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Authors: Lynn Rush

Wasteland (8 page)

BOOK: Wasteland
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I pounded his stomach and scored my nails down his face.

He snapped at my fingers while his other hand covered his gushing wound. He pointed his blade, with a shaking hand. I paced in front of Gage, allowing more of my demon to emerge and heal my stomach wound.

“Yield, Gage,” I said. Energy pricked my skin like needles.

He struck again. His nails tore at my shirt. I spun and cracked my elbow to his temple. He stumbled forward, and I jumped behind him. My arm unyielding around his neck, I trapped his body to mine and dug my lethal fingertips into his throat.

“You’ve heard stories of my time in solitary, but do you know about my fingernails?”

He grunted.

“Sharper than the dagger you hold.” I carved into his skin. “Do you want to test them?”

Another grunt.

“Do you yield to this challenge?”

His body stilled against mine.

I jostled him. “Do. You. Yield?”

“Yes.” His dagger clanked against the asphalt, and his arms rose in surrender. “I yield.”

I loosened my hold, but let a fingernail glide over his flesh. Sure, the wounds would heal in minutes, but I still needed to remind him of my dominance.

He shivered, and I shoved him away. He palmed the brick wall to steady himself, then faced me. His hand went to his neck. “Damn it.”

“Change back,” I said in a low tone. “Before someone comes, then you will start talking, or I will finish what I started.”

My demon was taking hold more than I preferred. The energy. The power. I could have this all the time if I permanently transformed.


I palmed my knees and focused on my human nature
. In through the nose out the mouth
. My nails and fangs receded, and the blaze simmered. The fight sated my demon’s needs for the moment.

Gage’s jaw tightened, and his human mask surfaced. The bleeding from his neck stopped, and he glared at me. Shame flickered in his dark eyes. No one hated losing a challenge more than Gage. Especially to a demon two hundred years his junior.

“Talk.” I stood straight.

“There is nothing else to say.”

“There’s more to this Mark, Gage.” The caption beneath her picture confirmed my hunch. “Master drags me out of solitary and throws me into a pit of sensory overload, so he must have other plans. What are they? And how is a fifteen-year-old connected to a dance club? Is there not an age limit to these types of establishments?”

“Yes. Twenty-one.”

“Then how?”

“I do not know.”

I twitched my lip up, as I paced in front of him. My claws darkened, and Gage’s gaze lowered to my hands.

“What did you find in the apartment?” Gage asked.

“I now know what she looks like. You need to answer my question.” I inched toward him. “My patience wears thin,

“Master’s Seer saw darkness and the name of the club in a vision. A faint glow, in the shape of a heart.” Gage’s jaw muscles tensed as he pulled his hand from his neck. The wound was meshing together.

I didn’t want to kill Gage but I had to know. “Why me? You’re more than capable to handle a fifteen-year-old female. Why pull me from punishment early?”

“Because you’re part human. The only one able to get past any Guardians sent to protect the girl.”

“Guardians?” Damn, he must know about Russell and Beka.

“I believe Russell to be one; however, I do not see a mark on him.” Gage glared at me with his dark eyes. “And he is brother to your woman, Beka.”

“She is not
my woman.

“Says you.”

“Beka and Russell are good friends, just call each other brother and sister as a term of affection.” Hopefully he would believe the lie. “What is so special about this girl, Jessica?”

“Master never told, but I suspect it is something very dangerous or helpful to him. He became quite anxious when his Seer told him of the girl.”

“Indeed. He released me from confinement five years early. Why would he not just tell me of the plan? Instead, he fed me to the wolves. I may have slipped with so many humans nearby. I’ve been away so long and very tempted with the seductive, half-dressed women prancing around.”

I ordered the demon inside and my fingernails to normal length. The rush of dark power flowing through my veins felt like a drug. And like my feelings for Beka, that was dangerous.

“Yes. And why do you think he did that?” Gage asked.

“Hoping I’d give in and become full-fledged.”


“If I did, I couldn’t get past the Guardians.”

“You’d still get your Mark.
he knows. You always get your Mark. Despite whoever or whatever stands in your path.” He chuckled. “Mostly.”

