The Sextet - Occupational Hazards [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: The Sextet - Occupational Hazards [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Something inside her felt free—like a caged bird that had been turned loose after far too long. She wanted to sing, to fly. “Then take me to bed.”

The sounds of her guys chuckling warmed her. As Ben jerked the sheets back, Corey swept her into his arms. “Gladly,” he said before setting her on the mattress.

She scooted to the middle as her men stripped. Damn, but they were handsome devils. Her gaze kept shifting between them as she admired every inch of skin. When their pants hit the floor, Tracey stared at their glorious cocks, licking her lips in anticipation. “Who goes first?”

Ben cast a glance and then a wink to Corey who nodded in response.

“What?” she asked. Not that they made her nervous with whatever conspiracy they seemed to be forming. She actually found it exciting, the not knowing what was to come. Two lovers sure left lots open to the imagination.

“No one goes first,” Ben replied. “We all go together.”


“Ever had that gorgeous ass of yours fucked, baby?” Corey asked. “I highly recommend it.”

She squeaked out again, “Together?”

Both guys nodded. “I get that sweet pussy,” Ben said, “and Corey gets your cherry ass.”

Lightning raced through her limbs. She’d heard about three-ways that involved two guys possessing one woman at the same time. She’d even been curious enough to do a little naughty Internet investigation on it one night while she’d been fantasizing about Ben and Corey. And what she had found was hot—with a capital
. Heat swept through her cunt, making her womb do a delightful flip-flop. “We could…do
Both of you inside me? At…at the…same time?”

Their smiles grew as the mattress dipped slightly with their weight. “Once we have you good and ready,” Ben said, reaching down to stroke her thigh, “you’ll love it.”

“And we’ll love it,” Corey added as he leaned in to kiss her.

Her guys would never hurt her, and the entirely wicked side of Tracey was ready to follow wherever they led. Ben’s hand slid up until he caressed her pussy, his clever fingers separating her folds and quickly finding her sensitive clitoris. She arched her hips up as she moaned into Corey’s mouth. His tongue slid deep inside to silence her as his hand covered her breast, stroking and teasing until her nipples hardened and her cunt tightened.

“She’s so hot,” Ben said, reaching over to the nightstand. He plucked a bottle of lube from the drawer as Corey lifted his head and smiled down at her.

“Damn hot,” he said. “Trace, baby? Ben and I…we don’t use condoms with each other. We’re both clean, but if you want…I mean…we don’t want to get you pregnant or anything.”

“We’ve got rubbers,” Ben added, setting the lube down and grabbing a box. He held it up to show her. “We can use them if—”

“I’m on the pill,” she said, “and I trust you both. We don’t have to use them if you don’t want.”

Their responding smiles were twenty-four karat. “Just wanted to give you a choice,” Ben said, dropping the box on the table.

Sitting up on her elbows, she smiled at Corey and then at Ben. “And I appreciate that. You’re both very sweet. So…my choice is
au naturel
. I want to feel my guys inside me.”

“Well, then,” Corey said, crawling down the bed. “We need to get you good and ready.” Before she could react, he nudged her thighs apart with his shoulders and settled his mouth on her pussy.

Ben swallowed her surprised gasp as his mouth covered hers, his tongue moving inside to stroke hers. Pleasure raced through Tracey as their tongues excited and teased her. Two long fingers pushed into her body, and she arched up to try to take them deeper inside. Moving from her lips to her breasts, Ben teased one peak and then the other until they ached. Threading her fingers through his blond hair, she tried to find words to tell them how good they made her feel, but none seemed right. Instead, she let a moan of approval serve as encouragement.

“I need to be inside you,” Ben said, grabbing her hips and rolling her on top of him as Corey leaned back onto his knees and grabbed the bottle of lube.

Anxiety crept into her pleasure. Surely having a man as big as Corey inside her ass—

“It’ll be okay, Trace,” Ben said, clearly reading her body language. “Just relax. Let us teach you how to do this.”

“You’ll teach me?”

He nodded. “We only want to bring you pleasure, never pain.”

“If anything doesn’t feel right,” Corey added, “just say so.”

Her guys would never hurt her. Not her body, nor her heart. Love swelled inside her as she let them take their connection to a whole new level.

