Read Tulips for Tonica Online

Authors: Raelynn Blue

Tulips for Tonica (5 page)

BOOK: Tulips for Tonica
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Tonica watched Carte’s seductive walk through the doors leading outside. His dark blonde hair curled around his coat’s collar. Several women draped in diamonds and expensive designer clothes, watched enviously from their perched positions along the Social Lobby’s sofas. Tonica allowed herself a few seconds to ponder the other women’s thoughts-but only a moment. Ahead of her, Carte glanced over his shoulder and shot her a smile. Trailing behind him, she could tell his strength. Carte didn’t have beefcake bulging muscles, but a steely lean and hard frame that was evident even from beneath his coat. He’d dressed to impress, and Tonica struggled to resist his allure.

Outside, the Bluebell Gardens had been swept by winter’s brush. Only evergreens remained defiant to the elements. Everything else had been reduced to drab browns and ghostly grays. The icy air burned Tonica’s nose, but she held onto Carte’s hand instead of fleeing back inside for warmer surroundings.  A surreal feeling made her tremble. Hunching deeper into her coat, Tonica sighed. Now she’d get to the bottom of this. Loss of sleep and the constant reminder of hundreds of tulips fueled this confrontation. The showdown didn’t just occur with Carte, but also inside herself. She’d faced down her demons. Fear wouldn’t control her any more. Not everyone had venom and greed in their veins.

And Carte had demonstrated his intentions.

“Here we are. Quiet.” Carte stood beside a wooden bench.

Tonica sat. Carte took the seat beside her. His shoulder brushed hers and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the contact.


“So, I want to thank you for the flowers,” she said.

Folding her hands in her lap, she tried to calm the quivering in her belly. After the tulips, she did what she always did at work. File papers with the court, wrote up client narratives, and billed for hours.

But on the way home, she pondered Olivia’s words. 

“…You’re welcome. I wanted you to know how heartfelt I was in my apology. I shouldn’t have tried to manipulate you into meeting me.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.”

Carte’s eyebrows rose at her response. He smirked a little. “I deserve that.”

“Yes, you do, but I wanted to meet with you tonight to ask you why you wanted my attention so badly.”

She had to know. The question gnawed at her for days. She couldn’t stand it any more. So she called him to meet. In her heart, when the hustle and bustle quieted, and when she stopped resisting the bleating ache in her chest, in that hush, she realized she liked him and that she wanted to get to know more about him.

Beside her, Carte became quiet. His knee touched hers, but he did not speak. Visibly sobered by her remarks, he tented his gloved hands. He rubbed his face and turned to look at her. Those deep green eyes softened as they took her in.

“I’m sorry, Tonica.”

“You shouldn’t have tried to buy my affections, either.”

“I didn’t try to buy your love. I only wanted your attention and, and if I got it, then maybe you would learn to love me…” he trailed off, but it seemed like he wanted to say more.

Tonica heard the sincerity and watched his face contort with what could only be embarrassment and sorrow. He obviously meant what he said, and believed his own words.

So did she.

He rested his elbows on his knees. “I only want your attention.”

“And now you have it.”

“I need you in my life.”

She touched his ear, and he looked up at her.  When their eyes met, Tonica felt like she had dissolved into those lush green pools. There, in those depths, she discovered warmth blooming inside of her. He’d become the sun to her budding flower. The more light Carte gave her, the more her feelings blossomed.

For so long, her emotional garden had become barren by abuse and rejection. It’d been reduced to nothing by the coldness in men’s souls. As a result, she’d kept those doors to her garden locked. But now, Carte had parted those dark clouds by his persistence and his openness.

Only one topic remained and she needed his openness now.

“Tell me about Shae.”

Carte sat back in his seat and took a deep breath. He stared off into the cold night as he spoke.

“Shae used to be a paralegal in my office. She flirted a bit, but when her advances became ridiculous, I warned her that I would fire her for sexual harassment. This is all documented in her human resource employee file.”

“So this media story is all an attempt to blackmail you into giving her money?”

“No, not at all; however, she did trick me. She used one of her friends, a rather attractive woman, to sleep with me. I didn’t know it, but they were working together.”

Tonica could see where this was going—pictures.

