Read Twisted Lies 2 Online

Authors: Sedona Venez

Twisted Lies 2 (10 page)

BOOK: Twisted Lies 2
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Attending enough of these events had taught
me how to move in a roomful of vultures. I snickered when men’s
eyes followed me with blatant interest and their dates tensely
clutched on to them while shooting me daggers. My tattoo-covered
back and stripper strut ensured I didn’t blend with the affluent
crowd, even in my couture gown.

Reaching the venue’s midpoint, I glanced
across the room, only to see McKay holding court with Ram by the
bar. My eyes locked with McKay, and then the crowd shifted, cutting
off our view of each other.

“Damn. Shit just got real,” I muttered under
my breath.

The throng moved again. McKay was checking
me out with unveiled interest.

I tried to calm my beating heart, but to no
avail. Biting my bottom lip, I drank him in.
looked smoking hot. If you looked
up in the
dictionary, McKay’s name would be right there next to it. He
sizzled in a shawl-collared tuxedo paired with a crisp tailored
white shirt, black silk bow tie, black leather shoes, and a Panerai
watch. Ram was looking flawless in a white tuxedo. It was
masculinity at its finest.

McKay’s eyes flashed as he arched his
eyebrow at me. I stopped and turned so I was facing Jade and my
back was toward McKay.

Jade curiously looked at me. “What’s

“Don’t look. That’s McKay by the bar,” I

Of course, Jade did the exact opposite of
what I’d asked and stared boldly in his direction.

I wanted to choke her. “Really? What part of
‘don’t look’ was unclear?”

Staring over my shoulder, Jade whispered
loudly, “Which one?”

“In the black tux with the black silk bow
tie. He’s staring at me like I owe him money,” I responded.
“Because I do.”

“Damn! Look at that face.” Jade blinked and
then blinked again. “He’s crazy hot.”

“No. He’s just crazy.” I turned back around,
glaring at him. Okay, he was hot, but I’d be damned if I
acknowledged the way my cunt pulsed under his scrutiny.

He appeared hard, domineering, in control.
The disdain in his eyes as he glared at the spoiled-rich patrons
said he didn’t like them. He barely tolerated them. At least he and
I had that much in common. He just didn’t fit into their world
despite his ultra-expensive suit and shoes. I could tell he didn’t
want to by the tattoo etched across his neck. People in this world
didn’t have tattoos. They looked down their noses at people like
him and me. I guessed he and I did have a little in common.

Jade grinned at me. “Oh my! He’s definitely
a suck-and-swallow situation.”

“If you don’t lower your voice, I’m going to
cunt-punt your skinny ass across this room. Now calm down and act
like a lady for once.”

“I am a lady—a freaky lady.” She winked
before eyeballing McKay. “Jesus. He’s big all over. I’d bet you
he’s packing big time.”

I swallowed anxiously because I was way too
interested in finding out. “I don’t doubt it. Damn! He probably has
women lining up for a chance to find out.”

She arched a brow. “Including you?”

My pulse accelerated at her question.
There was no doubt in my mind that he was bound to be
my next mistake.

“Not even touching that question, Jade.”

A smile curved her lips. “Scared, huh?”

I sighed. “Not in the least. My bad history
with men has taught me to stay away from shiny, sharp objects.”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “Shit. I’d let him
cuff me and spank me, and I’d call him daddy.”

An elderly woman looked at Jade with

Jade eyed her right back. “Move along, lady.
Nothing to see here.”

I slapped my hands over my mouth to stop the
laughter. “I can see you’re planning on making trouble

“What’s new? Besides, you need a little
trouble in your life.” She knowingly looked at me. “Now, let’s get
back to McKay. His hot sidekick in the white tux looks promising.
Who is he?”

I smiled snidely. “His lover.”

Completely mystified, she stared at him.
“Really?” She twirled her hair. “After arguing with Cate, I don’t
have the strength for a sexual conversion.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “No. It’s his
business partner, Ram Steele.”

Her eyes narrowed with interest.
“Fascinating.” She looped her arm through mine and pulled. “We must
go over and bask in their hotness.”

I didn’t budge. “Nope. We’re not doing
that,” I said simply.

