Read Violin Warrior Romance Online

Authors: Kristina Belle

Violin Warrior Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Violin Warrior Romance
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“Hi Brad. You’re looking great in that uniform. Ready for an
evening out?”

“I’m more than ready. I’m really glad to see you. I thought
Friday would never arrive.” Jamie is startled and flushes to scarlet as Brad takes
her hand and gently kisses it. She carefully helps him into the car, guiding
him by holding his elbow in one hand and his hand in the other. A tremor of
heat from the contact completely surprises her as it races through her entire
body. She hasn’t been kissed in a long time, not even on the hand.

At dinner, Jamie is surprised to find the dinner reservation
has the couples seated separately. As she and Barry walk off to find their own
table, Carol happily winks at Jamie as if to remind her once again to relax and
enjoy the evening. The food is delicious as is the glass of wine but Jamie barely
tastes them. She becomes completely fascinated with Brad’s stories although she
has to drag them out of him. Like most combat veterans he’s reluctant to talk
about his war time exploits. Finally, after some friendly persuasion, Brad tells
how he lost his left leg below the knee while deployed in Afghanistan. He
painfully tells her a Taliban IED blew up his Humvee, killing three of his
friends. The Humvee was destroyed. He’s lucky to have escaped with his life.
Brad confesses at times he feels guilty to have survived while three of his
buddies died.

Seeing the pained expressions of grief, sadness, and anger Jamie
wishes there was something she could do to ease his pain. Tenderly she picks up
his hand. Saying an emotional “I’m so sorry” she touches it to her left cheek.
Surprised and deeply touched and forgetting they’re at a public restaurant, Brad
leans over and strokes her long auburn hair.

“Since I met you I’m once again happy to be alive. I love
being with you.”

The tender moment is interrupted by a cheerful feminine voice.
“Sorry to interrupt you two, but we need to leave right away or we’ll be late!
I hate those unpleasant faces the ushers give when you try to sneak into the auditorium
after the music starts.”

Carol whispers to her date. “Barry, I think we just might have
a couple here. They seem to be getting on quite well.” As she and Barry walk the
couple to the car Carol is happy to notice Jamie and Brad are holding hands.

The two couples arrive at the theatre barely in time to be
seated. The usher escorts them to a handicapped accessible portion of the box
seats. At once Jamie realizes these are not their original tickets. “I pulled
in a few favors,” the well-connected outgoing vivacious Carol whispers to Jamie.
The seats are incredible, for viewing and listening they’re in the sweet spot.
As the dramatic and romantic strains of Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet sweep
over the audience, Jamie is transported to another world. A romantic world that
to her is heaven on earth.

As the symphony moves towards the balcony scene Jamie feels rather
than sees Brad staring at her. The feeling is that intense. She glances
sideways and is swept away by the passion flowing from his eyes. Like something
out of a dream, Brad leans over and ever so gently kisses her lips as the soaring
music ebbs and flows around them. Jamie hardly remembers the rest of the
concert. She’s in a dreamy daze; one she never wants to forget. With Brad’s
arms holding her close, Jamie thinks she’s found paradise. On the way to the
hospital they sit close in the back seat of the car wishing the ride would take
hours, not minutes. The night ends with another searing kiss and a promise to
see each other soon.

The following day Jamie and Carol are practicing with their
quintet. When Jamie’s mind wanders back to the marvelous previous night, she completely
mucks up a difficult passage. It’s so mangled in a rare display of concern the
group’s cellist admonishes her. The quintet has an important concert in two
days and the music has to be perfect. Carol takes over leadership and
skillfully calms the dispute, assuring the group that she’ll practice with Jamie
until she can sing the passage flawlessly. The girlfriends agree to meet at Jamie’s
apartment that night for dinner and extensive practice.

Chapter 3


That evening Jamie is cooking dinner when the doorbell
rings. She calls to Carol to come in. There’s no answer so she goes to the
door. Jamie is shocked to see Brad accompanied by his violin and a bottle of
wine. Seeing the shocked look on her face, Brad’s a little embarrassed but
happily smiles and explains. “Carol told me you need some help with your music.
She told me you asked if I could come and help.” Just as he finishes his
explanation, Jamie’s cell phone rings. It’s Carol. “Gee Jamie, I’m really
sorry. Something I can’t avoid came up and I’m not going to be able to make it
tonight. I arranged for a substitute though. I’m sure you won’t mind!”

“Carol you’re full of surprises. But this is too much. I’m
not sure ---” Carol hangs up before Jamie can say another word.

Seeing how flustered and upset she is Brad pauses at the
door. “I can leave if you want.” Brad hastens to reassure her.

“Brad it’s OK.  I’m glad to see you. It’s just such a big surprise. 
A good one though. Please come in. I’d love to have your help. Dinner should be
ready in an hour. Do you want to practice first?”

Brad agrees, and the two begin performing together. The
music is magical; as her voice blends in with the vibrant tones of his violin,
the two feel as one. There is a genuine passion burning between the two. As the
last notes fade in the air, the two embrace and kiss, only to be interrupted by
the oven timer. Laughing a bit nervously, Jamie runs to the kitchen and rescues
the meal before it overcooks.

