The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (23 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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“Safewords apply here, too.” Jake brushed his lips on her ear, and then stood to talk about safewords. She thought how this really was a beginners workshop of sorts. BDSM Flogging 101?

She nodded playing her part. “Yes, Sir.”

Jake gave her a few good smacks on her butt with his hand. Soon
after, light flicks of the flogger kissed her slightly stinging ass. She moaned louder than she wanted to and her eyes widened. Jonathan gave a nod of encouragement, and whether he sat there on purpose or not, she was thankful. Judging by the look on his face, she had a feeling the moaning was a good thing.

Thinking back to the demo she saw, the woman had moaned and screamed. People enjoyed it, and she didn’t want to disappoint Jake so she decided she would embrace it and forget the fact that anyone else was there, other than Jonathan and Jake. That took her thoughts to the time the three of them spent in Room Four.

The flogger bit harder against her skin. She moaned in pleasure, and Jonathan looked on through hooded eyes.
Did he remember, too?
Her wet channel clenched at the thought. The pain from the flogging wasn’t too bad, but then it continued on for some time. He was taking her farther than she’d ever gone before. Jake asked what her color was, and her mouth answered, “Green,” before she even had time to think about it. When she stopped doubting what she was doing, the pain became less, and total euphoria set in. And that’s when she allowed herself to soar into the abyss of subspace.

The restraints from her wrists were being removed, and in her dazed state, she could hear Jonathan as he worked on the cuffs. “You did good, cutie. You back with us now?” He smiled at her before he rose and got to work on her ankles. She could hear Jake talking about aftercare as someone rubbed a soothing lotion on her buttocks.

When she was free of all the restraints, Jonathan squatted near her head. “You want to stay here for a minute?”

“Yes, please, but don’t go.” The endorphins were fading, making her feel
self conscious and needing comfort. “Can you hold me?”

He scooped her up and sat on the bench cradling her. “This good?”


Jake went on to explain how to clean up and care
for the floggers after a scene.

Kristy was feeling more alert. “How much of a fool did I make of myself?” She spoke so only the two of them could hear.

Jonathan smiled. “You didn’t. You were perfect. You held a captive audience. No one spoke or moved. You were beautiful as usual.” He stroked her hair off her face. “Such a natural.”

Jake concluded his talk, walked over to Jonathan, and lifted Kristy in his arms. He pressed his face into her neck and inhaled. “Damn, I want you more than I did before.”

She could feel a slight tremor from his body. “Then let’s get out of here.” She tried her best to flash a sexy smile.

“One more demo first.” He stiffened and looked nervous.


He placed her on her feet and waited, holding on to her arms to steady her. When she stood strong, he got down on one knee and she heard someone gasp, it sounded like Roxi. Kristy shook her head confused. Was he kneeling in submission? “Jake? What’s going on?”

He held up a black velvet ring box and opened it. Inside sat a simple gold band with a diamond solitaire. Kristy’s hands flew up around her mouth in surprise. “Kristy, you make happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I can’t imagine a day without you…I love you.” Tears flowed freely from her eyes down her cheeks and dripped onto her breasts. “Will you marry me?”

She nodded her head over and over until she could speak. “Yes, yes, I will marry you! I love you.”

He stood up, removed the ring from the box, and placed it on her. It fit perfectly. He kissed the ring on her finger. “It’s beautiful, just like you.” They kissed as the room busted out in applause. Remembering where they were, they turned and smiled as Kristy held up her hand to show off the ring. People yelled out congratulations and were cheering.

“About time someone straightened him out!”

“Master Jay is off the market!”

“Lucky dog!” That one was from Jonathan as he sat grinning.

“One more thing.” Jake handed her their silver silky fabric as he went into his submissive kneel for her.

“Jake? I don’t understand.” Waiting for him to explain, she rolled the material in her fingers.

He looked out at the quieting crowd and announced, “Kristy will now demonstrate for you. We haven’t had a Dominant woman on this stage in a long time.” That statement caused some gasps and she could hear murmuring out in the audience.

She leaned over to him and through gritted teeth, she said, “What the hell? I can barely hold it together. I’m horny, beyond happy, and still high from your flogging. I have all these emotions and I don’t know what to do with them.”

“Yes, baby. You know exactly what to do.” He answered her quietly and without moving or looking at her, and he kept his gaze to the floor.

Jonathan came over and took the empty ring box from Jake and handed her the flogger. “No worries, cutie. You got this.” She watched as he hopped off the stage and headed to the table where Master Kyle sat in the seat she previously occupied.

Frozen in fear, she felt her mouth hanging open. The room was quiet, and her heart pounded away in her ears. She could feel the sweat build on her forehead. “To the bench,” she ordered. Her voice wasn’t quite what she wanted, but not as bad as it could have been.

Jake went to the bench and she buckled him in. “I’m going to get you for this," she said only to him.


“Ugh, you infuriate me sometimes. You’re lucky I love you as much as I do.”

She lowered Jake’s leathers smoothing her hand over his now exposed muscular ass. Kristy didn’t give verbal instructions to the crowd as she touched, teased and warmed Jake up. Seeing him on the bench for her and the diamond on her ring finger, she fell into her role and blocked out the room full of people watching. She flogged him using the techniques she learned in the training room over the last couple of months. She was pretty confident in herself or she would’ve never been able to go through with it.

