Read The Outlaw's Obsession Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

The Outlaw's Obsession (13 page)

BOOK: The Outlaw's Obsession
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“I’m so close, Jagger.” Sonya gasped out, and he loved that she sounded like that.

Yeah, he knew she was, could feel her tight little pussy muscles clenching around his dick.

I’m going to come again.”

Before she exploded around his cock he pulled out, and the disappointed sound she made had him smiling.

“I love having you this way, baby, but my bear is a stubborn and possessive fucker, and needs to claim you this way.”

She licked her lips and nodded. The approval was there in her face even though she hadn’t given her verbal acknowledgement. He moved her so she was on her belly, pulled her hips up with a strong hold on her waist, and waited for her to adjust herself in the position he wanted. With her ass in the air, her knees spread wide, and her cunt and tiny anus on clear display, Jagger’s mouth watered. Taking hold of the root of his dick and looking down at it, he saw the glossiness of her cream and rumbled out in desire. But then he was pushing his length back into her welcoming body, hanging onto her waist, and fucking her like a male fucked his female. “You’re mine, Sonya.” Maybe he shouldn’t have said that, but he couldn’t keep it in. “This isn’t about keeping you a prisoner, but having you as my old lady.” Yeah, he had just fucking gone there while bottoming out inside of her. But he wanted her to know that what he wanted was not what she had. “Do you understand what that means, baby?” He knew she did, but this had to be her decision, and she had to actually say it.

She gasped out when he hit something deep inside of her, and the purr that came from her had him moving faster. “It’s good. Don’t stop. Here I come.”

Jagger tunneled in and out of her, slamming his dick into her pussy until she was mewling for more. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto her back, and then he was following right behind her and coming just as hard. He could have roared so loud the window broke, but he gritted his teeth and rode the wave of ecstasy with only a muttered groan. Sonya fell forward and Jagger moved to her side, but he wasn’t about to let her brush off what they had just done. When he reached around her back and pulled her to his side, she sighed and curled right into him. That had the bear inside of him growling out in pleasure. She had her head on his chest and her hand on his abdomen. For several minutes
neither moved or
spoke, but the silence was comfortable, and Jagger liked holding Sonya and hearing her heartbeat slow.

“That was…” She tilted her head back and looked at him. “I don’t know what to even say.”

Jagger turned to his side and brushed her dark hair away from her face.

“Just say you don’t outright reject the old lady comment I made.” It seemed like forever before she finally answered.

“That scares me, Jagger.”

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I know, baby. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I’m sorry.” Well shit, here he was, apologizing to the first female ever.

“I have been trying to get out of the MC life since Trick took me, but then I ended up in another MC.” He didn’t say anything, because he knew she wasn’t finished, and he wanted her to get it out. “But then I saw you at Trick’s clubhouse, and something inside of me shifted. I know that sounds weird.”

He shook his head, because it really didn’t. It sounded damn right.

“I knew that this wasn’t just about
or some kind of physical attraction to you—although it is that, too.” She smiled, and Jagger swore it lit up the whole fucking room. “I’m not saying yes, but I’m not saying no to the idea of being with you either. I’m just saying I need some time.”

He continued to play with a lock of her hair.

“I do know that I want to start my life not trapped within the walls of another MC, but I can’t stand the idea of not being with you.” She rested her head on his chest again.

Jagger leaned his head back on the pillow and held her tight.

“I want a lot with you, and although it feels so fast and crazy, it also feels like the most natural and right thing in the world.” Her warm breath brushed along his chest. He couldn’t have said it any better himself.

“We’ll take it as slow as you need, baby, but Sonya?”

She looked up at him again.

“I need you in my life.” He heard her swallow, but the smile that she gave him was sweet and welcoming.

“And I want you in my life, too, even if you can be a brute sometimes and nearly kill a guy for talking to me.”

He chuckled and pulled her back to rest against him. “And I’ll do it again, because I meant it when I said no fucker would ever hurt you.”

“I know, Jagger, and that is one of the reasons I know deep down, hidden behind your tattoos, muscle, and growly grizzly bear, you are the man I should have met years ago.”

