To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (3 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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When Rayven I have sex, I want there to be no doubt between us. My cock is raging, throbbing and in need of relief. Instead of appeasing our hungers, I return my hold to Rayven’s stomach, So that Rayven is aware of the effect she has on me, I push my cock into the crevice of her back. Punishment for the both of us.




“Go to sleep Rayven. We have plenty of time.”


Chapter 3



He was killing me. Slowly, but he most definitely was killing me.


“We should have got one.”


About to bite into my toast I watch momma as she rolls into the kitchen. A carefree smile on her face. Something, which I have not seen in a long time.


“We should have got one what?”


“A chair lift.”


Tabby was spoiling Momma. We had moved in two weeks ago and momma and her dog were inseparable. The change in momma in such a short time was amazing, and yeah, we should have got her both the chair and a helping dog.


“I’m sorry Momma.”


“Don’t be. How’s my grandbaby doing today?”


The change in subject does not faze me as I lazily rub my stomach. The baby kicking against my hand.


“Baby’s fine and very much alive.”




Ivy has just returned from her morning run. And not for the first time, envy assails me at her energy levels. Gone are the days when I could have done my own run.


Soon I would have the house to myself. Ivy is about to take Kent for his Physio, and momma will be going on her morning walk with Rosie. This was rapidly turning into my favorite part of the day. Luke, Georgie, and Emily were at school and Tabby was at the club. With the house is empty, I plan to have a soak in the tub.


“Ivy the SUV will need gas putting in it.”


“Thanks. Can you let Kent know I’ll not be long?”




Kent’s moods were not new. We had been through all this before with momma after her accident. Only then we had all been a lot younger, not understanding why. With Kent we were slightly better prepared. I do not bother to knock on his door, going straight in and finding him already dressed in the uniformed jeans and black t-shirt. His hair greasy because he was refusing to use the shower. With a new determination, I made my mind up. Tonight Tabby was going to make Kent have a shower, even if it meant holding him there.


“Ivy said to be ready in ten and then she’ll take you to the Physio.” Wanting to see the boy I once knew, I add. “She said if you’re a good boy she’ll take you out for lunch.”


“For fuck's sake Rayven I’m not a fucking kid who demands to be bribed. I’m willing to go to Physio. The sooner I’m out of this contraption, the sooner I can get out of this fucking place.”


Hurt by his words, I stepped to the side as Kent rolled the chair into the living room to wait for Ivy.


“Okay Kent let us go. Laura can I drop you off somewhere?”


“Thanks, but no. Rosie and I are going to the local park. See you later Kent.”


“Bye Momma.”


Ten minutes later the house is quiet. Like a guilty child, I clap my hands in glee. A quick tidy of the kitchen has the breakfast dishes washed and the washing machine on. The call of the tub had me in the bathroom running the water and loading the bath with my favorite scent. Idly I sat on the side of the tub, watching the foam as it began to froth. Twenty minutes later the bath was ready and I climbed in. The warmth of the water, sending my body into bliss.


With a soft hum, I leant back against the tub and closed my eyes. I do not know how long I lay like this, before a sound brought me back to the present. With great reluctance, I opened my eyes to discover Tabby sitting on the side of the tub. His eyes lazily travelling over my body. Quickly, and with a loud splash. I cover my breasts with my arms and place my hands at the top of the junction of my legs. Tabby’s laughter fills the room as he swipes my arm away.


“Really Rayven, I’ve seen and savored all of you.”


It may be true; he may have seen my body naked. Yet, it did not give him the right to walk in on me when I was having my bath.


“Leave Tabby or I’ll go back to wearing my onesies.”


Tabby hates my nightwear with a passion, and has forbidden me from wearing them in bed. Instead, I sleep in his t-shirts and panties.


“You wouldn’t be so cruel?”


The look I threw at him was all the answer he needed or was going to get. Not to be outdone, he reached for the face cloth and began to wash my feet.


“Tabby for crying out, what are you doing?”


“It looks as if I’m washing your feet.”


“Well stop it. I’m quite capable of washing myself.”


“That may be, but I’m enjoying myself.”


“Well, you can enjoy yourself tonight when you give Kent a shower.”


“What the fuck?”


It was my turn to laugh at the look of horror on Tabby’s face. When I finally calm down, I explained to him about Kent and his hygiene routine or rather lack of.


“Deal, but I want something in return.”


My body, which had started to heat up for another reason, froze while I waited for Tabby to continue.


“A kiss.”


“I’m not having sex with you.”


“Rayven how come each time I ask for a kiss you throw sex into the equation? I’m beginning to think this is your way of asking.”


“Alright, a kiss and nothing more. What the fuck are you doing?”


