Read The Taking of Clara Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

The Taking of Clara (4 page)

BOOK: The Taking of Clara
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I come in?” he asked with a smile plastered to his handsome face.

out her breath, she stepped back to allow him past. “I’ve packed as much as I
can fit into four suitcases. Most of the furniture can be sold or you can see
what you want.” She followed him down her small hall until he stopped to look
at the mess she’d caused. Grabbing a cloth, she watched as he turned the table
the right way for her. She wiped away the mess than sat opposite him.

several minutes he didn’t say a word. She didn’t know where her voice had come
from only that she couldn’t stop. “Should I sell my furniture? I’m going to be
I never read the bloody contract. There were too
many words, and you were touching me. When you’re touching me for some reason I
can’t think straight.”

he said nothing.

Say something!

lack of words made her more nervous.

you decided to back out? I understand if you found someone else to take my
place. Looking at myself now I can’t imagine I’m much temptation.” She ran
fingers through her hair, pulling a few strands out of the ponytail. “I’m sorry
for snapping. This is just happening too fast. I purposefully didn’t have
coffee because of this. I think I’m having a sugar rush. Everything is

reached over the table. He grabbed her hand within his. She stopped speaking and
stared at him instead. The instant he touched her, she felt a deep calm settle
all around her. “Take a moment and relax.”

moment he spoke all of her nerves went away. Up until that moment she’d been
going out of her mind.

what are you struggling with?” he asked.

don’t know what to do. I’ve never done anything like this.”

“Anything like what?”

licked her lips staring at his hands. His skin was slightly darker than hers.
“I don’t know you that well. What kind of woman moves in with a man she barely
knows or agrees to have sex with a man she doesn’t know?”

soda had been a bad idea. She should have settled for the coffee.

of all, you do know who I am. I’m Matthew Johnson. For the last couple of years
you’ve worked in some capacity in my building. I’m a Capricorn. My favorite
color is green. I don’t like spicy food. My family don’t approve of my high
flying life style. They want me to settle down with a woman and have a couple
of children.”

he spoke her heart melted for more of him. He sounded perfect to her.

are a few pointers about me, Clara. I don’t axe murder anyone or have any crazy
ex’s in my past. I want you, whatever this is. There have been stranger things
happen at sea as the saying goes.”

laughed at his words. “So, what you’re saying is to allow this to run its

don’t trust easily, do you?”

her lips, she stared past his shoulder. After everything she’d gone through
with her father’s debts along with her mother’s medical bills, she struggled to
trust. People were always trying to find ways to exploit her. “I’ve not had
many people in my life
I could trust.”

me, Clara. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

to look away any longer, she stared into his eyes. The sincerity in his gaze
took her by surprise. A part of her wanted to run away. He would so easily
control her. The power he held over her body startled her. She felt compelled
to please him.

gripped his hand looking for the strength he provided her. For once she thought
it would be nice to have someone else take control of her life. She grew tired
of being the one responsible for everything that happened to her. Being a modern
woman she should want to prove how she could live her life without a man.
Staring into his eyes, she knew she was a goner. Being with him would take her
over. A part of her wanted to be taken over.

wanted to be taken care of. She wanted to know that at the end of the day someone
would be there to reassure her. Pushing away her doubts, she nodded her head.

I can trust you.”

are your suitcases?” he asked.

pointed in the direction of her bags. “I’ll get them.” He handed over a load of
notes. “Pay your landlord for the next month while we get everything sorted
out.” Clara took the money, hating the feel of notes in her hands. She didn’t
want their contract to be about money. Instead of arguing she sorted things out
with her landlady then followed him out to the car. He pushed two suitcases
into the boot then the other two in the back seat.

you ready to go?”

took one last lingering look at her apartment with her old life before getting
into the car beside him. “I’ve never been more ready in my whole life.”

her seat belt buckled she said goodbye to her past and looked forward to the future.
“You’ll call your friend Tara when we get home. I want you to make sure you
tell her you’re alright. I want you to be clear that you want to be with me,”
he said as he got in the car. She watched him put the seatbelt on then he started
the car.

had completely forgotten about Tara. What kind of friend was she to forget
about her best friend?

going to think I’m crazy.”

she’s going to think you made the right decision.” He turned the music on
before she got a chance to ask him any questions. How did he know about her
She’d noticed he knew a great
deal about her while she knew next to nothing about him.

world drifted by as he took her to his place. She was being taken by her boss.
Her heart beat faster. The anticipation of what lay ahead was killing her.
Clara wanted Matthew so desperately that words couldn’t describe her intensity.

looked forward to their time together.




Chapter Six


grabbed her suitcases then followed her inside his home. She stood on the
threshold as if terrified to enter his home. He dropped her cases, took her
jacket then shut the door behind them. Finally after two years of waiting he
had her where he wanted her.

looked nervous as she rubbed her arms.

me,” he said.

walked straight up stairs to the room he’d decorated for her. In time he hoped
for her to live with him. For now he wanted her in his home where he could
protect her. Opening the door he ushered her inside. “This is your room. I’ll
bring your suitcases up. You can put your stuff away. Get yourself

is my room?”


thought I would be with you,” she said.

for a physical companion was to gain your attention, Clara. I don’t want
anything from you that you’re not willing to give,” he explained.

