Read Theirs: Series I Online

Authors: Arabella Kingsley

Theirs: Series I (8 page)

BOOK: Theirs: Series I
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“You have just earned yourself five extra strokes when I get that
bottom of yours bared for discipline, little one,” he said with a fatherly


He spanked my pussy again and my bottom bucked backwards against
He was hard and his sheathed
length nestled between the
of my buttocks
through his tuxedo trousers as I did so.
My ache grew and my sex flooded after the momentary sharp sting of pain
after the slap.


“Part of your submission training involves being patient to be
This is a joint brother
It is our right to choose
when, where and how.
You simply
obey and part your thighs or bottom when we order it and take your pleasure
when we allow it.
Do I make myself
clear, little one?” he said swatting my sex twice more.


“Yes, Daddy, yes,” I answered breathlessly.


Marcus stood and towered over me again in his tuxedo making me feel
small and enticingly fragile in their protective hold.


I watched Marcus deposit my panties in his inside pocket.


“Lower her dress.
I need
a room for what I have in mind,” Marcus told his brother.


Jason smoothed my dress down my legs and I tried to get used to the
idea of being without any panties on underneath my dress after having them
forcibly removed by my twin Masters.


Jason kissed my shoulder.


“Good girl.
The theatre
manager said we could use his office to make calls.
We could take her there.
We have fifteen minutes left.”


Marcus was cupping my face again and brushing his lips against
I wanted more, to be kissed
deeply but he pulled back quickly when I reached for him.
He wagged his finger at me.


“Naughty girl.
Patience, little one.
Before the night’s


He looked at Jason over my shoulder.


“Let’s get her there and get this bottom out in the open so she can
be disciplined.
We can’t let this
go,” he said with determination smoothing his hand over my rump.
“I thought we’d lost her to him


“I agree, let’s go.”


Each brother took one of my arms and guided me back indoors and down
the back end of the lobby to a corridor and an office.


Jason knocked on the door and opened it when he received no answer
to check it was not occupied.
motioned for Marcus to lead me inside and locked the door behind us.


Marcus wasted no time in taking me straight to the desk.
He stood me in front of it and undid the
zip in the back of my dress.
He quickly stripped me of the garment leaving me standing in my strapless
bra, my
high heeled
sparkling sandals and nothing


His eyes roamed my body with approval but then frowned when they
rested on my bra.


“I need something to tie her hands with,” he said to Jason as he
reached behind me to undo the catch on my bra.


He lifted it away and tossed it on to one of the large padded chairs
littering the white and
gilt edged
Jason draped my dress over the chair and
put the bra beside it.
Then he
searched the room and found to his surprise two lengths of red satin ribbon
that were hanging next to an eighteenth century costume.
He raised his eyebrows and brought them


With a boyish grin, Marcus took one of the lengths and pulled my
wrists together.
He wound the satin
material around them and secured it tightly.
Once more I was at their mercy and
loving every moment even though my heart thudded every time I heard footsteps
walking past the office and the chatter of guests in the lobby.


Marcus raised my bound hands up in to the air and cupped one of my
breasts making me give a cry when he squeezed it.


“Now, little one, I am going to clear the desk and you are going to
drape yourself across it face down.”


“Yes, Daddy,” I said eager to obey and not earn myself any more
strikes with whatever he was planning to use to spank me with.
I hoped it would just be with his hand
but when he cleared the surface of the desk and led me to it I could see he had
other ideas.


As I lay over the desk with my tied hands stretched out in front of
me dangling over the other side, my breasts squashing in to the bound black
leather and my wet sex pressing in to the edge I turned to see Marcus holding a
long wooden ruler in his hand.


“I want her gagged,” he said firmly.


“I’m on it,” Jason said walking around to the other side of the desk
moving the chair out of the way to get to me.


Marcus widened my legs and there was nothing I could hide from
My heavily wet pussy hung open
visible through my legs and my rump was bared and vulnerable to the discipline
he was about to inflict upon it.


Marcus rested his hand on the small of my back and I became aware of
him centering me just as his brother did.
The ruler rested across one of my buttocks and it felt cool yet I knew
it would soon burn me with its sting.


Jason bent down in front of me, his handsome face giving me a
reassuring smile.
He gathered up my
hair in a ponytail and held it in a gentle but firm grip.
His other hand pushed two fingers
between my lips and invaded my mouth.
Jason depressed my tongue and I was suitably silenced.


