Read Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker Online

Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Tags: #romance

Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker (4 page)

BOOK: Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker
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Simon seemed to think it over then nodded.

Violet set her hamburger down and took a drink, her gaze fastened on his. When she was finished, she watched him for a moment.

“You’ve done a lot for a woman and boy you just met earlier today. Why are you helping us?”

Tiraz had expected her question, even if he wasn’t one hundred percent sure

how to answer. He’d been angry when he’d listened to Mr. Anderson tell her that she couldn’t use the dating agency’s service because she had a child. How many others had been turned away in the last two years because they were already mothers? How many matches had never had a chance because the right female had been turned away?

“What Mr. Anderson said to you was wrong. Not all males are looking for

females who have never been married, and there are quite a few would welcome a child into the match. It angered me that he was turning away a woman who clearly wanted to be paired with someone, all because she already had a child.”

Violet nodded. “Have you thought about all the women before me he must have

turned away?”

“Yes, and I’m going to speak to the council that’s in charge of the dating agency to let them know about the women being told they can’t be paired with someone. How many perfect matches have been lost to us because of that man’s idiocy? There is no way the council decided only childless women could participate. Women are precious to most of us, and we’d never turn one away if she was willing to be paired with someone.”

Simon tugged on his sleeve. “Are you sure you can find me a new daddy? My

old one didn’t want me.”

Tiraz gazed at Violet. “Perhaps you should tell me a little more about what

happened in Mr. Anderson’s office before I came in. Obviously, I’m missing a piece of the story.”

Violet glanced at Simon then back at Tiraz. “I got pregnant in high school. When the words ‘I’m pregnant’ came out of my mouth, my boyfriend dumped me. He signed away his rights to Simon before the baby was even born, and my parents turned me out once I graduated. I haven’t spoken to them in five years. I saw someone I used to know, a friend of the family, and they told me my parents had moved to Florida.”

Anger sparked inside of Tiraz. “Your family turned you away?”

“They were embarrassed by my indiscretion and said they wouldn’t help raise

Simon. But we’ve done okay on our own. I was able to get a secretarial job after high school, and while it didn’t have benefits, it did allow me to get an apartment and put food on the table.”

“You’re never going to struggle again, Violet. I will find you the perfect match, and until then, you’re welcome to stay with me as long as you need to.”

“That’s sweet of you, but I feel like we’re imposing.”

Simon’s lip poked out. “We can’t stay with him? But, momma, I want to! He has cool video games, and I like eating by the big window.”

Violet’s resolve seemed to wilt a little at her son’s words, and Tiraz realized that Simon was the key to keeping Violet in his home until she could find a match. He hoped Zarin would be it, but he didn’t kid himself. What was the chance that he’d get it right on the first try? If his brothers hadn’t been adamant about having a virginal wife, he’d pair her with Gryf. His older brother would be a wonderful influence on Simon, and Tiraz knew Gryf would care for the small family. Stubborn bastard was missing out.

They finished their meal and Tiraz herded them back out to his car and drove them home. At the Wyndham Towers, he let the valet park his car after he’d retrieved their suitcase from the trunk. This time, Simon led the way, confidence showing in each step he took. When they reached the penthouse, Tiraz led them down a hall toward the bedrooms. He stopped at the first one and motioned to Simon.

“This is going to be your room.”

Simon peered inside and his eyes went wide. “There’s a TV in there!”

“Yes, there is. And tomorrow I’m going to get a gaming system that’s more your speed than the Xbox. How does that sound?”

Simon nodded eagerly then went into the room to explore. Violet started to go in, but Tiraz stopped her, tugging her one room over. When he opened the door and pulled her inside, he looked around, hoping she would like it. Violet brushed her fingers over the silvery gray bedspread sprigged with black flowers before walking over to the window.

“I hope this room will be adequate?” She seemed hesitant and unsure, and Tiraz didn’t understand why. He’d thought she’d be happy to have her own room, to have an actual bed to sleep in.


“You don’t like it?”

When she turned to face him, there were tears in her eyes. “It’s beautiful, Tiraz.

