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Authors: Catherine Gayle

Thick as Thieves (9 page)

BOOK: Thick as Thieves
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Goddard shot to
his feet when Preston arrived in the gentlemen’s corridor carrying Lady Frederica.

Upton Grey. I want both of you in Stalbridge’s chamber with us.” He spoke the words softly so as not to wake the worthless lout and alert him to their presence. “On second thought, bring Lady Upton Grey as well.” It wouldn’t do for Lady Frederica to be alone with so many men in the middle of the night without another lady to chaperone. She deserved to have someone looking after her.

Without delay, the butler rushed down the hall and out of sight.

The lady in his arms sniffed quietly, her tears wetting the shoulder of his coat where they fell. Only after Goddard left did Preston look down at her. At least she’d thought to put on a wrapper before leaving her chamber, but that was all she wore.

She’d been trembling since he’d come across her. Despite her lack of clothing, he doubted it was from cold—more from fear, and possibly her ankle injury.

He ought to set her down in a chair, but he couldn’t bring himself to relinquish his hold on her. Damnation, he
the feel of having her soft curves pressed against him. He liked it as much as he’d liked kissing her, or maybe even more.

Granted, with what he intended to do, perhaps it was a good thing that he enjoyed kissing her and holding her.

Not five minutes had passed before Goddard, Upton Grey, and Rachel joined him. Upton Grey opened the door to Stalbridge’s chamber without asking any questions. They’d known one another for so long, Preston supposed no questions were necessary. Rachel met Preston’s eyes with a look so filled with understanding it would have unnerved him, were he not so focused upon the task at hand.

As soon as the light filtered into the chamber from the hallway, Stalbridge leapt out of his bed
, tossing the counterpane and other bedding to the floor. He squinted at the three men coming into the room, along with his sister still in Preston’s arms. “What…what is going on?”

“You’re leaving,” Preston responded. “You’re leaving this house and never coming back to darken the door again. And you’re leaving your mother and sisters in my care.”

Lady Frederica gasped, but wisely held her tongue.

“I don’t—Freddie?” The marquess blinked as Goddard used his candle to light a few others, illuminating the room more fully.
The expression on his face changed within the span of a half-second. “She’s not even dressed! Get your hands off my sister, you dishonorable scoundrel!” He lunged towards Preston, but his feet got caught in the bedding on the floor.

Before he could untangle himself, Goddard had reached him and was effectively restraining him.

“The only scoundrel I see here is you, Stalbridge. Because of your worthlessness, your sister was just upstairs in Upton Grey’s abandoned library hoping to steal something she could use to help your mother and youngest sister, since they no longer have a home.”

With each word that he said, Lady Frederica hid herself further in his arms, as though she couldn’t bear for anyone to see her. It irked Preston to no end that she still felt such loyalty to someone so undeserving. At the same time, he admired her all the more for it.

“I already had a sense of disgust when I saw you just from the little I knew of you through society. Now I never want to see you again, or we’ll be using something other than words to discuss

Upton Grey
, cool and collected as ever, inclined his head towards his butler. “Goddard, see to it that Lord Stalbridge is shown to the door and has his horse returned to him.”

The butler shoved Stalbridge into motion, but the marquess stopped,
his mouth agape. “
” He inspected the butler closer. “But you’re—”

“My brother married your sister, Lady Matilda, to save her from yet another of your many mistakes,” Goddard bit off. “As soon as you arrived, I told Lord
Upton Grey everything I knew of your character and took it upon myself to watch you. I don’t trust you, my lord. Not a bit. Now kindly move your feet. Your horse is waiting.”

The pair of them left the room.

After several moments with no sounds in the room other than Lady Frederica’s soft sniffles and the beating of Preston’s heart, Rachel sighed.

“Well, that quite put a damper on the holiday spirit, didn’t it?
” she said. “Preston, I’m sure you can put Lady Frederica down now.”

He couldn’t put her down, though, because he couldn’t bear the thought of no longer holding her. Instead, he sat in an armchair and pulled her onto his lap. “She hurt her ankle in the dark,” he said by way of thoroughly inadequate explanation.

His sister knelt to the floor and started tending to Lady Frederica’s injury, but it was Upton Grey who spoke next.

“So what do you propose to do with Lady Stalbridge, Lady Frederica, and Lady Edwina? They can stay here
through the holiday, of course. And longer if necessary. But you told Stalbridge they would be in your care.”

She tensed in his arms.

