Read The Sexretary's Next Big Assignment Online

Authors: Lacey Kane

Tags: #dubious consent, #menage, #dp, #anal, #erotica

The Sexretary's Next Big Assignment (3 page)

BOOK: The Sexretary's Next Big Assignment
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Say what? I was a free woman. I worked for Cooper Anderson Construction, but I could quit at any time if I wanted to. But I didn’t want to quit. I didn’t want to work for anyone else, either. I liked working for David and Bobby, particularly because of the…erm…side benefits. The gig was as good as I could ask for.

I started to shake my head, but he slapped me across the face before I could say anything. A fresh wave of tears sprang to my eyes, and his lips quirked up in a sadistic smile.

“You seem to get in trouble with them a lot—earn more punishments than you should. They think they want a new sexretary…someone who follows orders and completes her job requirements better than you do. If I don’t agree to buy your services, they’re ready to kick you to the curb.”

Could that be true? I mean, sure, I’d earned punishments almost every day of my employment with them…some days I had earned multiple punishments, true…but I thought that was what they wanted. I knew I got off on the punishments. Lord knew it seemed like Bobby and David did, too.

One thing was for sure—I had no intention of going unemployed again. Definitely not as long as I had before Bobby Anderson hired me. Preferably not at all.

If it was a choice between being a sexretary for this guy or being unemployed… Well, there really wasn’t much of a choice there. Besides, he looked like he could fuck me from here to Sunday and back. That wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. Right?

“I haven’t decided if I want to take them up on the offer yet. It’ll depend largely on how you perform for me today.”

That effectively made my choice for me. I was going to have to please this dude, whatever the cost. Too bad I had no clue what he’d want from me. I didn’t have to sit around and wonder for long, though.

He pulled a wand-looking thing from behind his back and touched the tip of it to one of my way-too-fucking sensitive breasts, against the fleshy part on the side. It zapped me with electricity, and I screamed in shock and heat and scorching, searing pain while my body convulsed against my bonds.

“You will call me Master.”

Dude was on something. I wasn’t calling anyone ‘Master.’ I sucked in a breath. “Fuck you.”

Another zap, to my other breast this time. “You will not speak unless you’re given permission, and then it will be ‘Yes, Master,’ or ‘No, Master.’ The only exception is if I ask you to say something else specifically. Understood?”

There had to be a way out of this, somehow. But I guess I sat there thinking for too long, trying to come up with a solution.

He pressed the tip of the wand down against my engorged, spread pussy lips, and I nearly came unglued. Tears poured down my cheeks and my limbs were jerking involuntarily against my bonds, and I couldn’t stop the screams that kept rolling from my throat like a tsunami.

“I’m waiting,” he growled. But he didn’t wait. He zapped the other side of my pussy lips, then moved back up to my breasts, pressing it against the areolas one at a time.

“Please,” I said, gasping for air. “Please stop, Master.” I’d call him anything he wanted if he would just stop that torture.

Then he spread some of my drool that had fallen to my chest over one of my nipples and pressed the thing to it, sending a sharper, more stinging shock to it. “You may only say ‘Yes, Master,’ or ‘No, Master.’ And I do not like to repeat myself. Understood?”

“Yes, Master!”

“Your purpose, as
sexretary, will be to please me sexually. That will be your only purpose. The only reason you exist. You will please me by immediately and without question obeying my every command.” He leaned down and took my other tit into his mouth, suckling it like his life depended on it. When he pulled away, it was drenched with his saliva. “Understood?”

He zapped that nipple before I could respond, so when I did, I was blubbering in tears. Even though I was in sincere and distinct pain, though, I felt more aroused than I could ever remember feeling before—and that was saying something. My sex was dripping with my need, and both my ass and my pussy were clenching around the massive dildos buried deep inside.

As much as I hated what he was doing to me, I couldn’t make myself wish it would stop. “Yes, Master.”

“Essentially, you will be my sex slave. Does this excite you, slut?” He bent lower, taking my clit between his teeth and rolling it, then lashing against it with his tongue.

Despite the fact that I was 99.9 percent certain he intended to zap my wet, pained, burning clit with his electrified wand, it did excite me. I was way more sick and twisted than I’d ever imagined. “Yes, Master,” I moaned.

And then the shock hit me, zinging out through my whole body to the very edges of my limbs before coming back to settle in my pussy. The pain was exquisite agony, almost perfect to send me over the edge into oblivion, but not quite. Instead, it left me hovering there on the edge of pain and pleasure, and unable to escape from the clutches of either.

He zapped my cheek, which was wet from my tears, and then licked a path over my belly before zapping me there. “Those boys at Cooper Anderson have been giving you plenty of cock, but you need more than cock. You need discipline, don’t you, slut?”

Another lick, another zap. Then again, and again, moving all over my body.

Not that I would even think about denying him right now. “Yes, Master.” My muscles were convulsing, causing me to jerk violently against the bonds holding me in place. Each movement ground my clit further onto the sawhorse and tightened the strings around my tits.

The phrase
hot mess
? That was me. A hot mess of need and pain and sexed-up, frenetic energy just waiting to explode.

He bit the side of my breast while he zapped my cunt again with the wand. “You want me to discipline you?”

“Yes, Master!”

My orgasm kept inching closer, but remained just out of reach.

“Beg me,” he commanded, moving the wand back and forth between my tits and my clit at a rapid pace, making certain that I couldn’t adjust before I was struck with the crazy, stinging jolt again.

“Discipline me, please, Master!” I was crying so hard, I couldn’t understand myself through the tears. I could only hope that he would take pity on me and accept that as my response even if it was unintelligible.

But the jolts kept coming, faster, more frenzied. “Again.”