As Ben eased his long cock inside her pussy, Tracey leaned back to take him as fully as possible. She rode him slow and easy, loving the feel of his heat inside her without anything between them. Skin to skin. Man to woman.
This is heaven

“And now,” Corey said, “it only gets better.”

Realizing she’d spoken the words aloud, she leaned closer to Ben as Corey gently pushed her shoulders. Ben wrapped his arms around her and said, “Lean against me. Let Corey get you ready.”

Tracey answered with a kiss, letting Ben keep her senses occupied as Corey’s warm hands smoothed over her bottom. His slick finger circled her most intimate place, swirling around and around until she finally relaxed, growing accustomed to his touch.

“Are you ready, love?” Corey asked.

She tore his lips away from Ben’s long enough to say, “Yes.” Then she let her guys take control.

Ben’s hands settled on her hips, holding her still as he kissed her again. A finger pushed inside her, and the foreign feel was arousing. There was no pain, only the feeling of fullness, especially when a second finger joined Corey’s first. “You’re so tight,” Corey said with a groan. “You like that, don’t you, love?”

She moaned, rocking back against his hand to let him know just how good it felt.

“Here we go.” His fingers pulled back, replaced by the blunt heat of his dick. “Nice ’n easy.” He slid slowly inside, pulling back gently each time to sink a little farther in. “Fuck, Ben, she feels perfect.” After a few moments, she took him all the way inside her body. Both her lovers were united with her, making her feel precious and treasured.

Slowly, Ben and Corey began to move, matching each other in an easy rhythm that quickly captured Tracey’s senses. Two cocks stretched and excited her, igniting a type of sexual excitement she’d never known existed. Questions flew through her tangled thoughts. Did the thin wall of muscle separating them allow her men to feel each other? Did their cocks rub? Could they sense how excited they made her?

The pace increased, and she savored their heat, their thickness, and the glorious love flowing between the three of them until her body felt ready to explode. The men must have sensed how close she was to coming because the pace quickened. As her climax raced through her, Tracey could only tear her mouth away from Ben’s and cry out in ecstasy. Corey quickly followed, and his groan of contentment was accompanied by a sensation of heat shooting inside her. Ben’s gasp was followed by the warmth of his essence bathing her womb.

* * * *

Tracey started awake.

How long had she slept? She’d been so sated after Ben and Corey had made love to her, she’d nodded off. One warm body was pressed up against her right side. Corey, she realized when she saw the arm with a dusting of dark hair thrown over her waist. Ben was snuggled up against her left, a heavy thigh draped over hers.

“You’re awake,” Corey whispered against her ear before his lips touched her cheek.

“Um…yeah,” she replied. “Was I asleep long?”

“Not long,” Ben said in her other ear. “You looked so sweet, we didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

She should probably be embarrassed, especially in light of what had happened between them. But she wasn’t. In fact, she felt
. Her body was content, as was her heart. “You guys hungry? I could cook something for us.”

“Takeout would be better,” Corey replied. “But first…”

“We need to talk,” Ben said.

Tracey frowned, her own silly insecurity making her hear those four words as some kind of ominous—

“Stop it, Trace.” Ben’s voice was harsh enough to make her turn to stare at him.

“Stop what?”

“Stop worrying. After what just happened between us, you shouldn’t be worried.”

Corey chuckled. “Like we’d
let you go after that. Shit, that was the best sex of my life.”

“Mine, too,” she said, exhaling in relief. “Then what do we need to talk about?”

“When you’ll move in here,” Ben said.

“With us,” Corey added. “Forever.”

Surely she hadn’t heard them right. “You want me to move in here? With both of you?”

Her guys growled in unison.

“Let me get this straight,” she said. “You want me to move into my dream condo with my dream guys. I don’t know…I should probably think about it for—”

“I knew it!” Ben said, pushing up on an elbow to glare at her. “You’re worrying about gossip again!”

Corey sat up, throwing her a darker version of the same glare. “Don’t you see, Trace? We love you. We don’t care about gossip.”

Tracey lifted her hands to cover their mouths. “If you would’ve let me finish…”

At least they looked properly contrite.

