Read Unforgettable Online

Authors: Laylah Roberts

Unforgettable (5 page)

BOOK: Unforgettable
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She bit at her lower lip. A picnic with him sounded delicious.

And the food was tempting as well.

“I guess I could,” she replied. Although she’d agreed to be friends, she knew she still had to protect herself. She was vulnerable without her memories. Not that she thought Galen was a threat to her body; he was too protective for that. But he could hurt her. If she let herself, she could get very attached to this man. And he would be leaving soon.

Still, that didn’t mean she couldn’t spend time with him while he was here. And when he left, she’d go back to trying to find out who she was.

Walking over to the kitchen, she told Rosie where she was going. The older woman merely waved her off, her head not rising from the grits she was frying.

As Eden moved towards the door he crowded close, his scent wrapping her in a cocoon of sensuality while a hand rested on the small of her back, guiding her, keeping her close. But when she glanced up his attention wasn’t on her, his eyes were flicking back and forth, constantly surveying their surrounds.

She relaxed, knowing that Galen wouldn’t allow anything to harm her while he was with her.

Icicles of pain. Flashes of memory hit her, blinding her. Someone yelling, angry, then Galen before her, roaring his displeasure, standing between her and whoever was threatening her.

“Eden?” Galen questioned.

Dizzy, disoriented, she came back to the present, realizing belatedly that she’d lost some time. Somehow they’d ended up under a large oak tree in the park, and she had no memory of having gotten here.

“Another flashback?” He cupped her face with his hands, warming her cold cheeks.

“Oh God. I do know you, don’t I?” she asked, trying to steady her breathing, relief coursing through her as the piercing pain in her head dissipated. “I tried to tell myself that all the other clues were my imagination. The familiarity, the flirting, the fact that I knew how you liked your coffee. I told myself I was making things up. But I wasn’t, was I?” she cried.

“Shh, calm down, sweetheart.”

“Don’t try and placate me. I can remember you standing in front of me, trying to protect me from someone who wanted to hurt me.”

He snorted. “I didn’t just try. I will always protect you, Eden.”

She gasped. The way he stated that...they definitely meant something to each other. “Are-are you my husband?” she asked. She looked down at her fingers. There had been no ring there when she’d woken in the hospital. But maybe they’d had a fight and she’d been running from him?

Eden took a step back. He instantly narrowed his eyes. “Don’t step away from me, Eden. I will never hurt you.”

“Who are you?” she cried.

Galen ran his hand over his face, staring at her in concern. “I don’t know if we should talk about this, honey. Apparently it’s better for you if your memories come to you naturally.”

“You think this is best for me?” she near-yelled. “This not knowing? The worrying? For all I know you could be the person I was running from.”

His face grew hard and she was sure he would snap out in temper. “I would never hurt you. You are everything to me. We are more than husband and wife. You are my soul. Do you remember being chased? Who tried to hurt you? Tell me and I will take care of them.”

The deadly coldness of his voice convinced her he meant every word. She swallowed heavily, rubbing at her temple. What did he mean, more than husband and wife? “I-I don’t know. I have these nightmares of being chased, of being scared that someone is going to kill me. But I don’t know if any of it is real of not. But why would I be in the middle of nowhere at two in the morning? And how did I get there? Rick couldn’t find my car. I don’t come from around here. I just… I don’t know,” she half-sobbed.

Galen drew her against him, holding her to his chest and rocking her. “Hush, baby, let it go. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you. The last thing I want is to hurt you. I know you don’t trust me, Eden, but I am here to protect you. Everything I do is with your safety and happiness in mind. Whoever was chasing you won’t touch you ever again.”

Crazily enough she believed every word. And she couldn’t afford that sort of blind trust. Not without knowing who this man was and his exact relationship to her.

Reluctantly, Eden pulled herself back from the safety of his embrace. She stared up at him. “Who are you? And what do we mean to each other?”

His face firmed and she knew he was going to refuse to reply.

“Tell me,” she urged. “I don’t care what that quack of a doctor says. I’m driving blind here. I don’t know who to trust and who not to. I don’t know who I am. I could walk past my own mother and not even know.” And the thought of not recognizing her mom filled her with pain.

