VAMPIRE ROMANCE: The Fallen from Grace(Prince of Darkness Vampire Angel Fantasy Paranormal Adventure) (Dark Fantasy New Adult Devil Short Stories) (6 page)

BOOK: VAMPIRE ROMANCE: The Fallen from Grace(Prince of Darkness Vampire Angel Fantasy Paranormal Adventure) (Dark Fantasy New Adult Devil Short Stories)
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I stared in wide-eyed wonder at him. Was he for real? Alejandro grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly.  He stood there politely waiting for an answer. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted him. I wanted to experience him, but this was so unusual. I wasn’t a one-night stand type of woman. But where had that gotten me in life. Stood up at the altar that’s where, and a frigid life since then. Finally, I simply nodded yes. Maybe it was the tequila or the entire intoxication of the night. I was done thinking and I just wanted to be devoured.

He pulled me close to him and ran his strong hands down the length of my back.

“Elaine, I love your body. I love your curves. You are just my type of woman,” he said. It was just the words I needed to hear. I needed a man that liked and enjoyed a thick curvy woman and saw the beauty in it. It made me feel desirable and sexy.

I let out a soft whimper and a sigh. He picked me up and cradled me in arms and led me to the bed. Alejandro was sensual and gentle. He placed me down on the bed and looked down at me with his piercing green eyes. His muscled arms were so strong that he lifted me as though I was as light as a feather. For the first time, I felt dainty and knew that this was what I needed. A strong man could make a curvy thick girl like me feel small and dainty because he was a real man. He wasn’t the usual metropolitan city guy that did nothing to keep a fit and strong body. This is what I had been missing and I was so happy that I was being exposed to it now in my most vulnerable state.  I felt desirable. He caressed my hair, then my face, and let his hands run down to my breasts and cupped them. I was beyond excited. How long had it been since I’d been touched like this. My nipples were hard through my silk dress and Alejandro ran his hands lightly over them. His hands brushed just the tips of them, and it was exhilarating.

Alejandro pulled his shirt off over his head revealing a strong hard stomach and smooth tanned skin. He unzipped his pants and pulled them off. Now he lay before me completely naked, and was rock hard. I gasped as I took in every inch of his hard body. He was beautiful. He maneuvered himself on the bed and then climbed on top of me and used his strong hands to part my legs. I sighed with delight. He kissed me softly and then opened my mouth with his tongue gently. It was a long and drawn out hot passionate kiss and I couldn’t stop thinking about how right and comfortable this felt, but much more about how I needed this.  I needed a release and sex was the way to do it. He pulled my dress over my head and moaned loudly when he saw my naked body.

“Fuck, Elaine, you are a very beautiful woman. I want you and every inch of your curves.”

“I want you too.”

He put his tongue on my breast and I was in heaven. He ran soft slow kisses down my belly and put his strong hands under my back supporting me up as he explored me. He rolled me over very gently onto my stomach and delicately trailed kisses down the length of my back all the way down and then over my buttocks. He massaged it with his hands and it became a mix of a sexual rub down and a deep massage. He moaned very loudly as he kneaded my bottom with his hands. It was making my entire body tingle with delight. He ran his hands through my long brown hair and rubbed his face against it. Then he moved down to the back of my thighs and placed soft kisses there. He used his tongue to lick a path from my thighs to the back of my knees. He was really enjoying my body.

He rolled me back onto my stomach and placed his body on top of mine.

He looked up and locked eyes with me and with one gentle thrust forward he entered me. He let out a moan and I opened my legs wider to let more of him in. In and out he was slowly thrusting his hips. Moving skillfully and slowly. Then he started uttering some things under his breath in Spanish. I had no idea what he was saying, but the language is so beautiful and romantic I didn’t care. I wanted to hear more and more. He was a skilled lover and moved with predetermined movements that made my back arch up to meet him.  He pulled out of me and rolled me onto my side. He positioned himself on his side behind me. He entered me again in this position. He put his mouth near my ear and continued to speak in Spanish and kissing my neck. His hand was on my waist to steady me as he moved in and out of me. It was erotic.

