Traitorous Heart: #7 (The Traitorous Heart Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Traitorous Heart: #7 (The Traitorous Heart Series)
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Staying awa
from Katie was one of the most difficult decisions I’d ever made. I fucking had to though. It wouldn’t feel right to be there with her at the hospital after what I’d done with those other girls, but especially Chloe. Every time I thought of fucking Chloe and seeing Katie come into that room after the show at The Attic, my stomach got sick. And then when I overheard her talking to someone about cutting Katie, I became livid. When I realized Chloe had left The Attic I debated whether she was serious or not, but I finally called the police. They almost didn’t make it. When I thought of that large knife pressed against Katie’s neck, blood running down her throat it became hard to breathe.

Yet I didn’t change.

Sometimes I couldn’t believe how much of an asshole I really was. How had I allowed myself to get so far from her? I cared about Katie. Loved her. Yet I continued to fuck random women just for the sheer pleasure of it. And possibly to hurt Katie too. It made no sense, but I wanted her to only want me. Fucking other women made me feel better.

Like now. My make up artist, Sherry or Sally or Cindy, I wasn’t sure of her name, had her mouth around my cock. She was sucking and slurping. She was doing okay, but it was obvious she’d watched too much porn. I put my hand in her hair and forced her mouth deep onto my cock so she gagged. “That’s it. Work it.”

She moaned, pinching and pulling on her nipples. They were pierced. I was curious about what else she’d pierced.

She stood. “Wanna fuck me, Griffin?” She slid a finger down her body and between the lips of her pussy. It was pierced. I had the urge to tug on it.

“Yeah,” I said, turning her and bending her over my chair. Then I lifted her tiny plaid skirt and moved aside her red thong. “You ready for me?” I asked, pushing a condom all the way on and then shoving inside.

“Awwww, you’re huge. Your cock was made to fuck.” Her ass smacked against me as she moaned and pushed further on me. “Fuck me. Ahhhh, fuck me.”

I reached around and found her clit, lightly pulling on the small hoop poking from it.

“Mother fuck, that feels good. I’m going to come. Don’t stop.” She reached around and moved a finger in and out of her ass.

I rammed her pussy deeper until my orgasm crested.

“Shit. I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m coming,” she moaned.

When we finished she stood up straight and looked at me. “Your dick is magical,” she said, flicking my chin.

I smiled. “Thanks.”

She pulled down her skirt. I threw away my condom and did up my pants.

“Let me touch up your makeup.” She went to work powdering the light sheen of sweat along my hairline.

“Awesome,” I said, watching her work in the mirror. Katie didn’t deserve a man like me. I was a fucking mess and I knew it, which was why I’d left the hospital. That lawyer, Cage Devereux had shown and I knew he truly cared for her. I could see it on his face.

And as much as I wanted to fucking hate the guy, I realized Katie deserved someone who would treat her the way she deserved. He seemed to be that kind of a man.

Even if I’d decided to stay with Katie, I couldn’t have anyway. I’d signed a contract with Warren Records and the marketing push for the release of Crushed Velvet’s first album was in full swing.

I was back in L.A. Today marked day one of our video shoot. Then tonight the guys and I were going to be interviewed by a local radio station.

“Mr. Maxwell. They’re ready for you on set,” a girl in super tight jeans and a tiny top said as she walked in.

“Thank you.” I quickly checked Crushed Velvet’s ranking on iTunes. Our single had released yesterday. It was sitting at number ten on the charts.

“Love your new song,” the assistant said, pushing her straight blond hair behind her ears.

“Glad to hear it.” I smiled, locked my phone, and glanced back in the mirror. My hair had a bunch of product in it. The makeup artist had applied eyeliner to my eyes and bronzer to my face, neck, and body. I looked like a rocker.

The makeup artist ran a poofy brown brush she’d dusted in bronzer over my chest. “I missed a spot,” she said, giving me a quick glance.

“No worries.” I stood. “Am I all good?” I held out my arms and spun in a slow circle. Since I hated to sing or perform wearing anything but jeans, that was all I wore now, and I was glad. Luckily the director thought my nearly naked look worked.

“You look perfect,” the makeup artist said. She smiled, revealing a dimple in her left cheek. It seemed almost too sweet for her face, which was covered in piercings and too much makeup. “Call me later if you’d like to go again.” She winked.

“Thanks.” I stood, following the assistant out of my dressing room, down the hall, and over to the set.

“Are you excited to shoot your first video?” she asked, glancing back at me.

“Sure,” I responded, watching her eyes roam my body.

She licked her lips as her eyes returned to my face. “If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.” She pressed a hand against my stomach.

I smiled. “Anything?” I asked, arching a brow playfully.

“Please,” she said softly. The scenario was familiar. I knew I could have her. Maybe I would. Later. For some reason that thought pissed me off. Probably because there was only one person I really wanted.


I shook thoughts of Katie from my mind. I needed to focus. The music video was for a ballad on our album entitled
War of Hearts.
The theme for the video was high concept.

Jasper, the director came over. “Hey Griff, my man. You ready to get started?” He asked the question, but I could tell he didn’t care about my answer.

“Hell yes,” I said, playing my part, which the director expected to be that of grateful musician. And I was grateful, but I struggled with young punks who thought it was acceptable to treat those he deemed unworthy without respect.

“Awesome.” He moved over to talk to another of his associates. The rest of the guys in Crushed Velvet were in their makeup chairs. They wore outfits that looked like knight armor. It wasn’t though. The silver armor was screen printed on black, tight-fitting body suits.

I thought about laughing, but one glance at Brian told me I’d better not or there’d be hell to pay. I covered my smile with the back of my hand.

A kid in his early twenties brought Jasper a cup of coffee. Jasper took it, waving the guy away without even an acknowledgement.

