Thor'sday Night - Paranormal Erotica (11 page)

BOOK: Thor'sday Night - Paranormal Erotica
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‘It was nice meeting you,’ Will says firmly.

Mike looks at her. ‘You’re leaving?’

Her eyes fervently tell him it isn’t her

‘Well, I’ll see you on Monday. Nice meeting you,
officer. Take care of her for me.’

She surfs a wave of pure elation out of the
gallery, but it immediately crashes out on the sidewalk when she
remembers that he’s married, and her employer, and that she can’t
afford to lose her job, which leaves only a fizzling, frustrated
restlessness in her blood.

Will lets go of her, and starts across the
street without seeming to care whether she follows him or not. This
annoys her, but ignoring her is an effective way to transform the
half empty glass of her interest in him into a half full one

‘Hey,’ she laughs, ‘wait up.’

He stops, and let’s her catch up with him.

‘What’s the matter?’ She slips her arm beneath
his, and holds on to it.


He is wearing a black, short-sleeved T-shirt,
and a fine silver chain that makes her appreciate what a strong yet
sensual neck he has. ‘Will, you have the most beautiful neck.’

He gives her that colorless, surprised glance
again. ‘You just noticed that?’ His gruff tone doesn’t quite manage
to cover up his vulnerable pleasure at the compliment.

‘Yes, it looks delicious. Can I have it for

‘It’s not sweet,’ he answers shortly. They reach
the car.

She lets go of his arm.

He unlocks the passenger side door, and opens it
for her.

She clutches the shirt over his chest with both
hands, and stands on tiptoe to whisper in his ear, ‘I want it!’ She
presses herself up against him. Everything about him is excitingly
hard except his vulnerable neck.

‘Just get in the car.’

His cool attitude is working; she wants him
desperately. She slips into the front seat hoping he’ll continue to
play the hard, no-nonsense cop so she can keep feeling excitingly
wicked, and determined to corrupt him.

The only problem is, it’s a very short drive to
her apartment.

He slips in beside her, and again she admires
the silver bracelet that draws her eyes to his wrist as he starts
the engine. This man’s bone structure leaves nothing to be desired.
‘Don’t take me home, Will, not yet.’

He merges with the traffic on Miracle Mile.
‘Where would you like to go?’ He turns right on Lejeune, heading
for her apartment.

She asks softly, ‘Can we park somewhere?’

He doesn’t answer. He simply makes a quick
U-turn, in the direction of a golf course with a lake.

She slides across the seat to him, and he drapes
a heavy arm over her shoulders, letting her snuggle up against him.
But his bulging pec doesn’t make a very good pillow, and she feels
anything but tired as she caresses his unyielding chest. She savors
how warm and hard he is as her hand moves slowly down to his
crotch. When her fingers gently insinuate themselves like roots
into the firm dark space between his thighs, he doesn’t arrest
their progress. He doesn’t react in any way, which deepens her
hunger for him and makes her bold. As he shifts his grasp on the
wheel to make a turn she quickly unzips his pants.

‘I thought we were taking it slow, Carmen.’


‘Can you at least wait until we get there?’

She unbuckles his belt and opens his jeans.

‘This is against the law,’ he says, but doesn’t
stop her from pulling his white underpants down out of her way.

How much she enjoyed going down on Jay Thursday
night has, she realizes now, left her starved for more. He had a
very good reason for flying up to Washington, but it doesn’t
matter, she is still angry with him for leaving her, and determined
to prove that his dick isn’t the only one that can taste good.

Will lifts his arm from around her to grip the
wheel with both hands.

She cradles his limp penis in her hand. Waves of
light and dark wash over it, so she can’t really see it clearly,
which makes touching it even more exciting. Her fingertips love the
feel of it, cool on the surface and yet radiating a subtle warmth.
She wraps her fingers around its stiffening length so she can feel
it swelling, and it strikes her then that a man’s personality is
like his dick, tender yet detached, oddly vulnerable and yet firm,
determined. She lightly strokes the top of his helmet with her
thumb, delighted at the way his already impressive rod quivers in
her hand when she does so. His jeans and underpants press against
it, pushing it up against his shirt when she lets go to run a
teasing fingernail up and down it. Then she just gazes at it,
feeling extremely wicked. Last night she sucked a man’s cock, and
now she’s getting ready to blow another man.

