Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (31 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Reaching the contact he quickly whispered everyone’s location inside the house. “Me and my boys are out,” he told Creeper who nodded and handed him a thick envelope padded with money.

Ian and Ryan watched as he sent a quick text and three other men appeared from the back of the house. They all joined the contact and walked away getting into a truck parked outside, two of the men pushing it out of the yard and down the long winding gravel driveway, careful not to make any more noise than necessary. Returning their attention to the house, Ryan noted that no one seemed the wiser. Creeper and Pirate headed around to the back, Ian and Ryan making their way up the three stairs to the front door. Ian felt his cell vibrate alerting him Creeper and Pirate were in position. Standing upright, Ryan kicked in the front door as Pirate kicked in the back. All of the men in the house began to scatter as Ryan, Ian, Creeper and Pirate opened fire, dropping them like flies. Tagg tried to run for the bathroom as Creeper shot him in the knee, Pirate hit an arm. Ian fired over Sheik’s head and he cowered on the floor begging for his life as he and Ryan stood over him. Suddenly everything shifted and the smoke began to fill the house.

What the fuck,” Creeper yelled, coughing as the smoke began to make his head light.

Ian, Ryan and Pirate were all coughing as well trying to make their way back out of the house but finding it hard to move as their limbs grew heavy. The men succumbed moments later as King Diesel entered the house, mask in place, Blue by his side. They put bullets in Tagg and Sheik before turning their attention to the four remaining men.

Take them all,” King Diesel said simply as he turned and walked outside, the four men that accompanied them, walking in after he exited.

Blue gave them direction and left them to their task as he joined King Diesel and they got into the truck heading back the way they came.


Ashlyn was still looking at Sa’Cari cautiously as he talked.

We can get in Ashlyn, stop worrying,” he told her as she looked at the two fake ID’s.

He wanted to go the Memoirs grand opening but they were both underage. Ashlyn took the documents from his hand admitting they were great forgeries.

What if we get caught Sa’Cari,” she worriedly asked, having no idea Tae would be at the opening.

Girl, that place will be packed with people,” he patiently explained. “Once we get inside no one will know us from any other partier,” he told her chuckling now.

Ashlyn continued to think about it admitting to herself that she really did want to go. They’d been hearing the hype about the club all month with one radio spot or the other. Sa’Cari had driven by it last week when we they were out on a date and she’d seen the beautiful building, peaking her curiosity about the inside.

You know you wanna go,” Sa’Cari taunted as he tickled her.

Ashlyn began to laugh and giggle finally admitting she was curious.

So let’s use these and go,” he cajoled once again.

I have to get something cute to wear,” she told him signaling her agreement to the plan.

Sa’Cari smiled brightly telling her it wasn’t a problem. “Let’s go shopping now,” he threw out as Ashlyn told him she couldn’t.

Why baby,” he asked kissing her softly.

I don’t get paid until tomorrow,” she told him referring to Friday.

Sa’Cari scoffed. “Girl please, come on,” he told her pulling her from the bed and into his arms. “I got you,” he added as she shook her head no.

I can’t let you do that Sa’Cari,” she told him looking into his eyes.

He gave her a look before he spoke.

Ashlyn, we are so not going to have this fight again, miss independent,” Sa’Cari said calmly as she burst into laughter at the title he gave her.

I just don’t want you to think --,” she got out before he kissed her deeply, silencing her.

After they parted he spoke again.

Ashlyn if I thought you were a gold digger, and I’ve known a few, I would have never talked to you,” Sa’Cari told her calmly.

OK, OK,” Ashlyn chuckled in surrender as he smiled and they headed out to the mall.

Where do you want to go,” he asked as they rode.

Um, how about Lenox,” Ashlyn replied calling the mall by name.

Sa’Cari told her that was fine, turning onto the interstate to get them there.

Finding a park after they arrived they exited the vehicle and headed inside the multi-store structure.

So what are looking for,” he asked, ready to help Ashlyn find an outfit.

Um something cute,” she returned as he laughed.

That’s really not helping a whole lot,” Sa’Cari replied as Ashlyn laughed and told him she knew.

I guess I will know when I see it,” she told him as Sa’Cari shrugged slightly and told her okay.

Passing the jewelry store he stopped, glancing at the various diamonds on display in the window.

What are you doing,” Ashlyn asked, noticing him finally.

You like any of these,” he asked as she glanced in the window and told him they were all nice.

Come on, we’re supposed to be looking for my outfit,” she teased.

Sa’Cari smiled at her reaction, deciding he would return later and find something suitable on his own. They continued walking through the mall passing a group of girls who gave him the once over, one even throwing out an open invitation to get with her. Ashlyn whipped around and addressed the girl.

Keep walking bitch,” she said low and cold. “You’re about to hit quicksand,” she added her eyes flat and empty.

The woman mumbled something under her breath quickly turning back to her friends and leaving their presence.

Wow,” Sa’Cari returned as he looked at her now. “Where have you been keeping that cougar,” he teased as Ashlyn smiled slightly.

She didn’t get mad often, but when she did, she did.

I don’t want to talk about it anymore, please,” she pleaded as he chuckled again and told her sure.

Let’s go in here,” Sa’Cari suggested as Ashlyn burst into laughter seeing the lingerie store and walking in with him.


Every muscle in Brent’s body ached. From the time he regained consciousness he’d been worked over. First, by several large thugs who beat the hell out of him with wet towels, then he was strapped to a chair and given shock therapy again and again, followed by sensory manipulation of every imaginable kind. He knew Ray was furious with him and Brent felt like a complete fool for allowing himself to get caught up in madness.
You should have just talked to him and avoided all this shit,
his mind told him as the orderly returning and put the small black puck into his mouth once more.
What now,
Brent wondered as the door opened and the cart was rolled in. His eyes grew big as he saw the car battery sitting on the cart and Rahja walk inside closing the door. Brent tried to remove the object from his mouth but it was taped in place.