Jagger didn’t respond, didn’t know how to. Her words hit him right in the heart. She wasn’t a prisoner, but she was his, and he would make sure no motherfucker would ever make his female be in pain again.


DeDe moved away from the bedroom door and walked down the hall to another spare room. Making sure she was alone, she slipped inside and shut the door behind her. She pulled out her cell and stared at the screen for a moment. She was pissed, and yes, really damn jealous. She had gone to get Jagger for dinner, and when he hadn’t been in his room she had thought maybe he was with that tramp. The fact she had heard them fucking had rage so powerful that it sucked the air right from her lungs. That bitch Sonya had to leave. She had heard them talking afterward, heard the name Trick come up several times, and knew that name had sounded familiar, and not because she’d heard Dallas and Court talking about it after they came back to the clubhouse days ago with wounds from a fight.

So the little cunt had been with Trick, and for whatever reason Jagger is watching over her?
Her anger mounted with each passing second, but she knew who to call to get the information she needed. It wasn’t just the Grizzly MC that had connections in Steel Corner. DeDe dialed Bosco’s number. He was the man she used to work for at the strip club, and a pimp in all aspects of the word. She brought the phone to her ear and listened to it ring.

“This better be fucking good.” There was a loud female moan that came from the other end, and the sound of Bosco breathing heavily. DeDe rolled her eyes and walked further into the room and toward the bathroom so she’d have a little more privacy. Bosco was always fucking, that or getting high.

DeDe.” There was a moment of silence and then the sound of shuffling from the other end of the line. A disgruntled female voice came through.

“Well, well. I haven’t heard from you in a while, Baby Girl.” He wasn’t calling her an endearment, but her stage name when she stripped for him at his club. “You
come shake that ass for me and show off those big fake
?” He chuckled deeply, and then she heard the sound of a light being clicked on.

“I need a favor, Bosco.” DeDe knew this would cost her, because Bosco didn’t do anything for free, but she needed that bitch gone. “I need you to find someone for me.”

Bosco may be a slimy son-of-a-bitch, but he wouldn’t take people out. No, he was more in the game of selling pussy, and roughing up a few johns if they fucked with his merchandise. But he wasn’t a killer.

Not that DeDe wanted the little tramp dead or anything, but she did want her away from Jagger. DeDe had worked too hard to get in this close to him and being his old lady. If anyone was going to be Jagger’s main woman it would be her. Just thinking of Jagger asking that gash to be his old lady had this sick, twisted feeling growing inside of her. For the next five minutes she told Bosco the story, about why she needed Sonya gone, and the little she knew about the connection with Trick. She might only know his name, but that was all Bosco needed if that guy indeed went by that name on the street. Bosco had connections everywhere, but she knew his price would be expensive, and it wouldn’t be in the monetary fashion either.

“So, can you help me out?” It took Bosco a few seconds, but he finally responded.

“I’m sure I can find him, but what I’m more concerned about is how you plan on paying me.” She knew he was smiling even though she couldn’t see him.

“What do you want?” DeDe leaned against the bathroom counter and waited for him to respond.

“It’s going to cost me a lot of favors to find this guy, especially with the little information you gave me, and if he is off the radar. I may be able to help you if you will help me.”

She exhaled, already knowing where this was going.

“You know you’re my favorite, DeDe, even if you aren’t dancing for me anymore.”

“Just tell me what you want.”

“You have to spend some quality time with me, Baby Girl.” And by quality time she knew that was the kind that required them naked and sweaty. “I want an entire week, DeDe. You will do whatever I say, and smile and ask for more.” She shook her head and stared at the ceiling. Of course she knew this would be sexually related, and it wasn’t that she didn’t like fucking Bosco, but it was counterproductive if she was trying to become Jagger’s woman.

“I’ll do whatever you want, Bosco, but I need him found by tomorrow. I have to get this ball rolling before the MC finds him.”

Bosco chuckled. The thing about him was he had balls of steel, thought he was invincible, and didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. That kind of arrogance helped him to an extent, but one of these days it would probably end up killing him, because she knew he’d fuck over the wrong person.

