The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (6 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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Alex, at this time you are the only one. You are the future hope for
the Dragon Nation. Our hope is that this will result in many
successful matings in times to come. For now we continue to be in
competition with the werewolves and others on our world. But,for now
we have hope for the future as the prophecy unfolds. We are all
indebted to you. You are revered amongst our people.

we had settled back in to the lair I was given some new clothing.
Apparently Talos had communicated with the others whilst we were gone
and asking for these to be prepared. The clothes were fastened up in
a small bright blue cloth, tied with a red satin ribbon. I looked
from Patros to Talos and Patros's eyes were glittering. He had a huge
smile on his face and I could swear Talos looked like he was smiling

have been my imagination.

opened the parcel carefully and out slipped a pair of buckskin pants
similar to the ones I'd seen worn by others. Then a cream buckskin
shirt that was velvety soft to the touch. The shirt had dragons in a
myriad of colours embroidered all around the neck and the bottom of
the sleeves. It was so beautiful I felt a catch in my throat. I
looked up and spoke to them both telepathically. I was becoming more
adept at this.

did you know my size, these are so lovely. Thank you so much.

them on quickly. The ribbon is for your hair. Then when you are ready
we can attend the welcoming ceremony that is being prepared in the
main cavern. Everyone is eager to make your acquaintance for now you
have become the Queen of all the Dragon Riders.

was stunned. I didn't know what to say. I spoke out loud “What
do you mean Queen? Where is

other Queen? Who was she? And who was the King? I don't understand
you. You need to tell me more about this before this meeting. “

then gently took my hand and we sat down. He explained that it had
been many years since they last had a Queen amongst the Dragon
Riders. But that my dragon was destined to be a gold dragon and the
queen of all the dragons on Syros. Therefore I was destined to lead
the Dragon Nation as their Queen and as her rider. He told me that
now was the time to set that in motion. He further explained this was
because I was his mate, and that Talos and himself had chosen each
other. Now, once mated, the dragons numbers would again increase.
This meant that eggs would then hatch for the dragon riders at the
hatching grounds.

sat there a little while longer trying to absorb all he had said. Yet
I was confused by the talk of new riders. Patros didn't even look as
old as I was. Possibly mid twenties but surely not older. Then I
thought back to something I remembered the werewolf Aston saying, and
felt compelled to ask Patros face to face.

how old are you Patros? Because you don't look older than twenty-five
perhaps twenty-seven tops.”

looked a me for a long time in silent contemplation and put his hand
in mine interlocking our fingers. Again I felt the now familiar low
buzz from when I had been upset earlier. The buzz I now thought of as
the “calming” buzz.

tilted his head to one side, looked deep into my eyes and spoke in my

am 226 years old. On this world we age very slowly.

stared back, and only when he took his free hand, placed it under my
chin and gently closed my mouth and I swallowed did I realise that my
mouth had fell open in shock.

I stuttered “Did I just hear you correctly? You are 226 years

time I heard chuckling from both Talos and Patros at my shock and
wonder at what he had just told me. Funnily, I had thought that I was
the one cradle snatching. Far from it. I was the one being snatched.

listened to Talos as he explained in my head
On Syros, many
many things are very different than on your world. Syros is where
some of your myths and fairy tales originated. Werewolves, dragons,
witches, magic, many things are connected to when we have visited
your world over the millennia. It will take some time to tell you all
you have inherited, and about the creatures and powers we possess.
This will take some patience on your behalf. Your innate ability to
really listen. I believe your previous profession as a nurse will
become useful in that respect. That, and your ability to reflect on
past experiences. Now, do you feel able to meet some of your new
extended family?

nodded went and picked up the bundle of new clothes,then headed
toward the bathroom to shower, and change. The pants and shirt fitted
like a glove. I brushed my hair and tied it back with the satin
ribbon and stepped back to inspect my reflection in the mirror.

have I become? Just a few days ago I was a struggling nurse deciding
what my next career move would be. Who would have thought “Queen”
would have been anything I would ever have aspired to.

my return to the main room, Patros and Talos appeared to inspect me
from head to toe. Both nodding their approval. I finally got to step
through the imposing wooden door at the rear of the room.

explained that the dragons could either go through these doors or
that there was a separate entrance that they could fly through. Talos
sent that he felt it was appropriate to approach in our company due
to the importance of the occasion.