“Come, baby. Let’s sit.” Spreading out the blanket he’d brought, he waited until she’d sat before sitting next to her.

Galen cupped her cheek, his gaze sympathetic as he sighed. “We’re not married, but our bond is even closer than that. I love you, Eden. And you love me. Even if you don’t remember it. But I have to let those feelings come back on their own, to let you get to know me again, trust me. I’ll try hard not to push you, but I can’t stay away from you.”

Tears welled in her eyes. This man loved her and she couldn’t even remember him?

“I can’t believe I don’t remember you,” she choked out.

His gaze grew darker with a primal intensity that had her body quivering in reaction. Those dangerously sensuous lips leaned down until they were covering hers as his arms swept her into his unyielding embrace. Her body instantly responded to his. She opened, weakened, grew hot even as she felt herself dampen between her legs.

It was Galen who pulled back, breaking the deep embrace. “Your body knows me, soon your mind will too. Just give it time.”

“Tell me who I am,” she pleaded even as she tried to force her way out of the sensual languor that held her in its web. She felt confused, not frightened exactly, but worried about her own response. She reacted so quickly to him, so readily. This was happening too fast and she felt like she was swimming in thick glue. She’d made so little progress and it was a fight not to fall backward into despair.

“Don’t force it, Eden. I don’t want you hurting.” It was an order, not a suggestion.

“Not knowing is hurting me,” she told him. “I need you to help me. You can’t just tell me a bit and then leave me hanging, it’s not fair.”

He stared into her eyes and nodded. “You’re right, it’s not fair. You are the most important person in my world and I want to give you whatever you need. But we do this slowly. I don’t want to overwhelm you. There may also be some things I can’t tell you. Not because I don’t trust you, but you’re not ready for everything.”

She frowned at that, opening her mouth to question him when he spoke.

“We’ve been together three years now. We’ve lived together on my ranch for nearly all of those three years. You are kind, generous, loving and mine. Honey, believe me, I want to tell you everything, but there is no way I will harm your recovery or upset you.”

“This is so weird, I feel like I’m living someone else’s life. It’s terrifying.” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms. Galen drew her back into his arms, surrounding her.

“You’re safe, baby. You’re safe.” Gradually, she calmed. Pulling back slightly, she stared down at the blanket beneath her.

“Sorry, you must think I’m a real wimp.”

Galen tilted her chin up, his face stern. “I think you’re the bravest person I’ve ever met. You’re coping with everything thrown at you so well. Lord knows, I’d be curled in a ball on the ground, crying my little eyes out.”

She chuckled at that thought.

He ran his thumb over her cheek. “I don’t ever want to hear you putting yourself down, kitten, understand me? We’re going to get through this. I don’t want you worrying. All you have to do is concentrate on your health, I’ll take care of the rest.”

“I feel so bad,” she admitted. “That I don’t remember you. I don’t know how we met, I don’t remember our first date…” Damn it, there were the tears again, welling up in her eyes.

“You will remember me. Be patient. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. After all, I’m unforgettable.” He grinned and she laughed. “That’s better,” he murmured. “Now, time to eat.”

He pulled the basket he’d been carrying over, placing it on the ground before he began pulling out container after container of food. He held a croissant up to her lips.

“I hate being patient,” she sighed.

His lips twitched. “I know, honey, it’s never been a trait you’ve possessed in abundance.”

Eden lapped up that small piece of information like it was her first drink of water after a week in the desert. Suddenly, she realized that even though he might not out and out tell her everything about herself, he would let things slip without even knowing it. The thought of gaining back some of her past made her feel almost faint with relief.


Eden sent him a disgruntled look. “You’re used to giving orders.”

His wicked grin had her shivering in reaction. “Oh, yes,” he drawled. “Everyone obeys me, especially you, kitten.”

“Even if I did obey your orders before, it doesn’t mean I will now.” She glared at him, meeting his intense stare full on. But he didn’t growl or argue, rather a crooked smile tugged at those full lips.

“But you might just enjoy obeying my orders,” his voice was soft, silken, almost a whisper, but his eyes were aflame with sexual promise. Breathless, she searched for a distraction, a way to break away from his captivating spell.