“I’ll call you tonight, but that shouldn’t be a problem.” They spoke for a few more minutes finalizing the details, and what she needed to do once Bosco’s end of the deal was fulfilled. DeDe disconnected the call and shoved the cell in her back pocket. Her heart was pounding, and a little of that was from fear. If Jagger and the club knew what she was about to do they’d kill

Chapter Twelve


Trick stared at the pearly white VW Bug that pulled up behind the storage containers at the loading dock. The female who climbed out was one hot piece of ass, but she screamed Club Whore. Did that matter to Trick? Fuck no. He’d take a female any way he wanted, and most of the time preferred them passed out drunk or high so he didn’t have to hear them. But he had been contacted by some fucker named Bosco concerning his property. How the hell the male had gotten a hold of Trick’s number wasn’t that big of a surprise seeing as if someone really wanted something there was always
a way to get it. All Trick cared about was getting Sonya back. The plans he had for her already had him fucking hard. Besides, it had been far too long that she had been in that bear’s possession, and so help him, if he found out Jagger had fucked her he’d make sure she wasn’t able to sit for so long she begged him for death.

The whore moved closer to him but was smart enough to keep a good distance between them. She had these “fuck me” heels on, and the skirt she wore nearly showed the lips of her cunt. But Trick smelled the Grizzly MC all over her, and he didn’t stop the snarl that left him. Her fear came at him and wrapped around his cock. Trick loved a female that was frightened.

“You talked to Bosco personally?” She phrased it like a question even though he knew she was fully aware of the answer. He didn’t respond. She was the one that wanted to meet with him, so she needed to get the fuck on with it. She glanced around when he didn’t respond. “I know where Sonya is.”

“Yeah, I fucking know where she is, too.” He leaned against his bike and crossed his arms over his chest. She swallowed and started shifting on her feet.

“I can get her away from the protection of the club, but it’ll have to be tonight.”

He cocked a brow.
And how do you plan on doing that with Jagger and his fuckers watching her?” Trick had been watching the place, but he had been careful. If the bears caught wind that he was so close his chance of surprise would be gone. Although Jagger had put a lockdown on the club, from the small hotel that was situated a few blocks from The Grizzly clubhouse, Trick had been able to keep an eye on the place at a safe distance until he was ready to make his move. With no backup aside from his one guy, he had to actually think strategically on his next move. Before he could just take what he wanted because his crew was there for muscle. But Jagger and his men had ended that.

“Because they are headed out this evening for some club business.
Only two of the members are staying behind, but that’s not including Bill-O. But he’s too old to do much of anything.” Of course Trick would have realized this anyway since he knew when the MC came and left. When he wasn’t watching the clubhouse his guy was.

“And what makes you think I need your help or want it?”

The scent of her jealousy outweighed the fear. “Maybe you don’t, but you and I both know that the bears are looking for you, and eventually they will find you. You’re outnumbered.”

Trick pushed off his bike and stalked forward. He had his hand around her throat before she could even blink.

“Bitch, you have no fucking idea who you’re messing with.” She clawed at his hand, and he grinned at her struggles. “I could snap your neck right now, and I guarantee not Jagger or anyone else would fucking miss your whorish ass.” When her lips started turning blue and her eyes rolled back in her head he let go of her. She fell to the ground and gasped violently. “Now, you and I clearly want the same thing, so how about we just set this shit up, and then you can go on with your happy little life.” What she didn’t know was that he was going to kill every single one of those grizzly assholes, so she still wouldn’t get what she wanted. He went back to his bike and leaned against it. He watched her struggle to stand, and when she seemed like she had her shit together he said, “All right, let’s set this set up and we both can be on our motherfucking way.”


“You have my cell number, right,

Sonya was in Jagger’s room, sitting on his bed. She smiled at him and watched as he dried off his body with a towel that seemed far too small. Not that she was complaining, because watching him nude and running that small strip of white material over his freshly washed form, collecting all those water droplets, was doing wicked things to her body.