Christ, how he hated seeing her so distraught. “They can come to Darlingshire House, if that’s what they wish. You’d be safe there,” he said more specifically to her. “It’s a home I set up to care for ladies—really any women—in need of protection. I’d say you and your mother and sister all qualify.”

Her eyes shot up to meet his.
He tipped her chin up, so she couldn’t look away. Confusion and hope filled her eyes in equal measure.

“Or, if Lady Frederica will agree to marry me, they can all come back to
Preston Hill with me after the wedding. I trust we could all stay on here long enough for that. Can’t we?”

A fresh wave of tears filled her eyes
, making any answer Upton Grey could give him a moot point.

“But how could you possibly want to marry me after what I’ve done? You couldn’t possibly trust me enough
to marry me.”

“On the contrary,” Preston said, finding it impossible to stop himself from smiling. “It’s because I know the lengths you’ll go to in order to protect those you love that I admire you. And you even love Stalbridge, who is wholly undeserving of your love. It was that, more than anything, which made me realize I would do anything I could to convince you to have me. Even if you
refuse, I’m determined to protect you, Lady Frederica. A lady with a heart such as yours deserves no less.”

“But I…” She shook her head. “I thought you were afraid of marriage.”

A chuckle came out before he could stop it. “My fear has far more to do with certain ladies who brandish fire irons as weapons than with marriage itself.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a perfect O. No doubt she realized what she’d swung at him in the library not too very long ago, just as clearly as he did. She started to speak, but he put a finger against her lips to stop her.

“But that is a story for another time. Not now.” It was late, and he needed an answer. “Lady Frederica Bexley-Smythe, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”

“I…” She eyed him quizzically. “Are you entirely certain?”

He couldn’t stop his smile at her efforts to allow him to change his mind. “Do you promise never to raise another fire poker against me?”


“Then I’m sure, Lady Frederica.”

A mischievous gleam lit her brown eyes while golden flecks danced around in them from the candlelight. “If you’re to be my husband, then I suppose you should call me Freddie as all my siblings do.”

Preston was in the process of dipping his head down for a kiss when Goddard cleared his throat from the hallway.

Damnation. He’d forgotten they weren’t alone.

“Yes?” Preston said, trying to keep his frustration from being overly evident.

“Lord Preston, I wondered if you might have use for me at Preston Hill.” Goddard looked to
Upton Grey sheepishly. “If you can spare me, of course, my lord.”

Preston didn’t want to answer without some reaction from Upton Hill.

“I’d hate to lose you, Goddard,” Upton Hill said, “but if I must lose you to anyone, at least it will be my brother-in-law.”

“I’m sure we could find some use for you at Preston Hill,” Preston said slowly, “but if you’re truly inclined to work for me—”

“I am, my lord. Lady Frederica, Lady Edwina, and Lady Stalbridge—they’re family now, though we don’t really know one another. I’d like to be closer to them, to be sure no more harm comes to them.”

It only made sense. And Preston had the perfect idea of how to put Goddard’
s skills to excellent use.

“If that’s the case, then I’ve got the perfect position in mind for you at Darlingshire House instead of at Preston Hill.”

“Is that where you’ll be taking the ladies, my lord?”

Preston met Freddie’s eyes. “Would you mind?” he asked. “I think we would all be of great use there right now.”

“As long as Mama and Edie have a home to go to, and I get to see you at the altar soon—” she lifted her brows in a teasing manner, reminding him of their first encounter by the reliquary— “then I am happy to go anywhere with you.”

Then, finally, he got his kiss.



Catherine Gayle is a bestselling author of Regency-set historical romance and contemporary hockey romance with a New Adult feel. She’s a transplanted Texan living in North Carolina with two extremely spoiled felines. In her spare time, she watches way too much hockey and reality TV, plans fun things to do for the Nephew Monster’s next visit, and performs experiments in the kitchen which are rarely toxic.


If you enjoyed this book and want to know when more like it will be available, be sure to sign up for Catherine’s
mailing list
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THICK AS THIEVES is the third novella in the
Bexley-Smythe Quintet
. The first two are FLIGHT OF FANCY and RHYME AND REASON. The release dates for the final two have not yet been set. The
Bexley-Smythe Quintet
is also linked to the
Cavendish Brothers


THICK AS THIEVES was originally featured in the anthology A PACT BETWEEN GENTLEMEN. Keep reading for information on the other PACT novellas, and look for them at your favorite ebook retailer beginning in May, 2014.


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BOOK: Thick as Thieves
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