I gritted my teeth. Master was playing games. More than usual. Something had him spooked. That was the only explanation.

“He did that to test your resolve.”

I fisted my hands in my hair, tugging until my eyes stung.

“But, surprisingly, you have prevailed. You are very strong, David. Inexplicably strong.”

“And that scares him, does it not?” My deadly sharp nails returned to their human color, and I again felt my heart pound instead of the agony of the demon’s grip.

“Indeed. You are a half-breed, you should not be this strong. Not able to control how much demon comes through when you need its power.” He regarded my hands. “The nails. You called only a part of your demon, whereas the rest of us can only go full demon or human, not partially. That is power, indeed.”

“But not enough to break the contract.”

“Doomed to servitude by your lovely mother.” Gage smirked.

He’d been on the receiving end of my wrath when he spoke of my human mother. But right now, I needed to think. Because somehow I knew Jessica Hanks was the key to my freedom.

If I could only find her.



“What’ll you have?” Russell said, not deviating his attention from the glass he wiped. He shuffled to the side and picked up another glass but kept himself tilted in my direction, still not looking.

“You are busy tonight,” I said. A woman grazed my arm as she settled in next to me, probably wanting to purchase a drink. Many people crowded the bar.

“Yeah. I’m short on help—” He finally straightened and made eye contact. “Oh. What do

“You are short on help. I am available if you need assistance.”

He diverted his focus. “What can I get you, ma’am?”

“Gin and tonic, please.”

“Hey, buddy. Can I get some help down here or what?” a guy at the end of the bar called out.

Russell scanned the span of the bar, then rested his gaze on me. “You know how to bartend?”

“I am a quick study.”

“Beka ran out on me, searching for you. But since you’re here, come on and pitch in.” He shook his head.

“Why do you shake your head?”

“I don’t know what she sees in you, but I need help, so you’re it.”

Glass shattered behind me, and I turned. Two guys tumbled over a table and a crowd began to form. Russell perked up.

“I will handle this,” I said. “You pour your little drinks.”

I parted the sea of people surrounding the scuffle. Two young guys wrestled on the floor while a group of ten rooted them on with fists pumping toward the ceiling.

Such immaturity

But if I diffused the disagreement, I may gain the trust of the skittish Guardian, Russell, which would help in my quest for Jessica, so I pushed forward.

“Hey,” I yelled. The thumping music muffled my voice. No one moved. In fact, the circle of people tightened.

I yanked two miscreants aside, making room for me to break through the crowd. One of the guys elbowed my side. “Hey, dude.”

I stared into his eyes and growled. He must have sensed my anger and stepped away, bringing the girl standing next to him along.

“Smart choice, son.”

I stomped toward the two boys rolling on the ground and reached for the arm of the blond juvenile. I yanked him up. He swung at my face, but I caught his hand in mine. “Enough.”

Obscenities rolled off the drunken kid’s tongue. I kept him to the side at arm’s length.

Next the redhead pounced. “You asshole. You can’t—”

I cracked my knuckles against his cheek. He fell to his knees and slumped onto his back, unconscious. The guy I held flailed, his elbow snagged against a dark-haired female standing behind him, and she stumbled sideways.

I tossed the blond near the unconscious one and caught the girl’s bicep before her face smacked against the floor.

“Hey, get your hands off her.” The scrawny blond charged with wild eyes.

“I’m okay,” the girl whispered, looking dazed.

I grabbed the front of the kid’s silk shirt. His eyes widened, and I jerked him close. “I think it best you leave.”

His lanky, five-foot-eight frame shrank before me. My sheer size alone should have scared him, but I threw in an extra snarl for effect. Adrenaline stampeded through my body. I’d almost hoped he fought a little more.

“Come on, babe. Let’s get out of here.” Blondie’s leer bounced from the unconscious kid to me. “This place is a meat market.”

“I’ll walk you out.” I shoved him in the direction of the door.

Within five minutes I’d escorted the blond outside with his girlfriend. I turned to the bouncer standing guard. “Don’t let him back in, please.”

