Read Tyler's Undoing Online

Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Sports, #Gloves Off Series

Tyler's Undoing (4 page)

BOOK: Tyler's Undoing
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“HOW IS YOUR grandma doing today?” Bree asked as I got into her little silver car.

I didn’t think I was being so obvious, but she must have noticed my sadness as I walked out of my grandmother’s house. As always, I smiled and tried to stay hopeful, even though I knew there wasn’t going to be much time left. “Well, her nurse showed up about an hour ago and we talked for a little while, discussing what the plan was for when . . .” Closing my eyes, I bit my lip and blew out a shaky breath, hoping I wouldn’t break into tears. I couldn’t even finish what I wanted to say.

Bree reached over and took my hand, squeezing it tight as she pulled out of the driveway. We were headed to the gym to work out because she was a good friend and thought I should get out of the house and spend some time in an environment where I could let my mind go free. I knew she was right, I just needed someone to drag my ass there.

When I came to take care of Nana, I knew it would be difficult when her health went downhill. Knowing, and seeing it actually happen, are two completely different things. At first, she was so full of life, but then the cancer started to spread and slowly took over.

My family, a.k.a. my mother and my older brother, had wanted to put her in a nursing home. This way, they wouldn’t have to worry about her. But I couldn’t bear to see that happen, so I moved to Las Vegas over a year ago, specifically to take care of her. I had no clue what I was going to do after the cancer took her from this world. Would I stay here or move back home to California? I just didn’t know.

For the past year, Cindy James—my grandmother’s nurse—always worked the afternoon and night shift, leaving me free to get my errands done before going to work. Nana needed full-time care and it was getting to the point where I couldn’t handle it on my own anymore.

Turning to Bree, I saw her chocolate brown hair was pulled off of her face into a low ponytail, and she already had her black yoga pants and pink tank top on. I looked similar in a pair of dark purple yoga capris and a teal tank top. It was just easier to head over in our workout clothes, than changing in the locker room at the gym.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked nervously. “You know you don’t have to hide your feelings from me.”

“I know, Bree. I just want to stay strong for her, even though it’s a battle every day to convince myself I can handle it. She’s the closest family I have, and without her, I’ll be alone.”

She technically wasn’t the only family I had, but she might as well have been. Bree Sanderson was my friend and we’d been inseparable since I started working with her in the Venetian Las Vegas resort at the AquaKnox. We were both twenty-five-year-olds, working as baristas until we could earn enough money to get out on our own.

Sometimes I think fate brought us together. Even though we’d only been friends for a year, I considered her family . . . more so than my own mother and older brother.

“What about your family, Kacey? Have you talked to them? Do they know how fast her health is fading?” She was being cautious.

She knew I didn’t like talking about my family, nor did she know the specifics of why I wanted to leave them. I figured it was best keeping the details of my dysfunctional family a secret for as long as I could.

“No, I haven’t talked to them, and neither has my grandmother.”

My grandmother was my father’s mother, so my mom didn’t give a shit what happened to her. Her worthless ass was too busy using her rich son as a meal ticket. My brother still tried to keep in my life by sending checks every month, but every time one would come, I’d shred it. I didn’t need his handout, or anyone else’s for that matter.

Money can’t buy forgiveness . . . or redemption.

Wanting to change the subject, I blew out a frustrated breath and sighed. I needed something to keep my mind off of my dying grandmother and my worthless family. “Okay, so what’s this gym you’re taking me to? Are there any cute guys?” I asked, trying to plaster a smile on my face.

Bree chuckled and winked, knowing very well that I needed her optimism. “Of course there are! Why do you think I go there? It’s hard to meet guys when we’re busy working. What better way than to meet them at the gym? I’ve met some pretty nice ones there too, but you already know about them. Now that the owners renovated the whole place, it’s even better.”

I didn’t have time to date anyone with my schedule the way it was, which often times made it kind of lonely. So far, I hadn’t found anyone worth dating anyway. Still, there was nothing wrong with looking.

“All right, we’re almost there,” Bree mentioned excitedly. “I figured we could work out for an hour and then rush to my apartment to take showers and change before our shift starts. Sound good?”

I nodded. “Yeah, that sounds great.” Pulling into the parking lot, I couldn’t believe all of the cars. The place was packed.

Laughing, Bree bumped her shoulder into mine and opened her car door. “Trust me, Kace, the place is a lot bigger than you think. This is nothing. Besides, some of the people aren’t even here to work out.”

Getting out of the car, I narrowed my gaze in confusion. That made no sense. I followed alongside until we were almost to the door. “Why would people come here if they weren’t planning on working out?”

With her hand on the door, she smiled and bit her lip. “You’ll see,” she sang. “Follow me and enjoy, sweetheart.”

Intrigued and excited, I followed her inside and took one good look around the massive establishment before I wanted to scream. I’d just stepped into my own personal nightmare—a hell which haunted me from years ago.
Will I never get away from my past?
It wasn’t her fault, Bree had no idea about my past life.

“Come on, girl,” she said, taking my arm and pulling me toward the welcome desk. “Let’s get you signed up to be a member, shall we?”

Blowing out a nervous breath, I nodded quickly and plastered a smile on my face. I’d sign up for her, but I had no plans on ever coming back.

Please, God, don’t let anyone recognize me.



I WANTED TO turn and walk out the door, but I couldn’t let Bree down, she was only trying to help me out. I would have to suck this up.

