.”

“Good.” He pressed her opening a bit firmer but without actually breaching her.

The need to ride his hand hit her hard. She managed to stay still after one small thrust of her hips.

“So damned receptive. Such a turn on. Now…” His eyes darkened as they narrowed them on her. “Tell me what you want. My mouth? My hand? All of the above?”

She felt her cheeks heat and rolled her head back for a beat.

“Tell me. I can see that it’s on the tip of your tongue.”

“Okay.” Could she really tell him?
“I like to be fingered. I want your mouth on my clit and when I’m about to come…” She paused and pressed her lips together before pulling them into her mouth.

“Tell me.” His voice was as rough as sandpaper. The extra gritty kind.

She pulled in a breath. “When I’m about to come I’d like you to stick your finger in my… you know… my…” She couldn’t say it. Couldn’t believe she had said this much.

His eyes flared as they widened. His jaw tightened. “Your ass?”

She nodded once.

He grinned for a moment. “Have you ever been taken there?” The hand that was cupping her mound, moved backwards so that his palm was over her pussy and the tips of his fingers were brushing her opening.

She sucked in a sharp breath and shook her head. “I have these rules. I’ve had…”
A client
. “Someone touch me there, but never full blown…” She shook her head. “Like I said, I have these rules.”

“Not with me. Not by the time we are mated.”

“No, well, maybe…”

“Not with me.” A little firmer this time.

“Not with you, not when we reach that point,” a whisper. “I need to tell you—”

He covered her mouth with his and rubbed his thumb over her clit. Candy moaned into his mouth. Torrent broke the kiss. “We can talk later. Lie down, sweetheart. I’m going to make you come now.”

She swallowed. “Okay.” She did as he said.

Torrent straddled her. He kissed her lips and then her neck. Then he suckled on her nipples until she was mewling like a day old kitten. She dug her fingers into his hair.

“You have amazing breasts. Fuck, Candy.”

“They’re not real.” Why the hell did she say that? What was wrong with her? It was like she was trying to sabotage this.

“Yes, they are.” He frowned.

“No, I mean they’re fake, silicone.” Was she trying to completely destroy the mood? Her pussy sure as hell hoped not. No more talking about bullshit!

“Oh.” Understanding flared in his eyes. “It doesn’t matter. They are a part of you now.” He cupped them in his hands and pinched her nipples between his fingers. A zing of need raced through her. It was also strangely liberating to have told him. She’d never told any of her clients. Torrent wasn’t a client. Not even close. She was thankful he was okay with it. Hopefully he would take the rest of the news just as well. She tried not to think about it.

Torrent kissed his way down her stomach. He positioned himself between her legs, taking ahold of each of her thighs in his big hands. His eyes were focused between her legs.

“Even your pussy is a thing of beauty. You have a big, beautiful clit.”

“Excuse me?”

“You have a big clit. It is normally a sign of a big g-spot as well. You must come easily and multiple times.” He moved a little closer, then she could feel his breath on her slit.

Oh god! He didn’t just say that. “Um… not really.” Her mind raced. He thought her pussy was beautiful. She could see that he meant it.

Torrent frowned. “Surely you...” Then he shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. Your past is of no concern, only your future. I’m pretty sure that you will come with very little effort. Let’s find out.” He closed his mouth over her nub and suckled her.

Candy moaned, her back came off the bed. Then he pulled back and licked her clit a few times using soft strokes.

When his mouth suckled her a second time, he pushed a finger inside her. He thrust the finger a couple of times before zoning in on a spot about half way in. “Oh god!” She yelled. Her voice shook, as did her whole body.

Torrent chuckled against her clit. “So plump.” Her hips began to rock in time with his finger.
Shit! Shit!
It felt so damned good. Her breath came in sharp pants. This wasn’t going to last long. He was right on the money on that count. “Harder,” she groaned. Torrent added a second finger and her back bowed.

Oooohhhh! She may have groaned it out loud.

“So sensitive. Your g-spot is a beaut.” Torrent spoke against her clit. “I can’t wait to have at it with my cock.” Then he closed his hot mouth over the bud of nerves and she had to squeeze her eyes shut. None of her clients had ever gone down on her. Her boyfriend had tried a couple of times, way back when, but he was really young. It hadn’t been like this. Not even close. Sure, she owned a vibrator but it still didn’t feel like this. Doing it yourself was so not the same.

Mind blowing.

Her hands were buried into his hair and her hips rocked. She was whimpering and moaning and panting and growling. Yes, growling. She sucked in air between her teeth and thrust her hips. More!

“Yes,” she groaned. “Yes.” Everything was beginning to tighten. She could feel the rush, the pull. When he inserted just the very tip of his finger into her ass, it was game over.

Candy yelled his name as pleasure coursed through her. It was like the feelings were emanating from everywhere and all at once. She flung her head back and grit her teeth. Her hips pistoned back and forth until she finally fell into a boneless heap. Torrent still had his fingers in her pussy and one in her ass. He carefully licked the last of the pleasure out of her before removing the finger from her ass. Instead of pulling away like she expected, he began to carefully pump the fingers still deep inside her pussy.

She sucked in a ragged breath. He suckled her clit and his fingers became more insistent inside of her, rubbing her more firmly. She moaned, feeling her hips shoot forward.

Hell no!

The coiling sensation took ahold of her all over again. Candy groaned loudly.

“That’s it, Candy,” Torrent rumbled against her clit. As soon as his finger found her ass again she screamed, her pussy spasmed around his fingers. It felt like there were three of them. She dug her fingers into his scalp, needing him closer. Her back lifted off the bed. This orgasm was over quicker but was infinitely more powerful.

It was the same again, he slowed his roll, removed the finger from her ass but the thrusting became slower and softer. Suckling turned to licking. She couldn’t quite catch her breath. Then he began to pump harder.



“Stop.” Se grabbed his hand.

“You can come again… easily.” She looked down. His hair was a mess thanks to her grabby hands.

“Just because I can doesn’t mean I should. I don’t think I’ll survive it.”

Torrent slipped his fingers from her and kissed her belly. “At least I know where your hot buttons are. I’m sure you have more.”

“My what? More?” Her voice sounded thick.

“That thing that makes you come in an instant.”

She felt herself blush.

“I didn’t take you for an ass female.”

She choked out a laugh. “I’m not an ass anything.” That one time her client had touched her, it felt good, yet it didn’t get her off. She’d always wondered how it would feel with the right guy in the driver’s seat. Someone she was actually attracted to. Candy had never expected to be so bold so soon. Torrent made her feel a little wild.

“One of these days I’m going to take you here.” He gripped her ass. “And you’re going to love it.”

She could hardly breathe just thinking about it. She was appalled at how turned on she was despite having just come twice.

Candy sat up and pushed him to the bed.

“What?” His eyes widened.

“It’s my turn to make you come.” Ellis wasn’t wrong. She was the blowjob queen. Not that she gave head very often these days but still.

Her hands pressed against his chest for a second time. “Lie down.”

“As much as I love the thought of those lips wrapped around my cock.” He looked pained. “You don’t have to do this. When I eased you it wasn’t because I was looking for something in return.”

“Lie down.” She gave him another shove and this time he allowed himself to be pushed. “I’m not even sure my mouth will fit around that thing but there’s only one way to find out.”

His eyes narrowed and darkened. His chest heaved. His cock jutted from his body. Her mouth watered for a taste. She couldn’t wait to give him the ride of his life.

BOOK: Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2)
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