Read The Surgeon's Blade Online

Authors: Faith Mortimer

The Surgeon's Blade (7 page)

BOOK: The Surgeon's Blade
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“It’s amazing there aren’t more deaths in that case,” she said, while picking at a small bunch of grapes.


“Yes. But you’re forgetting Solent Coastguard has the best pilot around when it comes to safety,” he laughed.


Libby joined in his laughter, and as she did their eyes met, stillness falling upon them. They sat in silence, gazing at one another, surprised at their reaction.




“Yes?” she said softly.


“Can I see you again? Would you have dinner with me one night? Tonight or any night you like.”


Libby wasn’t sure how to respond. She liked this man and enjoyed his company, but what about Nigel? He insisted they were an item. He had given her a ring apparently. She prided herself on being an honest woman. If she went out with Robert what might happen? She could feel there was an attraction between them. She couldn’t two-time her fiancé. She felt a telltale flush rising in her cheeks.


As if he could read her thoughts, he carried on. “I realise you’re engaged. But I like your company, and there’ll be no strings attached. I’m not sure I’m looking for a full-blown relationship anyway. And before you say anything, I’m not one for stealing another man’s woman. I promise you.”


“It’s not that. I do trust you. I’m not sure that Nigel will quite see it that way though.”


“Okay. I won’t pressure you. But you still have my card, right? Please call me if you change your mind. By the way, is there any chance I could have your number? We’re holding an open-day back at the base later in the month, and you might like to visit. I’m not sure of the date, so I could ring you to confirm it, if you’re interested?”


“That sounds fun. I’d like to see inside your helicopter from a different position, not lying prone! Hang on. I’ll get a piece of paper and jot it down for you.”


Libby walked back indoors to find a pen and paper. What was she doing? she asked herself. If Nigel got to know, she was sure he would be insanely jealous. She did have other male friends – Jem and Simon, for instance, but they were partners, and she knew Nigel wouldn’t look on them as possible rivals. She decided to stop dithering and made up her mind. She jotted down her home and mobile numbers on a scrap of paper and took it out to Robert.


It was getting late. Hearing the increasing traffic noises on the street outside, she guessed people were already making their way home. Libby didn’t particularly want the day to end. She liked Robert. It was a rare thing to feel so relaxed with a comparative stranger. Even the cat was relaxed in his company. She was just about to suggest they had some tea when her doorbell rang.


“Wait there. I’ll see who it is,” she said, standing up.


Libby opened her door and found a grinning Nigel standing on her doorstep, clutching an expensive-looking carrier bag in his hand.


“Surprise! I had a couple of cancellations. I thought we could have a nice quiet evening on our own or go out for dinner if you prefer, darling.” He dropped the bag and wrapped his arms around her and drew her into a long passionate kiss. “Mmm, how I’ve thought about you all afternoon. London was hellish, and one night away from you is enough. I’m glad I didn’t stay for a second.”


As they drew apart, he looked at Libby. “You still look a bit pale, my love. I think it better that we stay in, don’t you? It’s such a pity you won’t move in with me just yet. It would be so much more convenient. By the way, I’ve bought you a present. You can model it for me later.” He held up the carrier bag, and Libby read the words ‘
Mode Sensations
’ on the outside.


“Oh, thank you. I’ll take a look in a moment, as I was just about to make some tea—”


“Splendid idea. Where shall we sit, in the garden?” Nigel removed his tie and tossed it down on the hall table, already moving towards the open French windows.


Libby lingered just long enough to hear Robert greet Nigel. She didn’t wait to hear Nigel’s reply, but busied herself making tea. Bother! Despite being pleased that Nigel had made an effort to get back to see her, she didn’t know how he would react on meeting Robert again. It was one of the first things she had discovered on regaining her memory; he was extremely possessive.


She pondered over the situation while she laid the tea tray. Well, there wasn’t one really. Robert had been decent enough to pick her up from the hospital and bring her home. They had chatted like old friends all afternoon. There was nothing wrong with that. Hopefully, Nigel would see it that way.


“How do you like your tea, Robert?” she asked, setting the tray down on the garden table. The cat was nowhere to be seen. She noticed their leftover picnic and plates. Nigel couldn’t fail to notice she had entertained Robert earlier.


“Well, I was about to go actually. Time is getting on.” Robert stood up as if to leave.


“Are you sure? Wouldn’t you like to stay for some tea? Nigel, I don’t know if Robert has told you, but he very kindly gave me a lift home today.” She turned her attention to Nigel.


“So I understand. His arrival was most fortuitous, it would seem. I haven’t thanked you yet for taking care of my fiancée once again, have I?”


Libby knew from the tone of his voice he wasn’t happy. “Robert was visiting a friend in hospital and called on the off chance that I’d still be there. As he was almost passing my door, he offered me a lift.” She had done it again! Fabricating the truth where Robert was concerned. She had no idea where Robert lived.


