Wanting Her (Loving Her Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Wanting Her (Loving Her Series)
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Through sniffles she replies, "Next week, I have an appointment."

"If it's okay, I'd like to go with you." I kiss the side of her neck.

She turns in my arms and forces a smile through her tears. "I'd like that, but don't feel like you have too."

"I don't feel like I have to, I want to. I want you and our baby." I pull her tiny body up against mine. She nods and lays her head down on my stretched arm. "I love you."

"I love you too."  After her sobbing subsides, I know she is finally asleep so I drift asleep with her with conflicting emotions. On one hand, I just betrayed my best friend, and on the other hand, I have a new life about to develop.










Chapter 19- Brooklyn

I wake the next morning to Landon kissing my belly. I must have slept hard from the crying, because I notice that I'm completely naked, and Landon seems to be also. I look down at him cradled between my legs while kissing his baby. I smile. If Preston can only look past us being together, then maybe this will be alright.

Landon looks up with a huge smile. "I think my baby likes me already. I swear he or she kicked me."

I laugh. "It's probably just gas." I giggle when he makes a nasty face.

"Really?" He begins to kiss up my body.

"I guess. It's been twenty-one years since I've done this." Once he makes it to my lips, his kiss is demanding. I take everything he has as he pushes into my body. "Oh, Landon. We can't, Preston's here." He starts to move in and out.

"He's already left, I heard the front door earlier. He just needs time, and we'll give him his time. But he knows now, and we not going to rub it in his face, but we don't have to hide anymore either." Landon is panting with each thrust.

"Oh, Landon....Harder." He pulls out and motions with his finger for me to turn, and I do so willingly. As soon as I'm on my hands and knees, he pounds back in. His grip on my hip would be painful if what he was doing didn't feel so good. "Just a little more." I reach underneath me and rub my now swollen clit and within moments, I burst out of my body. Landon is right behind me with his final thrust.

I lay my head down on the nearest pillow, and he relaxes against me without putting too much weight on me. Once our breathing has evened out, he pulls away, and we both crash against the bed. He pulls me into his arms. "When do we go to the doctor?"

"Wednesday at two." I lie there fingering his nipples.

"Stop, or we won't get up any time soon." He chuckles. "Do you want me to pick you up at your office?"

"Yeah, just call, and I'll come out. No one knows about the baby except for Lacy, and no one knows about you yet either." I kiss his forehead before getting up from the bed, walking toward the restroom.

"You are so fucking beautiful." He watches me walk away. I smile over my shoulder.

"Come shower with me?" I say, and before I can get to the bathroom, he is scooping me up and carrying me to the shower.


              Monday and Tuesday go by in a blur. Lacy calls me daily to check on me. I told her that Landon knows. She agreed that he has a right to know about everything. She was shocked when I told her about Preston getting home from his date early and walking in on us. He still hasn't spoken to me. He leaves early and returns late. I don't know where he's been staying unless at the apartment on campus, but Landon hasn't heard from him either.

Wednesday morning while I was getting ready to go into work, I feel a flutter. I grab my belly. I can't already feel it, right? Maybe I'm just hungry. I leave out of the bathroom and walk into the kitchen to grab a piece of toast. As I'm eating, I feel it again. “Is that you, baby?” A few tears roll down my cheeks.  I finish my toast and get dressed, then head out to work.

The morning drags on, and before I know it, Landon is texting me that he is waiting out in the truck. I look at the clock, and it's only one o'clock. I grab my purse and head out. Lacy looks up from her desk. "Appointment already?"

"At two, but I'm starved." I laugh as I hug her bye. "I may or may not come back in later."

"Okay, let me know how it goes," she whispers.

As I'm walking out to Landon's huge ass truck, he jumps out and runs around to the passenger side, opening the door for me. He takes my hand, helping me up since the lift is ridiculously high.  Once he shuts the door, he runs around to his side but stops and looks at the building. Dan is walking in from lunch, openly staring at us. Great. "Got a fucking problem?" Landon asks, staring back.

Dan just shakes his head and turns back to the building, walking in. Once Landon jumps in, he looks over at me. "I hate that fucking douche."

"I know, baby." I pat his cheek, and he turns into it, kissing my palm.

"I love you, Brooklyn." He grabs the back of my neck, pulling me closer.

"Me too." He kisses me as he normally does with gusto. I return for a moment before pulling away. I giggle. "Take me to eat before our appointment. I'm starving."

"You have to eat, babe, especially now with my little one in there." He smiles.

"I know. I was just super busy." I didn't tell him that I'm nervous as hell doing this all over again and with someone as young as my son.

I check in at the front desk and take a seat with Landon. He looks up with a smile. "I can't wait to see my baby grow big inside you like hers is." He points to a lady, who is about to pop.

I laugh. "I can wait. That is miserable."

"You're not alone this time. I'm going to help as much as I can." He raises my hand and kisses it. He doesn't realize how busy he's going to be with his first year in Law School.

“Ms. Baker,” the nurse calls from the door. We both get up and walk in behind her. "I'm going to set up everything for a sonogram first."