I be wearing a crown and a long dress or something?” I quipped
and got a strange sideways look from both dragon and rider.

are not on your Earth now and this is not a fairy tale – but
real life.” Patros quipped back.

kept quiet after that comment feeling as if I had just been put in my
place somehow.

corridor stretched out in front of us and as we slowly travelled down
it. Not easy for a dragon as they sort of waddle. As we walked along,
I noticed a clamour of voices and loud bugling noises. As we
approached the entrance it grew louder. I could hear numerous voices
shouting and the roaring of dragons as the entrance got closer.

roared once and everything went quiet – and I thought to

wouldn't like to upset a dragon.

kept quiet myself. I then heard the pair of them chuckling again at
that thought.

asked telepathically
Can everybody hear what I think? I
mean by that the other dragons, and their riders?

all stopped for a moment and Talos explained.

you have chosen and been chosen by your own dragon you will then be
able to hear all the dragons and their riders if you so wish. But
until that time only Patros and myself can hear you and send to you.
I of course can converse with all the other dragons and they with me
he said proudly.

entered a vast chamber that was brightly lit by hundreds of lights.
Almost circular in shape with dragons of all shapes and sizes stood
watching Their scales glittered in the light reflected bronze, green,
red, blue, too many to take in all at once. All with their respective
dragon riders at their sides.

moved to the centre of the chamber as instructed. Then to my utter
amazement and as if to some silent signal every dragon bowed their
heads and their dragon riders knelt as one including Talos and

was take aback and nodded to each corner acknowledging their homage.
Although I still didn't understand why I deserved it.
felt I had to respond so to my own amazement spoke out as loud as I
could to those gathered.

you for your kindness in greeting me and for aiding us when the
werewolves tried to kidnap me. I have a lot to learn and I am hoping
that you will all help me the best you can. I need to both understand
your ways and work out how best I can serve you.”

the natural acoustics in the cavern aided me and carried my voice to
each corner of the room. As I finished speaking all the dragon riders
cheered and a huge roar was taken up by the dragons making me blush
with pleasure.

one side of the cavern there was a dining area resplendent with
Gothic chandeliers and velvet drapes. At the head of the table there
were two throne like chairs with benches running either side of a
huge wooden table. The table was set with roasted meat, vegetables
and flagons of drinks. I lived in hope that at least one of them
contained red wine.

held out his arm which I accepted with a huge grin as he led me to
the chairs. He inclined his head and I took my place turned and
waited for everyone to be seated.

again the wrong thing to do as Patros then sent to me
one will sit before you do.

sat down abruptly causing more than a few of the riders to chuckle.
As they realised I had been prompted to sit by Patros.

I sampled some of the various meats and vegetables on offer one of
the riders offered me some wine. I was just about to accept when
Patros leaned over and shook his head. Patros asked for the other
flagon that was set close by which I just assumed it was a slightly
different wine. The look Patros gave me was unreadable but the
thought he sent me next made me more than a little mad.

will not be having wine tonight Alex or for the foreseeable future
until our child is born. I believe it is not recommended in pregnancy
on your world either.

quickly I had forgotten the fact that I was now pregnant but I didn't
think one teeny weeny glass of …...

chose that exact moment to interrupt my pondering by adding out loud“
Our child is too important to everyone here, to risk any problems.
Isn't it Alex?”

inclined my head and gave a slight nod. Understanding that I wouldn't
be drinking any wine tonight. Patros then added a little sweetener by
adding “Maybe.....I can make it up to you when we return to the
lair.” at which point he touched my hand and a huge jolt shot
through me and sparks flew making me smile.

present laughed loudly. They obviously had an inkling what the sparks
meant. Perhaps everyone produces sparks when they touch?

continued to hold my hand throughout the dinner making me more than a
little hot under the collar as I smiled and thought to myself.

think I am turning into a nymphomaniac.
this Patros squeezed my hand and grinned broadly.

dinner seemed to go on for hours and I was introduced to a numerous
dragon riders. So many that I simply couldn't begin to remember all
their names. All of the dragons had headed off earlier to hunt for
their own dinner. Finally everyone began to drift off to their
respective quarters. It had been a long day and after the excitement
of the last few days I was exhausted.

it only three days ago that I was first kidnapped and brought to this
world? So much had happened in such a short time, it was unreal

must have been following my thoughts as he once again gave my hand a
squeeze and said out loud “I think it's time for us both to
leave. Please enjoy the rest of your evening. I know you are all
aware that the mating was successful and our Queen requires her

small cheer rose amongst the remaining groups and they rose as one
bowing their heads as we stood. We departed the hall as once again I
blushed at Patros's comments. As soon as we were out of sight of the
hall Patros spun me around and gave me a huge kiss full on the lips.
My heart leapt and he told me how proud he was of me and apologised
for forbidding me the wine. Which made me feel selfish for wanting it
in the first place. Sweeping me up in his arms as he carried me back
to our lair.

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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