“Yes, I have the number you gave me days ago, but everything will be fine.” She smiled again, but got distracted when he ran the towel over his semi-hard cock. They had just had sex so she shouldn’t be aroused again, but God, she was. Being with Jagger was liberating, exhilarating, and she didn’t feel anything but warmth, pleasure, and affection when she was intimate with him. She had known there was more to sex than what she had experienced with Trick. Even knowing that one day she would have escaped, Sonya honestly didn’t know if she would have ever been able to be with another man sexually. Jagger had changed all of that in such a short amount of time. Was it love at first sight? No, because Sonya believed those kinds of feelings took time, but there was definitely something between the two of them that couldn’t be explained and was so very good and right. It was powerful and intense, and she felt safe around Jagger. That had to count for a damn
lot ,
especially given the life she had led the last seven years.

“Female, if you keep looking at me we are going to have to go for another round.” He growled out the words, and a little shiver worked its way through her. She only had a sheet covering her nudity, and it would be easy to push it off and let him deliver on that darkly erotic promise. He growled again, tossed the towel to the ground, and started stalking toward her. Sonya’s heart jumped in anticipation, but right when he reached her there was a knock on the door. “
not fucking come in.” Jagger moved so his body was directly in front of hers, blocking the view if someone didn’t listen to his threat.

“Uh, yeah, right.”
Diesel’s voice came through the wood, and she couldn’t help but smile. It took a lot for the VP to get uncomfortable, but she heard it clearly in his voice. “We’re ready to head out,

“I’ll be out in a minute.” The sound of Diesel’s steps retreating had Jagger turning and facing her. He looked her up and down, and his semi-hard cock went rock hard in seconds flat. As much as she wanted to go that second round, she also knew Jagger had to go. What he was leaving to do wasn’t known to her, except that it was “club business”, but she didn’t want to know anyways. “I’ll be back later tonight. Stinger and one of the prospects are staying here. The rest of the club members’ families are in the back n a reinforced garage. It gives the kids more room to move around.”

She nodded and reached out to touch the hard ridges of his abdomen.

“Just stay within the clubhouse, okay?” He got down on his haunches so he was eyelevel with her. “We are going to get Trick, baby. We know he is in Colorado, and he’ll surface.”

“I believe you’ll get him.” She knew all of this, and knew Jagger and his men would find Trick. The thing about the wolverine shifter was he was crazy as hell. It was that kind of insanity that had a lot of people getting hurt. But she felt safe with Jagger and his club, and even after Trick was gone—which she knew without a doubt would happen—she also knew she couldn’t rely on others to make her feel whole and safe. She needed to do that on her own. That was why she still wanted to live by herself, but still be with Jagger. Fortunately, he understood that, and that went to show her the decent man he really was.

“The number I gave you is for a burner, and we change those frequently.” She nodded, knowing all of this. He reached out and cupped her chin. “You’re very special to me, Sonya.” He leaned in and kissed her softly at first, but then deepened the kiss until she was panting against his mouth. There were three hard raps on the door, and then Brick’s hard voice was coming through the wood.

“Let’s get a fucking move on. I got plans tonight, Jagger.”

“Fuck off.” Jagger shouted at the closed door, but he smiled. “They’re always busting my balls.” Sonya chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck and just hugged him. “Hey, you okay?”

She nodded and kept her eyes closed and just absorbed the wonderful sensation she had with Jagger. “I’m more than okay.”

He just held her, and the soft feeling of him running his hand up and down her back had her snuggling in even deeper.

“I have to go, baby, but when I get back tonight I don’t have any plans but staying in this bed with you and worshipping your body.” He pulled back and cupped her face to kiss her once more. Then he was up and dressing quickly in a pair of jeans, dark t-shirt, and his cut. He walked toward the door, stopped and looked over at her. The expression on his face spoke a lot of heated things, without saying anything verbally. He opened the door and shut it behind him, and Sonya let herself fall back on the bed. God, she was falling hard for this man, and she didn’t know how that would work out for her plan of getting her independence.

BOOK: The Outlaw's Obsession
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