Read TheFugitivesSexyBrother Online

Authors: Annabeth Leong

TheFugitivesSexyBrother (4 page)

BOOK: TheFugitivesSexyBrother
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Her fists clenched but she stood firm. “Nice try, but if I’m
wrong I’m already in trouble. If I’m right, I can’t afford to let you go.” Her
arm slipped around Javier’s waist. “We’ll go to my place to sort this out,” the
woman said.

Javier let her guide him out of the room and down the
stairs. The warmth of her side against his reminded him of walking downtown
with Terri. He couldn’t stop thinking about pulling her even closer, about
sliding his hand into the front pocket of her shorts and holding her thigh.
Javier twisted his wrists inside the handcuffs, hoping the pain would return
him to his senses.

He was being kidnapped. Fernando was accused of killing a
little girl. Everything Javier had thought he knew about the world had
shattered. Why couldn’t he get sex off his mind?

Chapter Four


Neva had a nice body. Matthew reminded himself of this
thoroughly, running his hands down her naked sides, feeling her curves. Bound
and lying on her stomach, Neva couldn’t have rushed him if she’d tried. Matthew
tugged the ropes that fastened her hands together behind her back. She was
flexible for such a full-figured woman and he’d been impressed by how tightly
he could tie her.

He’d known she was a sure thing even before he’d picked her
up for the night, so he’d rushed a bit through the required dinner and drinks,
anxious to get back to her bedroom and the distractions promised by the
shortness of her dress and the depth to which her neckline plunged. Anxious to
lose himself in her pretty body, he’d parked in her driveway rather than
bothering with the effort of concealing the car from the repo man. Bonavita’s
gang hadn’t been as generous as he’d hoped, but he still had a few thousand to
throw in for the car, just as soon as he finished paying off a few other bills
and updating his equipment. The repo man would be off his back in a couple
days, and Matthew found himself relaxing as if the crisis had already been

Now he just had to focus on appreciating the naked woman in
bed with him, rather than reminiscing about the ex-girlfriend he couldn’t have
at the moment.

Matthew stroked a finger up Neva’s right arm, grinning when
she shivered at his touch. He traced a path to the soft skin of her breast,
which spilled out beside her chest. He grasped it, playing with the generous
weight of it, then caressed her waist and wide, round hips.

“Matthew, please,” Neva sighed. She spread her legs a little
but he didn’t take the bait. Even from his kneeling position on the bed beside
her, he could smell her arousal. He didn’t want to give her relief yet. He
planned to make her wait until her wetness soaked a puddle on his bedspread.

“I should tie those legs together to make you behave,” he
murmured. Neva squirmed in response. Matthew gripped the backs of her thighs
and held her in place, his hands pale against her warm, nut-brown flesh. She
whimpered but didn’t continue to struggle against him.

Matthew fought his disappointment. Emily would have kicked
and bitten and hissed and made his life hell until the two of them dissolved
into a desperate, giggling embrace. Matthew had always needed a good hundred
and twenty feet of rope to even begin to restrain Emily, but here was Neva,
rendered docile and submissive by a mere thirty feet. Matthew enjoyed
domination in the bedroom, but with Emily he’d discovered how much he liked to
have to fight for it. Emily had been so small in his arms but she had the
spirit of a woman twice her size. Her acquiescence, when it finally came, had
always been so delicious, transforming the bed into a warm bubble of affection,
triumph and satisfaction.

“Matthew?” Neva stirred under his hands and he struggled to
return his attention to her.

“Patience,” he growled, pretending his lapse of attention
had been a test for her. She must have bought it, because she stopped
questioning and rocked her hips backward toward him, affording him glimpses of
glistening, dark-pink flesh between her legs.

The sight brought him back to the moment. Matthew slipped
his hands up to the globes of her ass, squeezing and massaging them. He settled
over her, his body still clothed. He let Neva feel the bulge of his cock
against the back of her leg. She shifted in response, trying to wriggle into
position beneath him. Matthew kept her trapped, refusing to release her ass. He
wanted her to persist, to give him a thousand delightful excuses to punish her,
but she stilled in his grasp.

“I’ll be good,” she promised with a sigh. He petted the back
of her head in acknowledgement but his chest tightened with frustration. He
wanted her to dare him to keep hold of her, and when he threatened to spank her
he wanted her to stick out her tongue and tell him he couldn’t do it hard enough.

