Vacation with my Stepbrother: A Forbidden Stepbrother Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Vacation with my Stepbrother: A Forbidden Stepbrother Romance
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We held each other for a moment, letting the warm sun cover our naked skin. Then after a bit, I slowly sat up. When I did, I noticed his suitcase on the floor next to the bed. The letter from his commanding officer was just barely visible, tucked underneath his clothes just like I had left it when I had gone snooping the night before.

Oh, God. That letter.

The night full of dancing, tequila and sex had made me forget all about the letter which held Danny’s destiny. He was going to war. My beautiful, newfound lover was going to war. My stomach turned as I thought of the possible consequences. I was silent as I gazed at the suitcase and it didn’t take long for Danny to notice.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

I swallowed and shook my head. “No, I’m not.”

Then I turned to face him. Some of the color had left my face. I could feel it. Anxiety filled my body. I didn’t want to bring it up, but I had to. I had to talk with him about it.

“Danny, I saw the letter from your commanding officer,” I mumbled.

Danny sat up immediately. “What?”

“The letter. I read it. I went into your room last night before we went out and I saw the letter in your suitcase. I couldn’t help myself. I opened it up and read it. I’m sorry, Danny.”

He didn’t seem mad, just disappointed.

“Nikki, why did you do that?” he asked. “I was going to tell you everything. I just needed to do it in my own time. I wanted to wait until this vacation was over so that it wouldn’t be on your mind the whole time. I haven’t even told our parents yet.”

“I didn’t want to read it, but my curiosity was too strong,” I explained. “But that doesn’t matter now. What matters is that you’re going to war. You’re going to war, Danny! What if you get hurt?”

He leaned forward, causing the sun to cover his chest.

“Nikki, I’ll be fine,” he said, as he took my hands in his. “I’ll be just fine. It’s just one tour. And if it’s like some of my buddies have told me, we’ll just be kicking around in the sand for a few months. I doubt we’ll even see any gunfire.”

I pulled my hands away from his. “But what if you
see gunfire, Danny? What then?”

His face showed concern as he took my hands once again.

“I promise that no matter what happens, I will come home,” he said.

There was obviously no way that he could know for sure that is how things would turn out, but his words sounded sincere. He meant what he was saying. I could feel it. Even so, though, it didn’t make me feel much better.

I sighed as tears began to fill my eyes.

“I don’t want you to go,” I whispered.

Never in a million years had I imagined that those words would ever escape my lips regarding Danny. But there they were, loud and clear. They were full of truth, too. I
want him to go. Right when he and I had finally found a common ground and a spark between us, he goes off to another continent.

“I don’t want to go either,” he said, after a moment. “I’ll be safe, though. This is what I’m trained to do, Nikki. I’m trained to fight. I’ll be okay.”

“What about us?” I interjected. “What about all of this?”

We were sitting naked on the bed. Our clothes were scattered everywhere, a clear reminder of what had taken place the night before.

“This?” he asked. “All of perfect. It’s exactly what you and I have both wanted for years, whether or not we were brave enough to admit it.”

“That’s not what I mean, Danny,” I said. “I guess what I’m asking, is what happens now? With us?”

He scooted close to me and placed his hands on the top of my thighs. His touch was soothing, but I was still struggling with everything that was up in the air.

“Nikki, I know that you’re worried I’m going to go off to war and forget about last night. I realize that my reputation precedes me. I haven’t always been nice to you and for many years, you knew me as someone who would sleep with a girl and then move on. I’m not like that any more, though. Not just because I’ve changed and grown up, but because you’re different than all of those girls. I never felt like I could tell you that, because you’re my stepsister. But from the moment I first laid eyes on you when my dad and I moved into your home, I was hooked. Your beauty changed me.”

I sat in silence as he spoke. His words caused the anxiety inside of me to ease. Danny really liked me and apparently he had since the day we first met. I was completely floored.

Maybe I kind of knew it all along, though. Maybe that’s why I began to feel attracted to him. Like my body could sense it or something.

“You are nothing if not surprising,” I said, as the outside of my lips finally began to turn upward into a smile.

We were both quiet for a moment. I gazed into his eyes. His bright green irises, which just a few days ago would have caused rage to flow into my blood, now caused my heart to swell. My body tingled with delight. I had butterflies in my stomach. It reminded me of when I was younger and I had a crush on a guy. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. Where was all of this going? Where would it end? I didn’t know for sure. But what I
know, was that in that moment, I was happy. I was content. I felt beautiful. And that’s all that I needed. It was the perfect vacation.

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t’s the same old thing, Kelsey,” he responded. “You can never have what you really want, no matter what that is. Maybe it’s the universe’s way of making sure we stay motivated or something.”

