Read The Outcast Online

Authors: Calle J. Brookes

Tags: #Demons, #Fantasy Romance, #Love Story, #Paranormal Romance, #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Shifters, #Vampires, #Werewolf, #Werewolves

The Outcast (7 page)

BOOK: The Outcast
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“I understand. Lana… you need to know, it is against the goddess’s laws to keep our females as concubines the way your brother did. What happened to them was abhorrent in the goddess’s eyes, too. You need to make it known to your people that he
feel the wrath for what he has done. Either mine—or the goddess’s, which is much more likely.”

did she let it go on for so long? He’s been raping and killing for nine years, probably more. It started with my mother. I think he hurt her too, before he killed her.”

“His own mother?”

“No. He was from my father’s mistress. My mother and father were mates, but my father wasn’t always a nice man, either. Ragner hated my mother, and me. I have always known this. But he killed them both, and then he locked me away. For five years. It was just that last year that I was able to see what he was doing. And he was trying to make our people think I was crazy, and that was why he was ruling in my place. And then when I started helping the women he hurt, I learned of what he was really doing. I didn’t mean to leave you, you have to understand that. I just had to get my people time to get away. I never meant—“

He stopped her with one finger on her lips. “I know. And I know you did what you must to put your people above your own needs. That is the sign of a true leader, Lana. Quit feeling guilty for doing what you had to. I am safe and healthy and whole. And I am here with you now.” He tied the
around her waist, wrapping the length around her twice. “Let’s go figure this place out, ok? Then we’ll decide what to do about things later.”




It felt surreal as they walked through the castle. Lana hadn’t gotten a good look at it the night before, but now she took in every detail. It was beautiful, though it was obvious that it wasn’t in Gaia. The furnishings were different, older than what she was used to seeing, but of the greatest quality. There were at least a thousand rooms inside the huge structure, and there were people everywhere she turned. In all colors, and some even had horns—or fur.

“It looks like something out of a fairy tale.”

“Yep. And my sister is the princess, I guess. That is taking some serious getting used to.”

“She’s very nice. You look quite a bit like her. More than that other man does, Aodhan?”

“I suppose I do. He raised her, you know? Our parents dumped her off on him four hundred years ago. I accompanied them from South America to the US, then left myself. I couldn’t stand seeing how frightened that kid was, but I couldn’t keep a sixteen year old girl with me, either. I had my own men ready to go exploring; they were waiting for me to get back.”

“You feel guilty, don’t you?” She couldn’t conceive it—he’d cared about his sister, and he had to have been decades older than she’d been. Her brother—none of her brothers—had given a fig about her wellbeing. Not at all.

“Yes, I suppose I have. But it worked out the way it was supposed to. Aureliana found her mate recently, I guess. And they have two children between them. And she’s a legend out of a fairy tale. Some serious power in that kid. And most importantly,
happy here. I can’t beat that. But I can’t wait to see what daddy-dearest has to say about it.”

He had his hand on her waist, below the
below the worst of the marks still on her back. He was so careful of her, did he realize that? He guided her down the long hallway decorated with paintings of the royal demon family. His sister’s portrait was there; she was wrapped in the arms of a big blue demon, as blue rain fell around them. Behind the embracing couple, a small dark-haired girl held a babe. Green surrounded the children. “That’s an interesting portrait.”

“I’m not so sure of the story behind it.” He touched his sister’s face, then the sword lying at the feet of the couple. “This was my uncle’s sword. He gave it to her when she was twelve. My father threw a fit. Said it was supposed to be his, not some female’s. Rodulus didn’t care; he said it belonged with Aureliana. Had the sight, I think someone had once said.”

“It’s a beautiful piece of art.” The way he’d touched the painting told her much about him; did he realize that? There was genuine caring there; did he see that?

“Yes. Here’s the demon king, and his female.”

“She’s Dardaptoan, isn’t she?” The woman wore Healer blue
and a jade

“Yes. That is the rumor. I met her yesterday; she and my sister are close friends, as well as related, now. This happened just in the last year or so. They have a male babe. Spawn. I’m not sure what to call it.”

“That’s wonderful.” She let out a wistful sigh. “They all look so happy together.”