Matthew lifted himself off Neva and undid his belt buckle,
pondering the best way to satisfy himself and his new lover. For all that he
appreciated Emily’s playful resistance in bed, she showed no signs of letting
up on the emotional resistance that currently kept them separated. Matthew
couldn’t wait to savor the sweetness of her eventual submission, but in the
meantime he had needs, and Neva was more than willing.

He pulled his belt free and leaned toward her, deliberately
rubbing the rough stubble along his jaw across her tender earlobe. Her metal
hoop earring chilled him in contrast to the heat of her skin. “Do you want to
be a good girl for me?”


“If you’re good, I’ll give you a reward.” Matthew rubbed his
bulge against her arm to make his meaning clear, then followed up by letting
her feel the leather length of his belt.

“Please,” Neva said, lifting her ass off the bed.

Matthew stroked her bare flesh, first with his palm and then
with the belt. “Are you ready?”

She moaned in response. Her eyes were closed, her expression
blissful beneath her ever-present makeup. Matthew steadied her with one hand
against her shoulder, made a loop with the belt in his other hand, then brought
it cracking down across her ass.

Neva sucked in a breath but otherwise made no sound. Matthew
slapped the belt down again, admiring the red lines it raised across her skin.
She sighed sweetly and lifted her hips higher. His third strike crossed her
upper thighs, leaving a warm flush in its wake. She moaned and parted her thighs.
Matthew wanted a yelp or even a scream. He snapped the leather harder.

A long moan escaped Neva’s lips and she rocked back and
forth against the air in a familiar rhythm. Her hands opened and closed in her
bonds. Her brow wrinkled as if she was searching for the answer to a puzzling

Matthew touched her ass, his fingers greeted by the feverish
heat of her spanked skin. “How are you doing, Neva?”

Her hips rolled in the air, her face a picture of beatitude.
“More, please. I’m all yours.”

Matthew spanked her with the belt a few more times, amazed
by her seemingly endless capacity to take the blows. The more he hurt her, the
happier she became, spreading herself wider, begging him and straining toward
him. He probed her, discovering nipples drawn tight and a sex dripping with the
spicy flood of her arousal. He’d never seen anything like it.

Neva purred in the back of her throat as he searched her
body, and Matthew suddenly wanted to sink himself into whatever place her pain
had gone. He wanted to forget all his worries between her thighs. He dropped
the belt and undid his jeans, somehow managing to roll on a condom before
burying himself inside her warm, welcoming channel.

She arched back toward him, giving him everything with no
resistance. He gripped her hips and held her close against him, flexing his
cock inside her just to feel the sympathetic ripples her body gave in response.
Finding her so open, so submissive, made him want to take her hard and fast. He
thrust as deep as he could, amazed again by how she sighed and responded where
another woman might have pulled back from him. Matthew wanted to let her
transport him into the world of pleasure he saw on her face. He moved within
her, grabbing her by the hips, the breasts and the shoulders.

Before long, he felt himself joining her, so caught in the
intimate grip of her body that he could almost forget about Emily. His vision
dimmed as he strained for just a little more oblivion, increasing his speed as
much as he could in response to her encouraging cries.

But a light in the driveway outside jerked Matthew back to
awareness. His desperate thrusting slowed and stilled as he craned his neck to
peer out the window high above her bed. “Matthew? You all right?”

The Lotus. How could he have left it in her driveway so
carelessly? Panic slammed through him. He fumbled with the quick release he’d
tied into the rope around her wrists, releasing her bonds even as he pulled out
of her body. Matthew jumped off the bed without answering any of Neva’s spluttered
questions. He held his pants up with one hand and raced out of her bedroom and
through her unfamiliar house. He slammed his hip into her dining room table and
stubbed his toe against the couch in her living room. The front door slowed
him, forcing him to fiddle with the unfamiliar pattern of its locks while Neva
called to him from the bedroom.

Matthew undid all the bolts and flung open the door in time
to see the repo man lowering his flashlight and sliding a key into the driver’s
side lock.

“No!” Matthew tripped over his sagging pants and sprawled
face-forward in Neva’s front yard. The repo man snickered and opened the car
door, going into a deep crouch to fit his long body into the low-slung driver’s
seat. Adrenaline surged through Matthew. He could not allow this to happen. He
kicked his pants free and raced full-out for the repo man.