Reaching down, she grabbed a strawberry and brought it to her lips, grateful when he broke his stare to do the same.

“See now, I knew you’d obey me in the end,” his voice was so full of male satisfaction that she choked as the strawberry went down her throat, resulting in an ungraceful display of coughing and spluttering while he patted her back, scolding her for eating too fast. Finally, she got herself under control, chugging down some water before wiping the tears from her eyes.

It felt surreal, sitting here on a blanket, having a picnic with a man she didn’t know, and yet she did. Her man. Wow. How had she earned the love of a man like this? Intense. Gorgeous. Powerful.

 Unsurprisingly, her head throbbed as she strained with lost fragments of her past, struggled to remember the man whose thigh deliberately brushed hers, whose touch was a familiar shock of pleasure, whose gaze roamed her body with a single-minded intensity that spoke of sin and lust.

She was jolted from her thoughts as Galen rolled her until so she was sprawled against him. A heavy smack landed on her ass, her cotton pants providing little protection as Galen spanked her twice more. “Stop it.” His voice had a core of pure steel.

Eden gaped at him. “Did you just spank me?” she yelped, struggling to free herself from his hold, but he held her easily. Her nipples instantly pebbled, the warmth of that spanking teasing her pussy.

“Stop trying to force the memories, you’re causing yourself pain. I won’t have it.”

Her eyebrows rose. His voice was stern, demanding. Dominant.

“You won’t have it? Like you have any say in what I think or do? I should call Rick and have you locked away for touching me!”

He quirked a grin. “What are you having me arrested for, sweetheart? Spanking you? They were just love taps. If I’d really been punishing you then you wouldn’t have been so turned on. You’d be struggling to sit right now.” He set her back on her butt, but kept hold of her wrist. “That was just a little reminder to grab your attention. I won’t have you hurting yourself, which was what you were doing by trying to force your memories.”

“Are you shitting me? I’m not allowed to hurt myself, but you think it’s fine to hit me?”

“I didn’t hit you,” he said, his eyes flashing. She swore their color grew deeper, more intense. “I would never hit you. But I will spank you. If you need it.”

“That-that’s barbaric!”

“I’ve been called that in the past,” he admitted without remorse. “You have a tendency to disobey rules given to you for your own wellbeing, Eden. No forcing the memories. The next time you do, you’ll find yourself over my knee getting your ass blistered.”

“No, I won’t,” she informed him. “Because I’m never going near you again. You are never to touch me again.”

He held her when she tried to rise—his thumb rubbing over her wrist. She tried to hide the shiver of awareness that ran up her spine. “Are you sure you never want me to touch you again, Eden? Because your body says something different. Your body tells me you’d like if I got very, very close to you.”

He tugged her so she fell against his chest with a whoosh. Then his mouth took hers, sweeping over her lips, his tongue slipping into her mouth to dance and play. Eden’s anger melted away as she clasped him close, pressing her breasts against his chest.

Galen pulled back, smiling down at her. “You want me, Eden. Your mind may have forgotten me, but your body hasn’t. I know I’m not the easiest of men, darling. But you’ve always been able to handle me. You can find the strength now, because I’m not going away. I’m not letting you go, no matter how mad you may get at my high-handed ways. Everything I do is with your needs in mind.”

She shook her head, recognizing his stubbornness. He thought he was right and he wouldn’t budge. “You’re very arrogant, perhaps someone should take you down a peg or two.”

His eyebrow rose, his eyes coolly aloof. “A kitten trying to tame a lion? You could almost do it. My claws seem to be permanently sheathed around you.”

She snorted softly, her heart still thudding against her ribs. “Your bark is worse than your bite, huh?”

Again that hint of a smile. “Not quite but close.”

“How did you find me? Did Rick contact you?”

He frowned. “Yes, Rick contacted me. I came for you as soon as I could and I’m not leaving unless you’re with me.”

“So Rick knew who I was and didn’t tell me. So much for being my friend. Would either of you have told me if my brain hadn’t coughed up a memory?” she asked bitterly.

“Rick was just trying to protect you,” Galen told her sternly.

BOOK: Unforgettable
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