Then his whole body tensed up but he restrained himself and stopped. Finally the urge to come passed him and he kept going, but now it was my turn. He reached around with his hand and massaged my breast.  It was enough to make me feel over excited. Then his hand trailed down my belly and onto my clitoris. He massaged it all the while still inside me. I tensed up and my breath caught in my throat. That was it; I had an orgasm in this position. Alejandro slowed his movement as I came.  Then he moved faster and faster. He pulled away from me a little and looked down, watching himself go in and out of me. This is what drove him over the edge. With one final thrust he came.

We stayed in this position as he kissed the side of my body. I was in a vortex of ecstasy. I think my body was in a state of shock. I had denied myself this simple pleasure for so long. Now it was experiencing to the extreme, with this handsome Latin Navy Seal lover.

The next day I awoke to room service and the smell of hot coffee. I heard his lusty voice say,

“Buenos dias Elaine.”

I rolled over and stretched out in the bed. I almost forgot where I was. Then it all flooded back to me. This gorgeous man had made love to me last night, and it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

“Coffee?” He asked.

“Yes please.” I said.

He handed me a cup and then said.

“Last night was… best night of my life.”

Again, I was shocked at his honesty and romantic use of words. This man said what was on his mind and said his thoughts out loud. It was refreshing and it felt safe.

“Me too.” I said.

Then he took the cup from me. Leaned in and kissed me. I could tell he immediately lit up with desire. He pulled away and put the cup on the table. Then he came back and threw the covers off me. I giggled at this. I looked at him and could see he was hard and ready.  He sat next to me on the bed and picked up me up. With his strong arms, he sat me on top of him. I kissed him and then reached down and grabbed his hard shaft. I picked myself up and put him inside me and sat back down. We both let out a deep moan as he slid deep inside me. I froze for second. It felt so good I didn’t want to move. Then he put his hands on my hips and guided me up and down. In just the right rhythm and pace. First it was slow and I moved my hips in circles while I kissed his neck. We did this for what seemed like hours. Then he cupped his hands around my bottom and we went faster. I bounced up and down on his strong rod. It wasn’t long before I couldn’t handle anymore and I felt the familiar build of my orgasm.

“I’m going to come.” I said.

He held me tighter and moved me faster up and down. Then his breathing grew heavy. Finally we both exploded onto each other at the same time. That had never happened to me before and thought it was unheard of until now. It was complete ecstasy.

The next two days were filled with a mix of making love and exploring the exotic paradise together. We fully enjoyed each other’s company. We hiked and climbed the nearby paths. We had picnics on the beach, then made love by the ocean and stayed out talking under the stars. Alejandro’s constant honesty always let me know what was going on in his head so I never felt anxious with him. I just always knew what he was thinking. It was the most comfortable I had ever felt with any man.

He took me to his beach house up the coast. I was astonished by what I saw. The house was beautiful and was on stilts high in the air.  The water was only a few meters away and you could see the sun rise from the large deck. Inside the décor was a mix of Puerto Rican and seaside influences. Alejandro had some upkeep type of work to do. He insisted I relax on the deck and enjoy the sun. I felt guilty and wanted to help him, but he wouldn’t have any of it.

When it was approaching evening, he built a small fire on the beach a few feet in front of his house. He roasted fish and vegetables on it and fed me on the beach. Then we made love. It wasn’t the usual lustful scene I had been used to. It was love. It was slow and sensual and he said sweet nothings into my ear. As I straddled him he pulled me close and hugged me while he was still inside me. I wanted to melt. I wanted to stay here forever. I wanted this to be my life always.  After we finished our session of making love we curled up in a thick blanket in front of the fire and watched the moon reflect off the water.

“So, what you think. Of my house, and this place?” he asked.

“I think it is beautiful. You are a lucky man to live here.”

I looked at him and kissed him and squeezed him tight. Then it suddenly happened. Since I now had feelings for this man, the fear of it all being over when I left in a few days flooded me. I would go back to my mundane life. Just as my last romance had ended badly, this one would too. It’s just the way it was and I accepted that.