“Ready for dinner?”

“I’m starving. There’s something about playing with you that
brings out a hunger.”

As they eat a romantic candlelight dinner, the couple again
feels passion building, as if the food contains an aphrodisiac. Jamie’s nerves
are calmed by Brad’s charm and his obvious pleasure in the meal and at being
with her. After a pleasing meal Brad attempts to get up from the table. He
stumbles and almost falls. Jamie rushes to his side and helps him to the couch.

“Thanks for the help. I’m sorry to be so much trouble.”

Seeing that Brad is frustrated Jamie sits down next to him.
“No trouble at all. I like being near you.”

Wanting to find a way to soothe his embarrassment Jamie impetuously
kisses him. Her tender touch, far from soothing him, excites him and releases years
of pent up passion. Her kiss leads to another, and another. The kisses become
deeper and ever more passionate. The two have no desire to stop. Without even
thinking about it they make love on the sofa. As Brad takes her Jamie cries out.
He realizes with surprise and a touch of guilt she was a virgin.

 Far from being regretful Jamie is delighted and feels only
pleasure and love. She realizes she loves this brave and tender man. She
assures Brad she wants more than anything to be with him. She takes his hand
and leads him to her bedroom.

“Please stay overnight. I want to be in your arms when I
fall asleep and still be there when I wake.” Jamie pulls back the covers on the
queen sized bed where they spend a tender yet searing night of love and romance.

Chapter 4


The next morning comes too soon. The two part lovingly with Brad
extracting a promise from Jamie that she’ll visit him after his physical
therapy that afternoon. The hours seem to crawl by. She is eager to be with him
again. When the afternoon finally arrives, Jamie rushes eagerly and happily
through the VA center to find Brad. She is stopped in her tracks when she
finally sees him. She is dumbstruck. She really can’t, doesn’t want to believe
it. Standing next to Brad is a ravishingly beautiful woman. One who is clearly
heavily pregnant. With one hand Brad is holding her hand and patting her stomach
with the other. He is smiling happily at her. Jamie watches in horror as the beautiful
woman embraces Brad and kisses him on the cheek. With a broken heart wrenching
sob Jamie runs blindly down the hall.

Brad sees Jamie’s quick retreat and releases the woman. “Jamie,
come back. It’s not what you think.” Brad begs Jamie to come back and let him

Jamie has no interest in what he’s saying and runs faster,
almost knocking a doctor down as she sprints down the hall. She’s not blind.
She saw him kissing and hugging a beautiful pregnant woman. Jamie flees weeping
from the center.

Jamie spends the rest of the day alone in misery. She
steadfastly refuses to take calls from Brad or Carol. Heartbroken, Jamie thinks
she must be the worst sort of fool. Obviously Brad’s   girlfriend is carrying
his child. Why would he choose her, an aspiring opera singer, when he could
have that beautiful woman and his child? Their deep affection is obvious to
anyone who sees them. He seemed to be so sincere, telling her he’d found his
soul mate. How could he be so cruel? That night Jamie cries herself to sleep
wondering if her life is worth living.

The following morning Jamie reluctantly drags herself out of
bed. Her quintet is counting on her, and despite her grief, she’s determined
not to let them down. She has to put on her game face and perform. When she
arrives at the concert hall, she’s shocked and surprised to see the pregnant
woman, this time speaking with Carol. She attempts to walk briskly past the two.
No way. Carol grabs Jamie’s hand begging her to listen. Carol introduces the
beautiful woman as Sharon Parker, Brad’s happily married cousin. Sure enough, Jamie
examines the woman’s hand and sees a sparkling gold wedding band. Sharon  explains
that she and Brad are very close and do love each other. They spent their childhood
together and practically grew up as siblings. Until yesterday she hadn’t seen
him since he entered the VA after his Afghanistan deployment. She profusely apologizes
over and over for giving Jamie the wrong impression.

“I’ll tell you one thing, please listen. Brad is crazy about
you. You’re all he can talk about! He was crushed last night knowing you must
think he’s a monster.” Sharon again assures Jamie she’s a cousin, smiling and giving
her a hug.

Jamie is horrified and embarrassed by her mistake. “I’m
sorry I over reacted. I had a terrible night. But now I know I absolutely love
that man. I hope you both can forgive my mistake.”

As she finishes speaking Jamie hears a throat clear and turns
to the concert hall entrance. Brad is standing near the wall; a look of relief
spread across his smiling face. He’s holding a huge bouquet of red roses. As he
makes his slow painstaking way towards her Jamie begins to weep. “I’m so
sorry!” she sobs softly as he reaches her. Tenderly he brushes her tears away.
He stills her weeping with a breath taking long passionate kiss. “I love you, Jamie
Scott.” As he kisses her again Jamie knows she will never again doubt the love
of her wounded violin warrior. They make not only a loving couple but a
passionate duet.  



If you enjoyed this sweet romance you may like other short
story romances by Kristina Belle. Visit the Amazon
Kristina Belle Author's Website

BOOK: Violin Warrior Romance
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