The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 (Ten BBW Paranormal Erotic Romance Stories) (18 page)

BOOK: The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 (Ten BBW Paranormal Erotic Romance Stories)
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Propping himself up on one elbow, he used the other arm to reach down and unzip his pants, and Megan murmured with satisfaction as she felt his smooth, hard cock spring free and rub up and down her wet folds. Smirking down at her again, Trent teased her, holding his cock right up against her saturated entrance and threatening to push it in, before pulling away and rubbing it over her still-throbbing clitoris, drawing small circles and driving her completely and utterly wild.


She didn’t know how much longer she could take this treatment, but she knew one thing for certain as she felt just how hard he was. He wanted to be inside her just as much as she wanted him within her, and she closed her eyes and threw her head back, allowing him to continue his sweet torture as he kissed her neck, nipping at her soft skin before sucking on her earlobes.


“I’m the one who decides when this happens,” he said softly, a devious smile creeping across his face as he pulled back and stared down at her. “Not you.”


“Trent! Please!” she begged frantically, needing to know what it was like to have him pressing inside her. Just the thought of him stretching and filling her sent violent shivers up and down her spine.


A wildfire seemed to rage through her insides as she begged him, and he growled again before biting her chest, hard. Crying out at the strange mixture of pain and pleasure, Megan wrapped her legs around his back and lifted her hips, trying to pull him into her. Trent grinned, reached down and guided his cock right up to her opening, and finally he was pushing inside her, sending another ball of warmth ricocheting through her body as she moaned with delight.


He didn’t go slowly or gently; within just a few thrusts, Trent was slamming into her hard and fast, eliciting loud cries from her as she felt him moving inside her. Every inch of him filled her with a pulsating pleasure as he moved in and out, and she stared right into his burning yellow eyes as she moaned, never wanting the pleasure to end.


She had never felt so full or so wanted by anyone, and as he moved on top of her she felt her still-sensitive clitoris being stimulated even further, sending shockwaves through her system and flooding her with yet more ecstasy.


Reaching one hand under her, Trent grabbed her ass and lifted her up slightly, allowing him to thrust even deeper inside her. Megan’s breath caught in her throat as he began to slam into her, hitting parts of her that she was barely aware of having with his thick, smooth cock, and he began to groan softly each time she swallowed him up with her tight wetness. Her head was spinning with pleasure, and she barely even noticed as he pulled out and flipped her over onto her stomach, his muscular arms easily lifting her.


Realizing that he wanted to take her from behind like a true wolf, she got up on her hands and knees and arched her back, waiting for him to get behind her and plunge back inside. Looking straight ahead, she closed her eyes and bit her lip in anticipation.


Seconds later she felt his big hands running over the smooth skin of her round ass, caressing and kneading the soft flesh as he groaned in appreciation.


“God, your body is fucking perfect,” he growled.


Megan expected him to enter her any minute, but was surprised to feel something cold and wet rubbing up and down her slit from behind. Realizing that it was his nose, she knew immediately that he was back in his wolf form, catching her feminine scent the way that male wolves did when their partners were in heat.


Without warning, he was himself again, and she gasped as he plunged back inside her, filling her tightness up again and eliciting louder and louder cries from her with each thrust as he moved in and out. Reaching around and underneath her, he grabbed her breasts and squeezed them as she began to move back and forth to meet his thrusts, and then he moved one hand down to rub between her legs.


The pressure that had been building in Megan’s core ever since her first orgasm suddenly exploded out of her, and she gasped and sighed with delight as she felt her world shatter around her, the wild waves of the orgasm sweeping her over a cliff and into a warm oblivion.


Shuddering, she collapsed face forward onto the bed, and Trent growled, grabbing onto her curvy hips and pulling her back up. He was slamming into her even harder now, and Megan felt her muscles tightening around him with each movement. He began to grunt each time he moved forward, and she looked back over her shoulder, biting her lip as she saw the furious animal lust on his face.


Only moments later, he was overtaken by his own pleasure, and he let out a deep growl as he plunged back inside her one last time before spurting everything he had deep within her. Megan collapsed forward onto her stomach again, and then rolled over, savoring the feeling of his warm, sticky seed trickling down her thighs.


Trent propped himself up one elbow and looked down at her, his eyes still a bright, burning amber color.


“So, you’re always just the friend, huh?” he teased, giving her a wolfish grin.


“Usually,” she replied, playfully hitting him in response.


“Well, if you had already been more than a friend to someone, then I wouldn’t have been able to have you,” he growled. “There’s a silver lining to every cloud.”


“That’s true. So we’re more than friends now?”


He leaned down and kissed her again, before pulling back and stroking her face as he looked down at her.


“I’d say we are more than just ‘more than friends’, Megan,” he said.


“That barely makes any sense.”


“If you don’t stop teasing me, I might just leave.”


