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Authors: Shyla Colt

The Unveiling (10 page)

BOOK: The Unveiling
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His eyebrows rose. This was the last thing he'd expected her to say.

"Don’t think this is a change of heart. It's me being logical. I refuse to let either of us suffer needlessly. That's not who I am, and despite my anger, I'm not completely jaded."

"How do you want to proceed?" he asked.

"Frequently." She licked her lips, and her hair melded from black to a deep red. "Whenever and however we can manage it."

Her voice was honeyed seduction, whiskey laced with a dash of something sweet. His cock went rock hard. Her eyes dilated, and her nipples pressed against the fabric of her shirt. He bit back a moan and cleared his throat.
Was this some sort of a test? If I resist temptation I pass, if not I'm a scumbag? We're connected for the rest of our lives, so I need to get this right.

"Umm—we don't have to rush thing—"

"I didn't think you'd be the kind of man to beat around the bush," she said. A smirk curved her delectable lips upward. His jeans and his throat grew a little tighter.

"I'm not. I'm trying to show you respect. Isn't that what women want?"

"What I want is you to fuck away the all-consuming ache that's settled into my pussy.”

Her wicked words made his jaw drop.
What was a Star Maiden doing with such a dirty mouth?

"Did I shock you?"

He nodded, not trusting his voice.

"Good. You should keep in mind you know nothing about me. I wasn't a saint while you were off fighting battles. I enjoy receiving pleasure as well as giving it, and I have no qualms about speaking my mind and making sure I get what I need."

"And I get no say in this?"

She leaned in across the table. Her sweater slid farther down her left arm, and his gaze ate up the expanse of fresh skin exposed.

"Are you telling me you don't want to fuck me, Bastien?"

His cock twitched, and he shook his head to pull away from the spell she'd cast. "No."

"Then I don't see the problem."

"I want more than that, Rivka."

"Funny, your actions say differently." Her words were like a slap to his face as The Purge reared its head once more.

Bastien reached across the table to cup her right hand in his. "I'm sorry, Rivka. I never thought about my mate when I did that. I made the decision when I was seventeen, young, ignorant, and trying to live up to large expectations." She opened her mouth to protest, and he shook his head. "I'm not saying that excuses anything. I'm just telling my side of the story. I'm not a malicious person, and none of this was intentional."

"No, but it doesn’t change the end result, does it?"


"Enough of the maudlin, I've got an itch to scratch and you're just the Shar to do it. I wonder if you can take orders as well as you give them. I know you want to make amends and go on to live happily ever after, but right now I don't have the answer to the questions I see burning in those brown eyes of yours. So let's stick to the short term. If you want to make me happy now you'll indulge me and take away this pain threatening to claw me from the inside out."

Her lips formed into a line, and he saw the strain behind the bravado.  Bastien gave a nod. He'd do things her way—for now. It was fun sitting back and allowing her to drive, gave him a chance to figure out who she was.

"Give me five minutes and then follow."  He waited until the clock ticked down to the exact second, stood from the table and made his way to the back of the dimly lit hallway. Rivka's fragrant scent was like a homing beacon, becoming stronger the closer he got. His cock was painfully swollen, and his emotions were balanced on a razor's edge.
Was this some ploy to play with his emotions?  A way to get a little payback in on the man who'd wrought so much pain without a second thought? What would she do when he got there?
The not knowing was an unexpected instrument of seduction. By the time he reached the bathroom door he'd placed all the cameras in the hall on loop with his powers and scanned the area for signs of other people.  The coast was clear.

Bastien opened the door and a ball of warm, wanton woman pressed against him. He hit the door with a thud. Rivka clutched his collar and pulled his head down.

"This first time I want it rough." Her lips were fire. He moaned as she plundered his mouth with her tongue like a pirate ransacking a ship. Instinct kicked in. Bastien slid his hands under her skirt, cupping her high, firm ass.
No panties, fuck. Is she trying to kill me?
He lifted her up, and she wrapped her boot-clad legs around him. The pert nipples straining against her shirt teased him. A growl rumbled in his chest. Her skin was silky smooth, and the juices flowing from her pussy soaked the crotch of his pants.

