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Authors: Kate Watterson

Tags: #Siren Publishing, #Inc.

Watcher (3 page)

BOOK: Watcher
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“Stay,” he said, his voice just a little unsteady.


“Yes,” she whispered, her breasts suddenly aching and her pussy embarrassingly wet after just one kiss.

“Oh God,” he groaned against her lips, pulling her even closer so she was plastered up against him as tightly as possible. The next kiss was hotter, wilder, their tongues mating.

In his fantasy apparently the second kiss was a prelude to sex.

It wasn’t chaste, it wasn’t restrained, and it wasn’t tentative. His tongue possessed her mouth, graphically signaling what he wanted with overt, long strokes as his hands slipped down her back to cup her ass through her skirt.

He’s twenty-five
…a reproachful little voice in her head mocked her, even as Jana pressed against his stiff cock suggestively.

He’s twenty-five
…another voice whispered with an entirely different connotation.

Jake let her go briefly and shut the door. Within seconds he’d pushed her coat off her shoulders, stripped off her sweater, and unfastened her bra. Reverently, his hands cupped her bared breasts, squeezed lightly, and began to stroke and explore.

No, she wasn’t doing this, wasn’t about to have sex with some young grad student just because he had a nice smile and those gorgeous dark eyes…


Kate Watterson

Yes, she was. His thumbs rubbed her nipples and she made a low sound of enjoyment, letting her head fall back. “Oh.”

“These are every bit what I imagined. Jesus,” he muttered, palming the weight of each one, slightly lifting them.

With what he was doing to her it was a little hard to speak, but she managed to murmur wryly, “My breasts are also in your fantasies?”

He laughed, a short breathless sound of expulsion. “Professor, if you don’t think every single one of your male students—not mention all the staff and faculty—haven’t noticed your spectacular tits, then you aren’t as smart as I think you are. Come on, you know we look.”

Maybe she did…it was hard to think when he lowered his head and took one of her nipples into the heated adhesion of his mouth.

Whoever might look at her breasts, he certainly knew what do with them. The light swirl of his tongue was accompanied by a gentle sucking that made her gasp. Her fingers sank into his hair and she felt a definite wobble in her knees.

“You mentioned something about a bed,” Jana managed

somehow to say, the uneven hitch of her breath betraying her sudden intense need. She was committed—she’d made the

decision the minute she’d looked into those beautiful dark eyes and understood exactly what he wanted—and now she needed him inside her as fast as possible.

“A bed? Oh, yeah.” His eyes glimmered, the heat palatable. As if to emphasize his superior strength, he actually picked her up in a slightly theatrical gesture that made her stifle a martini-induced laugh. Half-naked, wanting, she rested against his chest as he carried her to a wooden door and shoved it open with his foot. The bedroom was pretty sparse, with plain white walls and a dresser in one corner, but she focused on the important thing, a nice-sized bed in the middle of the room, still unmade from the night before.



As promised, the mattress was soft when he laid her on it, and the sheets smelled like spicy male. With eagerness she would guess would make her embarrassed later, she kicked off her shoes and lifted her hips as he unfastened her skirt and pulled it down the length of her legs. Next went her panties, his fingers hooking the pink lace and tugging it downward.

Entirely nude, she looked up at him and realized he was still completely dressed.

“Take off your clothes,” she ordered abruptly, heard how she sounded, and then amended, “Please.” Her pussy throbbed, she was very wet, and if she was going to do this, she wanted it all.

That hard muscular,
body over her, his stiff cock thrusting inside her, and anything else he had to offer.

“Yes, ma’am.” He grinned and jerked off his shirt, ruffling his hair into a dark unruly mass, and then unfastened his jeans and pushed them down over his hips. She wasn’t sure what struck her more forcefully, his nice wide shoulders, the sculpted contours of his torso, or the remarkable size of his erection. Jake’s penis rose stiff against his flat stomach, engorged and large, the tip actually pulsing in time with his heartbeat.

