Read Uncut Online

Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Siren Classic, #need data still

Uncut (2 page)

BOOK: Uncut
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The walk to the elevator brought back memories of doing the same thing once before. He chanced her anger. “We’ll go to my suite, if you have no problem with that.”

“None at all.” She stepped inside the elevator, and he ogled the way her firm behind moved under the short skirt of her proper suit. “If you don’t have all the specks, I’ll get them from my suite.”

“My specks are all in order, Pearly.”
And so are yours

The glassed in elevator raced to the eighth floor, where they got out. Sam held his tongue about how they’d kissed and drove each other wild in a similar hotel, a similar hallway a long time ago.

Getting the door open, he waited until she went in before speaking. “Like a drink or are you scared of me?” He attempted humor. “I can leave the door open.”

“Is that supposed to worry me, Horn?” Looking like a tigress rebuffing a potential mate, she made her feelings clear. “I suggest you put what happened between us out of your mind. We’re partners now, and as you said, you are the case agent in charge.” As quickly as the storm hit, it ended and she assumed a professional attitude. She glanced around the spacious living room. “Let’s get to work.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Properly put in his place, Sam decided to lay off the funny stuff. She obviously hadn’t gotten the same thrill out of their four hours of sex in that penthouse bedroom. Damn, too bad. “We can use the coffee table as a desk. I’ll get the laundry list of information on Carlos.”

He headed for the comfortable bedroom, pausing to look at her before going in. So much for her changing her mind. She leaned forward and massaged her temples. The lady had a headache and he hadn’t made a move on her yet.

There were no lists. He knew all about Carlos Antigua. The wanna-be messiah of a growing terrorist operation appeared to be hell-bent on taking over Spain and the adjoining countries. Sam wondered if his orders declaring Cold Stones a black ops mission if the arrest went sour would spook Lana. Concern about her inexperience set in while he removed his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves.

He’d been doing this kind of thing long enough to know desperate men did desperate things. That included snuffing women who got in the way. Hell, Lana had to be up to the task or the Agency wouldn’t have assigned her the job. Then again, they were short handed in every department. He had laughingly told the chief he expected Charlie’s Angels to be his back up with all the women the agency had taken on.

He’d been cautioned that his remark could be taken as harassment. Ever since women’s lib, flirting had become a firing situation. Now, he had to spend weeks or even months with the woman he most wanted. Tossing his jacket on the bed, Sam groaned, pressing his hands to his lower back. After chasing down a felon two days ago, his back had been aching. Maybe Pearly had been on to something. Compared to her tender age, he must seem like an old shoe.

Okay, there was nothing to do but con her into thinking he knew more than she did. Picking up the prop briefcase the department forced on him, Sam went out to join his partner.

She sat ramrod straight and eyed him with a hint of cold suspicion. “Show me what you’ve got.”

“First, you tell me what you’ve got.” The grin on his face threatened to split his jaws, but Lord help him. She had no idea the kind of inappropriate lines that ran through his mind. “Okay, here’s the deal. I don’t need maps or lists, baby. And I assume you don’t, either.”

Her back went up like a cat’s. Pearly wasn’t happy. “I don’t like working with a free spirit. Yes, I have maps and a list, as you call it.” He enjoyed the snapshot view of her legs as she crossed them and resumed the ass chewing she gave him. “I don’t like this setup at all. Do you know anything about this assignment?”

Taking a moment to make sure she’d had her say, Sam leaned back, wondering if she’d be so angry if he’d pretended to not recognize her. He stood and walked to the small liquor cabinet to see what the contents were.

“There’s a bottle of scotch in here.” He didn’t let her snooty glance bother him. Instead, he poured a shot in two crystal glasses. The ice bucket was full, thanks to an exemplary housekeeping crew. “Okay, I’ll go first.” Sinking into the down cushion on the fancy couch, he tasted the scotch. “We will board a department jet, fly to Argentina to catch the fancy boat in which Antigua has booked half the upper deck for his amusement. “

“So far, so good.” Doubt clouded her beautiful blue eyes. Pearly hadn’t totally bought his story.