"You're exquisite—and so wet and hot."

"Come inside me and see how much better it can feel."  The husky purr of her voice was the only goading he needed. 

"Whatever Rivka wants—"

She patted him on his cheek. "Smart man, we might just get through this yet." A ghost of a smile flitted across her lips, and for a moment he forgot to breathe. How had
been linked to this beautiful creature? Even wrapped around him and using language that would make a lesser man blush she was regal. Rivka reached down to grasp the swell of his jeans.

"I think someone wants to say hello."

He lifted her higher and fumbled with the zipper, and together they shoved his pants down enough to let his shaft spring free. He rubbed along the path of her moist lips, and they both shook.

"Don’t tease, that's my job." 

His chuckle died in his throat at the feel of her warm hand wrapped around him, guiding him inside her. Tight, slick walls molded around him like a glove. An animalistic snarl was ripped from his belly. He gripped her hips and spun her to change their positions.
Mine. Claim, mark.
Thuds filled the room as he thrust inside her balls deep over and over, penetrating her womb with rough strokes. Rivka dug her nails into the skin of his back. A stinging pain signaled the breaking of skin.

"Yes, mark me!" he said.

"Harder, Bastien."

The sound of his name on her lips incensed him. He tilted her hips, found a spot that made her body jerk.

"Shit yes!" The sound of their skin meeting was music to his ears. The low lidded, out of control look on her face made him feel a million feet tall. If the only thing he could have was her body he'd ruin her for anyone else.

"Only I will ever make you feel like this, Rivka. Do you understand that?" Bastien wound a hand in her hair and tugged. She hissed. A wicked smile appeared on her face.

"Ditto, General."  She leaned in quicker than a human eye would've tracked and bit down on his pulse point. The possessive gesture drove rational thought out the window. The bloodthirsty spirit of his ancestors took over as he pinned her to door.


He placed a hand over her mouth, cutting off her high-pitched squeal as her pussy put his dick in a strangle hold. Her body arched upward, and his balls drew up tight. The tension gathered in his spine gave way as he spilled inside her. Her muscles continued to spasm, and she milked him dry. He pulled out reluctantly. Fifteen minutes had passed easily, and they were in a very public place. The sight of his cum running down her inner thighs gave him a sick sense of satisfaction and the urge to fill her all over again. Rivka's legs lowered to the floor, and she slumped against the door, limp and satiated. Her cat that ate the canary expression of bliss and contentment made his chest swell with pride. Bastien ran his hand down her body, cleaning her with his powers. He felt a pang of regret as he removed his seed and helped straighten her clothes. With the sexual tension solved the awkwardness between them returned.

"Nicely done, General D'Shar."

"If we weren't in a bar we'd be doing it again."

"Mhmm, promises."

"Trust me," he looked down at his half arousal. "I could deliver."

Rivka glanced down.

"Good, because right now what I need is plenty of this." She reached down to give him a firm squeeze before they separated. Her words were a pinprick to an inflated balloon as they drove home her feelings about The Purge. They were on her terms until she said otherwise, and right now things were strictly physical.

"You leave first, and I'll follow behind you in a few."

"Okay, I'll be at the table." She unlocked the door and walked out as if nothing had happened.  He took a minute to compose himself. It wasn't every day you had the best sex of your life, and came to the conclusion you could fall in love for the first time with said person in the span of fifteen minutes.
Right now we'd be on the fast track to happy if … No use regretting choices made long ago. I need to earn her trust.

Resolve firm, Bastien stepped out of the restroom and took a seat at the table in the corner. The sun had set while they were gone. A blue candle had been set out in the middle of the table and lit. It flickered and cast shadows across Rivka's face. After a lifetime of war and battle it felt wrong to be paired to Rivka. She was so untainted and stood for all the things he'd given up on long ago, love, family, and innocence. His hands were dirtied by blood and death. He was lucky she wanted his touch at all.
Yeah, well, it's all she wants from me, so I guess that evens out the balance. My price to pay for all the destruction I've caused.