Thank you.”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to share a bathroom with Simon. The master suite has its own bathroom, but the other three bedrooms share one.”

“We’re used to it.”

“It’s kind of early,” Tiraz said. “I know you said Simon needs a bath, but maybe after he’s dressed for bed, we could watch a movie together? I can stream videos on the TV. I don’t have a blu-ray collection suitable for a child, but we can pick up some movies, if you’d like.”

“He has a few at home, but I’m sure he’d like to see something different. You have those streaming services?”

He nodded.

“I’m sure they’ll have something appropriate for him.”

“Then it’s settled. Get him ready for bed, and I’ll find a movie.”

Violet smiled and followed him out of the bedroom. She stepped into Simon’s

room while Tiraz went in search of a movie appropriate for a small child. What in the heck did a small human like to watch? He’d seen cartoons, of course, so maybe they had something animated.

By the time he’d found something, a clean Simon with damp hair scrambled onto the sofa next to him. Tiraz smiled down at him and pointed toward the screen, where an image was frozen on the TV.

“Do you like this one?”

Simon shrugged. “I haven’t seen it before.”

“Then you’re in for a treat tonight. Since we just ate, we’ll forgo the popcorn, but next time, I’ll make sure we have plenty of it.” Tiraz looked back toward the hall. “Is your mom joining us?”

“She said she was going to take a quick shower and then she’d come watch with us.”

“Should we wait for her?”

Simon shook his head. “She said I have to go to bed soon. If we don’t start it now, I might not get to finish it.”

“Well, we can’t have that.” Tiraz smiled and started the movie, but he listened intently for Violet.

When she finally made an appearance, he had to control his body. His pants

were painfully tight as he took in her damp, curling hair, rosy cheeks, and pajama clad curves. She couldn’t weigh much more than Simon, but she had sweetly curved hips, perfect for a male to grab.

“You missed the beginning, Momma,” Simon said.

“Are you having fun?” she asked, as she sat next to Simon.

The boy nodded eagerly and Tiraz couldn’t help but smile. He hoped this was

the first of many happy nights.

The movie ended and Simon yawned widely. A glance at the clock showed it

was after nine, and Tiraz had no idea what time the boy usually went to bed. As tired as he appeared to be, Tiraz was guessing this was a late night. But it wasn’t every night you moved to a new home, so perhaps it was okay, just this once.

Violet tucked Simon into bed and Tiraz watched from the doorway. The boy held his arms out to Tiraz and he crossed the room to give the child a hug.

“I’m glad you found us,” Simon whispered in his ear.

“Me too.”

Tiraz smoothed Simon’s hair back before easing out of the room. Violet shut off the light and left the door cracked. She nervously chewed on her lower lip as she gazed up at Tiraz in the hallway.

“I should get some sleep. I’ll have to walk him to school in the morning since the bus isn’t scheduled to pick him up here.”

“Why don’t I take him to school and then you and I can go to your apartment

and figure out how many boxes we need?”

“You don’t have to help me pack.”

“I want to.”

Violet nodded. “He has to be at school by 8:00, so I usually feed him at 7:00 and we’re out the door by 7:30. I don’t know how early you usually get up. If you want to sleep longer, I can get him to school.”

“Violet, relax. I’m an early riser. I don’t think there’s much in the kitchen for breakfast, but there should be some eggs and bread. I know eggs with toast isn’t the best breakfast, but we can get some bacon or whatever you need after we work on your apartment a bit.”

“Maybe I should check the kitchen tonight to see what you have in there and

then I’ll know what I need at the store tomorrow.”

Tiraz smiled. “That’s a great idea. I’ll, um, just stay out of your way while you do that.”

“Goodnight, Tiraz.” She brushed a kiss against his cheek, her hand burning

against his chest.

“Goodnight, Violet.”

He watched her hurry off in the direction of the kitchen and he went to his room for a shower. Tiraz looked down at the cock straining against his pants. And perhaps something a little extra while he was in there. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d pleasured himself, but it felt awkward knowing a small child and his mother were in the house.

Morning wouldn’t come soon enough.

