Read Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set) Online

Authors: Scarlett Edwards

Tags: #General Fiction

Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set) (2 page)

BOOK: Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set)
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Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty


The End.

Author’s Introduction




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All right, so you’re in for quite a treat. This box set contains
Uncovering You
books... and, as a special bonus,
my entire back catalogue of books


That’s right! So if you’ve ever wanted to see where and how I began as an author... it’s all


Of course, the box set begins with the
Uncovering You
series. All eleven books are here, in proper reading order. There are also some bonus scenes scattered throughout... ones that didn’t make the initial publications, but now, with some super editing, are right back in.


So if you’ve read the series up to a certain book, and then never managed to continue... your best bet is probably to begin at the very start. That way you catch the nuances you might have overlooked the first time...
benefit from finding the extra scenes.


And for readers new to the series: here’s the introduction you need:





Join Lilly and J.S. as they begin their twisted tale of love and revenge. The Uncovering You Box Set includes all the novels of the best selling dark romance series that has captivated readers all over the world. It all begins with the first books...





Uncovering You 1 - The Contract


When I wake up in a dark, unfamiliar room, I have no idea what's waiting for me in the shadows. My imagination conjures up demons of the worst kind.


Reality is much worse:


A collar with no leash. A prison with no walls. And a life stripped of meaning.


I am presented with a vile contract and asked to sign. It outlines the terms of my servitude. The only information I have about my captor are the two small letters inked at the bottom:




Armed with only my memories, I must do everything I can to avoid becoming ensnared in his twisted mind games. But in the end, it all comes down to one choice:


Resist and die.


Or submit, and sign my life away.



Uncovering You 2 - Submission


I have survived the worst. I have come out of the darkness with my sanity intact.


Now, I get to meet the monster holding me here. For the first time since my captivity began, I get to meet Stonehart.


Whatever he wants, I'll be ready. The collar may be tight around my neck, but I will not be a prisoner.


A prisoner has no choice. A prisoner has no purpose.


But a concubine, on the other hand? She always has a choice.


And today, I choose to fight.



Uncovering You 3 - Resistance


Jeremy Stonehart is a cruel, vindictive man. He wants me to submit. He wants me to give in.


I will never give in. I will never yield. No matter what he subjects me to, I will always fight.


I will not forget my resolve.


Let Stonehart think me broken. I am not so easily deterred as that. No matter what he puts me through, I will always remember my own strength. I will always remember that in the end, I have control of the one thing he really wants:


My mind.


I will never give him that.


I will resist.




These books contain scenes of intense emotional and physical cruelty. Readers with sensitivity to such subjects are advised to proceed with caution.




Uncovering You
? I’ve included all my other books! You can skip ahead and read the introduction to them all
... before coming back and starting with the dark romance series you downloaded this box set for :)


Lotsa love,

Scarlett Edwards

November 2015







Uncovering You 1: The Contract
Uncovering You 2: Submission
Uncovering You 3: Resistance
Uncovering You 4: Retribution
Uncovering You 5: Confessions
Uncovering You 6: Deliverance
Uncovering You 7: Resurrection
Uncovering You 8: Redemption
Uncovering You 9: Liberation
Uncovering You 10: The Finale
Uncovering You 11: The Lost Chapter



Uncovering You
books contain scenes of intense emotional and physical cruelty. Readers with sensitivity to such subjects are advised to proceed with caution.


Uncovering You #1

The Contract


by Scarlett Edwards




Book Description:


When I wake up in a dark, unfamiliar room, I have no idea what’s waiting for me in the shadows. My imagination conjures up demons of the worst kind.

Reality is much worse:

A collar with no leash. A prison with no walls. And a life stripped of meaning.

I am presented with a vile contract and asked to sign. It outlines the terms of my servitude. The only information I have about my captor are the two small letters inked at the bottom:


Armed with only my memories, I must do everything I can to avoid becoming ensnared in his twisted mind games. But in the end, it all comes down to one choice:

Resist and die.

Or submit, and give my life away.


Quick note from the author:

There are a few time jumps at the beginning of the book that some readers might find confusing. Keep an eye on the dates beneath the chapter headings to help your bearings.

The important thing to know is that the prologue takes place in the
; that is, it gives a glimpse of things to come. Chapter One begins the story in the
, from the perspective of the main character, in October 2013.