Megan knew that he was joking and snuggled up into his arms, content in the knowledge that for once, she wasn’t just ‘the friend’.  Earlier tonight, she had been so certain that he never wanted to speak to her again, but everything had turned out far better than expected. Now, she was finally ‘the girlfriend’ – to a sexy werewolf, no less...




Taken By The Viking Werewolf

A cool sea breeze ruffled Adeline Smith
’s long blonde hair as she returned to her father’s house from the village square. The air was fresh, and she took in a deep breath as she walked, stopping to let a brood of chickens cross her path. She loved living in this little village, but sometimes she wondered if there was anything else out there in the world for her. Besides, it wasn’t likely that she was going to get married as long as she stayed here, anyway. She had just reached her eighteenth year, and was yet to receive a single marriage proposal.


Almost all of the other girls her age had long since been married, and some were even pregnant with their second or third child. No one ever said anything to her face, but Adeline knew why she had never had any marriage offers. She was different. While the other girls were petite and slim with shiny dark hair and twinkling brown eyes, she was the complete opposite.


She was tall for a girl and very buxom with fair hair and blue eyes – a very rare combination in these parts. She didn’t know why she looked so different, and whenever she saw the slimmer girls walking around, she desperately wished that she could be like them. The men here seemed to prefer that, although she had seen a few people admiring her voluptuous curves before. That had made her feel slightly better.


When she was young, she had heard some of the villagers whispering about how she looked just like one of the ‘Northmen’, but she had never known what they meant. Until recently, anyway. A few weeks ago, she had heard whispers in town of the terrifying Northmen; a warlike people who apparently came from lands to the north to attack and pillage villages along the English coastline.


From what she had gathered, the Northmen, or ‘Vikings’ as some of the men called them, had never come near their little village. They were situated on fairly fertile lands and visible from a great distance, so they were all unsure as to why they had never been attacked. Every other town or village within a huge radius had been taken at one point over the last twenty or so years, but they had remained unscathed.


As she stepped into the home she shared with her blacksmith father, she put down the basket of bread and vegetables that she had just bought to make dinner, and went out to the back where her father was sitting, having just finished his work for the day.


As far as Adeline was concerned, her father was the best thing in her life. He had always been kindly and supportive of her, and even after her mother had died he had raised her all alone. She didn’t actually remember her mother dying, because it had apparently happened when she was just a babe in arms, but her father had always given her his full attention and done a fine job of parenting her.


“Father, may I ask you something?” she said.


“Of course, my sweet child,” he replied, his brown eyes twinkling. “What is on your mind?”


“I’ve been hearing more whispers around the village square about the men they call the Vikings. I heard Tommy saying that the reason they are such fierce warriors is because they turn into some sort of fearsome wolf-monsters when they attack. Is that true?”


“My child, there are many things in this world that we do not know of. The Vikings are a frightening lot, that is for certain. We are blessed that they have never come here.”


“But are they monsters?”


“There were rumors that there is a certain type of Viking warrior called the Úlfhéðnar, who don wolf pelts when they go into battle, in order to channel the beast’s spirit to make them better fighters. That is probably where the rumors of them being monsters come from,” he said.


“How did you know how to pronounce that strange word?” she asked.


He smiled and patted her head.


“Before you were born, I accompanied my own father to the north lands. He had been asked to craft some weapons for a very important man who was trading with the north men for a while. That was before they began to attack our country, of course. But I picked up on bits and pieces of their language.”


“Oh. I never knew that you had traveled, Father.”


“I would like to go again one day, but alas, it is too dangerous. It is a great shame, because I would have liked to take you with me. The north lands are a beautiful place, filled with all kinds of wonders.”


“Then why do they need to come here and attack our people?” she asked, confused.


“Because from the dawn of time, man has had a strange need to control and dominate everything on God’s earth, and that includes the lands. The Vikings want our lands for what they can provide; extra food, people that can be taken as servants… things like that.”


“Why don’t we attack them back?”


“Well, certain people from our country do fight them back. A small village like ours wouldn’t be able to do that, though, especially when they are such fearsome warriors.”


“Father, if they were wolf-monsters… would that make them the Devil’s work?”


Her father took her hand and looked her in the eyes.


“My sweet child, I do not believe so. Even if they were capable of transforming into a monster during battle, then that wouldn’t necessarily mean they were evil and a progeny of the Devil himself.”


“Why not? They lay waste to every town they come upon,” she said. “That’s what I’ve heard.”


“Do we not do the same? We need to eat, so we work the lands and slaughter animals for that purpose. In the process, we are hurting the land and also hurting animals, but we see that as tolerable because we need to eat, don’t we?”




“Well, we are all animals. Maybe the Vikings are a different sort of animal… God only knows. But they are just trying to survive. In a different way than us, but still… that’s all. It’s about survival.”


“Oh. That makes sense. So we shouldn’t hate the Vikings, then?”


“You shouldn’t hate anyone, Adeline. Only love. That is what God wants,” he replied.