Straight in front of me was a bizarre, green set. Lights and wires hung above it. On three sides was a green screen. In another section of the large room were two smaller sets. One consisted of hundreds of lit candles surrounding a bed covered in black. The other contained a small stage complete with a drum set, microphones, guitars and amps.

Jasper came over. “We’re going to start with you on the bed.” He glanced at my body, his eyes not nearly as admiring as the assistants had been. “You might want to do a hundred sit ups or so, first.”

“Right now?” I was shocked. “Really?”

“Look Griff, you’re obviously a great looking guy, but the camera takes every flaw and enunciates it.” He indicated my stomach. “Women want the fantasy. A six-pack is normal, but that’s not good enough anymore. They want to see a twenty pack. I can have my people CG them in, but it would make my job a whole hell of a lot easier if you’d do some sit-ups… and maybe avoided carbs while we’re shooting. Okay?”









“Uh, sure.

I sat on the floor and lay back. The concrete was cold and my skin puckered with goose bumps. I got into position and began counting silently.



A young woman dressed in a thick white robe appeared on set and walked over to Jasper. Her assistant continued to work on her hair as the young woman moved.

“Heather,” Jasper said. “Let me introduce you to Griffin Maxwell, the man you’re going to be in love with while we’re on this shoot.” He snorted at his joke.

Heather gave me a friendly smile.

I’d hit fifty sit ups and decided that was good enough. I jumped up and stuck out my hand. “Hi. I’m Griffin.”

She shook it. “Nice to meet you.”

“Perhaps the two of you should go into a corner and make out. Get comfortable with each other.” Jasper patted me on the back.

I cringed at the touch of his clammy hands against my skin.

“You have two minutes.” Jasper walked away, talking to one of the camera guys.

“Have you heard the song?” I asked Heather, enjoying the scent of vanilla radiating off her.

“I have. It’s really good.” Her brown eyes met mine. “It’s sad, poetic,” she continued.

“Thanks,” I responded, wondering if she thought I was fishing for a compliment.

She turned and walked over to the bed.

I followed.

“So we’re supposed to start out in love, correct?”

“Yes. I guess Jasper is going to have us in bed together.” I winked.

Heather smiled wider. “But you can’t keep it in your pants, can you? You’re going to break my heart because of another woman.”

“Pretty much.” I’d written the song based on Katie and I. Meeting her had inspired a lot of excellent songwriting.

Heather laughed and I joined in.

“Can you hand me my notes?” Heather asked her assistant. I watched her take them and noticed her small hands and perfectly manicured fingernails.

She glanced up and I quickly moved my gaze elsewhere.

“So it’s you and me in the bed and then—”

“Let’s go,” Jasper shouted, walking over. “Heather, time to get naked.”

The actress nodded.

I felt embarrassed for her. There were a lot of men in the room. “Should we ask some of the set and crew to leave?”

Jasper gave me a condescending look, not bothering to answer.

Heather removed her robe. I was relieved to see she had on a skin colored bra type thing as well as matching panties. They were nearly invisible, but at least the important parts were covered.

“See?” Heather glanced down at her body, adjusting her panties so it totally covered her pussy. “Nothing to worry about.” She handed the robe and her notes to her assistant. The woman stepped off set.

“Pull back the covers,” Jasper demanded.

The guy who’d given Jasper his coffee moved the covers. Heather lay down. Jasper came over and placed her so that she was just the way he wanted her. One of the cameramen had brought his camera in closer. Jasper put his black horn-rimmed glasses on top of his head. They disappeared within his black curls.

Over the next ten minuets they got Heather into position and then fixed her hair and touched up her makeup until she was perfect. “All right, Griffin. Climb on. Put your knee between Heather’s legs and try not to move anything.”

I placed my knee between her legs. She and I were so close I could see through the nude-colored pasties. Heather’s body was smoking hot. She was long and lean, a little too skinny. But her breasts were perky and the patch between her legs seemed to call to me. I wanted to bury my cock inside her pussy. Fuck her thoroughly. At the thought of spreading her lips and entering her wet pussy, I started to get hard.

“Okay, lay across her slightly and lean down like you’re going to kiss her,” Jasper said.

Heather watched me closely, her gaze focused on me.

“This is awkward,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.

She didn’t move, didn’t say a word. It was weird. She was like a beautiful statue. But I understood. Jasper had told her to hold still.

“Great, now gently put your lips on hers,” Jasper said.

I cleared my throat, leaned down so that Heather and I were nose to nose. My cock pressed against her stomach. I watched her eyes get big as I touched my lips to hers.”

“Stay like that. Don’t move,” Jasper ordered. “We need to get a few shots.”

I froze, waiting for more direction.

“Excellent. Good. Now make it a real kiss.”

I studied Heather, wondering if she would move for our kiss. My lips pressed down on hers more firmly.

She responded, moving her lips slightly, pressing her body toward mine.

I pushed open her mouth with my tongue. She let out a little noise and I felt her body relax and open. I tucked my hand under her neck, pulling her closer. She opened her mouth, allowing me full access.

I was nearly prepared to forget about the cameras and give Heather the kiss of her life, but there was a pop, like the cork coming off a bottle of champagne. Immediately after that my vision became blurry. Then my body got heavy, and I couldn’t keep myself hovering above Heather any longer. My arms gave out. I tried to speak, but couldn’t remember how to say the words.

Heather ran her fingers through my hair. I guessed she thought I was getting into our moment. But then I heard a catch in her throat. She pulled her hand away and looked at her fingers. I did too and was surprised to see they were covered in a red substance.

my mind thought.

Heather screamed.

BOOK: Traitorous Heart: #7 (The Traitorous Heart Series)
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