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Authors: Noah Rea

Un-Connected (30 page)

BOOK: Un-Connected
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“Thank you so
much for taking care of Franz and for helping us out.  We have to make money
but we want to take care of our patients.”

“You are
welcome.” I said and hung up. 

I heard Deb
telling them what Jim had told us in the last call we had with him.

“The problem for
the IRS is that the FBI has details about a number of people who have died
prematurely including a doctor in Phoenix and a wife in Fairfax and a man in a
wheelchair.” Deb said.  “And the FBI has details about a very interesting
helicopter that belonged to the IRS, whose occupants were trying to kill
Americans. That does not include at this point five abandoned black SUVs
recovered in different places across the US.”

“In addition
many of the people being watched by certain doctors actually died as much as
six months before their death certificates said they did. That gave someone
more time to sell and clear out things that were valuable. The FBI is in one or
more of the IRS offices almost on a daily basis now. A number of upper-level
IRS managers are taking early retirement.”

Jim called, and
Otis told me to go ahead and take his call.

“As you know, someone
with extremely high clearance supplied grenades to some of our redneck friends.”

Jim was
constantly reminding Deb and me there was a
of explaining needed.  He
went on.

“The Director of
the FBI has informed the US Congress about the case in a brief. The FBI
suggested to the Treasury Secretary, the US Congress, and the Attorney General
that someone higher than a few rogue agents was using very high levels of
security clearance. They used a cutting-edge helicopter and grenades to kill,
and attempted to kill American citizens. There was about to be a Senate hearing
and maybe a special prosecutor.  We think we will soon have a short list of
people seen entering the base where the grenades went missing.  There is quite
a bit of video and good guard records on who went on and off the base.”

Jim finished by
saying there was a lot of attention on the case now, and it was no longer his
case. He would be doing a large amount of paperwork to make sure the Director
had all the information that he had. At some point, the bureau would have all
his info, and he would be given a new case.

Jim said he
would miss our daily chats but would call us sometime. I thanked him for
helping keep me alive and clearing my reputation. And he was gone.

“Well, what are
we going to do now?  Are we going to build a house, buy another truck, or have
a little boy that looks like you?” Deb asked.

Otis and Tilly
roared. They voted for the little boy



The End



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BOOK: Un-Connected
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