"Where do we go from here?"

"I was thinking my place."

His pheromones surged, and she bit her swollen bottom lip.

"That's a smell a girl could get used to," she said in acknowledgement of his response.

"Before we leave, let's have a few drinks. The bar is known for its Martinis."
She waved a waiter over and offered up a genuine smile that light up her entire face. In this moment it was easy to see she was the embodiment of love, hope, and spirituality. 
Will she ever look at me that way?
Jesus, pull yourself together, man. You've survived the bloodied battles, and near fatal injuries. The return of your feelings and a woman aren't going to kill you.
Still, The Wanting was strong, and he craved not only her body, but also her heart and soul. Acceptance had to come or he'd end up rocking in a corner somewhere being spoon-fed because he'd lost it. It was enough to make him think about going through The Purge another time. Not that he could ever consider it seriously after the pain he'd felt from her. He was locked onto this path come hell or high water. He just hoped they could meet in the middle. 

"Where are you right now?"  Her voice brought him back to the present.


"You were a million miles away."

"Just trying to figure things out."

"That'll take a lot more than a quickie in the bathroom."

"You want to point me in the right direction?" 

"I can't tell you what I don't know, can I?" Rivka downed the rest of her drink and set down the glass. "However, I can tell you if we don't get out of here in the next few minutes we'll be taking a trip to the bathroom. My body has waited a long time to experience this and it seems to be kicking the mating process into hyperdrive." She furrowed her brow, and he could see the strain around her violet-colored eyes.

"Then let's go."  He stood, tossed money on the table, and offered her his hand.  He held his breath as she eyed it like a snake. Then she took it and relief flooded through his system like an adrenaline shot. In time this could be fixed. Her hand fit into his perfectly. It was a graceful hand, with long fingers, and short rounded fingernails but they possessed a strength hidden by her beauty.  Her skin was soft and delicate. It was a tiny show of trust, but it gave him hope for the future.




Chapter Thirteen


"How've you been, Charlie?" Tavel asked as he sipped on his water.  He'd told Lou Ann, Charlie's mother, he was taking the boy out for some long overdue male bonding. He’d planted the memory of Charlie's "father" having a rare genetic disorder that didn't show up until later in life. Charlie was twenty-three now, a senior at Chattanooga state majoring in mathematics. He'd known when the boy had showed signs of brilliance at a young age the Shar D.N.A. was not only compatible, it was thriving.

"All right, some strange things have been happening." He grimaced. They were seated at a back booth, in the far corner of the quiet restaurant, nursing drinks since they'd finished dinner.

"I thought it might be.” Tavel schooled his face into a concerned expression. "This is about the time," he paused to find the correct word, "complications begin to arise.”

"I don't know, Uncle Ted." Charlie shook his head, brow furrowed as he stared down into the Cola he stirred with his straw.

"Try me."

"As long as you promise not to send me to a loony bin," Charlie said. He stopped stirring and looked up to meet his gaze. "I'm getting stronger, and I don't mean I can bench press my weight kind of strength. I-I can lift cars." His eyes grew wide as words flowed out of his mouth like water from a broken dam. "I'm breaking door handles, bending the metal on pipes. How is that even possible?" His eyes darted back and forth rapidly.

Tavel could practically hear the wheels in his brain spin furiously as he tried to come up with some rational explanation. "When the logical no longer implies we must look toward another possibility."

"Why are you so calm about this?"

"Because I thought this might happen. It's time I told you who you really are."

"What do you mean, who I really am?"

"When your Father passed I kept quiet about a lot of things. I wasn't sure if you'd gain any of his traits and it would be dangerous knowledge to have if you didn't need to."

"Uncle Ted, I don’t get your meaning."

"I think you do and you're afraid to admit it, even to yourself." He released a sigh.
Humans and their melodrama and self-denial. The boy was a genius! Why hadn't he worked out his father wasn't human?

"Let's just say, Brian was really … out of this world."

BOOK: The Unveiling
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