Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Sasha flinched when a warm hand landed low on her back then slid down the back of her right thigh to just above her knee. From the way it wrapped around her leg until the palm rested against her inner thigh, it had to belong to Peyton. She pulled in a sharp breath when the hand slid up her leg until the tip of his thumb brushed back and forth over the slick wetness between her legs.

The conversation continued around her, but Sasha would never be able to repeat a word of it. Her focus had narrowed to the thumb that toyed at her entrance, brushing back and forth, left and right, then circling round and round. Need pulsed through her body with each beat of her heart. She wanted to arch her back to move his touch to her clit. Or bend her knees so his thumb would slide deeper into her cunt.

Instead, she started taking shallow breaths and worked on staying still and silent.

Her battle to remain composed and in control became even harder when Gavin’s hand slid down the front of her body from her belly button to the hem of her slip. When he reached it, his hand eased underneath the silk until his hand cupped her mound. His fingers slipped between her legs to frame her pussy lips.

Her knees went weak as need blossomed from the two spots receiving attention just inches apart. Her breathing grew faster and shallower, and she had to close her eyes to keep the bartender from seeing her predicament. She reached out and grabbed the thighs of the men on either side of her, hoping to keep herself upright when she began to sway.

That simple touch seemed to set something off in her men. In the next second, she whined a soft sound of protest when their hands left her body.

“Soon, cupcake,” Peyton murmured as he patted her ass.

“Very soon,” Gavin assured her.

Instead of leaving her body, his hand slid up under the chemise to tweak a nipple. The action drew her attention away from her overpowering need to the fact that Gavin had just pulled the back of her slip up, putting her ass on display to anyone who passed by.

“What are you doing to me, Sirs?” she whispered.

“Oh, little lamb, we haven’t done anything to you…yet,” Gavin said, pulling his hand from under her slip before handing her a cup of sparkling tan liquid.

Hesitant to ask more questions of her Sirs, she looked to the bartender and lifted the glass an inch higher.

“Ginger ale,” the bartender answered before turning and walking to the far end where a woman wearing a black lace teddy sat on a stool inside the confines of the bar.

Sasha took a sip and found the drink to be as advertised. Sweet and bubbly but completely nonalcoholic. She took several more sips, finishing about half of it by the time Gavin and Peyton finished their beers and stood. When she set it on the bar, Gavin shook his head and picked it up.

“Bring it with you,” he said, handing it back.

Sasha accepted the drink then followed Peyton across the bar to the back corner of the room where a short wall and a large potted plant formed a small intimate room within the larger room. As she approached, she found it to be a small conversation area with a long black leather couch facing a pair of comfortable-looking club chairs over a long, low wooden coffee table.

Looking over her shoulder for Gavin, she was surprised to see he had not followed her. Instead, he was at the buffet table filling two plates.

Turning her attention back to Peyton, she watched him sit down at one end of the sofa. She walked over and stood, uncertain as to where she was to sit. Though not experienced in the lifestyle, she had read enough books about it to know that the submissive partner usually ended up kneeling on the floor or in their Master’s laps.

Where would Peyton and Gavin want her?

“Come sit down,” Peyton said as if he had heard her unspoken question.

When she did not make a move, he patted the cushion beside him.

She sat down on the edge of the couch, carefully holding the glass between both hands. Though she was aroused beyond anything she had ever felt before, she was also nervous.

“Relax, cupcake. We’re not going to attack you. We’re going to eat and get to know one another. We’re also going to teach you some of the basics you’ll need to know to be in any Dom/sub relationship. We might even tease the hell out of you, but by the end of the evening, I guarantee that you will be feeling quite relaxed.”

Sasha did not know how to respond, so she sipped at her drink. She did not fight when Peyton took her now-empty glass and set it on the coffee table.

Gavin arrived at that moment and handed Peyton a plate piled high with food. He then sat down on the other side of Sasha with his own dinner.

“Now, let’s get acquainted,” he said. He handed her half a sandwich and then picked up one and took a big bite from it, moaning in appreciation.

Sasha found herself answering questions as they ate, each man offering her bites from their plates as they took turns interrogating her. They shared bits of their own lives in return. She learned that the two men had grown up together, joined the Army and become Rangers together, and had moved back to New Bern to open their own security firm after their enlistments were up. They shared one of the big Victorian-style houses in the historic district as well as an office building on the outskirts of town.

They were open and honest about being content, except for wanting to find a woman to share and spend the rest of their lives with. Dominant in bed and out, they explained that while they had tried dating separately, they preferred to share women, especially submissive women, which was a challenge in a small town in the Bible Belt.

She told them that she had been married to a man who had emotionally and verbally abused her. The first time he hit her, she left him and filed for divorce. When she revealed that she was responsible for the food they were raving over, both men stared at her in awe.

“You made this food? How would you like to marry us right now?” Gavin asked with a grin and a wink.

Sasha’s heart fluttered wildly. The more she learned about these men, the more comfortable she became with them. The fact that they were not only sexy and dominant but great talkers as well only added to their attraction. She wondered if they would still be interested in her when they found out she was not normally as bold and brave as she had been in the restroom.

“Don’t you think you should see if I’m really the woman you want before you go proposing?”

Gavin nodded and looked past her to Peyton. “You’re right. We do need to see if our kinks match yours, but I’m going to leave the proposal on the table for a future discussion.”

“Speaking of kinks, I think we need to begin our little cupcake’s lessons in how to be submissive,” Peyton said, his voice flowing over her like melted dark chocolate.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Gavin said, setting his empty plate down as well.