“What I was saying was…You want me to move into my dream condo with my dream guys. I should probably think about it for…two seconds. Of course, I’ll move in. Wanna go get my clothes now or later?”




Elizabeth Raines makes her home in the Midwest. A fan of all genres of fiction, she enjoys blending her love of science fiction with romance in the books she writes exclusively for Siren Publishing. Her favorite movies are
Pride and Prejudice
Love, Actually
, and she spends far too much time watching shows like
The Tudors
Mad Men
. Elizabeth has been happily married for almost thirty years and tries to express that kind of enduring love in all her stories, hoping to help all her heroes and heroines have their own happily ever afters.

Also by Elizabeth Raines

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 1:
Locked In

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 2:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 3:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 4:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: Wicked Missions 5:

Siren Ménage Everlasting:
Wicked Missions 6:

Also by The Sextet

Siren Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1:

Siren Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 2:
Dirty Dancing

Available at



Cheryl Brooks


For all of you ladies who can’t resist a man wearing a tool belt.

Chapter 1

“This is gonna be expensive, isn’t it?” Angelica Jacobs gazed up at the handsome contractor standing in the middle of her soggy bedroom. There was a lot to be said for getting bad news from a hunk, but it couldn’t completely eliminate the sting.

“’Fraid so.” Nodding, he gestured toward the ceiling—or what was left of it. “The tree falling on the house was bad enough, but the roof itself…” He paused, shaking his head. “I won’t know until I get up there, but from here, it looks like at least part of the roof is rotten.” He aimed his flashlight at the jagged edges. “See that? It’s wet from the rain, but it was already soft. No telling how much of the wood will need to be replaced.”

His warm smile was obviously intended to make her feel better, but it wasn’t helping much. Well, maybe it did help a little, seeing as how he was gorgeous. Heavenly blue eyes, a cap of dark curls, square jaw, sensuous lips, and dimples.
dimples. The kind that reportedly reflected the length of
things, the way shoe size did. And his name…
Tyrone Williams.
It sounded like the name of a movie star or a football player, or both, neither of which belonged anywhere near her bedroom.

“Once we get the tree off of there, we’ll know more. I’ll salvage as much of the original structure as I can, but…” He spread his hands and gave her an apologetic smile, which was no less breathtaking than the preceding one. “What do you want us to do with the wood? Want to keep it or have us haul it off?”

Angelica frowned. “Excuse me? You mean the roof?”

“No, we’ll definitely haul
off. I was referring to the tree. Firewood? Mulch?”

“Firewood.” At least that would be one thing she wouldn’t have to pay an arm and a leg for, unless they charged by the hour instead of by the rick. Converting her grandparents’ old house into the quaint bed-and-breakfast she’d always dreamed of owning was getting pricier by the second—and they hadn’t even started construction yet.

Her grandparents’ longtime friend and neighbor, Sue Rodgers, had recommended this crew for the remodeling project. “They’re very nice young men, charge reasonable rates, and do marvelous work—you may even remember them from when you used to live around here.”

Unfortunately, Angelica
remember them, though they’d undoubtedly forgotten her, which was probably for the best. She’d been a pimply faced seventh-grader the last time she’d seen them—not that any of the guys had been movie star material at that age, either. She and her family had moved from the area long before she’d outgrown the awkward stage, and if they remembered her at all, they hadn’t mentioned it. It had taken two meetings with Tyrone before she realized he was actually the scrawny little Jimmy Williams who used to get bullied by his larger classmates. She wasn’t sure where the “Tyrone” had come from, but he had certainly improved with age.

The other two had been harder to recall. She only vaguely remembered Derrick Delaney as a goofy little blond kid who sat behind her in math class, and Luke O’Malley, who’d been a year ahead and was distinctive mainly because of his Cherokee and Irish ancestry. From what she could see, growing up had done wonders for both of them too.

Angelica had already talked to a few other contractors and hadn’t been impressed with any of them or their bids. Tyrone’s bid had been lower than any of the others, and, based on Sue’s recommendation, she’d hired them on the spot, never suspecting that replacing the roof and cutting up a centuries-old oak tree would wind up being part of the deal.

