Read The Reckoning Online

Authors: Kate Allenton

The Reckoning (8 page)

BOOK: The Reckoning
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Claire turned toward
and smiled. “Mike is too stubborn to let you drop this, and he won’t. You’ve been there for all of us, helping us when we fell, so
, just this once, let us be there for you. All we need to know is what we’re up against.” Claire sat back down next to her and
the rose in her fingers. “We aren’t going away. You’re getting our help, regardless of whether you ask for it.”

released a sigh and swallowed around the lump in her throat. She’d never discussed the professor with anyone outside of her family. “Claire, you know I adore your family, and I won’t be the reason for anyone else in your family getting hurt or, worse, dying.”

Claire handed her the rose. “
, trust us. Let us in. I promise we won’t let you down.”

stood from the bench, walked to the roses, and knelt down. She let the silky petals slide through her fingers. She closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes and stood, spinning around to meet Claire’s eyes, and decided to tell her everything. “I have a stalker. I had a professor in college that became fixated on me. He was older, and I looked up to him, like a mentor, but for some reason, he wanted more. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. At first he started failing me in his class; when that didn’t work, I noticed him standing outside my apartment. The guy creeped me out. He was old enough to be my dad. When I was in his class, he would stare at me. It was almost as if I could read what was in his mind. My tires ended up slashed, and my car was keyed, but none of that compared to coming home to find my cat lying dead on my doorstep with a note beside him, telling me that I was next. His dark eyes threatened me daily until I couldn’t take it anymore, but when my cat… That was when I had enough. I told my dad, and he helped me transfer schools so I could finish out my degree, and then he relocated me here after that.”

Claire stood and put her arms around
’s shoulder. “Everything is going to be all right.”

shook her head. “I’m tired of running, and the only reason my dad is here is to convince me to leave.”

Claire nodded. “I see. Well, that just won’t do. I’ll deal with your dad; you’re going to have your hands full with Mike. He’s kind of protective of you, you know.” Claire smiled. “Let’s go back inside. I’ll explain everything, and we’ll come up with a plan.”









sat back down next to Mike when they went inside, and as promised, Claire told everyone. Regardless of how she’d come to this point in her life; it was time for a change. Time to stand her ground and stop the cycle of running that she’d created.

Even Mike’s coworker, Briggs had shown up for coffee to hear her the whole horrible tale.
felt the heat rise to her cheeks. She felt dirty, like somehow it had been her fault the professor had become fixated on her. A shiver ran down her spine. Mike put his arm around her. As the details emerged, his hold on her became tighter. With every detail, he’d pulled her closer to his side until she was nestled safety in his steel arms.

, what’s the professor’s name? We need to find out where he is and deal with him.” Mike asked with concern in his voice.

She hadn’t told them everything; she’d left out the most important part of the story—his name. If she was going to trust them, she needed to tell them everything.
cleared her throat. “I think Abby likes to refer to him as Professor Ito.”

Mike pushed out his chair and jumped to his feet. “Shit, then we’re the reason he’s here.”

sighed heavily, her voice filled with resignation. “I think he came before you called. Remember the parking garage? I believe that was him making his presence known.”

Mike plopped back down in his chair; his face a mask of determination. “Let’s bring him in for questioning.”

placed her hand on Mike’s arm. “It won’t do any good. I’ve already been down that road. I don’t have any proof.”

Abby leaned forward, crossing her arms on the table. “What are we going to do? The captain said he’s the best. He’s the only one that has even heard of the blue drug. If we run him out of town, we may never get the answers we need.”

Sam put his arm around Abby. “Don’t worry Abby, we aren’t going to let anything happen to
.” Sam kissed her forehead and nodded toward Mike.

rose. “It’s okay, really. This isn’t your problem. I can’t blame you; he
the best in the field. I’ll be fine.”

Gracie stood and took
’s hand. “I think we need to listen to Dad and get out of town. Once this is over, maybe one day you can come back, but right now, it isn’t safe for you.”

Mike shook his head and stood to cup her cheek. “No, Doc, you aren’t running.” He brushed his lips across hers. “Give us twenty-four hours and we’ll come up with a plan that keeps you safe and gets the answers we need for the drug.” He kissed her again and let his forehead rest on hers.
’s eyes searched his, looking for the truth. Could she trust him? “Please,
, it’s your turn to have a little faith in me. I won’t let you down.”

Jake stood and rounded the table. “You can trust us.
, you know this is what we do.” Jake pulled out his business card and handed it to the sisters. “Here’s my number. If Mike’s not around and you need anything, anything at all, you call me.”

The ringing of Abby’s cell phone had everyone turning. She flipped it open, listening intently before replying. “I’m on my way.”

Abby rose swiftly from the table. “Duty calls. Mike, why don’t you take
home to talk to her dad, then meet me at the coroner’s office? Henry has his first overdose victim from the blue stuff.”

Henry, the old coroner, was Abby’s mentor, preparing her in all things scientific. He’d been a true friend, one the entire Bennett clan trusted with their secrets. It was hard on Abby to work crime scenes and touch objects without having one of her episodes, blanking out as she traveled to times in the past.




