Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Understood. How would I go about starting the paperwork and getting a sponsor for an invite?”

“Who made you aware of our club?” Clay knew
how he knew about the DRMC, but didn’t want Parker feel threatened or more nervous than he might already be.

Parker cleared his throat again before saying, “Sabrina Lancaster. She invited us to participate in the rodeo you held last week at the place to the south of the DRMC property. I was in the competition to win a date with her.”

“Right. Parker. I remember you now.” Clay remembered something else extremely interesting that he’d read about in Parker’s cursory history. “That was an amazing rifle shot you made to tie up the competition.”

There was a very long pause. “Thanks. I got lucky.”

Clay smiled to himself. “Right. Lucky.” It was much more like exceptional skill. “I’m guessing you enjoyed the date, or you wouldn’t have called.”

“Yes. I did.”

“Tell you what, if you really want to know what membership in this club is about, why don’t you come to an informal Stadium event? I’ll sponsor you for a single night. You can decide then if our club interests you further. I hate to go to the trouble of filling out all the extensive paperwork if you decide the lifestyle isn’t for you.”

“Okay. When is the next Stadium evening happening?”

“We usually have a formal annual event, which was just last week, directly after the rodeo. But there is another unofficial private show planned for a little over a week from now on Saturday next. I would be willing to invite the three of you as my guests, and you could use my Stadium box. After you pass the initial background check and sign the nondisclosure agreement, that is.”

“That would be very kind of you.” His tone said he wondered why Clay was being nice.

“Well, I like Sabrina. She did a great job for us at the recent rodeo event. The members loved the show, and that pleases me. Beyond the fact that she’s a good person, I’d like for her to be happy, too.”

“I agree. She’s amazing.”

Clay smiled. “Talk to Sabrina and the third member of your trio. If you’re interested, call me back and I’ll set it up.”

“May I ask, would you be in the box with us?” Parker sounded like he was using his deal breaker tone of voice.

Clay paused. “No. As a matter of fact, I’d be out of town. You’d have the space to yourselves.”

“Good. Then I’ll call you in the next couple of days.”


Clay hung up and made note to do a further, very deep analysis of both Parker Grayson and Drew Montgomery before the next informal Stadium performance.

Dalton Rourke, Wade Granger, and their wife Olivia had asked if they could use the stage to practice performing for an audience. They didn’t want to do it as a formal event with a full house, but if a few nearby members wanted to come and watch, that would be okay. Mostly they wanted use of the Stadium stage.

Clay had told them no problem. Now he could use it to help Sabrina out with her love life. Allowing Sabrina and the two men she’d found to use his box for a trial run would be perfect for all involved.

Chapter Six


Sabrina thought about both Drew and Parker—who’d brought her the most pleasure she’d ever experienced—every day since she’d watched them leave the DRMC property over a week ago. She’d stood at the cabin’s front window watching their taillights get smaller and plotted the best way to get them all together again. Unfortunately, she hadn’t thought of a way yet.

With a long week of no contact—beyond the lovely flowers they’d each sent her separately—after quite possibly the best sex she’d ever had or ever hoped to have, Sabrina was a little morose.

She’d hoped they might contact her and ask to see her again. Or to make plans for the three of them to get together at least one more time. Her confidant, Stella, told her to give the two men some time to assimilate the previous date. Stella felt certain they’d come around and contact her again once the shock and awe of the threesome encounter wore off.

Her private job as event planner for the DRMC was complete for this year. She and Stella had already made preliminary plans for next year’s event, but that wouldn’t bring her out to the DRMC for another six months, minimum. It hadn’t been an official job through the place she worked, but she was allowed to freelance as long as there was no conflict of interest

The company she worked for in Ryder, Peak Events, did many parties and engagements all around town and in the surrounding areas. She glanced at her watch. It was early Monday morning, and she had to be at work in an hour. It would be good to dive back into her regular life. Her most recent weekend had been very quiet. Too quiet. Especially after the amazing weekend with Drew and Parker.

Next on her horizon was another western show type event, coincidentally enough. Although she hated to give any job away, she’d love to consider shoving the bulk of the work into her fellow employee, Ben’s, lap. He was the other event planner assigned to the coming County Western Show. Unfortunately, she’d end up doing the rest of the heavy workload on the coming project herself.

Ben didn’t have a clue. He was also an annoying suck-up, and that was only the main reason in a long line of reasons why she didn’t want to give him any more responsibility.

Her love life might possibly be looking up, and while she wanted to devote as much time as possible to any further relationship with Parker and Drew, her workload was also about to get very involved.

Ben as her assigned helper only made things worse.

If Parker and Drew ever decided to contact her again—and she was hopeful they would—Sabrina planned to give up sleep in order to spend time with them. Or if they didn’t call her, she might tuck away her pride and call them.

Her friend, Stella, had hired her to help out with the recent DRMC event because of her career profession. She was also the reason Sabrina had found out about the Double Rider Men’s Club. They’d gone to a cooking seminar together and been fast friends since. Early on in their friendship, Stella had accidentally revealed her relationship with two men. Two husbands, in fact, and Sabrina had been enthralled by the idea. That had been more than a year ago.

Sabrina had long wished to be involved in the men’s club. They were all such good men. Very devoted to their wives once they married. She wanted to get married one day. She wanted to live on this property knowing that anyone who saw her with her two men wouldn’t care that she had two husbands. Although at this point in time, Parker or Drew wanting to marry her was so far out of her periphery she’d need a telescope to locate it.