Behind-the-Scenes: Alternate Cover for First Book:



From Scarlett:
This was another cover I made at the very start, before deciding to go with the all-black one you saw before. I used this one for a few months on iTunes, but otherwise, it hasn’t been seen anywhere yet.


This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.




Copyright © 2014 Edwards Publishing, Ltd.

All rights reserved.


Edited by Gail Lennon.

Cover design by Scarlett Edwards.

Interior design by Scarlett Edwards.


Published by Edwards Publishing, Ltd.


Edwards Publishing

477 Peace Portal Drive

Suite 107-154

Blaine, WA 98230


The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means---including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise---without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s work is appreciated.


ISBN: 978-0-9937370-1-5




(December 21
, 2014)


“Lilly. Lilly, wake up.”

No answer.

“Lilly.” A hushed command. “Goddamn you, Lilly, get up!”

No answer.

“Don’t leave me. Don’t do this. Not now. Not now.

No answer.



(Twenty-four hours earlier - December 20th, 2014)


Something cool and wet is brought to my lips. A liquid, thick like oil yet sweet like honey.

A motherly voice whispers in my ear. “Slowly now, Miss Ryder. Your body’s still weak. Small sips, like a hummingbird.”

Water. It’s water. A drop of it gets in my mouth.

“Just like that,” the kind woman encourages. “Just like that. Oh, Mr. Stonehart is going to be so pleased!”

Hearing his vile name jolts me. I clamp my lips shut, cutting off the trickle of life-giving nectar.

“Miss Ryder, please. Please drink. Please, don’t stop. Oh, Miss Ryder…”

The old woman’s sobs are lost as darkness regains its hold.



(Two weeks earlier - December 6th, 2014)


His lustful grunts fill my ears.

,” I beg. “Yes. Give it to me like that. Just like that. Faster. Faster!”

Jeremy complies, doubling the speed of his thrusts into me. I feel the breaking point looming. I need to hold it off. Just a little longer.

I grasp his hair and pull his lips to mine, devouring his mouth with my greedy kiss. I know Jeremy hates it when I take control. But logic is lost in the heat of the moment. There will be consequences later. Right now, I don’t care.

“Lilly. Lilly, I’m going to come…” Jeremy’s words die, replaced by a primal roar that is ripped from his throat as he shoots into me. My body accepts readily. Just like I’ve learned to do, I let the climax wash over me. My core clenches around his cock and shuddery convulsions rock my body.




(Six months earlier - June 2014)


In the dark, I lose all sense of time.

My sleep is thin. My wakefulness is misery.

A vague longing grows deep inside me. The need for submission. A natural willingness ground into me by the madness taking hold of my mind. I feel it rising. The demonic form consumes me from the womb, sapping my strength, and breaking my resolve.

A cry—no, a scream—rings out in the cold furnace of the night. My head jerks toward the sound.

Is it even night? I don’t know.

I am so tired. I am so lonely. I am breaking, and madness is taking hold.

It’s times like this that the animalistic urge to give in becomes nigh insatiable…





Chapter One

(Present day - October 2013)


A faint hiss, like the sound of an angry cat, jars me from my sleep.

I open my eyes to pure blackness. I blink, trying to get my bearings. A vague memory forms in the back of my mind, too far away to reach.

Why can’t I see anything

My breath hitches. Panic rips through my body as the horrifying answer comes to me:

I’m blind

I scramble onto hands and knees and desperately claw at the dark, searching for something,
, for my senses to latch onto.

A dim light comes on overhead.

Relief swells inside.

I plop onto my butt and close my eyes, taking deep breaths to dispel the rush of adrenaline released by my body. When my heart’s not beating quite so fast, I open my eyes again.

The light’s gotten brighter. I look up at the source. It’s far above me, like a dull, miniature sun. It spreads a little sphere maybe ten feet in diameter. Past that, everything is swallowed by darkness.

An irksome memory keeps gnawing at me. But my head is too heavy to remember. I feel… strange. Kind of like I’m hung over, but without the telltale pounding between my ears.

Cautiously, I try to stand. My limbs are slow to react. They feel heavy, too, like they’ve been dipped in wet clay.

BOOK: Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set)
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