“Take a deep breath for me, little one,” Marcus ordered pushing down
gently on my back as I did so.
another,” he repeated the action.
“Now, one more, there’s a good girl,” he said softly.


Then the ruler left my bottom and I heard it whoosh through the air
towards me.
My body lifted and I
tried to yelp with the hard punishing strike of the ruler.
But Jason used his hold on my hair to
guide me back down on to the desk and moved his fingers further inside my
I was to repeat my rearing
and effort to scream but the twin brothers masterfully kept me in place as
Marcus whipped my bare bottom with the ruler.


“We must keep you safe, Kitten and we will not tolerate your
disobedience regarding our rules on your protection.
Richard is a dangerous man and this
lesson must be learned well, darling.
We were terrified for you.”


Tears sprang from my eyes as he struck my bottom over and over
I could feel my sex flooding
even through my tears.
A part of me
clearly loved to be disciplined but this was a very firm punishment and I was
learning the consequences of not obeying the brother’s rules.
They took my protection very seriously.


I was given twenty thwacks with the ruler and I knew Marcus was
being lenient when he avoided the backs of my thighs wanting me to be
comfortable for the rest of the evening.
When he brought my punishment to an end Marcus smoothed his palm gently
over my burning bottom bowing to brush it with butterfly kisses, pressing the
heat from it to his mouth.


“Well done, baby girl.
You did well.
One more of my
rules and no
Don’t think I won’t discipline you for
bad behavior wherever we are.
want total obedience at all times, little girl or you will be over my knees, a
chair, a desk or whatever else I can find to spank you over.
Do you understand me?” he said in a dark
velvet voice kissing my bottom once more.


Jason removed his fingers from my mouth and stroked my hair.


“Yes, Sir, I understand.”


He turned to
“Did you bring them?”


They are right


Jason stood up and took something from his pocket.
It was a small box.
Next he produced a small tube of
I stared at him trying
to work out what they were both talking about.


“I can’t wait to put them inside her,” he said helping Marcus raise
me from the desk.


“It’s going to be interesting,” Marcus said with a wicked
He surprised me by bending
to lift an arm under my legs and scooped me up in to his arms.
He laid me on top of the desk face
My legs dangled to the
floor and he moved them upwards and wide apart.


Jason moved in front of my thighs and stroked his finger through my
wet sex flexing the bud back and forth.
I moaned gently resting my bound hands on my stomach only to be
corrected by Marcus who placed them above my head again and moved so he could
hold them there.


“You are nice and wet, Elizabeth, soaking wet in fact and I will
only need a little lubricant to insert these inside your vaginal channel.
This is going to give you so much
pleasure, little one if you are obedient and do as you are told,” he warned as
though I were child and capable of terrible naughtiness.


“What are they?” I asked breathlessly, nervously as I felt him pulse
a finger up inside my channel to stretch and prepare me.




He held them up to me.
They were two medium sized steel balls on a string.


“Every time you move they are going to arouse you and make you want
to come, Kitten but you have to hold your pleasure until one of us gives you
permission to release it.
This will
be a good test for you as a submissive.
Now widen your legs a little further.”


I parted my thighs more and felt Jason peel back the lips of my
At first he closely
examined me and then covered the balls in a small amount of lubricant just like
he said he would.
A moment later I
felt him slide the balls
and filling me.


It was a strange sensation but when I shifted on the desk I felt
them rub at the walls of my vagina and produce a helpless cry of pleasure from
my lips.
Jason grinned at his
brother and pulled the string on the balls moving them back and forth inside
I panted, my arousal building
Then it stopped.


“Come on, we need to get going.”


Jason stood up and helped me down from the desk as I tightened my
pelvic floor to keep the balls contained.
He untied my hands.


“They are going to keep you nice and tight and very wet in there
until we are ready to mount you.
Mind you keep them in there, honey.
We wouldn’t want them falling out now would we?” he said amused.


I was allowed to dress minus my panties, correct my hair and reapply
my lipstick from my bag before we peered out of the door to check we could
leave without being noticed.


I was led back to the lobby and in to the theatre to rows of dinner
tables that had replaced the seating.
Everyone was shouting hello to the twins and demanding their attention
but eventually we were seated at a private table at the front with two of their
business associates.
I was relieved
to sit down and not have to concentrate on holding the balls inside me but I
was to endure a new fear.


Just before the entertainment on the stage began I received a new
instruction from Jason and Marcus.

BOOK: Theirs: Series I
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