She wandered around her small place and pondered her options. They had done everything she wanted to do. She hadn’t expected they would want to go full throttle and have double penetration sex with her the first night. But they had done it and enjoyed it. Or they had seemed to enjoy it. Secretly, she’d hoped to lure them into a second date. But that dream hadn’t materialized in the cabin that night. And now that the date was over, she found she was unsatisfied with the single memory. She wanted more.

She sat down on the sofa in her living room facing her cold fireplace. Each night after dinner, she built a fire, watched the flames lick at the wood and remembered each detail of her evening with them. Building a fire made her think of that night.

After they’d left her at the cabin, Sabrina had watched the embers glowing in the fireplace for a long time. Her body had been completely relaxed and fluid from all the amazing sex. She’d gone back to bed and slept the night through with each of their amazing masculine scents drifting around the cabin’s master bedroom.

The sudden jarring ring of the phone brought her out of a lovely memory. She pushed out a sigh and picked up the phone expecting to talk to the survey people who called her several times a week wanting her opinion on one thing or another.

“Hello.” She knew her tone sounded snotty, but seriously telemarketers called almost every single day. She certainly wasn’t in the mood to be interrupted during her sexy memories of that perfect night.

“Sabrina?” Parker’s voice. “Are you awake?”

“Parker?” This time she tried to take the squeal out of her voice. “Yes. I’m up.” She was so glad she hadn’t decided to go to work early.

“How are you?”

“Good. But I miss you.” Sabrina closed her eyes and wished he was calling to get together and not because he forgot something.

“Good. Because that’s the reason I called. I’ve missed you, too.”

He missed me?
Perfect. Sabrina’s head spun with ideas of their future. And all he’d said was he missed her. She really needed to calm down.

But her mouth opened and she said, “We should get together again soon.”

He paused for only a beat and added, “You’re right. When are you available?”

“Come over to my apartment Friday night. Will that work for you?” Five days would give her enough time to plan something special.

“Yes. I’ll be there.”

Sabrina gave him the address and directions to her place. Now she needed to know whether to invite Drew as well. She didn’t want to presume. She opened her mouth to ask, but he spoke first.

“One other thing,” he said. “Will you contact Drew and invite him over, or should I call him?”

She slammed her eyes shut and fist pumped the air twice before calmly replying, “Either way is fine. Whatever you want.”

“I’ll take care of it, then.”

“Excellent. Then I’ll see you both at around eight o’clock, okay?”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Thanks, Parker. And thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.”

“My pleasure.”

Sabrina hung up the phone and took the time to do two complete happy dance circuits around her living room before leveling herself to go to work. She’d have to call Stella and let her know she’d been right. And best of all, her further diabolical plan to talk them into a permanent threesome seemed to be working.

After work she’d start making plans for her Friday night rendezvous.

In her strategy for their second date, they’d definitely make several more memories in her bedroom.


* * * *


Drew had been a little off of his game all week. Last weekend’s date in the cabin had overwhelmed his mind with images of sex in the following days thereafter. He couldn’t get the sultry images out of his head. His most recent weekend alone had been far too quiet. He’d picked up the phone no less than ten times wanting to call Sabrina or Parker, but since he didn’t know what reception he’d get, he didn’t want to be disappointed.

Mondays were always difficult and insanely busy, but today had been particularly trying. He agonized with himself all weekend over whether to call Sabrina or Parker or both. He’d done nothing. Accomplished nothing. Thought about his sex life all morning when he should have been working.

His secretary, Agnes, buzzed the intercom and said, “Mr. Montgomery, you have a visitor. It’s a Mr. Grayson. He doesn’t have an appointment.” Drew smiled at her properness. She was very old school, and thought everyone should be proactive and call weeks ahead for an appointment. But he was so relieved to hear from Parker, it didn’t matter that he was busy or behind schedule. He’d make time.

“That’s okay, Agnes. Send him on in.”

Parker entered with his hat in hand. He waited until Agnes closed the door before speaking. “She’s a feisty one. For a minute there I didn’t think she was even going to call you to let me in.”

“She’s tough, but she keeps me out of trouble.” Drew laughed and motioned to the chair in front of his desk. The agricultural supply company he worked for had just about everything needed to run a farm or ranch. Although he suspected Parker was here for personal reasons, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility for him to be here wanting to purchase something. But Drew truly hoped it was personal.

“How can I help you today, Mr. Grayson?” Drew asked formally.

Parker smiled. “I wanted to find out if you were free next Friday night. I thought we might get together and”—he shrugged, studied his hat’s rim and added—“maybe visit a mutual friend.”

Drew leaned back in his office chair and rocked a couple times. “Is this something you’ve already set up?”

“Yes. And I’ve been tasked with calling you to extend an invitation.”

“But you came in person.”

Parker’s head lifted. He stared him in the eye. “I wanted to see if you were truly interested in continuing with this unusual relationship.”


His intense gaze never faltered. “Yes.”

Drew straightened in his chair and put his elbows on the desk. “I have given this matter a lot of thought.” He looked up and into Parker’s riveted eyes. “A small part of me is sort of nervous about pursuing this, but another part is intrigued as hell beyond all comprehension.”

is the one making decisions for you today?” Parker asked.

He almost laughed, but Parker was serious. Drew nodded. “I’ll meet you Friday. Where are we going?”

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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