I listened as he spoke and I instantly became hypnotized by him. He could have said just about anything and I would have found myself hanging onto every word. We looked into each other’s eyes for a few more moments in silence and then Steven brought his gaze upward toward the night sky.

“These stars are beautiful, aren’t they?” Steven asked. “You hardly ever see the sky like this.”

I looked up as he spoke. There were thousand of stars above us, illuminating the sky. It was incredible and I began to wonder why I never took more time to look up at them. We stood in silence for a bit, just taking it all in.

The moment was so perfect for me to tell Steven everything I had on my mind. We were there alone and it felt like maybe there was a chance for us to actually open up to each other. It seemed like the perfect time for me to express my feelings to him.

“Steven,” I said, breaking the silence. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”

Steven slowly brought his gaze back down, locking his eyes with mine. His intense stare caused the words to freeze in my mouth and I felt my heart flutter as a burst of excitement shot through me. Steven looked at me up and down, giving me a slow once over. Then he stepped forward, immediately bringing his hands to my hips.

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An excerpt from Kisses From My Cowboy Stepbrother:


looked over at him as we drove. He had one hand on the wheel and the other out the truck window. His black cowboy hat was tilted slightly to the side as he leaned his head back, relaxing into the seat.

“Look at the sky,” he said, pointing upward. “The stars are out tonight.”

I looked out the windshield, where a sea of stars blanketed the night sky. It was beautiful. It was a view that was impossible to find in the city.

“It’s gorgeous,” I said.

Connor looked over at me and then placed a hand on me knee.

“It’s an alright view,” he said. “But not nearly as nice as the one I have right here in the truck.”

I smiled at his compliment. It was a little cheesy I’ll admit, but it was also very sweet. I placed my hand on top of his as we pulled into the driveway.

“Wait,” I said. “Stop the truck. I don’t want to go home quite yet.”

It was only midnight and mom and I had been planning on driving back home the next day, so I wanted to spend as much time with Connor as I possibly could.

Connor turned off his headlights as he stopped the truck. Then he put it in park and turned off the engine. I watched as he opened the truck door and stepped outside.

“Come outside,” he said. “You should see the stars from out here.”

I stepped out of the truck and we both walked toward the back. Connor hopped into the bed of the truck and then held out his hand, helping me up. In the back were two hay bales.

“Have a seat, my lady,” Connor said, playfully.

We both sat down on the hay bales and then leaned our faces toward the sky. The stars were breathtaking. I wouldn’t have been able to count them all if I had tried.

A cool breeze kicked up from the cornfield nearby and I crossed my arms, shivering.

“You cold?” Connor asked.

I nodded as my teeth began to chatter. He immediately wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close to him and warming me up an instant.

“I really had fun dancing with you tonight. And I wanted to say thank you for protecting me at the bar,” I said. “But is it just me, or is this starting to feel like more than just a friendship?”

He gently moved his hand up and down my shoulder, caressing my skin. Then he turned toward me.

“I think you said it yourself this morning, Emily,” he responded. “It’s better to just follow your heart, right?”

Our faces were just inches from each other’s and I felt myself becoming hypnotized once again by his words and his sexy voice.

I guess he’s right. I did say that. And I don’t think I can deny these feelings inside of me any longer.

I looked deep into his eyes and I felt my heart rate increase as we leaned toward each other. I reached up and placed a hand on his face, feeling the thick stubble of his beard underneath my fingertips.

“This has to be our little secret, Connor. We can’t tell anybody about us...”

Stepbrother Honeymoon


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An excerpt from Stepbrother Honeymoon:


o be completely honest, I’ve been struggling with the same thing now for a few days,” I said. “I don’t know why, but I can’t get you out of my mind. I don’t feel right about it either, because you’re my stepbrother. It’s weird that I’ve been thinking about you so much.”

Grant looked at me for a moment, his green eyes locked with mine. Then he shrugged.

“I mean it’s not like we’re actually related,” he said. “I mean we kind of are now because our parents are married, but what does that really mean? It’s just a piece of paper.”

I shook my head and then pushed his hand away.

“No, Grant, no,” I said. “No way. We can’t even begin to think like this. It’s not right. I’ve known you for my entire life. We grew up together.”

Grant kept his eyes locked with mine.

“Yeah, but now we’re grown up,” he said. “We’re adults now. We don’t have to be trapped my societies’ dogma and vague, ridiculous rules. Maybe we could just...have some fun?”

I swallowed as a burst of nervous excitement shot through me.

Is he suggesting what I think he’s suggesting?

It couldn’t be.

Is Grant, “the ladies man,” trying to seduce me? No way. He wouldn’t do that, would he?

Grant didn’t break his gaze with me, though. His seductive green eyes moved down to my lips and then back up.

BOOK: Vacation with my Stepbrother: A Forbidden Stepbrother Romance
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