Jana stared, fascinated and a little uncertain at this very last moment. Brian had been only the second lover she had ever had, and they had been married for thirteen years. When he became ill, all lovemaking had stopped.

She briefly closed her eyes. “Oh God, I have no idea why I am here now, doing this.”

“Yes, you do.” She felt the bed give as Jake joined her. A light practiced hand skimmed her mouth, her throat, and then her breast, circling the tight nipple. “No woman as beautiful as you should ever sleep alone, and believe me, I’ll be happy to keep you company whenever you say the word.”


Kate Watterson

Alone was the keyword to describe her life. She’d been so very alone in the past few years. “Just touch me,” Jana said haltingly.


He chose where she needed it most, his fingers finding the moist, aching spot between her legs. Willingly, her thighs fell apart, her pussy clenching at his deft touch, her mind reeling over what was suddenly happening. Two fingers pushed inside and she arched in enjoyment. Lightly he circled her clitoris with his thumb in a skillful motion, with just enough pressure to make her moan.

It felt marvelous. Like a revelation.

“You’re already wet.” There was an edge of arrogant male satisfaction in his tone. “Really wet.”

“I know,” she confessed, lifting into his touch a little. “God, that feels good. Whether I should be here or not,


“Damn right it does.” Jake leaned close and whispered

wickedly against her temple. “Just wait. I’m going to make you come all night.”

Was he? He certainly sounded confident over it. Not sure what to say to that outrageous comment, she simply enjoyed what he was doing, spreading her legs wider, running her hands over his well-muscled shoulders as he kissed her breasts and stimulated her with those long, graceful fingers. When his mouth slid lower, across her stomach, she felt a reckless sense of anticipation.

As good as it felt when his fingers rubbed her clit, it was nothing to compare with the sensation as he lowered his head between her legs and began to gently lick it. His hands cupped her bare ass, stroking even as his tongue stroked the most sensitive part of her body.

“You taste incredible,” he said thickly.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped frantically, her hips lifting in supplication, so close to orgasm that her whole body felt as if it would explode. She reached for it, and when it happened the sheer


force of the pleasure made her shudder and utter a low scream, her womb contracting, her hands fisting in the tumbled warmth of the sheets as the moment seemed to last and last. Her pussy pulsed in time with the racing of her heart, and the explosion of sensation obliterated the rest of the world.

“That’s one,” Jake said with a dark smile as he slid up her body and kissed her. “Not a bad start, was it?”

* * * *

He was pretty sure his dick had never been this hard. Jake could probably drive it through a wall it was so rock solid at the moment, but he had a much better place to put it.

The normally perfectly groomed Professor Johnson lay

uncharacteristically disheveled in his bed, the black silk of her hair spread on his pillow, her amazing body flushed pretty tint of pink in the aftermath of what had seemed to him to be a pretty explosive and satisfying orgasm. Better yet, her long slender legs were spread apart, knees bent, her delicious wet pussy just waiting for him.

Was this really happening?

If not, it was one hell of great dream.

With a silent nod of thanks to whoever invented the martini, he moved between her open thighs and positioned himself. The throb in his lower body was almost painful it was so acute and he hoped he wasn’t going to embarrass himself with a complete lack of self-control and come the minute he entered her. After all, he’d wanted this since last fall—almost a full year—and in those fantasies he'd confessed to having, he'd always made love to her nice and slow and wrung every bit of pleasure possible from the act.

“Hell yes,” he said through his teeth as he sank the tip of his pulsing cock into the hot, welcoming give of her vaginal opening.

From what she’d said earlier, he had the unbelievable impression 24

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that since her husband died of a rare form of cancer, she had been entirely celibate until this moment. That she gifted him with the privilege of changing all that was a little humbling, but then again, he had used a bit of coercion in the form of gin and three olives.

It was absolutely crucial that she not regret it in the morning.

He didn’t really want to be a one night stand. What he did want—

besides great sex—he wasn’t sure, but making this a night she would remember was damned important to him. As he fully penetrated her, he said huskily, “I’ve never felt anything so wonderful in my life. You’re so hot.”