Before the other man could successfully navigate his way
into Matthew’s unfamiliar car, Matthew grabbed his arm and yanked him away. The
repo man twisted and resisted, but Matthew would not let go. Their bodies
tangled together for a moment, then the force of the struggle overcame their
balance. The two men tumbled onto Neva’s driveway.

Concrete opened stinging tears along Matthew’s bare knees
and forearms, but he gritted his teeth through the pain and rolled to keep the
repo man pinned. Lit only by the discarded flashlight and the Lotus’s open-door
light, the repo man’s face was all shadows and sharp angles. Matthew hated the
sight of it with an intensity he’d never felt before. He punched the other man
in the side as hard as he could. Something cracked.

The repo man choked and grunted, sweat breaking out across
his forehead. His face paled. “Jesus, man. What’s the matter with you? Don’t
hit me anymore. I’m not taking your damn car anywhere tonight. I don’t have a
death wish, and I don’t think I could drive right now anyway.”

“You stay away from me and my car.”

“For tonight, fine. Can you get off me? I think you broke
one of my floating ribs.”

“Stay away permanently and we have a deal.” Matthew lay
across the other man’s body, increasing the pressure on his adversary’s rib

Rage and pain transformed the repo man’s face. “You think
you’re above the law?”

“No more or less than you, my friend. You think you can
steal my car, and I think I can make you pay for that.” Breathing hard, Matthew
eased himself off the repo man, reaching to the Lotus for reassurance. She was
still there beside him, her newly painted door sleek under his fingers. He
nudged the repo man with his toe, and the man cried out and tried to roll away.

Matthew glanced back toward Neva’s house. She’d still be in
there, naked and waiting for him to finish what he’d started. He didn’t have
the patience for that anymore. Not when he’d nearly lost the Elise over it.
Matthew kicked the repo man one more time to distract him and ran back to where
he’d left his pants. He grabbed them, but didn’t bother to pull them on. Still
half-naked, he dropped gratefully into the Lotus and sped away. Neva would
understand when he explained himself later—she wanted him too much to make
trouble over this.

All he wanted now was a long drive, feeling the Elise
slicing through the night, her engine purring beneath his feet, her gas pedal
more responsive than a woman’s body. But even in this, Matthew couldn’t find
the escape he desired.

Just as he eased the car onto the highway, his phone rang.
He sighed and picked up without looking. Probably Neva, wanting him to promise
he’d see her again.

The voice that greeted him wasn’t nearly as vulnerable as he
expected. “Matthew,” the caller said, in a gravelly tone with just the faintest
bit of an Italian accent. “I thought we were friends and now I’ve heard the
most disappointing news. Did you tip off Bonavita’s gang recently?”

Matthew swallowed hard. He didn’t often receive calls from
the Italians’ top brass. Unconsciously, his foot grew heavier on the Lotus’s
gas pedal. He accelerated as he pulled onto the highway, as if the car really
could take him away from all this. The caller cleared his throat impatiently
and Matthew jumped in with a response. “I just gave them the usual deal,
Sergio. Make it worth my while and I’m on your side, no matter who you are.”

“Well, Matthew, you screwed us.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We want Bonavita in jail where he belongs. We’ve…put a lot
of effort into seeing that he gets there. We have plans for him there.

Matthew’s chest tightened. When he’d begun making deals,
he’d never aimed to play one side against the other—he’d only wanted to get
his. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“Is your boss in with Bonavita’s gang too?”

“What? Guy? No way. He’s straighter than straight.”

“I didn’t expect anyone to cover Bonavita’s bail at all. I
definitely didn’t anticipate you’d get your hand in this, Lodi, and help the
man get away.”

Matthew’s heart pounded. He rested one hand on the Lotus’s
gear shift, stroking it for comfort. He cradled the phone between his ear and
shoulder, peering through the windshield into the night as if the solution to
his problems waited at the next exit. “What can I do to make it right?” His
voice came out smaller than he’d intended, freighted by audible fear.

“Retrieve Bonavita. We’ll add a bonus to whatever your boss
will pay you.”

“Guy’s got another hunter on that job,” Matthew said. He
hoped he could still stay out of the conflict between the two gangs.

“That doesn’t matter to us,” Sergio said. “If the other
hunter finds him, fine. But you’re the best. Aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Matthew said quickly. “Yes, of course.”

“Good. Then I expect you’ll have no problem completing this
job—it’s the best choice for your boss, for us and for yourself.”

BOOK: TheFugitivesSexyBrother
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