Read Valley of the Dudes Online

Authors: Ryan Field

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Fiction

Valley of the Dudes (7 page)

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stereotype that had ever been invented. And Anderson couldn’t do enough to please him.


The lines of distinction regarding the dynamics of their relationship were clear


and concise. Anderson was always the one who went down on his knees or lifted his legs


in the air. Joey was always the alpha male in charge. So while they were still kissing,


Anderson reached down and grabbed Joey’s belt buckle. He slowly walked backwards,


toward the bed, pulling Joey’s belt. When they reached to foot of the bed, Anderson


stopped kissing and removed his boxer briefs so he’d be completely naked. Then he


climbed up on the foot of the bed, rested on his knees, and unfastened Joey’s pants.


When Joey’s pants dropped to his ankles, Anderson reached into the fly of Joey’s


boxer shorts and pulled out his erection. Joey had never been circumcised, and Anderson


never grew tired of sliding Joey’s foreskin back with his lips. He held Joey’s erection in


his palm and wet his lips. Before he opened his mouth, he looked up at Joey and said, “I


hope you’re not too tired. I know you worked hard tonight.” They had been a completely


monogamous couple for over a year by then. They’d both been tested for HIV and both


had been negative. There was no need for a condom, and this was one of the things that


Anderson liked most about being with a long-term partner.


Joey stepped forward and removed his shirt. He tossed the shirt on the floor and


said, “I’m never too tired for


Anderson smiled, staring at Joey’s eight-inch erection. Most of the fun for


Anderson was pleasing Joey. He lowered his head and aligned it with Joey’s crotch. Then


he opened his mouth and pressed his lips on the tip of Joey’s penis. He braced his palms on the mattress for support and moved forward. When he felt Joey’s soft foreskin slide


back, the tip of his tongue touched the tip of Joey’s penis. Joey bucked his hips forward


until the head of his penis hit the back of Anderson’s throat.


Anderson had always been a natural at giving head; it was a rare gift. He knew


how to make them weak in the knees and beg for mercy without trying too hard. His face


never hurt, his tongue never got tired, and he never gagged. He knew how to suck hard


for a long time, and how to release pressure at the just right moment to prolong a


spectacular climax. Anderson could go down on a man for a minute, or he could go down


on a man for three hours without complaining once.


When Joey’s penis was inside his mouth, everything in his world seemed to fall


into place. All the fears he’d ever known—his obnoxious, irritating mother, and cold,


bitchy Harriet—didn’t matter anymore. He couldn’t have cared less about his modeling


career or working his body out at the gym. The only thing he cared about making Joey


feel wonderful, and he was pleasing himself at the same time.


Anderson remained at the foot of the bed for a long time, slowly bringing Joey to


the brink. When finally he tasted drops of pre-come and he knew Joey was edging, he


stopped sucking and said, “Take off all your clothes and get up on the bed. All you have


to do is lie there and close your eyes.”


Joey’s eyes glazed and his lips twitched. He pulled off his shoes and kicked his


pants across the room. He yanked off his boxer shorts and climbed onto the bed. Three


seconds later, he was flat on his back, with his hairy legs spread wide and his erection


sticking up at a ninety-degree angle. Anderson went to the foot of the bed between Joey’s legs. He rested his cheek on


Joey’s hairy right leg and slowly went forward until his lips were pressed against Joey’s


testicles. He stuck out his tongue and licked both, then his tongue slid up Joey’s shaft


until his lips were next to the head.


Joey closed his eyes and moaned. He threw his arms back over his head and


pointed his toes forward.


Anderson took Joey’s erection all the way to the back of his throat and started


sucking again. While he sucked, he jerked his own penis. Anderson knew it wouldn’t


take long this time. Joey was ready, and all Anderson had to do was create just enough


pressure to make Joey go off.


A few minutes later, Joey stretched out his legs and wiggled his feet. His mouth


opened wide and he grunted a few times. When he climaxed and his penis exploded


inside Anderson’s mouth, the upper half of his body jerked forward and he shouted,


“Ah…ah…ah,” with sudden, irregular jerks.


Anderson came a second later, with the tip of Joey’s erection against the back of


his throat. He came on Joey’s leg while he gulped and swallowed, taking every last drop


of Joey he could salvage. When he knew Joey was completely drained and he felt Joey’s


penis begin to shrink, Joey’s penis slipped from his mouth, he turned his head, and he


licked Joey’s leg clean.


Joey sat up and watched him. He caressed the top of Anderson’s head and said,


“You amaze me all the time. I think this was the best blow job you’ve ever given me. I


thought my balls were going to pop up into my stomach.” Anderson looked up at him and smiled. “You say that after every blow job I give


you.” His handsome face was red from bending over, his soft blond hair was messy, and


his lips were swollen from sucking. “You stay right where you are. I’ll go into the


bathroom and get a warm soapy rag.” He knew Joey liked it when he sponged his entire


body down after sex. It put Joey right to sleep.


But before he left, he went up and kissed Joey on the lips. “I love you so much,”


he said. “We’re going to have such good times in Hollywood.”


“I love you, too,” Joey said. His voice deepened and he caressed Anderson’s ass.


“You make it all worth while.”


Anderson frowned. “I only wish Harriet felt the same way,” he said. “I try so hard


with her and I can never win.”


“Don’t worry about her,” Joey assured him. “She’ll come around eventually. She


just needs to get to know you better, is all.” Then he slapped Anderson’s ass and said,


“And it doesn’t really matter what she thinks. She may be in charge of my career, but


she’s not in charge of my personal life or the fact that I’m madly in love with you.”