The darkness of the alley beside the club proved a perfect place to cool down from the action. I stopped near the end of the passage way and leaned forward, resting my open palms against the gritty brick wall.

The breeze rushed over me, cooling my damp skin. The action inside triggered my raw senses. They were misfiring something fierce. I’d nearly let too much of the beast out while fighting those kids. Maybe befriending Russell in attempts to snatch Jessica wasn’t such a good idea.

The constant crowds, all the touching, and now the fighting. It got me too worked up. Then to discover Master had specifically put me in this situation. Using my human side for his demented needs, hoping I’d fail.

But he’d initiated a Mark, and per my contract, I had to obey.

I turned and let my back rest against the brick wall of the establishment. When I opened my eyes, Beka stood propped against the opposite wall of the narrow alleyway.


“Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I didn’t hear you.” Strange. I heard most things, but again, my senses were rioting, still trying to calm themselves.

“I was looking for you.”

I stood tall.

“Russell texted me you were here.”

“He needed some help.”

“You took out the garbage, I see.” She thumbed toward the street intersecting the alley.

“Young punks causing trouble.”

She chuckled. “Young? They pretty much look your age.”

“Punks nonetheless.” If she only knew how many years I had on those children.

The moonlight bathed her figure in a silver spotlight. She leaned against the wall, one foot propped against the building and her hands hidden behind her.

My breath hitched. Time to leave.

“Are you okay?” she asked.


She pushed away from the building. Every nerve ending peaked with attention. My body hummed for hers. I glanced to the
street adjacent to the alley. Empty. The scent of lilac caressed my senses, heating my blood.

“I’m glad I found you.” Her voice was low, husky. She rested her palm on my chest. “I’m glad you came here tonight.”

“We should get back inside.”

“Not just yet.” She edged closer. Mere inches separated our bodies from contact. “I can’t figure it out.”

“What’s that?” I sucked in a sharp breath and edged back a fraction.

Her intense stare pinned me to the brick. Her eyes searched my face as if figuring a mathematical equation. She raked her teeth over her bottom lip and slouched, looking disappointed, like she couldn’t read my mind.

I coughed at the stinging fire blooming deep within my chest. The demon pricked its venomous talons into my heart, urging me to take her. He sensed the same goodness oozing from her every pore and wanted to abolish it. My mouth watered at the thought of being closer to Beka. How she’d feel against me. Beneath me.

I must stay strong. Can’t. Lose. Human. Half.

“Why do you keep me at a distance?” she asked.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” I fought hyperventilation my breaths came so fast. But they matched hers.

“I don’t understand how I could feel this for you. I hardly know you. Not even your last name.” Her gentle voice caressed my beaten soul. “And you’re not. . . .”

She inched closer. Her soft breasts molded to my chest. I kept my hands at my side. Lust triggered an ache, a need I knew couldn’t be fulfilled.

Her gaze focused on my mouth. She ran her tongue the span of her upper lip, and my body screamed to take her.

“We should get back in . . . .” My voice trailed off the last word. Beka didn’t move. One more step, and she now stood so close she had to straddle one of my legs.

“You do not feel the same for me.”

“It is not—” My voice faltered. “I will leave soon.” I couldn’t give in to her. I’d lose my human soul.

“I know. That’s why I do not understand this,” she whispered. “I should not feel as I do for you.”

“Probably not a good idea, no.” A groan reverberated deep in my throat as I fought the urge to wrap my arms around her. Four hundred years I’d resisted lust’s temptations. I must remain steadfast.

Her fingers grazed up my arms and cuffed my biceps. She turned her gaze to my chest as her hands skimmed across it. I yanked in a sharp breath. Her touch was like a match striking to light. It singed my skin beneath the fabric. I leaned forward as if bewitched, but resisted, resting my head against the wall. More like pounded it.

I can’t.

Her hands moved up my chest. When she hit my flesh, her fingers curled around my neck. I unfolded my hands, losing my battle with restraint. I ached to touch her. To revel in the softness pressed against me. I’d never allowed such luxuries. Too intimate. Too difficult to resist. I shut my eyes.

“Look at me, please.”

BOOK: Wasteland
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