V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story (6 page)

BOOK: V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story
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I didn’t let him throw me off. I couldn’t. “I’m here in Detroit, baby! Come pick me up from the airport!” I beamed, and the phone went silent. I had to look at it to make sure that he hadn’t hung up.

“Hello? Diesel?”

“Yea, I’m here.” He sighed, then added. “Why would you just pop up here without telling me? I got a lot of shit I’m trying to do right now.”

“You said that I could come. And I’ve missed you. I thought that maybe I could help you get settled in.” I whined, a bit disappointed at how he was reacting. It wasn’t the response that I was going for.

The phone went silent again.


“What airport are you at T? I got plans so I’m going to pick you up. But, I’m going to get you a room to stay in for the night, because I’m not settled in yet.”

“I’m at the Detroit Metro. And you don’t have to get me a room. My friend stays here so you can just take me there.” I told him, trying not to get mad. Me and my friend was on rocky terms right now, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind spending time with me. I rolled my eyes at the thought of our last conversation. I think that she was jealous of me.

“You got people in the city?” I heard the surprise in Diesel’s voice. I never told him that because he never asked. Plus, she wasn’t a friend that I wanted everyone to know about.

“Yes, I have a little family here.”

“Oh... Well, I’ll be there in like 20 minutes.” He huffed, ending our call without saying goodbye. I knew that he was a little caught off guard, but, I had every intension on putting him back on track.


I couldn’t believe Tiana would just pop up in the city like this. It was a bit psychotic and stalkerish to me. I was definitely going to check her about that. Here I had told Renee that I would be to her house in an hour for dinner, but, now I had to figure out a way to get rid of Tiana.

Me and Renee had been going strong since the night that we met. If she wasn’t chilling with me at my room, I was at her house. I even got to meet her daughter and her little boyfriend.  So I didn’t know how I was going to have time to spend with Tiana, and to tell you the truth, I didn’t want to find the time.

I was putting my 100% into seeing where me and Renee would go. Things were going smooth as hell, I concluded, making a slight right onto the Merriman Rd. exit, leading me straight to the airport.

When I pulled into the terminal that Tiana was at, she was standing outside waiting for me. I sat back and watched her as she fiddled on her phone, looking up every two seconds, I assume to see if she saw me. She didn’t know what ride I was pushing because I had sold my car before I left L.A.

I had almost forgotten how gorgeous Tiana was. She was definitely looking right today in her little mini dress and heels. I knew that she was trying to look sexy for me. I let out a small laugh, pulling out my cell phone to call her.

“Hey babe. Are you here?” She answered, searching the lot for me.

“Yea, I see you trying to look all sexy for me too.” I teased, honking  the horn so that she knew which car I was in. I pulled over to the side and hopped out to help her with her bags.

“Heyyy!” She squealed, jumping up into my arms and hugging me tight around my neck. “I missed you!” She cooed.

I knew that Tiana was feeling me. But, we were never in a relationship, and outside of conversation and that one time we
to take it there, it was strictly friendship.
I didn’t want her to think that anything had changed, because she was not about to start popping up on me like this. I know that she was young and all, but, Tiana was a smart chick and I’m sure she knew that this wasn’t cool.

“You missed me, huh?” I shot loading her bags into the trunk.

“Yea, I did actually.” Tiana responded, standing next me. “Didn’t you miss me?” She added, hopeful.

We got into the car before I responded, “Look T, I’m not even gone front. I’m not feeling the way that you just popped up. That’s not cool. I don’t even want you to think that it is.”

“But you promised me that I could come so I didn’t think that it was a big deal.”

“I know what I promised, but I didn’t say when. All I’m saying is next time we should both discuss this before you decide to hop on a plane and fly all the way across the country on a limb.”

“Ok” She agreed disappointedly.

I didn’t mean to be so harsh to T. But, how could I not? She had really just pulled some young girl stuff on me. Renee had called me twice and here I was an hour late for our dinner date and I know she was going to be pissed.