Really, you have no one to blame for this but yourself Mr. Brent,” Rahja told him as he removed his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeve.

Brent screamed in agony as they man shocked him again and again with the battery cable wires. His heart rhythm was discombobulated and his breathing shallow and labored. Brent felt like he was having a heart attack and they were all standing there watching him without emotion.

While I personally have no issue with what you did to your wife in the privacy of your bedroom,” Rahja began again, alerting Brent of the how behind his father finding out about it.

Mr. Lockhart finds it extremely distasteful and wants it punished,” he told him as the hospital gown was cut away, leaving Brent exposed. Rahja again used the cable wires, this time on Brent’s scrotum as the young man cried in pain, passing out only to be awakened again with smelling salts.

This,” Rahja began, producing the needle. “It’s a stimulant, still experimental,” he told Brent calmly. “But I’m sure you won’t mind helping the trials out,” he chuckled slightly. “It will give you an erection, a lasting erection,” Rahja spoke again.

The downside however, is that you will never ejaculate and the longer you stay hard the more it will hurt,” he added as the other men snickered.

I’ve given you enough for eight hours,” Rahja added, turning and putting his suit jacket back on.

Brent could only breathe; anything else was beyond his capabilities right now the pain still lingering from the cables. He felt the prick of the needle, seeing Rahja step back. “Good night Mr. Brent,” he said calmly. “Sweet dreams,” Rahja threw out as the orderlies roared leaving him alone in the room as Brent began to feel the effects of the drug, praying for unconsciousness once again.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been enduring the pain when the door quietly opened once again. Brent began to cry again seeing the white uniforms. He was sure they were here to hurt him once more. One of the orderlies wordlessly pulled out a syringe and injected him. Brent felt almost instant relief from the pain. His head began to float almost immediately afterward and the darkness again quickly descended. Sure he was out one of the men pulled out his cell and dialed King Diesel.

We got him,” he said simply as King Diesel grunted his understanding.

You know what to do,” he replied as the men acknowledged his direction.

Picking up the unconscious man the two orderlies placed him on the gurney and strapped him down, covering him completely with a sheet and rolling him down the hallway.

Hey, where are you going,” one of the nurses called out.

I didn’t get anything about a code,” she told them, alluding to the death of a patient.

I’m calling the doctor,” she told the orderlies eyeing them suspiciously.

Before she could turn around, one of the men grabbed her, quickly placing her in a chokehold and rendering her unconscious.

Lucky,” the other said as his friend nodded.

The only reason she wasn’t dead was because of King Diesel’s orders. Returning to their task the two men made it outside where a hearse waited and two other men in black suits stood beside it. Opening the back they rolled the gurney inside, closing the door as the two men in suits got inside and drove off, the two orderly’s right behind them in their own dark vehicle.




Shango smiled as Dee walked into his hotel suite. He took her in loving the view as her hips swayed seductively with each step.

You want some of this,” Shango asked holding up the bottle of vodka.

Sure, a little drink might be nice,” Dee returned calmly.

She was pleased he’d called. He was a sexy man and Dee liked sexy men.

How long you been working at that place,” Shango asked making conversation as he handed her the vodka, having added a few ice cubes to it.

Dee sipped the vodka and answered his question.

Are you just passing through,” she asked as Shango told her yes, he was here for some business.

Hmph,” she replied but said nothing more.

Shango couldn’t deny the growing lust as she casually crossed her legs and the skirt rose a bit more giving him a view of her shapely thighs. Swallowing hard, Shango threw back the vodka and made himself another drink. He didn’t want to appear anxious and turn her off, but he certainly hoped she was here for more than just conversation.

Dee smiled to herself seeing his reaction to her calculated move. She wanted to know if he’d planned to do anything besides talk and now had her answer.

It’s warm in here,” she remarked, taking off the light jacket she wore with the sundress.

She saw Shango’s eyes glaze over as he took in the breasts sitting high and visible inside the fire red push up bra she wore. Dee had to catch herself to keep the laughter from escaping. She always got the same reaction whenever she put the girls on display.

Everything okay,” she asked giving him a look.

Shango swallowed hard again, unconsciously licking his lips before returning to her eyes.

Yeah, everything is fine,” he replied. “Why don’t you come over here and sit by me,” he offered, making room on the king bed where he rested.

Dee again smiled slightly, rising and coming to sit beside him.

That’s better,” Shango replied. “I don’t bite,” he added as she looked into his eyes again.

Pity,” she returned seductively. “I might actually like that,” Dee added as Shango smiled fully before leaning in and kissing her intensely.

With that move, everything shifted into overdrive. Shango quickly began removing Dee’s clothing with her returning the favor. They were both soon naked, enjoying the feel and taste of each other as lips kissed lips, shoulders, stomachs, and backs. Shango was kissing Dee down the center of her back, having turned her on her stomach, his lips soft and warm and they moved lower, kissing her cheeks before parting them and his tongue finding her clit. Dee sighed softly loving being eaten this way. Most men went with the traditional set up, but her personal preference was to be had from behind and Shango was a pro at what he did, his tongue delving inside her tight opening again and again as she flowed freely and her breathing increased. His hands slid easily under her body finding her breasts, engaging the nipples as he continued to seductively taste her. Dee felt the first orgasm looming, hit her peak with the next flick of his tongue on her clit she came hard. Shango, turned her over, placing her legs on his shoulder as he continued to taste her, now holding her still hard clit in his mouth and sucking greedily.

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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