Tabby has removed his cut and T-shirt, exposing his chest to my hungry eyes, which I let rove over the bare flesh. Voraciously drinking in the sight of his tanned pecs. While I am busy studying his chest Tabby swiftly pulls me out of the tub and sits me on his knee.


“While we kiss, I want to feel those glorious tits against my body.”


Then his lips swooped down on to mine. Hungrily he began to feast on my mouth, whilst his hands cupped my ass, lifting me closer to him. Lost in the kiss, it came as a shock when I found myself falling forward as Tabby fell into the tub, his legs hanging over the edge. Frantically I struggled to free myself, trying to gain my balance. Eventually, after slipping a couple of times, and in between the laughter, I managed to get myself upright. Quickly I wrap a towel round my body, leaving Tabby as he continued to struggle in the tub.


“Well Rayven, that’s the first time a kiss, has floored me.”


My body was still tingling from the contact of Tabby’s body, as I put my summer dress on. Critically I looked at myself in the mirror. My baby bump was no longer a bump, but a giant ball. Tabby had managed to free himself, of both the bath and his wet jeans and was standing behind me in just his socks. In the mirror, our eyes clashed as once more Tabby cupped my belly, soothing junior.


“What happens after the baby’s born Tabby?”


With a tender touch that belied the strength hidden in the large hands, Tabby brushed my hair away from my face. Again, our eyes locked


“You stay here Rayven.”


“And what if I don’t want to. What if I want to date someone?”


Gone was his smile, his eyes now chips of ice as his hand curled my hair round his fist.


“That’s my baby and no one else is bringing it up Rayven. No one but me.”


The shiver, which passed through my body, has nothing to do with arousal, it was fright. Sometimes I forget that behind the lazy mask there is a ruthless persona. That this man will do everything in his power to obtain and keep what he wants. Wasn’t I prove of that? I destroyed his prize possession and in return, he destroyed my life.


For three years, he has had me working in that sleazy joint of a strip club. Each night I was at the place, I must have had every proposition thrown my direction. If I did something to annoy him, he would torture me. He would drop subtle hints that before long I’d have to dance to pay back for the damage caused to the Harley. On the nights Tabby has had me working as a waitress, every creep in Comfort Springs has practically touching up my backside.


Regrettably, I pull out of the comfort of Tabby’s embrace.


“I want more Tabby. I want my freedom. My family paid its debt to you on the night you sacrificed Kent in the name of the club.”


“No Rayven, The club owes Kent and that’s a debt to be paid back by Devil’s Comfort. Your debt is to me and only when I say it has been paid in full, will it be clear.”


“I begged you not to let Kent to become a member of your fucking club. Did you listen? No, of course you didn't. Instead, you made him a fucking prospect.”


“He’s a man Rayven, he asked to join. Do you think he’ll be happy to know his sister interfered in his life?”


“Go to the club Tabby.”


After dismissing Tabby, I turned my back to look out of the window. Below in the street, cars were driving pass. All of the people oblivious to what was going on in this room. In this house. A flash caught my attention, my eyes going to Momma and Rosie as they returned from their outing. My anger at Tabby turned to pain as I observed them. In such a short time, Tabby has worked wonders on Momma, giving her the independence we had deprived her of.


I’ll send Sundance to collect you at seven, there’s paperwork at the club that needs doing.”


Yep, there was something to be grateful for. Because of the pregnancy, Tabby has taken me out of the cloakroom and stuck me in his office to do the damn paperwork. I am still not sure which was worse. The isolation of the cloakroom, or putting up with the insults of the punters.




“Rayven, this is the third time I’ve asked for your opinion.”


“Sorry Momma, I was daydreaming.”


“Don’t you be sorry. If I had a man like Tabby, I’d be spending my time daydreaming too.”


At Momma’s comment, I give her the obligatory smile she is anticipating.


“Do you miss Papa?”


As a look of sadness darkens Momma’s eyes, I wish I had not brought up the subject. When she did answer, I was dumbfounded.


“No, dear. By the time of the accident, I no longer loved your Papa. What I do regret is that when he left us, you took on responsibilities that you were too immature to cope with. Watching how Tabby hovers over you, makes me realize how much we totally took you for granted.”


In a need to reassure the woman across from me, I lift her hand and intertwine our fingers.


“I love you Momma.”


The slamming of the front door has us both looking at Ivy, as she enters the kitchen.


“Has Kent gone to his room?”


“No, he asked to be dropped off at the club.”


“Sundance is supposed to be picking me up later. I’ll let Tabby know I’m taking the SUV and I’ll bring Kent home when I’ve finished at the club.”


“Thanks Rayven, I’ve a date tonight. Hope you don’t mind.”


“Not at all.”