‘Carmen, we’re not in the gallery anymore,’ he
says hoarsely, ‘it’s not a sculpture.’

‘But it’s beautiful.’ She keeps her eyes open as
she gives the sensitive opening in his helmet a tentative little
lick. His scent makes her think of the air before a storm, thick
with ozone, and above it she detects the clean tang of soap like a
sharp flash of lightning. He smells different than Jay, a little
more potent, and she likes it. Yet only the tip of her tongue
flickers over the drop of semen quivering on his helmet, like the
white pearl of his deepening tension. He is so big; she wonders how
she can possibly fit all of him in her mouth.

She was aware of the car turning, then slowing
down, so it doesn’t surprise her when it comes to a stop.

He turns off the lights, but leaves the engine
and the air conditioner running. ‘Come on,’ he says, grabbing the
hair at the back of her head, ‘you’ve teased me enough.’ Holding
himself with his left hand he pushes his helmet between her lips,
forcing them open as part of her suddenly has second thoughts and
resists. She plants the one hand not crushed against him on his
rock-hard thigh to try and sit up, but he isn’t having it. She has
no choice but to swallow him. His dick is thicker than Jay’s, and
she hears a small bone in her jaw crack as she opens her mouth as
wide as she can to accommodate it. She moans, and slaps his thigh
to warn him that she can’t possibly swallow all of him, but he
simply puts both his large hands on her head and keeps pushing her
face down into his lap. She can’t fight him, there is nothing she
can do now to stop him, and the certainty of this mysteriously
relaxes her. A wild, out of control part of her wanted this to
happen, and now she either gets into it, or chokes on it.

He groans, and she squeezes her eyes shut as she
concentrates on relaxing and opening her throat for him. She
couldn’t stop thinking about this intensely intimate caress all
day, and it’s just how she remembered it, terrible and wonderful
all at once. He rests his powerful erection in her mouth for a long
moment while she breathes through her nose, already dying to get
this over with, and yet also savoring the coming ordeal. Then he
braces himself on the steering wheel while his other hand pulls her
back up by the hair slowly as she keeps her lips wrapped tightly
around him. Like Jay, he takes full control of her movements, and
she doesn’t know why this makes the experience so much more
exciting. Yet after a while it begins to hurt how wide open she has
to hold her mouth to keep her teeth safely out of his way, so that
she feels herself grimacing. There doesn’t seem to be any need for
the skin stretched painfully taut between her cheeks and her jaw,
because all he wants as he moves her face up and down around his
shaft is the worm of her tongue.

He fucks her mouth fast and hard, and his
complete disregard for her feelings, the fact that she is nothing
to him now except a warm, wet hole in the darkness turns her on in
an intensely morbid way. She is a dangerous hole because she can
hurt him if she wants to, and his faith in her complete devotion to
his penis also arouses her in a way she can’t explain. The truth is
that the more selfishly he uses her, the less it bothers her how
stiff and uncomfortable her own body is. A small eternity passes
before she feels him reaching his peak, and her breathless moans
merge with his as he pulses and swells to impossible dimensions in
the small space of her mouth. Finally she can’t help it, her teeth
graze him.

‘Oh, fuck, yeah!’ Shoving her face down into his
lap he shoots his spunk straight down her throat, wave after wave
of it that almost literally drowns her in him. She has no choice
but to swallow even as she fervently wishes it were Jay’s milk she
was drinking. At last he lets go of her hair, and she winces,
because the roots ache from where he kept pulling on them. She
wipes her mouth and cheeks with the end of his shirt, and then
slides away from him on the seat as she sits up. Her hands are all
sticky, and she feels a little sick.

He manages to zip up his jeans. ‘Jesus,’ he

Chapter Five

Carmen has a hard time falling asleep.

It bothers her that she hasn’t heard from Jay.
He could have found a moment to call her. He should have called
her. The fact that his father is dying is no excuse.

Her bedroom door is wide open, and making her
nervous. She likes to sleep with it closed and locked, another
barrier between her and the outside world. The crime rate in her
neighborhood is so low she never really worries about theft, but
she feels more vulnerable lately.