Mike nodded, placed his hand on
’s back, and escorted her and Gracie out to his SUV. Mike had reined in the need to hit something. The more details he’d gotten on
’s stalker, the tighter he’d balled his fist under the table in an attempt to hide his anger. He’d tried not to let on to
that he was pissed, but he damn sure was. This asshole wasn’t going to be bothering her anymore, not if he ever got his hands on the bastard.

Mike gripped the steering wheel and clenched his jaw. The tension that had left earlier was back tenfold. The ride back to
’s house hadn’t helped. He knew her father was there waiting for her and was going to try and talk her into leaving, which wasn’t going to be a viable option as far he was concerned. She wasn’t going anywhere.

reached for his arm. The simple gesture of her touch calmed him. She was here, and she was with him; she hadn’t left yet. He turned and smiled before pulling the handle on the door and getting out. He rounded the SUV and grinned down at her. “Doc, are you ready for me to meet your dad?”

Mike’s stomach tensed. He’d thought this day might come, years from now when he was ready to settle down, just not so soon and under these circumstances. If he gave the man a bad impression, he might flee with his daughters, never to be seen again.

cupped his cheek. “Bennett, you’re in for a treat. I’m sure he’s already made himself at home.”
grinned. “Just try to not be intimidated by him.”

She turned the knob on the door and strolled into her house, dropping her keys on the trusty table..

“About time, little lady,” a voice boomed from her living room.

Mike followed
through the foyer and head long into probably the most uncomfortable position he could have gotten himself in. He stopped stunned behind
as he came face to face with her father. He felt his mouth fall open and yet no words escaped. 

“Shut the trap, before you let flies in, Bennett.”

swung her gaze from Mike back to her father. “You know him?” she asked as she pointed at Mike. “Answer me, Daddy. You know Mike Bennett?”

Mike frowned. “This is your

The grin from the old man’s face said he’d known for a while. It wasn’t a surprise to the old man like it seemed to everyone else in the room.

“Of course I do, baby girl. Why do you think I picked this town for you?”

spun on her heels toward Mike. “When were you going to tell me?”
demanded, raising her brow and crossing her arms over her chest. “Or were you
going to tell me?”

“Oh, this is getting better and better,” Gracie said, taking up the same stance as her sister.

rounded the couch and put his arm around
’s shoulders. “It’s not what you think, Lizzy-girl. He didn’t know you were my daughter. I picked this town because I’ve kept tabs on all of my men.” The General turned toward Mike. “Are Briggs, Donavan, and Edwards still living here?”

Mike stared up at his mentor, his old general from days gone by. He’d been stunned, not only to see the man, but to realize that he was “Lizzy’s” father.

He cleared his throat. “Yes, sir.” Mike held out his hand to his old commander. “And all of us know about the professor.”

His commander shook his hand and nodded. “Then I expect if she’s set on staying you’ll make sure she stays safe. Won’t you, son?”

Mike nodded. “Absolutely, General. We’ve already started making plans, and that was before we knew she was your daughter…sir.”

threw her hands up in the air. “Great, just great.”

Gracie glided up beside her daddy. “You’re one sneaky man.” She winked up at her dad.

“As for you, little girl, get your gear. You’re leaving with me.”

Gracie defiantly put her fists on her hips and glared at her father. “I am not.”

put her arm around Gracie’s shoulder. “Gracie Lou, I think it’s best for right now. That way I won’t have to worry about you. When everything calms down and the professor is no longer around, you can always come back.”

Gracie’s grin was noncommittal. Her face clouded with unease. “Fine.” She pulled from under
’s arm and stomped off to grab her bag. “But I will be back,

Surprise hadn’t even begun to describe how Mike had felt when he saw the general, and finding out that Elizabeth was his daughter had left him stunned and speechless. He’d served under the man for almost a decade and hadn’t known the man was even married, much less had children.

“I’ve got to get ready for work.”
pointed to the two of them. “You guys can stay or leave or whatever.”

The General patted Mike on the back. “You’ve got your hands full.”

“Don’t I know it.” Mike answered on a whisper.

Mike thought for a moment before he spoke again, this time louder so
could here. His voice was colored with a tone of concern. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,
. It’s not like we can protect you as you do your rounds.”

sauntered over to Mike and rubbed her palms up and down Mike’s chest. “I’m safe there; besides daddy taught me how to take care of myself.”

smirked and headed down her hall to her room. Mike knew what was coming, and he didn’t have to wait. When he heard
’s door shut, he turned toward the general.

“You seem mighty comfortable with my girl, Bennett.”

“Yes, sir. I care about her.”

The general nodded. “Good. Let me give you some advice.”


“Don’t knock her up, don’t break her heart, and, whatever you do, remember she’s my daughter, I carry a gun,
I taught her everything I know. Understood?”

Mike felt his eyes widen. He’d never expected to have that kind of conversation with the general. For once in his life, a reply escaped him. What do you say to that? “Uh… yes, sir.”

BOOK: The Reckoning
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