Chapter Three

Violet had slept better than she thought she would. The bed had been more than comfortable, and she’d felt oddly safe knowing that Tiraz was just down the hall. As her lips had brushed his cheek last night, she’d realized that she was relying on him far more than she had relied on anyone in her life.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye as they boxed up her belongings.

He’d already packed up Simon’s room and was now working on the kitchen. The

bathroom had been easy and the living room would be finished as soon as she sealed this last box. Violet watched Tiraz as he sealed another box and she admired the play of his muscles beneath his black tee. It accentuated his coloring and made him even sexier, in her opinion.

It had been a long time since she’d thought of a guy as sexy, but Tiraz definitely fit the bill. Too bad he wasn’t interested in a ready-made family. Simon adored him, and she had to admit that she was falling a little under his spell as well. When they’d stepped out to pick up boxes and tape, he’d stopped at a game store and purchased a Wii U for Simon. Violet, of course, had protested the extravagance, but Tiraz had insisted. She’d given in, but had put her foot down to a limit of three games. If left unchecked, Tiraz probably would have bought out the store. As it was, Violet had a feeling she’d find more games in Simon’s room soon enough.

“I think I’m done,” Tiraz said. “Isn’t it close to time for Simon to get out of school?”

Violet glanced at her watch and gasped. “We’re going to be late!”

Tiraz pulled out his cell phone and handed it to her. “Call the school. Tell them you’re in the middle of moving and that we’re on our way. There’s no sense making Simon worry if we don’t arrive on time.”

She dialed the school as they hurried out to his car. After informing the school about the move, and giving them her new address and Tiraz’s cell number, she hung up the phone and set it in the console. Tiraz broke the speed limit on the way to the school, but he was still safe in his driving. But then, he was probably used to driving spaceships, so what was a car in the scheme of things?

At the school, Simon sat on a bench near the front door, scuffing his toes along the ground. When he saw them pull up, he looked relieved, which worried Violet.

Didn’t the school tell him they were on their way?

“Something’s not right,” she said, opening her door.

Tiraz got out as well and stopped beside Simon.

“I thought you forgot me,” Simon said in a small voice.

“No, honey. Momma called the school and told them we were running late.

Didn’t anyone tell you?” Violet asked.

Simon shook his head.

A low growl came from Tiraz, who turned on his heel and stormed into the

school. Violet grabbed Simon’s hand and scurried after him, not sure what he was going to do, but something told her she might have to step in. Tiraz was leaning on the front counter when she got into the school and the receptionist looked terrified. Violet couldn’t blame the woman, Tiraz did look rather fierce.

“We called so you could tell Simon we were running late. He was scared and

alone out front!” Tiraz pounded a fist on the counter. “I want to see someone in charge, and I mean now.”

Violet placed a hand on his bicep, hoping to calm him down. The muscles under her fingertips tensed further and the stormy look in his eyes, when he glanced her way, was enough to take her breath away. No one had ever been so angry on Simon’s behalf before, except her. Tiraz might claim he wasn’t ready for a family, but he was certainly acting like an irate father.

The principal came to the front and frowned when she saw Simon clutching

Violet’s hand. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Why was a small child left to sit alone out front and not told that his mother was running late? Simon was scared when we arrived, thinking we’d forgotten him.”

“We can’t deliver messages to every child that receives one during dismissal. It’s too rowdy and chaotic. I’m sure every effort was made to deliver your message to Simon.”

Violet wasn’t so sure, and apparently Tiraz didn’t believe her either.

“That boy is under my protection, which means he’s under the protection of The Alliance. Do I need to tell you how much trouble you’re going to be in if this happens again?”

The principal blanched a little, but pursed her lips. “Then I suggest you arrive on time to pick up your son in the future. He’s only our responsibility until noon, after that he belongs to you again.”

Violet watched Tiraz to see if he would correct the woman on calling Simon his son, but he didn’t. He did flush a darker shade of blue and growled again, turned and swept Simon up into his arms before storming out of the front office, with Violet right on his heels. At the car, Tiraz buckled Simon into the backseat before sliding behind the steering wheel.

BOOK: Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker
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