Jade smiled widely. “Yes, we are.” She
paused. “But if you want me to make a scene and call them over, I
can do that, too. It’s your choice, sweetness.”

I growled. Jade had the finesse of a bull in
a china shop. I knew she would take pleasure in making a scene for
a multitude of reasons.

“Fine. Let’s go.”

She smugly looked at me. “I knew you’d see
it my way.” She pulled me through the crowd toward McKay and

McKay’s eyes traveled from the top of my
head down my curvy body. His wolfish glare made me feel like a
mouse beneath the bloodthirsty stare of a cat.

“Lick them,” Jade muttered.

I almost tripped. “What?”

“Lick your damn lips,” she hissed.

I scoffed, raising my chin in a gesture of

“Do it. He’s checking you out, all

And he was checking me out. His smoldering
gaze slowly perused my length in a deliberate way. I went
breathless right to the pit of my stomach. I didn’t understand how
he had the power to make me feel excited, giddy, and turned-on all
at the same time.

His mouth curved in that secret way that
said he knew how much I wanted him.

Damn it. This is not good.

I wanted to walk in the opposite direction,
fleeing from his disturbing heated focus. But McKay was a beast of
prey, and any sign of fear would be my doom and his victory.

I sighed with relief when Bigsby ambled over
to McKay and said something to him. McKay nodded to Ram before
stalking away from the bar with Bigsby at his heels.

Jade stopped, incredulously looking at me.
“Where the hell are they going?”

I tried to quash the glimmer of
disappointment as I watched McKay navigate through the crowd and up
the staircase.

“Hopefully home,” I said while grabbing a
champagne flute from a passing tray before downing it like


The night was turning out exactly as I’d
envisioned it—boring. Between Kyle stalking me from the perimeter
of the room and no sign of McKay, I drank more alcohol than should
have been allowed.

It was like a fucking circus. Botoxed and
silconed-to-death women were trying to catch the attention of the
hired photographer roaming with a camera around his neck as he
playfully snapped shots of celebrities. Cate and her fiancé Bigsby
made the rounds. Erika and Mitch meandered about. And I was
drinking solo while Jade did her Bellisario duty by circulating
among the boring guests.

I had many moments of wanting to pull my
hair out from sheer boredom or wanting to leave to get some
much-needed sleep. I would have, but I’d promised Jade I would
stick it out until the end of the event.

This night was turning out to
be one big epic fail. I thought it couldn’t get worse—until I saw
Kyle’s wife making a beeline toward me.

I sighed loudly.
Let the drama

“Hello,” Claire said, standing in front of
me while twitching nervously.

Her designer gown clung to her slender
frame. She looked as though she’d blow away if I breathed too hard
in her direction. There was one thing for certain. Kyle’s wife was
drop-dead gorgeous. By her whole aura, I could also tell she was
well bred and came from lots of money.

I arched a brow. “Hello.” Nonchalantly, I
continued sipping my drink.

I bit back a laugh, fascinated by the antsy
flutter of Claire’s eyes as they discreetly darted around as if she
expected Kyle to fly into a rage at seeing her talking to me.

Her mouth tilted into a brief small smile.
“I love the gown you created for Erika. You have a keen sense for

Raising a dark brow, I said, “Thank

“This conversation is… awkward, isn’t it?”
She chewed on her lower lip in consternation.

My lips twisted into a smirk. “Yes,

A smile curved her lips. “Exactly.”

I shrugged. “But I get it. You’re stuck at a
gala with your husband’s ex. It’s natural to be curious.”

“When did you two date?” she demanded in a
low tone.

I sipped my drink, pointedly looking at her.
“He was my high school crush,” I responded. I left out the fact
that Kyle was my introduction to fucking like horny rabbits in
every position and place we could find—his parents’ boat, under the
high school bleachers, the back of his expensive convertible.

Claire couldn’t hide her incredulity. “High
school?” she inquired, her eyes wide. “He just seemed so… happy and
elated to see you.”

I shrugged. “What can I say? I’m an
enchanting kind of chick.” I kept my tone conversational.

She bit her bottom lip with a worried look
in her baby-blue eyes.