Resentment ran through my body as I watch Ivy leave. At twenty-five she has travelled. Been to places I have merely read about and she has the sense to stay away from the men of Devil’s Comfort.


Chapter 4



The Harley was running smooth and Mace, the Vice President of Scarlet Runners MC, has done an excellent job on the paintwork.


“Here you can have this piece of junk back.”


Lovingly I stroked the custom paintwork the hog. An appreciative whistle the only compliment Mace needs.


“Carter asked me to pass this on to you.”


Quickly pocketing the scrap of paper into the top pocket of my cut, I passed on the club’s appreciation to Mace. We were waiting on this information for some time and it is valuable to the club.


“Thanks again for the bike Mace.”


“Hey, I’m always happy to help out a fellow biker.”


With ease, I rolled the FatBoy onto the road and returned to Comfort Springs and to Devil’s Comfort clubhouse. When I walked into the club, I found Kent propped up against the bar. Since his return, this is fast becoming his favorite spot.


“Kitty I’ll have a beer and as soon as Inferno and Linc arrive let me know.”




With the beer in hand, I turned to the half-drunk prospect.


“How did Physio go?”


Kent does not bother to either look in my direction or acknowledge my question as he lifts the half-full beer bottle, finishing the remaining liquid in one swallow. The bottle had not left his lips, before Kent is asking Kitty for another beer.


“Is Ivy collecting you?”


“I don’t know. And I don’t give a fuck.”


Kent’s greasy hair was trailing on the bar and the smell of body odor was repugnant. There was no need to wait until tonight to shower him. As I scan the room for some assistance, I spot Dec as he comes out of the meeting room and beckon him over.


“Help me to get this fucker into one of the shower rooms, will you.”


Between us we manage to lift Kent off his stool, before he starts to twist in our arms. His arms swinging wildly as he tries to evade us.


“Keep the fuck still, before we knock you out Kent.”


“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”


With a mighty heave, Dec managed to fling Kent over his shoulder and make off towards one of the rooms at the back of the club.


“Having fun boys?”


“Fuck off Inferno… Here, The Scarlet’s came up winners on that information you were after.”


After passing him the piece of paper I re- joined Dec and Kent in one of the rear rooms. Somehow, Dec has managed to strip Kent of his T-shirt. Yet he is having a fight in the trouser department. Kent Winters may not be heavy or big build. He was, however wiry and from where I was standing as slippery as an eel.


“Fuck Tabby, stop gawking, and grab his arms.”


Eventually we managed to take off his boots and jeans. Now all we have to do is get him into the shower.


“Who’s going in with him?”


“I will.”


I had already stripped myself of my T-shirt and boots and quickly took off my jeans. There was no point in getting a second pair wet in one day. It may have taken longer than expected, but we managed to get Kent clean and to scrounge up clean clothing for him.


“I’ll take if from here Dec. Tell Inferno I’ll join the meeting once I’m finished in here.”


“Sure thing bro.”


Disgust ran through my body as I studied the drunk. It was time he learnt some lessons. Fuck, the doctor confirmed that his condition was not permanent. In truth, he should have been up and walking by now. Yet, the boy lying passed out on the bed was simply full of self-pity. Something that his family was willing to let him wallow in.


“Kent buddy are you Okay?”


With his arm flung across his face, Kent gave a low groan. “Yeah.”


“I’ve business to take care of Kent, but later you and I are going to talk. This shit isn’t fair to your family. Especially Rayven who could do without the stress.”


“I can’t bear it. All their fussing.”


“In that case the quicker you’re on your feet; the quicker they’ll stop treating you like a baby.”


“Fuck, I don’t want to end up like Momma.”


“Your Momma’s fine and there’s a difference between you both. You can walk Kent. Something your Momma will never have a chance to do again... Look, I have to run, but we’re going to get this crap sorted.”


Another groan and Kent rolled onto his side, turning his back towards me.




The meeting room is full of bikers. All eager to know what actions Devil’s Comfort is going to take.


“We have to hit them where it suffers. And that’s in their pocket.”


Linc was speaking to the room. All eyes focused on what he is saying.


“Two years ago, Black County made a move on our patch and attempted to sell drugs to the people of Comfort Springs. Tonight we move on theirs. Not only do we offer a lower price. We also provide a better grade.”


“Why not simply wipe out the bastards?” Trax is unhappy with the way we are handling the retaliation. For him, the route we plan to take is slow. “Why don’t we just dish out quick justice?”


“Because we want them to suffer. To experience the pain slowly.”


Since the night of Kent’s attempted murder, we have gone over this plan a dozen times. Yet a few of the bikers insisted on raising the same old argument.


