Van, Becca - Taming Olivia [Terra-form 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Taming Olivia [Terra-form 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She spun her head toward the doorway when she heard a loud gasp. Cedric and Hugh stood there gaping at her, their eyes wandering the length of her body, stopping in strategic places.

Olivia squealed, ran over to the shelf, and grabbed a big cloth, fumbling with it as she tried to cover herself. Once she was covered, she raised her eyes to the two men still standing frozen in the doorway.

“Don’t you two know how to knock?” she spat out.

Olivia saw when the two men finally came out of their glazed-eye stupor, looking into her eyes. She cringed back as they moved forward, until her shoulders hit the shelf behind her.

“We did knock. You didn’t answer,” Cedric answered.

“What are you doing?”

“You are so sexy, little one. You have a beautiful body. You have nothing to be ashamed of,” Cedric stated, his eyes once more traveling the length of her body.

“I am not ashamed, and stop calling me little one,” Olivia exclaimed.

“Well, compared to us, you are little,” Cedric said with a gentle smile.

“No, I’m not little. You’re two are fucking giants.”

“All right, we’re giants,” Cedric agreed.

“Now you’re just patronizing me. Stop it! I don’t like it,” Olivia stated petulantly.

“We are trying to make you happy, honey,” Hugh said.

“Stop it! I don’t want you to make me happy. Oh, for the love of…” Olivia muttered, realizing how immature she sounded. “You two are making me crazy. I thought you had to be somewhere. Why are you back here?”

“We’ve been asked to take you to our Alpha female. She is about to give birth and is asking for you,” Cedric informed.

“She did? Why does she want me? I don’t know anything about giving birth. What am I supposed to wear? I have no clothes with me. What does April want me for?”

“Shh, honey. Everything will be all right. Take a deep breath, hold it, and then let it out slowly. That’s it. You’re doing fine.” Hugh encouraged Olivia to calm down, keeping his voice low and calm. “We have some clothing for you. It’s laid out on the bed.”

“Oh, well, good then,” Olivia replied, sweeping past the two men and into the bedroom. She spotted the clothes where Hugh said they would be and picked up the short skirt and even shorter top. She spun around, holding the garments in her hands, staring at the two men standing just inside the doorway watching her. “You expect me to wear this? Are you out of your minds? These are indecent. You can’t expect me to parade around half dressed.”

“Olivia, have you seen any of the females dressed differently?” Cedric asked, his impatience evident.

“No, I suppose not. What is it with you lot? Can’t you afford to buy more material?” Olivia goaded then gave a snort.

“I am sick and tired of you running off that mouth of yours. If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything,” Cedric barked out.

“Well, excuse me. You’ll have to forgive my ignorance, because no one’s bothered to try and explain anything to me,” she retorted, glaring angrily at Cedric.

“You deal with her, Hugh. I’m at the end of my tether,” Cedric bit out then turned and stormed from the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Was it something I said?” Olivia asked innocently, but she couldn’t contain another snicker from escaping.

“You can goad and fight all you want, honey. You aren’t going to make us hate you. You can spit and scratch all you like, but we will always be here for you,” Hugh said, his tone adamant.

“Over my dead body.”

“Get dressed, Olivia. Your friend is waiting for you,” Hugh reminded.

“Turn around,” she demanded, glaring at Hugh.

Olivia heard his loud sigh but was thankful he did what she’d asked without protestation. She pulled the skirt up, dropped the material from around her body, and drew the top over her head. She tugged at the material, but it made no difference. It was still far too short. She gave a mental shrug, walked up to Hugh, and tapped him on the shoulder.

“I’m ready,” Olivia exclaimed.

“Good,” he said, taking her hand in his, leading her from the room.

“You know, I’m never going to be able to find my way around this place. It’s massive, and my sense of direction sucks.”

“If you find yourself lost, all you have to do is ask someone to point you in the right direction,” Hugh said, giving her hand a little squeeze.

“Hm, whatever. How long before we get to where we’re going?”

“We are here,” Hugh replied. He knocked on the door and waited.

The door swung open to reveal April and her mates. April was actually the one to open the door, which surprised Olivia and, by the look on his face, Hugh as well.

“’Bout time you got here,” April snarled, hauling Olivia into the room by her free hand then slamming the door in Hugh’s face.

“What the hell are you doing, April? Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

“No, I need to keep moving. It helps ease the pain and restlessness.”

“Okay,” Olivia replied soothingly, looking over April’s shoulder to her mates. None of them seemed to know what they should be doing. They just shrugged their shoulders. “Don’t you have some sort of midwife or medical person around here? Shouldn’t they be here instead of me?”

“I don’t…” April stopped, bent over holding her stomach, and groaned with pain. “Shit, that was a bad one. What did you say?”

“Doctor? Midwife?”

“Oh, maybe later. This room is full enough of people as it is.”

“Well, let me remedy that. I’ll just leave you to it,” Olivia stated, turning to the door.

“Don’t you dare leave me, you coward,” April yelled then doubled over groaning again.

“I’m scared, April. I don’t know anything about birth or babies.”

“You think I do?” April retorted. “I need you here with me, Liv. I’m scared, too.”

“Well, fuck, April. I hate it when you do that.”