“Look, Claire, Kyle and I have been over for
years. I have no interest in him whatsoever.” I drained my

“Kyle and I have an open marriage.” She
cleared her throat. “Well, the open part is something he wants.
From the way he’s been watching you tonight, I just assumed you and
he were sleeping with each other.” Confusion clouded her gaze.

Kyle was eye-fucking me
from across the room.

With an aggravated sigh, I said, “Absolutely
not. He’s not my type.” I paused. “Anymore.”

“He’s rich and handsome. He’s everyone’s

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t give a shit what
you think, Claire. You came over to me, asking questions, and I’m
answering even though I don’t fucking have to.”

I stared, contemplating where I wanted to go
with this conversation since Claire was being very polite. I just
couldn’t even muster up the strength to be a bitch and dislike

“So how did you meet Kyle?”

Years ago, I’d learned that, for some
reason, the super rich loved talking about their personal

“We grew up together,” she offered

I scrutinized her. “It figures,” I muttered
under my breath.

Claire actually smiled. “I know. It’s

I smiled back. “I’m trying not to judge… too

“I heard Mitch warning him to stay away from
you.” She frowned. “I was curious because of the way Kyle sounded
when mentioning your name.” She bit her bottom lip, apologetically
looking at me. “So I asked around about you.” She sheepishly eyed

I stiffened. “Invading my privacy? That’s a
pretty fucked-up thing to do.”

She held up her hand. “I’m sorry, but I had
to know.”

I frowned. “Had to know what?”

“Who my competition is.”

There it is. The claws are finally out.

I laughed, looking her up and down with
disdain. “Sweetie, from where I’m standing, there is no

She licked her lips. “You’re taking this the
wrong way. I’m not trying to fight. I’m telling you to stay away
from my husband.”

I frowned. “Shouldn’t you be telling your
husband to stay away from me?”

“I have.”

I shrugged. “Okay. Well, problem solved. Are
we done?”

She tensely stared at me.

I sighed loudly. “What makes you think
Kyle’s interested in me?”

Her mouth tightened. “Because you’re exactly
his type.”

I choked and then loudly cleared my throat.
No, she didn’t say I was Kyle’s type.
“That’s funny because
when he broke up with me, he made it abundantly clear I could never
be his type.” It was a fact that still stung to this day.

She anxiously tapped her glass, but the look
in her eyes was icy and conniving. “I didn’t mean to upset you,
Sinthia. I just—”

I blinked.
What’s up with this
passive-aggressive bitch?

One minute, Claire had been timid and
anxious, and the next, she was ready to rip out my throat.

I cut her off. “For the last time, I’m not
interested in fucking your husband.” I placed my glass on the bar.
I was so done with this conversation.

“Sinthia, I’m really sorry for…” Claire
blinked as if she were ready to cry.

She wasn’t sorry. She was a
manipulative wench, putting on a show to garner sympathy from the
guests, acting like I was a whore who was trying to steal her

Not giving her a chance to finish, I pinned
her under a hard look. “Nice meeting you, Claire,” I said before
calmly walking away.

“Bitch,” Claire mumbled.

“I heard that,” I responded without
bothering to turn around. Weaving through the crowd, I stopped a
passing waiter. “Where’s access to the rooftop?” I needed air and
space to get away from the bullshit.

He pointed to the spiral staircase. “Top of
the stairs and toward the left.”

“Thanks,” I responded before making my way
up the grand staircase to the top floor.

I froze when I felt something brush against
my ass. Whirling around so fast, I almost stumbled down the stairs
before firm hands gripped and steadied me. They were Kyle’s. The
idiot was holding on to me with a fucking stupid look on his

I pulled away from him, stepping securely
onto the landing. “Did you just touch my ass?” I snapped, pointing
in his face.

He stepped closer, spreading his hand across
my hip. I promptly knocked it off.

“I couldn’t help myself. Damn, you are so

I refused to let him intimidate me. With my
chin tilted at a stubborn angle, I held my ground. “Touch me again,
and I will fuck you up. I don’t care who’s watching, including your
wife,” I said, my voice flat.

BOOK: Twisted Lies 2
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