There were fighters everywhere.

My eyes drifted to some guys surrounding a ring on the left side of the gym. It was the same ring my brother fought in, just a couple of weeks ago. I’d also seen Gabriella Reynolds fighting that night. Before then, I had no idea she was a trained MMA fighter. Her brother, Matt, had taken the Heavyweight title away from my brother a couple of years ago.

I’d been involved behind the scenes in the fighting world and wanted nothing to do with it. I left California to get away from this life, and it was all because of my deceptive brother who liked to cheat his way to the top. His friends were exactly the same, and from my experience I’d never met one who fought fair . . . or was honorable for that matter. Well, except for my friend, Pax.

My brother had a lot of enemies and I prayed no one recognized me as his sister. Not that they would, considering I pretty much kept to myself. I’d hate to have to face persecution from those who were victims of his heinous schemes.

It was pretty easy to see that all of the guys around the ring had a bloated ego and a leer of arrogance. If their reputations were the same as those I knew before, then they only had two things on their mind . . . fighting and women.

I wasn’t desperate enough to date a fighter. I wanted more, something deeper than a thug who used his fists to earn money and a dick to screw women. I was ultimately looking for Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now.

All I had to do was keep my distance.

“Everyone here is so nice,” Bree whispered before we reached the desk.

The woman behind the desk looked to be in her early sixties, and had sandy-colored hair, mixed with a little gray. Her head was down, looking at a magazine, but when we came into view she looked up and smiled at Bree. “Why hello, Bree, how are you?” She glanced over at me. “I see you brought a friend. Do you want to use one of your friend passes today?”

Bree shook her head. “Actually, Kacey wants to get a membership. Do you mind getting her set up?”

“Certainly.” The lady pulled out a clipboard and placed a couple sheets of paper on it before grinning over at me. “Thank you, Kacey, for joining. My name’s Mary Rushing and my husband owns the place. I don’t usually work the front desk, but as of right now, I’m the only one capable of doing it. I think he and my son would be lost without me.”

Grinning, I said, “That’s usually how it goes.”

With a warm, genuine smile she handed me a clipboard and pen. I took it to the edge of the desk and started filling it out while she and Bree caught up.

After I paid my membership fees, Bree took me over to a vacant corner with several treadmills and some high-tech stair climbers. Give me a road and sneakers and I was good to go. I didn’t usually spend my time in gyms, because I knew I could work out just as well at home, if not better—and for free.

“All right, Kace, let’s get started on the treadmills. Then we can hop on the stair climbers before we move to weights. Cole gave me some amazing tips on changing up my workouts to give me the ultimate toning.”

Cole Bennett was the guy she’d been interested in for the past few weeks, but so far nothing had come of it, much to her dismay. I hadn’t met him yet, so I had no idea if he was at the gym or what he looked like.

“Is he here?” I asked, looking around. Climbing on the treadmill, I started off with a brisk walk.

Pursing her lips, Bree glanced around the gym and shook her head. “Nope, he’s not here yet. Usually, he comes in around two o’clock, which only gives me thirty minutes to talk to him before I have to leave and get ready for work. Hopefully, he’ll be in today so you can meet him. The guys have been dying for me to bring in some of my girlfriends.”

I snorted and rolled my eyes.
Yeah, I’ll bet
. However, this brought up a question. “So, is Cole an MMA fighter?” I asked. “I don’t think you ever mentioned anything about that. Surely, you know better, right?”

Narrowing her eyes, she picked up her pace and glared at me. “What’s that supposed to mean? Cole’s a good guy and he’s funny as hell. Why would I not want to date him just because he’s a fighter?”

Because they were all worthless
, I wanted to say. “So he
one,” I stated instead.

“Yeah, and a good one too. I’ve watched him spar with the owner’s son plenty of times.” She looked off toward the ring and pointed. “There he is, Tyler. He’s the one with the bright blond hair.”

I followed her finger and froze.
Holy mother of pearl.
Was he—? Yes. He’s the one who fought against my brother in the video that was spread all over the internet.

“I think you’ll like that group of guys down there,” Bree chimed.

I wouldn’t count on it.

“So what does Cole look like again?” I asked. “Does he pump steroids like the other raisin nuts down there?” Not all of the fighters had overly huge muscles, although most were deemed questionable. I loved strong, athletic bodies, but too much muscle wasn’t sexy—on men

Bree rolled her eyes and groaned. “Kace, they’re not allowed to take steroids if they want to compete, and no, Cole doesn’t look like that. He has muscles, don’t get me wrong, but he competes for the Light Heavyweight title. Also, he has the most gorgeous jet-black hair I’ve ever seen, and his eyes . . .” She fanned herself with her hand and smiled. “I have never seen anyone with the same color eyes as his. They’re a bright blue with a ring of gold around the pupils. At first I thought they were contacts, but he says they are his real color.”

“Yeah, that’s great and all,” I said, “but looks aren’t what’s important. Is he nice? Would he be faithful? Because frankly, those types of guys down there aren’t what I’d consider relationship material. Dating is one thing, but getting serious with one of them is another.”

Shaking her head, Bree chuckled. “I swear, Kace, I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. Whatever Cole’s intentions are, I honestly think he’s a great guy. I have no doubt that you’ll think so, too.”

BOOK: Tyler's Undoing
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