Anderson smiled and climbed off the bed. He walked slowly; he knew Joey was


watching his ass as he crossed the room.


Harriet had already known him for more than one year. He wondered how much


longer it would take before she trusted him.


Chapter Six


Harriet Delaney had always been a woman with a mission. In her case, the


mission was managing every aspect of her younger brother’s life. She’d raised Joey from


a baby, and she’d sacrificed for him just as if she’d been his own mother. She believed


the reason she was still single in her middle age was because Joey’s needs had always


come first.


But she had no regrets. Show business made her heart beat faster; she slept well


after nurturing Joey’s talents. She’d been lucky, too. If Joey had been a straight man she


would have had to deal with his girlfriends instead of his boyfriends. And with Joey’s


good looks, there would have been long lines of attractive, cunning women trying to


snatch him away from her and ruin his career. She learned quickly that gay men weren’t


much different than straight men. They didn’t try to stab her in the back when she wasn’t


looking and they believed everything she said. She’d always been able to handle Joey’s


boyfriends with little effort. Anderson was unusual, though, in the sense that he had been


around much longer than the others. But he was so simple minded, he posed no threats.


Harriet didn’t fly out to Hollywood with Joey and Anderson. She flew out two


days later. She told them she wanted to close up her apartment and tie up a few loose


ends in New York. Harriet owned her Brooklyn apartment, and she wasn’t subletting it to


anyone until she knew for certain that Joey’s TV series was a hit. Besides, there were a


few important contracts that needed to be signed in Bart Hasslet’s office. These were the


contracts that finalized the deal that had been made for Joey’s new TV series. The


contracts could have been sent to Hollywood. But Harriet said she preferred to look them over in Bart Hasslet’s office and sign them in person, with Bart in the room. As Joey’s


manager, she knew how to read contracts better than most lawyers or agents. And there


was always something that needed to be changed.


On the day Harriet left New York, a half hour before she went to Bart Hasslet’s


office to sign the contracts, she made one phone call. It was a phone call to a doctor. One


of the most important calls she’d made for Joey in a long time. Her stomach had been


turning all morning. She’d barely been able to finish her coffee. But she couldn’t avoid it


any longer.


When the nurse connected the call and the doctor was on the line, Harriet lit a


cigarette and said, “I’m going to need the name of a good doctor who can help me in


Hollywood.” She took a long drag from the cigarette and exhaled a stream of smoke


through her nostrils. Her voice was low, as if she were tired, but steady.


The doctor asked her how Joey was and she said, “He’s fine right now. But we


both know I can’t take any chances. I’m going to need someone I can depend upon on the


West Coast. I should have called sooner, but I was putting it off until the last minute.


Joey always seems so normal. It’s hard to face.”


She waited silently for a moment, taking long drags from her cigarette, twirling a


long chunk of hair next to her face. When the doctor returned to the phone, she wrote


down the name of a West Coast doctor and said, “Thank you. I’ll be in touch.” Then she


hung up the phone and stamped out her cigarette. She pressed her lips together and stared


at the ashtray, hoping Joey would have more time than his father had had. She just


wanted to see Joey’s new TV show become a success. She wanted to see Joey become a


huge star. He’d worked so hard to get this far. All she wanted for Joey was the very best. A half hour later, when Harriet arrived at Bart Hasslet’s office, Cody and Roy


were there. They were sitting on a sofa next to Bart’s desk. Though Harriet didn’t know


Cody well—she didn’t socialize with Joey or his annoying friends—he seemed more


animated than the other brief times she’d met him with Joey. Cody was sitting on the


edge of the sofa, staring at Bart, jerking his right leg up and down. Roy kept rubbing


Cody’s shoulder and saying, “Calm down. You’ll get to rehearsal on time. We have to


sign these papers. It won’t take long.”


Cody pointed to Harriet and said, “Why do I have to be here? Joey didn’t have to


be here. You could have signed the papers for me.
is signing his contracts for him.”


Harriet smiled at Cody. But it wasn’t a warm smile; Harriet hated being referred


to as “she.” Cody had talent, but he wasn’t always very practical. She said in an even


voice, “Joey couldn’t be here, dear. They wanted him in Hollywood yesterday. He didn’t


have a choice. And as his manager, I have power of attorney.” Then she crossed the room


to another sofa under a window, as far from Cody as she could get, and sat down to wait


for Bart to arrive. Harriet thought Cody and Roy were both too high strung and she’d


often wished her brother had had better taste in friends.


When Bart Hasslet walked into the office, Lance Sharp and Rush Goodwin


followed him. Bart sat down behind his huge desk and Lance remained standing. Rush sat


down on a small chair in front of Bart’s desk so he could take notes. Harriet said hello to


Bart and Lance, then smiled and nodded at Rush. Whenever she saw Rush, she wanted to


throw her arms around him and hug him as tightly as she could. She thought everything


about Rush Goodwin was perfect, and there had been many times she’d wished Rush had


been her brother’s boyfriend instead of that brainless Anderson. Rush was smart, handsome, and reserved. He was the perfect gay man. There was nothing trashy or sleazy


about him. Unlike Anderson, Rush was someone she would have welcomed into Joey’s


life with open arms. Harriet thought Anderson was trashy: he always looked as if he’d


just stepped out of a male stripper club.


While Lance handed out the contracts, Cody asked for a glass of water. He pulled


a small container of pills from his coat pocket and said, “I have to take three of these


every day for a month.” It sounded as if he was bragging.


Rush Goodwin lowered his notepad to his lap and looked at the pill bottle. Then


BOOK: Valley of the Dudes
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