The buzz of chainsaws sounded the death knell for the ancient tree, which had fallen during a severe storm the night before. It would have been heartbreaking to see the old tree come down no matter where it fell—a tree that had provided not only abundant shade, but a place for her swing and endless hours climbing through its maze of branches. Unfortunately, the northwest wind had sent it crashing down across the roof above her bedroom. As a child, she’d felt on top of the world, sitting up in that tree. Now it was nothing more than a wrecking ball that had attempted to destroy the house she loved as much for its memories as for its beauty.

“We’ll get a tarp up there to cover the hole for now.” Tyrone glanced at the floor. “Looks like we’ll need to get a shop vac in here to dry out the carpet too, but—”

“Yeah, I know. It’ll probably have to be replaced.” Closing her eyes, she pressed her fingertips to her temples. “I’m beginning to wish I’d stayed in Vegas. At least there I could just manage the hotel and not have to foot the bill.”

Tyrone shrugged. “Vegas doesn’t have scenery like this, though.”

“True.” Well…not
scenery anyway. The mountains of Tennessee might not be as breathtaking as, say, the Grand Canyon, but they were certainly greener. At that particular moment, however, the
scenery was very similar to Vegas. Any of Tyrone’s crew could’ve gotten a job in one of the all-male revues, perhaps even a starring role. Derrick, a tall, blond, surfer-dude type, looked like he’d just stepped off the beach while Luke was a blue-eyed Cherokee with waist-length hair and a piratical grin.

Angelica, on the other hand, had been manager of a popular hotel. It was a great job and paid very well, but the money hadn’t made her want to stay in Vegas forever. Nor had any of the handsome men she’d dated.

Except Chris.
They’d become great friends and had a lot of fun together. When Angelica had inherited the house in Tennessee, he’d been as excited about the B and B idea as she was. But then they’d made the mistake of sleeping together. Chris was very attractive and she liked him more than most of her exes, but in her eyes, he was about as sexually stimulating as a pair of old shoes. The worst part of it was that he wasn’t the first man who’d left her cold. All of them had.

You just haven’t met the right one.

She kept telling herself that, but she’d never heard of any woman whose needs were quite so specific. Maybe there was something wrong with her. Something hormonal…

She glanced at Tyrone again. He’d already energized her libido more than all the Vegas studs put together, and thus far, the only thing he’d done was tell her that her dream house was a wreck. If that was what it took to get her juices flowing, there was a lot to be said for celibacy.

Tyrone gestured toward the bed. “I take it you were asleep when that happened?”

“The rudest awakening of my life,” Angelica said grimly. “I heard the crack and was halfway out of bed when I about got drowned. The mattress is history.”

Another smile. More mischievous this time, creasing only one of his dimples. “But just think of the fun you’ll have breaking in a new one.”

She hesitated before replying. He couldn’t possibly have meant that the way she thought he did. Even if he had, she wasn’t buying the whole “fun” aspect of breaking in a new mattress. Thus far, all she’d done in that bed was sleep, and though sleep had never been a problem for her, sex was a total letdown. No fireworks, only rainouts. “I don’t know about the fun part, but I
put it in another room.” She glanced at the ceiling and shuddered. “Not sure I’ll ever be able to sleep in here again.”

His expression clouded briefly. “I can’t say as I blame you for that.”

“Of course, if that tree had to come down, at least it did it while I was in here, and not a paying guest. Anyway, I’m sleeping on the couch for the time being. The furniture I’ve been collecting is all in storage, but I haven’t bought any mattresses yet. I was hoping to order several at once and maybe get a better deal on them. Not sure what I’ll do now.”

The flicker of disappointment that marred his features made her wonder if she might have been wrong—perhaps he
meant to be flirtatious. Angelica wasn’t much good at that sort of thing herself, nor was she adept when it came to recognizing it in others. Her friend Joan had taken to giving her a kick or a nudge whenever a man showed interest because Angelica just plain couldn’t see it. Unfortunately, her upbringing had stressed that men were the ones who did the chasing; women were supposed to wait patiently for Prince Charming to come riding up on his steed. For her to go after a man was about as likely as for that old oak to shake its leaves and stand itself upright again.

been known to look, however, and was steeling herself to keep from checking out Tyrone’s left hand when he saved her the trouble. Reaching up to scratch the side of his face, he drew her attention not only to the fact that he wasn’t wearing a ring, but also to the dark, sexy stubble on his cheek. He’d been clean shaven anytime she’d seen him before, but had evidently missed out on the usual quality time with his razor that morning.