“The friend kept the condom, and I believe used it and a turkey-baster to try to impregnate Shae. I don’t know if the attempt was successful, but Shae’s comments lead me to believe she may have been.”

“What? Tell me you’re suing her or having her investigated.” Tonica hadn’t expected that. How damn desperate could the woman have been?

Stunned, she tried to figure how that would even work. Refrigeration would be mandatory. None of it sounded logical. Moreover, why? Why would Shae go to such lengths?

Tonica tried to digest the ridiculous scenario. In her dealings with crazy, frantic people, Carte’s statements didn’t seem so ludicrous. Odd, but not out of the realm of possibilities.

“If you don’t want to see my face again, I will respect it. I only wanted you to be a part of my life. I…really care for you, Tonica.”

She met his heated gaze, sincerity spilling out of his eyes. “I want you in my life too.”

“You do?”

“Yes, I do.”

Relief washed over him and Tonica enjoyed the happiness. He looked so cheerful, and all because she agreed to see him. Another blossom opened in her heart.

“You do realize it’s a gorgeous night?” she said, her eyes on the clear, starry night. Cold, but clear.

“No, I didn’t notice. I’m watching something gorgeous right here.”

Tonica blushed. She met his eyes once more. His leather fingertips held her chin. His sandalwood scent filled her nostrils. Goodness, he smelled nice.

“No tricks. I’m going to kiss you.”

Then his lips pressed softly to hers. Spearmint teased her tongue and her mouth parted, hungry for more of him. Carte’s tongue pushed into her mouth and entwined, their kiss deepened down to her toes. Carte’s hand slid from her chin, up to her hair. His large hand held the back of her head. The urgency of the kiss increased and all parts of Tonica tensed. Prickly feelings heated the triangle between her thighs. All over, her skin seemed sensitive. The cold retreated at the burning fire Carte conjured inside her.

She pulled back. It was so good; it left her breathless.

“Carte…” she panted.

“Yes?” His breath was heavy. The gleam in his eyes said he wanted another kiss, and didn’t like that the first one had ended.

“Let’s go someplace where there aren’t any flowers.”

He smiled. “Of course.”




Two Weeks Later

The tulip’s petals shine in dew,

All beautiful, but none alike.




Carte watched Tonica cast him a sheepish look, over her shoulder. Her raven hair had been piled on top of her head in a messy bun. The slinky black cocktail dress brushed her mid-thighs. The party downstairs continued to roar on, but he wanted to start the party one-on-one with Tonica. Now, in their Proximity hotel room suite, he placed the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door and walked through to the outer room, past the miniature kitchen and back to the large bedroom.

He and Tonica had dated exclusively the last two weeks. Parks, parties, and plays had been explored. Tonica brought a keen intelligence to
that he’d never considered. She made everything better, vivid, more alive. He couldn’t put a cap on his giddiness. Goodness, he loved her playfulness and he liked her like this, sexy and seductive. After the last two weeks, he realized more than ever that he didn’t want to spend another day without her in his life. He wanted all of Tonica, marriage, kids, and forever together. She’d been mum about her own feelings, and tonight, he meant to make his intentions known.

“What will your attorney think about you skipping out on your own party?” Tonica smirked at him. She stopped short at the bed’s edge.

Carte shrugged. “Nothing. Who throws a party because I’m
a father?”

“When Shae and millions of dollars are on the line, your attorney.”

“Touché,” Carte said, chuckling. “But, it’s over. I’m told the newspapers will be publishing some retractions and apologies tomorrow.”

“Good.” She stretched, rising on her toes and bobbing a bit.

“Some criminal charges may be filed too, but, um, I…” he said. He stopped talking as Tonica turned to face him.

With her eyelids lowered to half-mast, she reached up to her bun and deliberately removed one ebony rod from her bun. Part of her soft, brown hair fell into gentle curls to her face. The corners of her thick, full lips curved. She removed the other rod from her bun, and the rest of those big curls rolled down onto her smooth, velvet-clad shoulders. He stalked to her, unable to stop himself. Sweeping her into his arms, he crushed his lips onto hers, sucking her bottom lip between his teeth.

“Ow, easy, Car,” she whispered words that ultimately came out as a moan.