Tonight what she is afraid of is that she will
never see Jay again. A deeper part of her, however, is sure she
will. There are many reasons for her self-confidence, too many for
her to analyze as she lies daydreaming while trying to fall asleep.
She keeps remembering what he said to her at the restaurant:
‘You’re beautiful all the way through.’

She had never thought of herself as being easy.
She had never imagined fucking more than one man at a time. She
would never have believed it would feel so good up the ass, or that
it would turn her on so much to be slapped and spanked.

She never would have known there was still so
much uncharted territory inside her. Before Jay, her sexual
experiences had all been as predictable as seafaring voyages before
Columbus. Now the exotic place on the sexual map called Bondage and
Domination, which she heretofore pictured as a beastly realm she
would never want to fall into, has become a part of her sensuality
she can’t wait to explore. Already under Jay’s navigation her
erotic tastes are becoming more well rounded than she could ever
have imagined.

How much she enjoyed going down on Will tonight
amazes her. She has to admit that she really likes Will. He is
honest, straightforward, and nice to her. He really seems to
respect her as a person. Physically, he is also the most beautiful
man she has ever been with. His body is hard with muscles yet
slender; his strength isn’t bulky, it is lean and irresistible.

Her windows are open beneath the blinds, but
there isn’t a breath of wind as she lays wondering if she has ever
enjoyed kissing a man as much as she loves kissing Will. Jay
doesn’t seem to be into kissing at all…

…She rolls over and opens her eyes. Her digital
clock reads 1:11 in flaming branches poised upright for an instant
before they crumble to ash. The sight snaps all her senses to
attention, so that she immediately notices how the darkness has
condensed itself in her doorway.

She sits up with a small cry of fear.

‘Don’t be afraid, Carmen,’ Jay’s quiet voice

‘Oh, God, you scared me,’ she says

‘Did I?’ He remains in the doorway. ‘I’m

His silhouette is disturbingly formless. ‘Are
you wearing a coat, Jay?’

‘Yes, it’s cold up in Washington, in more ways
than one.’

‘You didn’t make up with your father then?’

‘I’m afraid not. The man’s impossible,
especially now he’s dying and scared shitless.’

‘I take it he’s not a religious man.’

‘Only about his money.’

‘And you can’t take it with you.’

His silhouette steps into the room, enabling her
to make out the pale waves of his features. ‘I believe we take it
all with us, one way or the other.’

A pale mist flows across the carpet towards

‘Sage has come to greet you, Jay.’

‘Get her out of here.’

She gets out of bed, scoops Sage up into her
arms, and sets her down in the living room. She then quickly closes
the bedroom door.

‘Thank you. Did you miss me, Carmen?’

‘Yes. I thought you weren’t coming back until
tomorrow night.’

‘I couldn’t wait to see you. Come here.’ He
immediately pulls the sleeveless T-shirt she is wearing off over
her head, and tosses it away. He then reaches into one of his
pockets and holds something up in front of her face. Two silver
shapes swing gently back and forth in the darkness. Unable to
resist the motion, she reaches up for them.

He lets her have them. ‘I noticed your ears were
pierced.’ He caresses her hair away from her face with both hands.
‘Thor’s hammers, in honor of our first tumultuous date. Put them on
for me.’

‘Thor’s hammers?’ Her voice is a reverent
whisper. ‘You bought me Thor’s hammer earrings?’

‘I’m sorry, would you have preferred little
golden crosses?’ His tone is dry.

She stares down at the silver axes in her hand,
trying to make sense of this coincidence, and failing.

‘I asked you to put them on for me, Carmen.
Don’t you like them?’

‘Of course I like them, they’re beautiful.’ She
can barely see them, but they are a gift from him, and that makes
them priceless. ‘It’s just that…’

He takes one of the earrings from her, and
effortlessly finds the tiny hole in her earlobe. ‘It’s just that

Cold metal brushing her cheek, followed by his
warm hand caressing her makes her weak in the knees.

He repeats the gesture with the other earring.
‘They suit you.’

BOOK: Thor'sday Night - Paranormal Erotica
6.95Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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