It was true. She was beautifully tight, and the breathless sound she made when he finally had his entire length sheathed to the hilt made him break out in a small sweat.

Beneath him, Jana had her eyes half-closed, her soft lips parted, the expression on her face hard to read. However, her hands swept to the small of his back, as if she would urge him in further if possible. “You’re big.”

He’d been told that before, but it was really nice hearing it from her. Jake flashed a grin. “If that translates to you like how this feels, then thanks.”

Those long dark lashes lifted a little. As always, there was a self-confident challenge in her very blue eyes. “Don’t worry, I like how this feels.” Her fingers lightly caressed his back and it was the turn on of the world.

“I’ve never agreed with anyone so much.” He slid backwards and then surged back, the friction perfect, primal, her pelvis tilting up naturally to help his gliding thrust go deep.

She moaned, those opulent breasts quivering as she exhaled deeply. “Jake.”

“Oh yeah. I’m here, believe me.”

He began to move with long, strong strokes and she was right with him. She undulated her hips to his rhythm, taking every inch of his hard cock with an enthusiasm that told him that not only was


the intellectual and successful Dr. Johnson a smart lady, she also had an underlying sensuality that embraced the earthier side of life.

She responded in a way that was so uninhibited, he could hardly breathe, and that made it feel even better, if that was possible.

It made him lucky as hell and he certainly he felt that way at the moment because his testicles grew tighter despite his desire to hold on. He was going to lose it in a mind-blowing way, there wasn’t much of a question.

Thank God, so was she.

His first clue was the initial ripple around his next thrust, her wet pussy gripping him with a betraying ripple of her inner muscles that made the breath whistle from his lungs. This time, there was no scream, but her lips parted and she turned her head away, almost as if the moment were so private he wasn’t allowed to share it. Her body trembled, her nails dug into his biceps, and if he hadn’t been so damned on a rocket launch to his own orgasm he might have actually been offended.

As it was, he came with pure unchecked carnal bliss, deep, deep within her glorious, previously unattainable body. They shuddered rhythmically together, his cock milked by her contractions until he was entirely spent.

In a drift of post-coital haze, he rested above her, a little weak, physically satisfied, and wondered suddenly with an unfortunate intuition if he had been the man actually making love to her.

“Jana?” he said tentatively, lifting his hand to her cheek.

Her lashes lifted and she looked up at him. His momentary doubt was banished by the shimmer of something in her eyes as elemental as their still intimately joined bodies. She said breathlessly, “You live up to your nickname. I think my heart stopped beating a minute ago.”

Relieved she didn’t seem to have been thinking of someone else, because a mourned husband was out of the realm of his 26

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experience, Jake furrowed his brow. “I know exactly what you mean. But…er…what nickname?”

She laughed, which was an interesting sensation with his cock still buried deep in her pussy. “You don’t know?”

“Apparently not. What is it?”

“I’ll never tell.” There was actually a teasing note to her voice, another glimpse of a side of her that she kept very guarded and private. Her hands slid up his chest provocatively, brushing his nipples, gliding over his skin with sensuous purpose. “Unless,” she murmured, “you are very, very nice to me.”

He felt another incredulous burst of the sensation this might be the record wet dream of all time. “That can be arranged,” he promised with a dark smile.



Chapter 3

She hadn’t ever come.

Sure enough, as The Watcher cruised by the almost empty
parking lot again, the black BMW still sat there, mocking him with
its sleek lines and shining paint. It was three in the morning now,
but he was too restless to sleep at this unprecedented change in her

Every night he followed her to the house in the expensive
subdivision, watched her pull into her garage, and waited for the
lights to go on inside. It was imperative he know where she was all
the time. It kept him in control.

And he was definitely in control, even though she didn’t know
it. Every single day he granted her every minute she breathed,
everything she did, because he was the one who could take it away.

If he wanted to do it .If he got angry.

BOOK: Watcher
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