She was reminding herself that a lot of men didn’t wear wedding rings—particularly those who worked with their hands—when a voice called out from below. “Hey, Ty, could you give us a hand with the tarp?”

“Be right down,” Tyrone yelled back.

“Look, I really need to take a shower and get out of here,” Angelica said. “I’ve got a meeting with the bank this morning. If I can’t convince them to cough up a little more money, this project may be dead in the water anyway.”

“You’ve got insurance, don’t you?” His concern seemed genuine, until Angelica realized that if she didn’t get the money, he didn’t get the full job.
What a mercenary...

“For the storm damage, yes, but the more I get into this project, the more things I find that need fixing or replacing.”

“Still going through with it?”

“Oh, yeah. I’ve gotten this far, and I’m not going to quit now. I’ve got savings, and I’ve been buying furniture for this place ever since I inherited it three years ago.”

His gaze focused on her to the point that she could have called it penetrating. “You know, most bed-and-breakfasts are run by more than one person, usually a married couple. Are you
planning to do this all by yourself? Ever thought about taking on a partner?”

Married couple.
He just
to rub it in, didn’t he? “I know it’s a lot of work. I had a…a friend who was going to go into business with me, but he, well, he dropped out at the last minute. An investor or two would be a plus, and I’ll probably hire someone to help me, but I’m not sure I want to deal with a partner right now—especially someone I don’t know very well.”

He nodded. “I can understand that. I’ve been partners with Luke and Derrick for several years now, but we’ve known each other since grade school. We’ve had our differences, of course, but we work well together.” His eyes never left hers. “I couldn’t do this kind of work alone.”

The intensity of his gaze made her stammer. “I…I hadn’t intended to do this alone, either. It just turned out that way. Best laid plans and all that…” She glanced at the clock. “I’ve really got to get moving if I’m gonna make that meeting. Something tells me being late won’t help my chances for getting a bigger loan.”

“I’ll get out of your way then. We’ll at least cut up the part of the tree that’s on the roof and get the tarp nailed down today.” This time his smile was reassuring. “And don’t worry, Angelica, we can fix it.”

* * * *

Ty jogged down the stairs.
Great staircase.
It was the one thing that didn’t need much work, though it could stand to be refinished. Unlike the rest of the house. Angelica was right about continually finding new things that needed fixing, like a rotted-out roof. His bid hadn’t included a new roof. They’d focused more on the need for extra bathrooms and doors that locked, along with the more cosmetic repairs.

He glanced back over his shoulder. Ty could have spent years remodeling this house, if only for the chance to work for Angelica. He’d never been close friends with her, but she’d been the star of many a wet dream, and Luke and Derrick had also had the hots for her. Too bad she’d moved away before any of them had gotten the nerve to say much to her, let alone ask her out on a date. Ty had no intention of repeating that mistake because she was still the cutest little woman he’d ever seen in his life. Tiny, but with curves in all the right places, she had dark brown hair that made his hands itch to delve into it, and her eyes…He had to stop and think for a moment before putting his finger on what it was that attracted him. It was the twinkle, the pixieish quality that made him think of…
—only as a green-eyed brunette rather than a bitchy blonde.

Generally speaking, Ty didn’t hit on clients, but Angelica was making him forget all the rules. Not that he and his two partners had ever been sticklers for convention. He’d given her an honest estimate, knocking off another ten percent just to make sure she’d hire them. Not so much because they needed the job, but because he wanted a good excuse to be around her long enough to figure out what made her tick, and it would definitely take some figuring. She hadn’t been embarrassed when he’d made that crack about breaking in the mattress. Neither had she given him the disdainful glace of someone who’d been offended. No, what was even more disheartening was that his obvious interest hadn’t seemed to register with her at all, and his suggestive comment had gone right past her.

BOOK: The Sextet - Occupational Hazards [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
3.22Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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