I had went all out for this little dinner that I planned for Diesel. I wanted to show him how much I really appreciated him. I had been waiting all my life to feel the way that he made me feel. Hell, I hadn’t taken a drink in nearly two months, and I had no desire to. I even started working up at Diamond’s boutique. I used it to keep my mind occupied when Diesel wasn’t around.

I know that we were moving extremely fast. But, I didn’t want to slow it down. Or maybe I should. I thought, looking at my watch to check the time. It was now past eight o’clock. He said that he would be here at six and now the food was getting cold.

I really hope that Diesel wasn’t on any bullshit. My heart couldn’t take it. I was doing just fine before he came along. Shit, my nerves are bad. I need a drink! I told myself eyeing the cabinet above the refrigerator where I knew that I had an emergency bottle of liquor stashed that I hadn’t thrown away.

My mouth got to watering, craving for it. But, I told myself that I needed to be strong. I looked away, blowing out the candles that I had lit. Then I covered the food and placed it in the oven. I had to get out of the kitchen before I relapsed.

I grabbed my phone off the table and tried Diesel again, only to receive the voicemail. Forget him, I tried convincing myself, hating that I allowed him to come into my life and dictate it so easily.

I ended up dialing my baby girl. I needed to hear her voice to give me the strength.

“Heyyy ma!” She answered giggling. “What’s up old lady.”

“Nothing, I was supposed to have a dinner date with my new friend but he played me.” I answered, a bit disappointed.

“Aww, no he didn’t. Do you want me and G to come over there and be your date?”

“Hell no! I’m not about to be looking into y’all goofy faces. Ain’t nobody trying to be the third wheel.” I scrunched my face up, with a giggle.

“Well forget you too, then. We could have came over and played spades or something. But, it’s okay. Me and my boo are going to enjoy our own goofy faces. Ain’t that right baby?”

“Whatever Diamond bye!” I rushed her off the phone shaking my head.

I liked her new dude, but, I was attached to her ex, Trae. That was my boy! I hated how he just up and went M.I.A on my baby, but, now that he had returned I wondered what she was going to do.

Trae took care of my daughter when they were together, and he took damn good care of me too. But, I clearly saw how G put a smile on Diamond’s face that Trae wasn’t able to produce. Diesel put that same smile on my face and I didn’t want to lose that feeling.

Did I do something wrong to make him ignore me? Did he get hurt? Was he locked up? I wondered, getting worried. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed just one shot to calm my nerves. That’s all I was going to take.

I made my way back to the kitchen and poured me a shot. I gulped it down straight up with no chaser. My body had been missing it. I took another shot and put the bottle up.


Another hour had gone by and I still haven’t heard from Diesel. I was past pissed and disappointedly past tipsy. I ended up drinking the whole bottle of Hennessy by the time I finally began to feel my buzz.

I got up and wobbled into my room, taking off my sexy little one piece cat-suit that I had put on for him and I took off my jewelry. If nothing was wrong with him, I was prepared to drop Diesel like a bad habit.

I was in the beginning stages of my recovery and I definitely didn’t need the up and down  rollercoaster with him. It was just too much! Damn, I just let him allow me to pick up the bottle. Hell no, I didn’t need this.

My doorbell rang just as I was about to climb into my bed and sleep my buzz off. I looked out my window and saw Diesel’s car parked in my driveway. I can’t lie, butterflies began to stir inside my belly at the thought of seeing his face. But, I wasn’t messing with him.

I allowed him to sit on the outside of my door while he knocked on it. Then he began to call me on my cell phone. It was ten thirty. He’s four and a half hours late. Whatever he was doing that was so important, he could go right back to it.

After the second call, I finally gave in and answered my phone, though.

“Yes.” I didn’t hide the fact that I was angry with him.

“Come open up the door. You didn’t hear me ringing the bell?” He asked as if he didn’t just have me waiting.