“Use emotional blackmail. You always did know how to get around me. Why don’t you come and lay on the bed? You can hardly stand anymore as it is,” Olivia soothed, placing an arm around April’s waist for support.

She had April in the bed, her clothes gone, propped up on pillows. Olivia climbed up onto the bed and lay beside her friend. April’s mates were still sitting at a small table near the window. They were making her nervous. They hadn’t spoken a word, but they kept their eyes on the two women. Their relaxed poses were all a farce. Olivia could see the tension in their bodies.

“Are they always this quiet?”

“Noooo,” April groaned loud and long. Olivia placed her hand over April’s belly and felt the tightening of her abdomen. She tried to time the contraction, but lost count. She knew it had been a long one. She rubbed over April’s tight belly, trying to soothe her friend and offer comfort and support.

“Does it hurt?”

“Like a bitch, and then some,” April replied. “I don’t want anyone else in here, Liv. I want you to deliver my baby.”

“What? You can’t expect me to…I have no idea…April! That’s just ridiculous. I don’t know anything about delivering a baby,” Olivia screeched.

“The healer will be here any moment. I’m not leaving everything to you. I just…I don’t know. I need you to do this for me. I know you, Liv.”

“But…Shit, April. You’re a bitch.”

“Yeah, but you still love me,” April said then burst out laughing. To her horror, her laughter turned to tears.

“Oh, good. I see you’re finally in bed,” a male said as he walked into the bedroom. “How are you feeling?”

“Just fucking brilliant,” April yelled.

Olivia glanced to the healer, smiled, and put a finger into her ringing ear. She was now partially deaf. She had no idea April could scream so loudly.

“What the fuck are you laughing at?” April snarled at Olivia.

“You,” she answered, bursting into laughter. “God, I’ve missed you.”

“Me, too,” April replied with a sniff.

“Oh, no you don’t. Don’t you dare start crying again. Those mates of yours are not going to want to have anything to do with you if you keep turning on the waterworks,” Olivia goaded. She and April knew each other too well for anyone else to understand their relationship. They used to goad each other all the time, especially when either of them became emotional. It made it easier for them to pull their emotions back under control.

“Screw you, Liv.”

“Now, that I’d like to see. Ew, actually, no, I wouldn’t.”

“Are you two always like this?” Ben called out to them.

Since April was busy with another contraction, Olivia answered. “Yes.”

“April was still single and so were you when you arrived on Terra-form. I would have thought you two would have been courted by hoards of men. What is wrong with the men where you come from? Don’t they have any balls?” Gage asked.

“Apparently not,” Olivia answered with a snicker.

The two women spent the rest of the morning and into the early hours of the afternoon hurling insults at each other. Even though they’d never admit it, Olivia could tell April’s mates were grateful for her presence. She had seen the anguish in their eyes and knew they were beside themselves with worry for her. She had stopped them from jumping up and offering April comfort, but Olivia had known that wasn’t what April needed right then. April would have broken down, but her friend needed to concentrate all her strength on birthing her child. April gave birth to a healthy baby girl, weighing in at a whopping nine pounds seven ounces, or four point two five kilograms. April was sore and tired, but mother and baby were both healthy. By the time the ordeal of April giving birth was over, Olivia was an emotional wreck. She wanted to do nothing more than curl up and go to sleep.

Olivia stepped out of April’s room and looked up and down the empty hallway, having no clue as to which direction she needed to go. She wandered the maze of connecting corridors, aware of the tears streaming down her face. She finally gave up, leaning against the wall, only to slide down until her ass plopped on the floor. She was asleep moments later.

Chapter Four

Cedric found Olivia sound asleep curled up on the floor. Her tearstained face made his heart wrench in his chest. He knelt down, scooped her up into his arms, and headed toward their room. He and Hugh had been nearly frantic when they couldn’t find their mate. They had searched high and low, too upset to think about using their sense of smell.
Goddess, who knew finding our mate would turn our lives upside down?
Neither he nor his brother had even claimed Olivia yet, and she was making them crazy. Cedric didn’t know how much longer he would be able to hold his beast off. It was pushing at him constantly, demanding control so he could claim his mate. His dick was permanently hard, and his balls were so full of semen they ached consistently.

Cedric kicked the door to their bedroom wide open. He walked over to the bed, placed Olivia down, and pulled the covers up over her.

I can’t believe you found her asleep on the floor in a hallway. What was she thinking?
Hugh asked his brother telepathically.

She wasn’t thinking at all. Look at her face, Hugh.

She’s been crying. Who the hell upset our mate?
Hugh growled, his voice rumbling deeper than before, indicating to Cedric that his brother was struggling with his beast, for control.

I think she’s just worn out, Hugh. She spent most of the day with our Alpha queen, tending her while she gave birth. She was so brave. Apparently both women were scared out of their wits, but instead of sniveling and whining, they spent the entire time hurling insults at each other.

That doesn’t surprise me at all. I’ve already noticed our mate uses her tongue when she’s scared. We have to do something soon, Cedric. My beast is fighting me for control. What the hell are we going to do if we can’t contain our panthers? She’s going to run if our cats get control,
Hugh stated, running a hand down his face.

I know. Maybe one of us should make the change? Show her what we look like and reassure her we would never hurt her even in our beast form?
Cedric suggested.

BOOK: Van, Becca - Taming Olivia [Terra-form 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
5.32Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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