Master Kyle got up on stage and his voice brought her back to reality. “We’d like to thank you all for coming out tonight for this extraordinary demonstration, and to bear witness to something so special between Jake and Kristy. I couldn’t be happier for them. Jake is like family to me, and Kristy has grown on me something fierce in such a short time. I welcome her to the family with open arms.” The audience broke out in a thunderous applause.

Kristy had slowed her routine when Master began speaking and then released Jake from the bench and hugged him tight. They were in one another’s arms when Master Kyle came over and hugged them both wishing them congratulations.

“I love you so fucking much, baby.” He spoke loudly. He didn’t care who heard him. Kristy looked down at Jonathan and Roxi. They smiled, clapped, and had crooked grins on their faces. When she looked closer, she saw Roxi had tears in her eyes.

As they stepped off the stage, Sherry came running over with Dan in tow. “Congratulations you two! I can’t believe it.” Sherry hugged and quickly kissed Jake on the cheek. She turned to a stunned Kristy and wrapped her arms around her and cried tears of joy. “I hadn’t realized how serious you two were. And I don’t have to ask how you guys feel about one another. It’s obvious to the whole room how in love you are.”

“I didn’t know you were here.” Kristy pried Sherry off of her, laughing.

“Jake invited us, told us to hide out until it was over. I understand why now. Damn, girl, you look so good, sexy even, and so happy.” The two women stood there grinning at each other when Jake tugged on Kristy’s arm and smiled like a little boy.

“Time to go,” he said. Kristy’s insides were about to combust over the look he gave her. Sherry understood and hugged them both and retreated.

All Kristy wanted to do was get home and spend quality time with her man, but everyone wanted to stop and congratulate them. Even Steven and Mona.

“You looked great up there,” Steven said. His eyes twinkled and she knew how he felt. They would always be friends and would always love each other in their own special way. Mona and Jake must have seen it too. They backed off and spoke to each other to give them privacy.

“Did you find your happy, Kristy? It looks like you have.”

“Steven, yes I found my forever happy.” Her eyes began to tear up.

“I know. I can see it radiating through your whole body. You exude happiness.” He reached up and wiped a tear just as it released from her lid. “Why are you crying?”

“I can’t not cry right now. I have all these feelings that want out at the same time. It’s overwhelming.” She smiled up at him. “Mostly they are happy tears.”

“Mostly?” He pulled her close and held her as she sobbed.

“I regret what happened with us,” she said, sadly, and a damn burst from inside of her. One she held onto for so long. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

He pulled away and held onto her shoulders, giving her a slight little shake. “Hey now, no regrets, okay? We had our time and now it’s over. Everything happens for a reason. You found Jake. I have Mona. I don’t know where that will go, but for now, things are fine. I really like her, and she likes me.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” She sniffled, and wiped at her nose with the back of her hand.

Jake and Mona joined them. “We should get going,” Jake said, kindly.

“Yes, I’m ready,” Kristy said. She leaned up on her toes and gave Steven a soft quick peck on the lips. "Goodbye, Steven.” In her heart she knew this was her way of letting him go and being at peace with it, finally. That was the first time she allowed herself to feel anything about Steven since they broke up, but she had Jake now and he filled the empty gap in her heart. She also knew that she and Steven would remain friends, no matter what.

“Let’s go…fiancée.” Jake grinned ear to ear. “I like the sound of that.”

“So do I.” She took his hand and led him to Room Ten. Wiggling her ass in front of him, she said, “Take me from behind like you’ve wanted to all night, and then I want my future husband to take me home and make love to me.” Before they entered she glanced at Jake, and he wore a handsomely devilish grin on his face.

Inside the closed door, she gave the silky fabric back to Jake as a transfer of power, and got to her knees, hands behind her back with her head down, she quietly whispered, “I love you.”

She felt his hand on the top of her head. “I love you too, baby.”






First, I would like to thank
, the reader, for purchasing my work. Randi Alexander, my editor, thank you for keeping me straight, because yes, that first chapter was in need. Mina Carter thank you for my gorgeous cover, you are a delight to work with. Where would I be without my girls - my beta-readers? Thank you; Emily Key, Latascia, Leslee Walters, and Peggy Lang. Martin Crosbie, I want to say thank you for supporting me in this endeavor. Daniele Lanzarotta, thanks so much for being my second set of eyes. And lastly, I want to thank my family and friends for all of their love and support. Without them I couldn’t do this.





About the Author

Laci enjoys spending time with her family more than anything in the world. She and her husband support their children on the soccer pitch, and off. In addition to reading and writing Laci takes pleasure in the outdoors by way of hiking and camping.


You can find Laci at:


Also by Laci Paige:


Let’s Keep On Truckin’



Lily loves traveling on her job since no one can do it better than her. Being out on the open road gives her plenty of time to reflect and avoid unwanted attention, but somehow it finds her....
When she comes across Ryder, first at a grocery store, then at a rest stop, sexual desire sparks and she knew she had to have him. If only her ex hadn't shown up, igniting a fantasy she never thought possible.
Seeing Alex in a whole new light, Lily realizes second chances are in order, but will she have to choose between the two men? Or could she be happy with both?


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BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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