“I see. Well, as I said, it was lucky he found you still there. Have you decided where to eat out tonight? You need to get ready soon, as you probably won’t want to make it too late a night. You can wear the new dress I’ve bought you.”


“But I thought you said we’d eat in—” she began.


“There’s a fabulous Thai that I know of. Robert, don’t let us detain you while we make up our minds where to go. Since Libby’s stay in hospital, we have a lot of catching up to do.” He broke in on her conversation.


Robert gave Nigel an amused look, and Libby thought she knew what was going through his mind. Nigel was being a pompous ass – possessive and autocratic. Perhaps he was a little too overbearing for her liking sometimes.


“Well goodbye, Libby. Take good care of yourself.” He nodded at Nigel and turned to go towards the house.


“I’ll just see you out.” Libby hurried to catch up with him. Once out of earshot, she whispered to Robert.


“I’m sorry about that. Nigel is…well he’s very over-protective. It’s just his way, I’m afraid.”


“I understand. If you were mine, I’d probably be the same. So long, Libby. I won’t say goodbye, as I’m certain we’ll meet again,” he murmured giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Remember, you know where to find me if you need anything.”


Closing the door behind him, Libby leaned against it as she thought for a moment. She was confused. She was with Nigel. He was handsome and charming. He was a top surgeon and apparently came from a wealthy family. All the desirable qualities a woman could wish for. Why did Robert with his warm, hazel eyes make her feel so strange? She would have to put him out of her mind once and for all. Her fiancé, Nigel, should come first.










Chapter 7




Libby couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned for hours, got up, went to the bathroom, made a hot drink, and even read a chapter or two from the book she was reading. She kept telling herself it had nothing to do with the huge row that erupted with Nigel after Robert had left. In her heart, she knew it wasn’t true.


After saying goodbye to Robert, she had walked back out to the garden, only to find a fuming Nigel pacing up and down the lawn. Once he realised she had rejoined him, he turned to greet her with a furious expression on his face.


“Can I ask just what is going on behind my back?”


Libby stopped before she reached him with a look of complete astonishment. “Nigel what on earth are you on about?”


“Him!” He waved a hand in the direction of the French windows. “That bloody pilot! Why do I get the impression he’s chasing you? Are you encouraging him?”


“No, of course I’m not. And you’re wrong on both accounts. It was an innocent lift home. He was visiting a friend and called in on the off chance. He actually said—”


What had he said? Libby tried to remember.
“I realise you’re engaged. But I like your company, and there’ll be no strings attached. I’m not one for stealing another man’s woman. I promise you.”
But had he meant it? She also recalled him saying, “
I’m not sure I’m looking for a full-blown relationship anyway.”


“Well? What did he say?”


“He said, he realised I was engaged. He wasn’t trying to chase me. Oh Nigel, why are you so uptight? I’m with you, aren’t I? The whole thing was perfectly innocent.”


“I sincerely hope so. I don’t want to come here and find him here with you. In fact, I don’t want him anywhere near you.
I noticed you’ve entertained him with lunch.” Nigel still looked incensed and agitated.


“It was something simple – a sandwich and a salad. I felt obliged. It was nice of him to give me a lift home. Remember,
couldn’t. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying. Look, I really doubt I’ll see him again. Southampton’s a big place. Will you please stop making holes in my turf? Come and sit down and have the tea while it’s still hot. By the way, have you seen Rommie? She was here earlier.”


“Who’s Rommie?”


Libby couldn’t help staring. Nigel must remember her. “Rommie, my cat.”


“Oh yes, of course. I don’t know. I think she wandered off through there.” He vaguely waved a hand in the direction of the garden hedge. “Going back to that pilot, he’s making a nuisance of himself.”


Libby couldn’t see why, but refrained from saying so, as she knew it would do nothing to dispel his anger. She held out a hand to Nigel, and he reluctantly moved towards her. Giving a huge sigh, he suddenly pulled her into his arms and held her tight. She breathed in the citrus smell of his aftershave, which was beginning to become familiar.


“Darling, you know you mean the world to me. I just can’t bear the thought of another man around you. Promise me you won’t be tempted to see him again, innocent or otherwise. I love you so much, and I don’t want to share you with anyone. Look – I’ve got your ring back from the jewellers. Let’s see if it fits properly now.”


Triumphantly, he produced a small box from his pocket with a flourish. Hesitating, Libby looked at Nigel before she took it from him. With trembling fingers she lifted the lid. Inside, nestling on a bed of gold velvet was a perfect solitaire diamond. She stared at it for a moment. With a deep feeling of dismay, she realised she couldn’t recall the ring. She couldn’t remember wearing it. Why not?


“Well? Are you going to put it on where it belongs?”


She hesitated. “Nigel—”


“What is it?”

BOOK: The Surgeon's Blade
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