He knew he oversimplified the dangerous mission, but she’d already had the whole thing drilled into her head. “Here’s the best part.” Finishing his scotch, he set the glass on the coffee table. “We have separate staterooms, and we’re going to fall madly in love on the cruise. Oh, just enough so as not to rouse Antigua’s suspicion. “

“That’s the best part?” She surprised him, picking up the shot glass to swallow half the finger of scotch. “As you should know, I’m supposed to get friendly with him.”

“He’s a killer, Pearly. “

“I’ve dealt with killers before.”

Sam found Lana distracting and the fact irritated him. “Just don’t forget what you’re supposed to be doing.”

She apparently took offense at his coaching, setting the glass down hard. “As long as you remember it’s let’s pretend between us, and I don’t have to be disgusted by your close proximity unless it’s necessary to the job.”

He had never been told he disgusted a woman, and recalling her pleasure in their bed, Sam wouldn’t let her run roughshod over him. “What’s wrong with you? I think you’re a nice enough looking woman, but not so great that I can’t do my job.” She looked through him, weighing what he’d said. “Are we clear on that, Ms. Pearly?”

“We have an early flight, Mr. Horn.” He controlled his urge to grab her and make her stay when she walked to the door. “I’ll be waiting in front of the hotel.”

Chapter Two

Lana picked up her cell phone and then laid it back on the nightstand. The department heads would consider it unprofessional if she called for the sole purpose of checking out Horn’s story.

Fighting reality would only worsen the situation. The problem had much to do with her insatiable appetite for the man down the hall. He’d only gotten better looking, and her desire for him wouldn’t be quieted. He sensed every twinge in her body, knew her every thought had been colored by memories of that one night in his arms.

How could she have been so irresponsible, so damn careless?

She simply couldn’t help herself. The moment had been right, and she had wanted him. There’d been no time to take it apart, no careful dissecting of the consequences. The need to taste him and know every inch of his lean body had overwhelmed her.

The hotel suite became a prison in spite of its newly upholstered couches and perfectly made bed. How could one man and a few hours turn her into a nail-biting idiot?

The clock on the phony fireplace mantle drew her attention with its soft chiming. One thirty in the morning and she hadn’t closed her eyes. Tomorrow would be hell. One short meeting with Horn and she’d lost the ability to keep her head on straight. How the devil would she function for weeks on end being in Horn’s company?

The mess she’d created had to be dealt with or she may as well go back to New York and take up social work.

The hell I will.

Late or not, she had to set boundaries and form a pact of trust with Sam Horn.

You’re kidding yourself

No, she wouldn’t let that voice of defeat stop her. She closed her robe and stalked to the door. Lana inhaled deeply and slipped into the quiet hallway.

Two doors down from hers, she paused, smoothing the hair from her face. Her knuckles rapped on the door, softly at first, then louder.

What the hell was he doing? Sleeping like a hibernating bear, probably. She doubled her fingers into a fist, pounding until he yelled for her to wait a minute.

She stepped back, taking a slow, pleasurable look at the man wearing nothing but navy blue silk boxers. Could nothing embarrass him? The slight scowl that had been on his face changed into a self-satisfied smile.

He braced his tall frame against the door, brows raised, obviously waiting for her to speak. Tongue-tied as if she’d not seen him bare assed naked before. His thighs belonged on a long distance runner, and he had abs to play like a piano. Twice as buff and a thousand times more desirable. She lifted her lusting gaze to his and scrunched her shoulders guiltily at being caught mentally licking his stomach. Somehow, she found her voice.

“Do you mind putting a robe on?” She ducked to walk under his arm.

“Why? You’ve seen me in less.” He closed the door and faced her. “Okay, if my naked hide offends you, I’ll go along with your game.”

The man infuriated her, but Lana refused to enter into a skirmish. “We have to talk.”

He went to the bedroom and came out wearing a kimono style robe. “Okay, tell Sammy what’s on your mind.” He stood in a casual stance, thumbs hooked in the robes belt, waiting with panther-like patience.

She forced her thoughts to the message she’d planned. “I have to accept you as a partner, and that means we have to get along.” What had gone wrong with her tongue? It almost choked her while he looked relaxed and self-satisfied. “What I mean is no more references to our earlier meeting. Also, you have to be straight with me on what you know.”

“It’s clear you have issues with my taking Sanchez’s place.” His attitude took a different direction. “I can’t believe you broke in here just to give me a sermon on social graces. You have other things on that devious little mind. Spill it so I can get back to bed.”