“Please, Master. Please discipline me.”

“Try harder, fuck bunny.”

Every muscle in my body was convulsing, jerking wildly, and still he kept zapping me with sharp, burning shocks.

“Please. Discipline this slut, Master. Please discipline your fuck bunny, Master.” I didn’t know what else to do. What else to beg for. I just knew I needed it to stop.

After a few zaps to my ass, right near my overly-full nether hole, he finally dropped the damned wand to the floor and jerked back on my hips from behind. It forced my clit to grind down on the sawhorse more than before and tightened the strings on my tits to an insane degree, but I couldn’t care. At least the zapping, stinging, jolting pain would stop.

“My pleasure,” he said softly in my ear.



The first strike of the paddle against my ass stung as bad as my nipples and clit did. I screamed and, as had been the case all morning, my whole body jerked against the bonds from the force of the blow.

Bobby and David had flogged me over the months. They’d used all sorts of things to spank me and whip me…but none of them had struck with quite this much vigor. It hurt so bad I couldn’t spare the air to scream.

He spanked me over and over again, blow after blow, each one wracking my body in new and delightful ways. It went on so long that I felt like my nipples would pop off with one more strike from the force of my body jerking forward and backward. My butt cheeks and the backs of my thighs were burning, stinging, had to be insanely red all over, and my throat was raw from calling out, and still he kept spanking me with the paddle.

And then his arms were around me and his chest was pressed up against my back. He squeezed my breasts and ground his hips into my ass, letting me feel just how big and hot and hard his cock was. “Want me to fuck you?”

God, did I ever want to be fucked after all of that. I tried to say, “Yes, Master,” but my voice wouldn’t cooperate. Only a gurgle came out.

“No?” he said with a chuckle. “I suppose I can punish you a bit more before you’re rewarded, then.”

The ball gag came back around and he forced it between my teeth. Then he painstakingly released my bonds—leaving my arms tight behind my back—and undoing the strings around my nipples last. As the blood rushed back into them, I groaned from the stinging flood of sensation that washed over them. They burned like they’d never burned before, and then it turned to a pins and needles sort of pain.

He lifted me off the sawhorse and put me back on the gyno table like I had been before, only my arms were trapped beneath me. When he had my ankles strapped into the stirrups, he adjusted some dial or another. That sent my legs out wide, nearly leaving me in a split.

Then he tugged on the two dildos in me, one at a time, until eventually he worked them both out of me. It left me feeling strangely empty. Lost, even.

The curtain had come down by my neck again, so I couldn’t see anything he was doing. He stopped touching me, though, and I was left there waiting for a long time. I had no clue what he was doing.

And then he was back. Something insanely cold touched my cunt. Crazy cold. I screamed into my gag and thrashed around, but it was no use. And it wasn’t just touching me, but going up inside me.

“Like that, do you?” He laughed again, a cold laugh that made me loathe him just a little more each time I heard it, despite the fact that I jointly loved and hated what he was doing to me. I had to continually remind myself that I was essentially auditioning for a job, and so I’d better decide to enjoy what he was doing. He pressed it up higher, deeper, stretching and filling me with the cold thing that made the muscles of my womb clench. “It’s a specially made dildo. It’s made from silicone, but it’s hollow on the inside. Well, that’s how it was sold. I filled it with water and then froze it.”

He worked it into me a bit at a time, occasionally pulling it fully out to douse it with a peppermint oil that stung and made my passage insanely slick. By the time he had it embedded fully within my sex, I was shivering and chattering from the coldness radiating through my body.

Then he was gone again for a moment. When he returned, something else cold pressed into my very sore asshole. Fuck me, he had another one? He followed the same ritual with it, pushing it in to the hilt and leaving it there.

Again, he moved away from me. I dreaded what he could possibly do now. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t be good—that much was certain.

“I had this specially made, too,” he said a minute later, when he was beside me again. Then the freezing cold came down over my breasts, fully enveloping them. He lifted me up slightly and attached something behind my back, beneath my arms. Then he tied a string of sorts behind my neck, fastening the thing in place. “Re-usable frozen gel pack,” he explained. “They make them in all sorts of shapes and sizes for using on injuries and whatnot. I got them to make one in the shape of a bra.”

All I could do was moan, which didn’t seem like nearly a good enough response for the torture he was putting me through. My whole body was shaking from the cold. I started to wonder if, with the two frozen dildos inside me, I could somehow get hypothermia or something.

He didn’t give me long to think about anything, though. He was down, between my legs, with his tongue and teeth and lips working on my clit. And damn, but he was good with his tongue. He swirled and licked at me, then suckled and nibbled, and then swirled some more. Almost against my will, my hips were bucking up against him, seeking more.

And more he gave. He didn’t stop until the ice in my dildos was no longer frozen. The water sloshed around inside me as he licked and sucked, driving me insane with need. My bra was no longer frozen gel but was covered in condensation from the heat he’d created within me, and still he worked some more.

When he came up for air, he moved back behind my curtain and removed my ball gag. I spent a second working my jaw, trying to ease the ever-present ache there since I knew I couldn’t ease any of the other aches in my body. Those were for him to ease—or not ease, as he saw fit.

“Let’s try this again,” he growled down at me. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes, please, Master.” My voice strained and warbled, but I somehow managed to say it.

He released my ankles and tossed me over his shoulder. Then I was on my knees on the floor. He pressed me forward so my face was smashed against the tile and ripped at the bra, pulling it free from me. He yanked me back by the hair, and with his other hand, he held up the electro-wand thing in front of my view. “Beg me to fuck you hard in the ass, fuck bunny.”



BOOK: The Sexretary's Next Big Assignment
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