Read The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride Online

Authors: Jenn Roseton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Sagas, #Romance

The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride (8 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride
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Nothing. A big fat nothing happened. Laura pushed back the blanket the following morning and wriggled her bare toes on the soft carpet. Alex hadn’t come to bed last night.

She pulled back the drapes and looked out at the sparkling ocean view. She had no reason to worry about last night - at all. Sighing, she looked down at her new lilac nightgown she'd bought at Elk View Corner using her old credit card. Would Alex ever see her in it?

Feeling daring last night, she’d slipped on the gorgeous silk gown and nestled under the sheets, waiting for Alex. And waited. And waited. When he hadn’t entered the bedroom after an hour, she’d gone in search for him and found him closeted in the study, the soft light from the desk lamp illuminating his face, serious in concentration as he looked at the computer monitor.

Guessing he was working on her business problems, she’d stolen back down the hall, reluctant to disturb him. Now, a small part of her wished she had. What would he have done if she’d walked into the study, and asked him to come to bed? Kiss her? Ravish her senseless? Or would he say, “Not tonight dear, I’m working.”?

A quirk of a smile touched her lips. She couldn’t imagine him saying those
words, but something along those lines must have stopped him from joining her in the marital bed.

Unless it was her.

Don’t be silly. He asked - commanded you, really, to move into the master bedroom with him. Why would he do that if he didn’t want to sleep with you - literally?

Wondering where her husband had slept last night - if he’d slept at all, Laura took a quick shower, then surveyed the clothes in the closet, feeling brave doing so just wrapped in a large bath sheet, half hoping Alex would enter the bedroom. Disappointment flickered through her when she perused her wardrobe uninterrupted. Finally selecting a pair of Capris and flattering three-quarter sleeved cotton shirt in soft blue, Laura dressed in the bathroom, with the door firmly shut. She wasn’t confident enough to get dressed in the master bedroom with the door open - yet.

Heading into the kitchen, Laura pasted a smile on her face when she saw her husband hunched over his breakfast. “Good morning.” She made sure her tone was extra bright and cheery, not wanting him to know that she’d felt a little hurt that he hadn’t come to bed last night. Even if he’d been working on her company’s problems, surely he could have managed a swift kiss goodnight?

Morning.” Her husband looked up from his bowl of cereal.

No bacon and eggs? It had been nice to have Alex wait on her at the ranch, but she guessed the honeymoon was over.

“Where do you keep the bowls?” Laura opened a couple of cupboards. “Never mind, I’ve found them.”

Sorry.” Alex rose and joined her at the counter. He looked rumpled and bleary-eyed, with a scruffy five o’clock shadow.
Still sexy.
Her heartbeat quickened.

Did you get any sleep last night?” The words popped out of her mouth.

I’m fine.” He raked a hand through his hair, disheveling it even more. “I made good progress last night and I’ll work on it again today.” Satisfaction crossed his countenance.

Thanks.” Impulsively, she reached up and kissed him on the cheek, her eyes closing as she breathed in his scent. Although it looked like he’d been working all night, he still smelled wonderful. Like Alex.

His arms closed around her and they remained like that for a couple of minutes. When his arms loosened, she stepped back. “Guess I better get some breakfast.”

“I’ll get you some juice.”

She smiled softly. Maybe the honeymoon wasn’t quite over. She took a sip from the glass of juice he placed in front of her. The tangy orange liquid with a hint of sweetness woke up her taste buds. “Mm.” She set down the glass and shook some cereal into a bowl.

“Like some coffee?” He paused in front of the coffee machine.

That would be great.” Smiling in appreciation, she sat down at the table.

What are your plans today?” Alex carried over two coffee mugs.

I’ll go into King Royale and start planning the menu with Edna. She said she’d come in, even though it’s Sunday. We’re catering a fiftieth birthday party on Tuesday.”

Great.” Alex took a long swallow of coffee. “Tony will take you wherever you need to go.”

Hastily chewing a spoonful of cereal, Laura protested, “Alex--”

“You agreed to having a driver last night, Laura,” he reminded her.

Looking at the resolute
expression on his face, she realized it would be pointless to argue with him. “Fine,” she muttered, hoping that no one in the vicinity would actually
her get out of the town car at King Royale.

I thought we could go out to dinner tonight,” Alex suggested a moment later, placing his coffee mug on the table.

Really?” She looked up from stirring her coffee.

Ever been to Marcel’s Paris Kitchen?”

Laura’s eyes lit up. “No, but I’ve always wanted to.” The fine dining establishment was reputed to be the premiere restaurant in San Diego, and reputedly offered exquisite French cooking, with prices to match. Until now, eating there had only been a fantasy.

“I’ll make the reservations.”

She couldn’t stop smiling. What would she wear? What would she order? Would they have crème brulée on the menu, or something far fancier? Mentally going through her wardrobe, Laura wondered if she owned anything posh enough to wear. Perhaps she’d need to go on a lunchtime shopping trip. An image of her new credit card flashed into her mind. She’d be able to buy a dress from any boutique in San Diego.

“I can’t wait!” She reached out and touched his hand.


That afternoon, Laura finished typing out the menu for the Hendersons’ fiftieth birthday party and saved the document.

I think that’s it.” She turned to Edna.

I’m sure they’ll be very pleased with it, dear,” the older woman said. “We can buy everything we need tomorrow. ”

I want to get some of those gorgeous strawberries from the market for the miniature pavlovas.” Laura almost licked her lips at the thought of making the mini meringue nests and filling them with fresh whipped cream and sliced strawberries. She made a mental note to save a couple for her and Edna to enjoy afterward.  And she'd take one home for her husband.