Suddenly, they were both startled by the sound of the bell in the village square, tolling wildly. Adeline and her father leapt to their feet and ran outside, and a neighboring man called out to them.


“We must all get to the church to hide. Viking warships have been spotted off the coast. They are nearly upon our village!”


Terrified, Adeline raced to the church with her father and the rest of the village’s inhabitants. Everyone cowered in the back with the priest, who read prayers from a book and tried to comfort the petrified villagers.
I was just talking about the Vikings. Did I somehow bring this upon the village?
Adeline wondered, her heart racing in fear.


“Why are they here? They’ve always left us alone!” a woman cried from somewhere to her left as she comforted her crying children.


“It was only a matter of time before they came,” another woman said. “We’ve been lucky so far, but our luck has run out. God help us.”


Adeline had no idea how much time had passed when a man stood on a pew and looked out of a window that overlooked the seaside.


“They’ve landed,” he said quietly.


The villagers shrank back even further into the back of the church, knowing that this might be their last few minutes on earth. Women sobbed quietly, trying to hide their tears from their children and babies as they clutched onto them.


Moments later, a deep masculine voice boomed out, speaking English with a very thick accent that sounded strange to Adeline’s ears.


“People of this village, come out!” the man said. “We are not here to hurt anyone. I am here to get what is mine. Send her out!”


The villagers tittered nervously, not understanding what the man was talking about.


“Now!” the voice boomed again. “Or we will start burning your houses down. We do not want to do this, but we will take her back by any means necessary. I know she is in there. I can smell her.”


Adeline felt a strange sensation in her belly, as if her heart had just dropped right into her stomach. She didn’t recognize the voice that was calling out, but it was affecting her in a very strange way; one which she had never experienced. The village priest put his hand on her father’s shoulder and spoke gently.


“John, it is time. You have done a wonderful job. We all have the utmost respect for what you have done, but you must let her go.”


“No!” her father said, his eyes and voice panicked. “She is my daughter!”


“You must let her go. It is where she belongs. You know this, John,” the priest replied, his eyes filled with commiseration.


Adeline’s mouth dried up.


“What are you talking about, Father?”


Tears filled his eyes as he looked down at her, and he grabbed her by the shoulders.


“Adeline, my sweet child, it will all be explained to you eventually. You must go with the Northmen. Father Benedict is right; it is time. Just know that I always loved you, and I always will. You are
daughter,” he said, his voice choked with emotion.


One of the village men opened the church doors, revealing around fifteen Viking warriors standing outside, looking as if they were ready to fight if need be. They looked completely and utterly terrifying with their strange appearances, odd-looking helmets and colored clothing and armor. Adeline thought that they looked familiar for some reason, and then realized why.
They look like me! I have those same eyes and hair.


Since the doors had opened, the man who had spoken earlier hadn’t said another word, but she immediately knew which one he was. He was the tallest one and obviously in charge, standing in the center while the other men surrounded him, and Adeline’s insides started to do strange things as she took in his chiseled features, bright blue eyes, light brown hair and strange black markings on his muscular chest and arms. Despite how afraid she was, she couldn’t help but notice that he was incredibly handsome.


It felt as if her stomach was actually flip-flopping around inside her, and she wondered what was happening. She was scared, but these sensations weren’t from fear. They were like nothing she had felt before, and as her father gently nudged her forward through the crowd of villagers, they only grew stronger.


A thin smile crept across the handsome man’s face as he regarded her, and without warning, he reached out and grabbed her by one arm. Pulling her close, he stared down at her, his blue eyes seeming to bore a hole right through her.


“I’ve waited many years for you to come of age. You’re coming home now, my sweet girl,” he said.


Adeline gulped in fear, and tried to squirm out of his grip.


“Father!” she cried. “Please don’t let them take me. This is my home!”


Her father tried to step forward to give her a last hug before they dragged her away, but two large blond men stood in his way, threatening him with swords. Two more powerful-looking men dropped a large chest in front of him and opened it, displaying an enormous amount of gold and jewels.


“For your trouble,” one of them said in a thick, gruff accent.


“No! She wasn’t any trouble. I love her. She’s my daughter!” her father cried.


When he realized that they weren’t going to let him hug his daughter one last time, he called out to her.


“Remember what I told you, Adeline! You’re my daughter, and I will always love you.”


Hot tears sprang to Adeline’s eyes as the strange man started to pull her down to the beach and onto the strange-looking longship. She kicked and screamed as tears flowed down her cheeks, and the man scooped her up in his arms and held onto her, saying something in his foreign, guttural tongue as he stroked her head. Finally seeming to remember that she didn’t understand his language, he switched back to English and addressed her.


“My name is Alrik. I am from the north lands. You were promised to me a long time ago, and I’m taking you back to where you belong. You belong with me, Adeline,” he said.

BOOK: The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 (Ten BBW Paranormal Erotic Romance Stories)
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