"Okay." She has me dress into a gown and I lie on the exam table.

"Doctor will be here shortly." I nod, and Landon looks nervous as hell.

"You alright?" I ask as he grabs my hand.

"Yeah. Of course." He kisses my hand as the doctor walks in.

"Ms. Baker, this is a surprise." He chuckles. He's an older man in maybe his fifties. He delivered Preston twenty-one years ago.

"To you and me both."

He looks at Landon holding my hand. His eyebrows inch up a bit. "The father, I take it?"

Landon stands and shakes Dr. Hughes' hand. "Landon Thomas, nice to meet you."

Dr. Hughes chuckles again. "A little nervous, son? Everything will be fine. Now let's see what we got going here." He squirts the gels on my belly. "I have a feeling your further than we think. Let's see if I can get it through the belly before attempting it vaginally." Landon looks at me confused. After moving the wand around a few moments, the heartbeat sounds throughout the small office. Landon squeezes my hand. "Good heartbeat. Let me get your measurements." After a couple minutes he tells us, "You seem to be about nineteen weeks, Brooklyn. Conceived around the end of March. I estimate your due date to be December 16th." He looks up at us. "You're not as big as most at this time in a pregnancy. I want to keep an eye on you, being this is a later pregnancy for you. Have you felt like your belly is any bigger than normal?"

"Not much, but enough that my jeans haven't fit for several weeks and some of my clothes are tighter. I've just been wearing my bigger clothes. I do think I felt him or her this morning though."

"That's good. You'll start feeling it more and more. Do we want to know the sex?" Dr. Hughes asks, looking between us both. I nod and look at Landon.

"Baby, whatever you want." Landon continues to squeeze my hand.

"Okay, well look here." He points to an area. "Since there is no little manhood growing, my best guess is this is a girl." I smile, and my eyes turn into pools of tears.

Landon leans over and kisses me. "We're having a girl," he whispers against my lips. I nod. Next thing I know, Dr. Hughes is handing Landon a few pictures. I'll let you clean up, and we will talk about everything and set up next month's appointment. "Thanks, Doc." Landon shakes Dr. Hughes hand again while staring at his baby. I smile, glad he's excited rather than bummed out about becoming a father.

Once we get back into the truck, he hands the pictures to me, except one, which he clips it to the visor of his truck. "This one's my favorite picture," he says proudly. "Where to now?"

"Home?" I rest my head against the back of the seat and close my eyes. The rocking of his truck soothes me enough that next thing I know, he's carrying me up the stairs into my room.

He gently takes off my shoes and pulls the zipper down the side of my skirt. I raise my hips to help him pull it off. I'm lying there in only my silk camisole I wear under my suit jacket and my panties that are attached to my garters. "Fuck, you are so sexy." I lean up and pull my camisole off.

As I lie back, I realize I do have a small belly bump. "Preston's not here?"

"His car's not out there." Landon pulls his shirt over his head and starts to unbutton his jeans. As soon as he is only in his boxer briefs, he finishes undressing me until I’m completely naked. He knows I've never been shy about my body. He pulls the blanket over us and pulls me on his chest. He rubs my back as he looks at his phone. You know, she's about the size of a tomato? That's amazing." He perks up. "The doctor said that we made her at end of March. Isn't that when you were sick?"

"Yeah, I told you this already, but you weren't listening. I was stupid, the antibiotics must have interfered with my pills. When are you going to tell your parents?"

"I don't know yet. Soon." He kisses my head. He continues to rub my back, and I listen to his breathing. I'm dozing before I know it.

I wake to shouting. Once I focus and realize it's Landon and Preston, I jump up and grab a pair of shorts and a tank top. I rush out into the hall. "You are not only fucking my mom, but now she's pregnant with your baby. What do I need to expect, a sister or brother from my best friend?" Preston continues to shout. I stand there, crying. Preston is completely torn up.

"How did you find out?" I whisper.

Preston holds up the sonogram. "It must have fallen out of your purse on the counter."  I start crying so hard that I feel someone hold me and realize it's Preston.  "Don't cry, Mom. You know I hate that. I need time to let this sink in. I still love you." I nod my understanding.

I sniffle. "We didn't mean for this to happen. I tried not to love him, but something about him pulled me to him. Having her was not expected, it happened when I was taking medicine. You are always the one I've been concerned about. I can't lose you, Preston."

"You won't lose me. I have to realize that my best friend is my 'sister's' father. It's very weird. I'll figure it out."

Landon chimes in with his joking comments. "Maybe one day I can be your stepdad."

I look over at Landon, smirking. "FUCK," Preston says, giving Landon a go to hell look.


              The three of us go to dinner that afternoon. Preston is trying really hard to accept that Landon and I are together. "How long has this been going on?"

I look over to Landon. I frown. "A year?"

"Fuck, why do I just now know this? It all makes since now. I know all the guys have had things for you, but Landon has always been different."

BOOK: Wanting Her (Loving Her Series)
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