And we’ll need raspberries for the cheesecake,” Edna reminded her.

That’s right.” Since Alex had liked
her cheesecake so much, she’d decided to make it for this event, although he wouldn't be a guest. Warmth tingled through her at his remembered compliment.

Edna looked at her watch. “I’ll be off then, if we’ve finished everything for today.”

“Of course.” Laura shut down the computer. “Thanks for coming in today. I’ll just lock up and be right behind you.”

See you tomorrow, dear.” The other woman smiled at her, picking up her handbag and heading towards the door.

Bye.” Switching off the computer completely, Laura opened the desk drawer to grab her purse. Her cell phone rang. Alex.


Hi.” A slight pause. “I made the reservations for seven. Tony will bring you home whenever you’re ready to leave.”

A smile touched her lips. Was there a slight note of impatience in her husband’s voice? Was Alex worried she wouldn’t come home?

“I’m looking forward to it,” she replied. “I’m just on my way out.”

Good. See you soon.”

Laura placed the phone into her handbag, realizing that was their first telephone conversation since they’d been married. She wondered if she and Alex would ever reach the stage where they billed and cooed into the phone like love-struck teenagers - maybe not, she decided, picking up the upscale boutique bag that contained her gorgeous new dress and turning off the lights. They might both be too old for that. But it would be nice, she thought wistfully, if one day he said “I love you,” whether on the phone or in person. Maybe someday …

A knock sounded on the office door. Laura paused. It couldn’t be Alex. Perhaps it was Tony. Maybe Alex had called him, asking his driver to check on her, although he’d just spoken to her. Rolling her eyes, she opened the door, expecting to see the burly driver standing in front of her. Instead …

Oh!” Alex’s business rival stood in the doorway. In his early forties with jet-black hair graying at the temples, his steely gray eyes bore into her. Although not quite as tall as Alex and carrying a slight paunch, Charles Crawson carried an aura of power around him like a cloak.

Hello, my dear.” He lifted an eyebrow in inquiry. “May I come in?”

Laura hesitated. Her first instinct was to say no. This was the man who’d asked her out a few months ago and whom she’d refused. Alex’s words of warning sprang to mind. “I was just on my way out.” She gestured with her handbag.

“It will only take a minute,” he said persuasively.

Peering around his broad shoulder, she couldn’t see Tony out front. Perhaps he was circling the block, waiting for her to come out.

“I … I guess,” she said hesitantly.

Before she could change her mind, he’d stalked inside.

“This is cozy.” He looked around the small office, taking in every detail of the plain but serviceable office furniture.

I like it,” Laura replied.
What was he doing here?
She nervously twisted her wedding ring.

Ah, yes.” His gaze followed the movement of her fingers. “Allow me to congratulate you on your very recent marriage. You pulled off quite the coup, marrying Alex Trask.”

Laura narrowed her eyes, wishing she’d hadn’t been so polite and allowing him to enter the building. He could have spoken to her outside.

“You wanted to see me?” It was her turn to arch her eyebrow, all the while telling herself that he was right, she
married to Alex. She tried to inject some of her husband’s authority into her tone.

I still wish to buy King Royale.”

Laura blinked. “It’s not for sale.” She made a point of looking at her watch. “If that’s all, Mr. Crawson?”

“Not quite.” His shark-like smile chilled her to the bone. “I was disappointed a few months ago when you refused to date me, but I understood your reasons, busy running your parent’s company. Oh yes,” he continued,
“I know exactly who owns this business and that you were doing a very good job of being in charge while your parents went on vacation.” He flicked an invisible piece of lint off his chalk-striped designer suit.

But, you see, my dear, nobody crosses me. I’m used to getting what I want. And when I heard you’d married Alex…” he shrugged. “The gloves are now well and truly off.” He leaned forward until his face almost touched hers. “If I can’t have you then I’ll have your company - or should I say, your parents’ company. I’m tired of Alex Trask getting everything he wants,” he snarled.

Laura jumped back, clutching her purse in front of her. “Please leave.” She prayed her voice didn’t shake.

“You’ll sell sooner or later,” he vowed, turning on his heel. “I’ll make sure of it.”

Sinking into the desk chair, Laura dug her nails into her faux leather handbag to stop her hands trembling. She heard the slam of the front door, and tried to relax now that Charles Crawson had left.

All because she hadn’t gone on a date with the man? She shook her head in amazement.
Thank goodness she’d married Alex.


A good five minutes later, Laura closed the office front door behind her. She’d needed that long just to stop shaking. Not quite believing how the confrontation with Crawson had affected her, she’d even raided her desk drawer and found a small piece of dark chocolate wrapped in shiny aluminum. She’d immediately popped it into her mouth, but even the seventy percent cocoa goodness hadn’t made everything all better.

Only Alex could.
All she wanted to do was to see her husband and tell him about Crawson’s threats. More than anything, Laura wanted Alex to wrap her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay.

Tony appeared, holding the car door open for her. “Had to circle the block, Mrs. Trask,” he said gruffly, sliding into the driver’s seat and pulling neatly away from the curb. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.” Laura tried to shrug nonchalantly, wishing that he’d been waiting. The one time she’d needed a driver and he wasn’t there.

Staring out the window with unseeing eyes, she tried to gather her thoughts.
I’m tired of Alex Trask getting everything he wants.”
Crawson’s words echoed in her brain. Why did Crawson want King Royale? It was a small, successful - until recently anyway - catering company with repeat clientele and a great reputation. But was it that valuable to a billionaire? She didn’t know if Crawson was actually a billionaire or not, although he dressed and acted the part. His financial deals were frequently splashed over the pages of the newspaper and at first glance, he seemed just as successful as Alex.

BOOK: The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride
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