The next day we hung around the beach house again. I didn’t want to go back to the resort just yet. I liked fantasizing what my life could be like if I lived here. Alejandro was working on the deck of the house. I took a stroll on the beach. There was a small wooden boat parked on the shore just near the surf. I crawled in it and laid down. It was the most adorable boat. I watched the seagulls fly in circles overhead. I let the sun kiss my skin and felt the warmth of its rays. I laid like this for a while. I closed my eyes a bit once the sun was straight overhead. It was so bright. I had a good time resting here, when suddenly I felt the boat rocking back and forth. I snapped up. I looked around me and realized I was several yards off shore! I panicked. I didn’t even feel the waves take the boat out because the area is a calm lagoon with hardly any movement to it. I looked back at the shore and saw the beach house. Okay, don’t panic, Elaine it’s not that far. You can paddle back. I looked down at the boat and did not see a paddle. I got up to my knees and looked behind me. I picked up items on the floorboard looking for it. It wasn’t in the boat. I was doomed. My only hope was to get Alejandro’s attention. I stood up in the boat and screamed as loud as I could. I waved frantically. I yelled for several minutes. I was in tears. This was awful. There was no one else on the beach and he would be the only one that I could reach. I looked down at the water. I wasn’t the strongest swimmer but I could try. I had to try. I wouldn’t leave myself to drift out to sea. Just then I heard my name faintly over the ocean. I looked up to see Alejandro on the beach with binoculars. I stood up and waved and screamed and made sure I looked frantic. He threw the binoculars to the ground and ran to the house. What in the name was he doing? Then he ran back toward the water. He had a paddle on a rope looped around across his body. He ran into the water and dove in. He swam fast and hard. It was his Navy Seal training kicking in. It was impressive to watch. I couldn’t believe what was happening before my eyes. I was suddenly one of his operations. I was the one being rescued. My adrenaline pumped through my body as I watched him stroke through the choppy water. His form was perfect and his body moved with grace and ease through the ocean. I was so impressed.

In no time at all he had reached me and was climbing up the side of the boat.

“I’m so sorry Alejandro! I’m so scared and I didn’t know I had drifted. There’s no paddle in here and…”

“It’s okay, I got you,” he said breathless as he grabbed the rope from around his body. He grabbed the paddle and handed it to me. I put it down on the floorboard. Then with one swift movement he hoisted himself into the boat. Alejandro immediately, came to me. Hugged me and rubbed my back.

“Elaine, my Elaine. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay,” I said as I started to cry. He hugged me tighter.

“Oh my Elaine, I can’t live with out you. My stomach, it hurts. I’m glad I saw you before too late. Would break my heart with out you”.

He kissed me aggressively. As though he had lost me and now had me back. Then he let go and grabbed the paddle and began to paddle back to the shore. His shoulders were strong and with each movement I could see his muscles ripple. It was intoxicating to watch him be a Navy Seal in action. He was a real man. Here was a man that had rescued me from certain death. This is a man that, with out hesitation, dove into the ocean risking his own life to save mine. He was focused on getting us back to shore, and it was exhilarating to watch it. Nothing made more feminine like I did now. It was such a change from the bookish hard journalism woman I had been only a few weeks ago. This man took care of me. He rescued me from a life of mediocrity and now he rescued me from death. I owed him everything. Yet he made me feel like I owed him nothing. It was his pleasure to do these things for me. It’s what he wanted to do. I was in awe of him. I felt more bonded to him now than I had with anyone ever in my life.

Finally we were in a few feet of water. He jumped out and dragged the boat the rest of the way onto the shore. When we were on sand he reached his hands up to me and carried me out of the boat. Now that his rescue was over he could give me his full attention.

“You sure you are not hurt?”

“Yes, I am fine really. I feel so stupid.”

“Water, lets get you some water.”

He put one arm around my back and escorted me up the beach and back to the house. He gave me a large jug of water and told me to drink it in small sips until it was gone. He wrapped me in a towel a pulled fresh aloe very stems from a plant outside. He rubbed it on my sunburned face and shoulders. All the while he was lecturing me in Spanish about not falling asleep in a boat that is not tied. When he was done nursing me, he looked at me and let out a big sigh and said,

BOOK: VAMPIRE ROMANCE: The Fallen from Grace(Prince of Darkness Vampire Angel Fantasy Paranormal Adventure) (Dark Fantasy New Adult Devil Short Stories)
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