“Trax it’s time to put our emotions behind us. We hit their drugs, and then we hit the liquor. Linc’s right. I almost lost you and the club nearly lost Kent and that’s before we start counting the dead bodies.”


Trax’s becomes sullen and silent as he slumps into his chair. Frustration screaming from his body.


“Tabby, you think this info is legit?”


“Yeah, the Scarlets have too much to lose if they provide us with false information.”


Not so long ago Devil’s Comfort and The Scarlet Runner’s had held a sit down and it was agreed that they’d take over handling the drugs in Black County, while Devil’s Comfort would run the liquor. A solution both parties were more than happy to work with.


Inferno bangs the gravel “Okay, round everyone up. We leave in thirty. Remember no-one gets hurt.”




“What time is Sinbad due?”


Inferno’s surveillance of the house never wavers as he looks at his watch for the tenth time in about the same time span. While Fudge, Trax and I wait with Inferno for Sinbad and Mississippi. Linc, Dec, Twiggy and Crabby were meeting up with Black County’s drug suppliers. After our respective meetings, we will regroup back at the clubhouse and debrief on the evening’s transactions.


From a distance, we hear the low growl of Harley engines. Followed by the dim headlights as the two bikers head our way. When the Scarlet Runners draw up in front of us, general greetings are quickly and quietly passed. Now that the bikers have joined us, we take our proposition to the local drug dealers and head towards the house that has our interest. After a courtesy knock, we help ourselves into the property.


The house is clean and well maintained and in one of the more affluent areas of Black County Stewards territory. The earth tone décor blending in with the old chintz suite and tiffany lamp and mahogany units. The room screamed old money. By a fire, sat in one of the chairs, was sixty-year-old Abbigail St Laurent. The main drug dealer for
the Black County Stewards. She may not be out there. On the streets peddling the stuff, but she was their boss.


“Evening Miss Abbigail.” As the old lady began to rise, Inferno held his hand out to her. “Please don’t rise on our account. We’ll not be here for long.”


“Oh, and Abbigail, you’ll not be needing the gun so put it away.”


The hand, which has been twitching at her side, stopped its movement and came to rest on her lap.


“What can I do for you boys?”


“Why don’t we get the introductions over with first, Miss Abbigail?”


As soon as the introduction are out of the way. Inferno begins on our demands, making it clear what it is we want. From now on The Scarlet Runner’s will supply her and New Lyons with all the drugs they required. That for the next six months she was to offer her clientele a ten percent discount on today’s price. Yet financially she will not lose out, because Devil’s Comfort will cover the shortfall. Plus a little extra for her troubles. More importantly, this conversation is in confidence and that she is not to say anything to Black County, or her grandson, who is away at college. After all unfortunate accidents can occur anywhere at any time.


“You boys drive a hard bargain, but who’ll protect me and mine from Tats and Black County?”


Inferno did not hesitate or blink. “We will. This weekend your nephew on your late husband’s side is coming to stay with you for a while.”





“Hi Silver. Has Rayven arrived?”


“Yeah, she’s in the office. Linc and Dec are here, they’re in the VIP area waiting for you.”


“Thanks. Set up a couple of bottles of JD and let them know I’ll join them in a moment.”


Once in the room, I spot Rayven behind my desk, her head leaning back while her eyes are closed. Her lips are slightly open, inviting me to kiss her. An invitation I do not resist. The sleepy kiss that Rayven returns is slow and tentative. Her tongue flickering against my lip before making its way into my mouth. The taste of peppermint invades my senses. The taste of Rayven, sending shafts of desire down to my cock, which begins to stir.






“Nothing, just Tabby.”


With a show of reluctance, I pull away from Rayven’s soft pink lips and study the girl seated in my chair. Unfocused blue eyes gaze up at me. While a smile plays at the corner of her lips. For a moment, we simply looked at each other.


“Don’t cancel Sundance or any other ride I arrange for you again.”


“I need to take Kent home.”


“He’s passed out. Crabby will take the SUV and take him home. Which he could have managed with the club’s vehicle.”




A frown mars my forehead, whilst I tilt my head to one side.


“Are you Okay Rayven?”


“Sure, Why?”


“Nothing. Look, I’ll catch up with you later.”




Now I am worried, I hate it when Rayven is too quiet, not answering me back. Yet I do not have the time to figure out what is going off in her mind at the minute.


In the main club area, Amber is on the stage, down to her panties and is in the process of removing her bra, while shimmering her body at the audience.


“Good show?” Fudge turns his gaze to me, a lazy grin spread across his face.”




“How’d the meeting go?”


“We got the drugs and came to an arrangement with the suppliers.”


“We’ll simply have to wait and see if they hold out to their side of the bargain.”             


BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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