“Oh I heard you. But, I’m in the bed right now.”

“What you got a little attitude.” He chuckled. “Stop playing, come open this door. I want to lay in the bed with you.”

“Whatever, I’m straight.” I continued to dish out my attitude, knowing full well that I was about to come open up that door. I hated the fact that I probably wanted to see him more than he wanted to see me.

“Alright, you want to play tough.” He let out a small laugh. “Watch this.” He hung up and I jumped out of my bed in a panic thinking he was about to leave.

The next thing I knew I hear this fool yelling my name at the top of his lungs, while banging on the door. I couldn’t believe he would cause a scene like that. I couldn’t get to the door fast enough. I had stripped down to my panties and bra and I  didn’t even bother to throw anything on.

I swung the door open and yanked him inside. “Why yo’ crazy self out there screaming like a fool?” I hissed, fastening my hands onto my hips.

He didn’t even respond. His eyes feasted on my body with a look of pure hunger. He looked me up and down, exploring every inch of me. Damn, his ass wasn’t looking too bad either.

He was casually dressed in a pair of Polo jeans with the matching logo tee, the latest Jordans, and his fresh cut had his waves swimming. Every bit of his sexy 6’2 chocolate frame was perfection. How could I stay mad at that?

“I’m sorry baby.” He gripped me up, nestling his face into the crook of my neck and inhaling my scent. “I got caught up in some bullshit. I didn’t mean to be so late.”

“It’s cool. You’re not my man so you don’t -”

He interrupted me. “I ain’t yo’ what?” He boomed lifting me off the ground and cornering me against the wall. Our faces were aligned and my breast were pressed against his firm chest. “You got some of this dick, so that makes you mine. You got me, baby. If I ain’t yo’ man than what am I?” He asked intensely staring into my eyes with those deep coal bedroom eyes of his. Heat shot throughout my whole body, making me weak.

“Huh? What am I?” He probed, sucking on my neck, pressing his hard manhood against my thigh. A moan escaped my lips. “Ain’t no other man ever gone get a chance to make you feel like this.” He whispered as one of his hands made its way to my sweet spot and pushed my panties to the side. He played in my nectar rotating from thumbing my clit to dipping his fingers inside of me, all while never letting up on sucking on my neck.

When I say my body was on FIRE, I mean I don’t even think the fire department could put it out. I needed to feel his rock hard magic stick inside of me, and I needed him to touch every inch of my walls until I climaxed.

“This my pussy, right? You gone give yourself to me, right?” He asked, thumbing my clit faster, causing my juices to begin to stir in preparation for this orgasm that was about to explode.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I couldn’t do nothing but submit, as I placed my head on his shoulder, getting ready to cum all over his fingers.

“Unt uhh, I want you to look me in my face while you’re cumming.” He demanded, swiftly removing his finger from between my legs and whipping out his ten inch magic stick in one motion. He still had me lifted in the air and as he plunged inside of me, he used his other hand to hold my face so that he could stare into it.

Sheesh, I was in agony… pleasurable agony. My body couldn’t take it anymore. I came all over his dick and that didn’t stop him. He kept giving it to me rough and slow until he finished up with a powerful orgasm himself.

Mad? Not fucking with him no more? I didn’t even know what those words meant anymore. Diesel had me wide open and there was no way in hell that I could turn back.


I woke up early the next morning, way before Renee and went to the kitchen to clean it up a bit and fix her breakfast. After almost  standing her up fucking around with Tiana’s sneaky ass that was the least that I could do.

Yesterday Tiana told me that she could stay with her people, so that was where I was going to take her. First she started complaining about needing something to eat, so I took her to Chili’s and bought her a carryout plate. Then she gave me the run around with finding her friend’s house and when we finally did, she wasn’t even there. We ended up waiting a whole hour for her people, until I finally said forget it and dropped her ass off at the hotel.

BOOK: V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story
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