I’m confused. You don’t want a mistress or physical companion?” she asked.
Matthew walked up to her. With each step he took she took a step back until the
wall behind her stopped her from escaping. He had her where he wanted her.

want you, Clara. I want you in my bed where I can keep an eye on you. I’ll have
you when you’re ready.”

here. I’m ready.”

smiled. The need in her voice couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than
being ready. Another Dom would have taken her at her word. He wanted more. Matthew
intended to be patient with her. He fought his need to push her to the bed to
have his wicked way with her. Being a wealthy man meant his patience level left
a lot to be desired. He got what he wanted by going for everything without
Matthew wished to possess Clara

your seduction will be so much sweeter.” He brushed his lips against hers.
“I’ll see you downstairs in an hour.”

left to take her suitcases to her. Once he’d done that task he went to his
office to make a call. The letter of negotiation with her father lay on his
desk. He dialed the number, waiting for the man to answer.

the mumbled reply came over the line.

have your daughter. Your debts have been paid in full.” Matthew heard the
sounds of a casino in the background. “Any more debts you make you take care of

have my daughter. Isn’t that going to buy me some extra money?” her father asked.

chuckled. The man had no shame. “I can squash you like a bug. I wouldn’t care
one bit. Any lost money comes off your own back. I’ve got what I want. You’re
debt free.” He slammed the phone down. The guy didn’t deserve to be a father.
He pushed the piece of paper under a pile of other forms. Her father had merely
provided him the means to claim Clara. He’d been trying to get her attention
for some time. When her father’s debts all but landed in his lap he found the
perfect opportunity to get what he wanted.

heard her walking down the stairs and he followed her into the kitchen. He’d
given his housekeeper sometime off. They were alone together. He fixed them
both a sandwich before he led her back out of the house. Clara needed to relax
around him.

some reason he felt like going to the zoo. The zoo would be busy for a
Saturday, which provided plenty of space for her to relax in his company. He
paid money for their entrance then held her hand as they walked around.

some time she gripped his hand. Her other hand held the top part of his arm.
She turned her body into him rubbing against him.

you have an ice-cream with me? My treat?” she asked.

Get me whatever you’re having.”

disappeared inside a shop coming out with two chocolate coated ice-creams. He
took the one she offered. They continued walking around. She hesitated outside
the reptile section. “Are you going to be a girl?” he asked.

don’t like spiders or any reptile type thing. They’re gross.”

not taking one home.” The reptiles freaked him out but he’d paid to see
everything. Her grip tightened as they walked round the whole area. Matthew
shuddered as he looked at the spiders in their cages.

the end of the day he bought them each a burger and then drove home. During the
day they’d talked about what they liked. He knew they were getting to know each
other slowly. He couldn’t wait to have his ring on her finger.

they got home they sat in front of the television. Clara sat in one corner as
he sat in the other. Throughout the two hour long film she ended up with her
head in his lap. Matthew stroked her hair where she lay in his lap. Each minute
they spent together the trust between them increased. If he had to wait a whole
year until she became his then he’d gladly wait.

saw her up to her room, kissed her goodnight before he went into his room.
After a cold shower he read for a few minutes then turned his light out for the
night. Sleep failed him. The day had him pumped up with so much energy he only
knew of one way to expel it. He didn’t want any other woman. He wanted Clara in
his arms and in his bed. The sound of his door opening him startled him. Clara
stood at the opening to his room.

couldn’t sleep,” she said.

thinking he lifted up his sheet inviting her inside. She lay down next to him.
Her hands under her head as she stared at him.

enjoyed today.”

did too.” He cupped her cheek feeling her smooth skin. She licked her lips. The
sight of her tongue making him moan as he cock pulsed. He wore no clothes.

stared at him for several moments.
Neither of them saying a
“I like spending time with you.”

only spent one day with me.”

know. This has been one of the most enjoyable days of my life. I never thought
I’d enjoy the zoo so much.” She chuckled.

enjoyed today as well.”

I stay here tonight?”

“If you want to.”


wrapped the blanket round her. She snuggled close to his side. For several
minutes he watched her sleep before going off into dream world himself.


* * *


he woke the following morning, Clara lay next to him with her eyes open,
staring at him. Her beauty struck him at once. He couldn’t believe his arms
were finally around her. He’d been dreaming of this moment for months.

morning,” he said. Matthew wanted to say more but he left the words to a simple,
good morning.


reached out to touch his chest but she stopped. He held back the growl as he
wanted her touch more than anything.

can touch me,” he said. “I’m all yours to touch.” She didn’t reach out to him.

does this agreement work out? Are you seeing other women?” Even after she asked
her questions, Clara made no move to touch him. He rolled onto his side not
caring if the cover rolled down his body. The fact she held back from him,
bothered Matthew more than he liked to admit. Didn’t she know how he felt?
Having her in his bed and in his life meant the world to him.

have a lot of questions this morning. Didn’t you read any words in the document
I gave you to sign?” he asked.

you were distracting me.”

waited to see if she’d ask again. Instead she gazed at him waiting. “There is
no other woman. We’re not sharing each other. This is real for me. I only want
you.” How could
think for a second he’d want any
other woman when she was in his bed?

“Real in what way?”

BOOK: The Taking of Clara
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