He had dismissed her in so many words. Okay. The line had been drawn in the sand. “You’re right. I have issues with your skanky way of discussing the mission and your lowbrow conduct. You have no social graces, as far as I can see.”

“You underestimate me, Pearly.” A knock on the door interrupted him.

“I should leave.” Lana pulled the sash of her robe tight, convinced the person outside the door could only be from an escort service. “You were expecting someone.”

She winced at his sexy chuckle.

“Don’t move, Pearly. You may want to share with me.”

She’d seen all the lewd things people could dream up, busted kiddy porn rings, and took down murderers of every description, but being invited to a three-way by her partner was shocking. No, it infuriated her.

“That’s it.” Her words spilled out like ice while her blood boiled. “Please remove yourself”

He blocked her escape, opening the door to reveal a sleepy-looking bell hop. “Here’s your tray, sir.” The young-looking guy held his hand out. “Will there be anything else?” His drooping lids shuttered his eyes as he observed Lana.

Handing the bell hop a twenty, Sam took the tray and closed the door on the curious delivery kid. “You were expecting something else, Pearly?” He checked over the tray of melon balls and chunks of watermelon.

She had been wrong, this time. To save face, she evaded owning up to her mistake. “You just had a meal big enough for three growing boys.” She loosened her sash that began to cut off her air. “I’ll leave to you enjoy your snack.”

He hadn’t moved from the door. “You came to talk. Why don’t we do that?”

Why had she really come to his suite?

Start talking, sister, or he’ll tell you why.

“I agree.” Backing slowly to an armchair several feet from the couch, Lana sat, making sure the robe covered her legs. “Go ahead. Enjoy your food.”

He placed the tray on the coffee table between them and then placed a slice of mango and several chunks of melon on a napkin. “I hate eating alone, Pearly. Have some. Please.”

His offering did tempt her. Plus, he showed some decency in the effort. It must have been difficult for him.

“Thank you, I will.” Her hand trembled crazily when his fingers brushed hers in the exchange. “Do you always eat this late?” She forced her gaze to the tray and the variety of snacks on it.

What a stupid start to a conversation. He eyed her after chewing and swallowing a cracker piled high with cheese squares. He had opened a beer prior to her intrusion and tipped the bottle to his lips. Business over with momentarily, he answered her question.

“I eat when I’m hungry.” He piled another cracker high with cheese. “I went days without food on bivouac in the military and I have never gotten my fill since.”

“Really?” Lana leaned forward, wanting to know more about his personal life. “I thought about joining the Navy.”

He smiled and licked his lips. “You’d have hated it.”

She didn’t pick his comment apart but tried to pry more information from him. “I suppose you loved it.” She reached for another piece of melon.

“Yeah, I did.”

“But, you left.”

“Have a beer, Pearly.”

The question and answer time had ended. Strangely, she didn’t mind his steady gaze while she chewed the delectable morsel. “Let’s talk about Antigua.”

He appeared bored now, flicking the fringe on the pillow his arm rested on. “You should know how this all came about.”

“Is this a long, drawn out story?” Something in his tone made her nervous.

“Why? Are you in a hurry to leave?”

She folded the napkin and laid it on the tray, noticing he hadn’t left crumbs all over the place. “I’m waiting to hear what you have to say. Then, by damn, we talk about the mission.”

Sam seemed to love tantalizing her and took his time. “The bureau has been trying to get Antigua in the net for over a year.” He gestured toward the mini bar. “Sure you won’t have a beer? Scotch?”

Keeping her large repertoire of cuss words to herself should have won her an Emmy. “I’m fine, Sam. Go on with your story.”

He finished the beer and took his sweet time setting the bottle down. “Like a lot of boys with too much money and nothing to do, he fell in with some bad boys with big ideas. You know, the kind that think everyone else is doing everything wrong.”

Lana wanted to twist his arm for drawing out the story. “I know all that. What does that have to do with you being here?”

“You’re too impatient.” His dark gaze lingered on her breasts that had worked their way to the top of her teddy and were quite visible where her robe drooped open. “He’s trading the countries’ assets for money with which he hopes to set up a kingdom for himself.”

BOOK: Uncut
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