“Sorry, baby.” He licked the injury, before reclaiming her mouth.

Tonica’s lips parted and her mouth opened to his tongue’s impatience.  He reached beneath her dress, and palmed her ass, deliciously divided by a thong and exposed to his touch. Soft skin and tight muscles filled his hands and he squeezed her buttocks. As he did so, his own cock grew, as did Tonica’s moans.  Each of her throat-husky growls made him grow harder. He snatched her throng aside to allow his fingers to glide between her cheeks and down into Tonica’s wetness.

With a pant, Tonica, broke their kiss. “You’re an eager beaver.”

“You make me crazy.”

Tonica tossed her hair back and reached for his tie. She loosened it until the knot released and threw it down to the carpeted floor.

“Now, your turn,” he said, removing her hands from his shirt. Instead, he got down on his knees and reached for her heel. “Your turn.”

Giggling, Tonica sat down on the bed’s edge and extended her right leg.

His exquisite woman reclined back on her elbows as he slowly removed each black suede heel. She watched him with smoky eyes that punctured his usual calm reserve. One long and extended beautiful leg, draped in sheer ebony stocking wrapped around his waist when the second heel clunked to the carpet.

“Me next,” Tonica breathed.

She ripped his shirt. Buttons flew across the room. His ruined shirt landed somewhere behind him. Tonica rained kisses across his torso, skipping to his flat nipples, nipping them with her teeth. His phallus hardened more, almost to the point of pain.


She looked up at him and licked her lips. Desire pooled in the look she gave him.

“Damn, you are so sexy, but it’s my turn, baby.”

She sighed as she fell back onto the bed. “You’re driving me batty. Hurry up!”

He smirked down at her. Flipping the dress up to her waist, Carte exposes her black garter belt and stockings. Kissing a trail up to the left garter’s clasp, Carte inhaled her scent—desire tempered with cocoa butter. He unhooked the clasp, and slid the sheer stocking down her shapely leg. Deep purple painted toenails came into view. She wiggled her toes and giggled. That was until Carte took her big toe into his mouth. Sucking gently, Carte alternated flicking her toe with his tongue and nibbling. Tonica shrieked in delight.

“Carte! Oh, God!”

He moved down to her other toes. Tonica dissolved into a puddle of moans. Already, she’d yanked her dress over her head, revealing matching lacy black bra and thong. Carte tried to swallow, but his throat had gone dry. They’d made love before, but each time he saw her nude, it floored him. What made her even more sexy lay in the fact that she didn’t know how sexy she was. He released her toes, and moved on to the right leg. When he freed the stocking, his hands trembled as he rolled down the other stocking. He wanted her so badly. Already, Tonica kneaded her breasts. She’d scooped them out of her bra and rolled her dark cinnamon-tipped nipples between her forefingers and thumbs.


“Yes, baby?”

“Take those damn clothes off.” She rose up on her elbows and snatched the belt around his waist. Tugging on it, she fumbled with the mechanics until she had it undone.

He leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. She threaded her fingers into his hair, tugging him down onto the bed, until he lay on top of her. Supporting his weight, as to not crush her with his weight, he ended the kiss.

“You’ve got some grip, lady.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Get out of that monkey suit and I’ll let you experience more of my grip.”

“Yes ma’am.”

He got to his feet, and with speed, he shred his clothes. Standing before her parted legs, his cock jutting out into the suite’s warm air, Carte groaned. “You are so damn
. You know that, right?”

She took one of her pebbled tips between her forehead and thumb. “You aren’t so bad yourself, counselor.”

He stroked his hardness. Tonica rose up onto her knees and reached for him. He bit his lower lip to keep from shouting as she took him into her warm mouth. Quivering with the need to possess her, he let his head drop back. Her bee-stung lips slid over his sensitive head and shot shivers through him. His muscles bunched and flexed as her mouth engulfed as much of him as she could take. Each time she took him deep into her mouth, making him want to collapse from pleasure.

“That feels so good, baby.”

Her fingernails raked along the back of his thighs. He stopped Tonica’s pleasuring by touching her forehead. He’d nearly come. The sensations forced him to buckle. He caught himself before he fell to the floor.

BOOK: Tulips for Tonica
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