Though she had relaxed as they ate and talked, now that they were getting down to business, she once again grew nervous. Could she handle what they demanded of her? Would she be able to please these two who appeared so strong and confident in themselves when she felt anything but?

She was not sure what she expected, but Gavin sliding his hand around her neck and turning her to face him was not it. Leaning close, he gently rubbed his cheek against hers. That simple, suggestive, but not overtly sexual action settled her nervousness while at the same time sending more heat through her body to gather at her pussy.

“The first thing you need to understand is that in a Dom/sub relationship your Dom’s word is law. Whatever he says goes,” Gavin said softly, his breath brushing her ear and setting it to tingling. “Now your first task will be to show me how good a kisser you are.”

Chapter 5


“Yes, Sir,” Sasha breathed.

Without hesitation or thinking too hard about what she was doing, she turned her head. After brushing her lips over his earlobe, she slowly dragged them across his cheek to the corner of his mouth. His breathing hitched and his lips parted in response to her soft touch. Starting at the corner, she used the tip of her tongue to lick her way across his bottom lip before mating her mouth to his.

Her tongue pressed through the seam of his lips, and she brushed across the front of his teeth before pressing between them to find his tongue ready and waiting. She explored his mouth until his hands came up to hold her head and he took control.

She tried to press closer, needing more than just lip-to-lip contact. Instead of allowing her, Gavin broke the kiss and pulled back several inches to look at her as they both caught their breath.

“Was it as hot as it looked from here?” Peyton asked, sounding a little breathless himself.

“Uh-huh,” Gavin grunted before his hands slid from holding her head down to her shoulders, which he began to gently massage.

Sasha could not find her voice to answer, though from the men’s reactions they were not expecting her to. Peyton reached over and after lifting Gavin’s hands from her body, wrapped his arms around her chest just under her breasts and pulled her so she slid across the couch to sit in his lap.

“So, cupcake, are other parts of your body as responsive as those sexy lips?” Peyton asked.

He did not wait for an answer as one hand threaded through her hair to hold her head still for his kiss. When his free hand slid over the silk to cover one breast with a light touch, she sucked a breath and arched her back, needing a firmer touch. She began to race up the mountain of arousal at a fast pace and could not wait to reach the peak and throw herself over the edge and into her orgasm.

Since leaving her husband, Sasha had learned that she could bring herself to orgasm by just playing with her breasts and nipples. She began panting as a hand stroked from knee to hip to her other breast. As if the two hands belonged to one man, hot fingers flicked at her erect nipples through the lace before taking the nubs between thumbs and forefingers and rolling them.

Sasha could not stop her hips from shifting on Peyton’s lap. She felt his long, thick, solid erection pressing into her hip and her arousal grew even tighter. Peyton’s hips began moving as if he, too, needed more than just hot kisses and heavy petting.

She stiffened when the straps of her chemise were pulled from her shoulders and down her arms to her elbows. A moment later, the lace covering her breasts was brushed over the peaks of her tits and down to her body. Pulling her lips from Peyton’s, she looked down her body.

She was naked to her waist.

At some point Gavin had slid closer on the couch and pulled her legs into his lap. He met her gaze with a heavy-lidded one of darkest green as he leaned down and swirled his tongue around her right nipple. She gasped when he then took the bud into his mouth and began to tease it with teeth and tongue and lips. With Peyton’s hand still playing with the other one, Sasha closed her eyes and moaned loudly as her orgasm flashed through her like lightning.

“She’s very responsive,” she thought she heard Peyton say. “Maybe too much so.”

“That might be a problem, but we can work with her on control,” Gavin responded as she slowly relaxed.

Sasha felt the stress she had carried since starting up the catering company against her father’s wishes drain out of her. She was left bonelessly draped across the men’s laps. They stroked her arms and legs, verbally praising her as she slowly recovered.

“Here, little lamb, drink this,” Gavin said.

She opened her eyes and found a bottle of water being held to her lips. She opened her mouth and drank automatically, the cool liquid quenching the thirst she had developed. As her body began to once again respond to her mind’s orders, she shifted and reached up to hold the bottle herself.

“Ready for your next lesson?” Gavin asked after she had consumed every drop and had fully recovered.

“I think so,” she answered softly.

“Stand up,” Peyton ordered. He pulled his arms from around her body while Gavin pushed the coffee table away to make room for her in front of them.

With help, Sasha stood. It took a moment to find her balance, but Gavin stayed close until she was stable. At that moment, she realized the slip had bunched around her waist, baring both breasts and crotch. When she moved to pull it back into place, her hands were slapped away from the material.

“No one told you to rearrange your dress, did they?” Gavin asked as he sat down beside Peyton.

“No, Sir. It’s just—”

“No excuses,” Peyton cut her off. “It is a Dom’s job to do the thinking and a sub’s to respond to orders. Unless you are told to do something, don’t assume anything. You may ask questions to clarify things, but until we tell you differently, do not take it upon yourself to act independently.”

“Yes, Sir.”

With both men now intently studying her barely garbed body, Sasha shifted with embarrassment at the extra pounds and inches she carried.

“Beautiful,” Gavin said. “But we’re going to have to do something about that furry forest.”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure whether I want it completely bare or not,” Peyton said, reaching out and brushing his fingertips over her fur-covered pussy. His other hand moved across the front of his jeans, obviously stroking the erection restrained there.

“We can discuss it later. Maybe trim it up a bit and then decide whether to keep it covered or bare it all.”

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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