“You think they look happy? Wait until you meet the rest of the ruling
families, especially of the Dardanos Dardaptoans. Talk about mushy. My brother Aodhan is the worst of the lot.” He ran a hand down one of her braids. “His female has red hair, too. Almost the same color as yours.”

“I have met them. My mother had dark red hair.”

“It is beautiful. You are, too.”

“Thank you.” His praise embarrassed her. No one had called her beautiful except her mother. Lana knew the truth, she was small, and pale, and odd colored, even for a Dardaptoan. Surely he could see that? Or did it matter to him, since she was his

He was certainly a beautiful male. So tall and strong. He was taller than an average Dardaptoan, wasn’t he? At least seven feet—she was barely five foot four—and covered with thick muscles. And his hair was so full of rich brown color, and his eyes glowed gold. So beautiful. She probably looked silly next to him.

He must have sensed her sudden lack of confidence. He wrapped his fingers around hers. “Lana, come. Let us walk around the gardens, take in this world that will soon be ours. We will find our people and attend to the business that being
entails, then we will enjoy the day and each other. Learn of our
and ourselves. Steal a few kisses next to the grotto.”

It sounded wonderful. And completely unrealistic. But oh how she wanted that. She nodded. “I’d like that.”

“Let’s go, then. I think it’s close to the time for my father’s tribe to arrive. Let’s go have a bit of fun gawking at the newbies.”

“Like you were doing yesterday?”

“I was watching out of curiosity. I didn’t know my female would be coming toward me. But I am glad she was.”

“You are very charming, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am.” He grinned, then surprised her by kissing her. “Aren’t you lucky the goddess picked you for me?”

“You for me, I think.”

“That too.”

She laughed.



























had a beautiful laugh, did she realize that? He thought the sound of it surprised even her. He’d make a point of seeing that she laughed more often. They joined the crowd near the same dais as the day before. Only now it had been embellished even more. Marcos understood—the demon king wanted to make a point to the arrivals today, and Aureliana had most likely informed them of the type of people about to arrive.

He led Lana through the crowd toward his sister and brother, and their mates. If they were going to build a life in this realm, she would be interacting with Auri and Aodhan and their families for centuries. It was best to get that clear very early. And to make that statement to his father. Family solidarity, and it didn’t involve the old bastard one bit.

He nodded at his sister and sister-in-law, who still looked a bit green. “Are you feeling well, little sister?”

“A bit of nausea. Nothing that I haven’t been told is normal.”

His brother was worried for his mate, it was in Aodhan’s eyes. He held her close. “You’ll be an uncle again come spring, Marcos.”

“Congratulations.” He understood his brother’s fear then. So many of the Dardaptoan females were lost in childbirth. And a good portion of the babes were lost, as well. He’d lost a couple and their child just three years earlier. No other of his mated warriors had risked it since. “You can name him after his favorite uncle, if you want.”

“That will be Theo, most likely,” Aodhan said.

“Come on, I’ll spoil the kid for you. Tell him all kinds of legends about his old man.”

“Sure you will.”

The bonds of family ties were tightening around him, weren’t they? He looked at his brother’s female again, seeing the fear in her green eyes.




The crowd let out a cry as the portkey begin to form in the midst of them. Marcos had seen portkeys many times before, and while mostly the colors were a bit pretty, he’d found nothing special about them in centuries. But he could understand where some of the younger would, and some of the females.

His female just tightened her hand on his and stepped closer. Her instinctive quest for safety provided by him thrilled him, while also angering him that the need even existed.

Marcos shocked the hell out of himself by grabbing her under her arms and pulling her up against his chest. He kissed her, hard, then put her back on her feet. He used a gentle finger on her chin to tilt her head back where he could see her pretty eyes. “Listen to me, and listen good. He will
hurt you again. No matter what I have to do. And no matter what you decide about the two of
you will be safe no matter what. This I vow to you.”

Great numbers of people began stepping through the ether. Marcos turned his female so that her back rested against his chest. He had to lean down to rest his chin on her soft red hair, but that was what he did. She smelled like vanilla, the Gaian scent reminding him strongly of their home world. Would he ever be free to take her back there again?

Somehow he wasn’t too anxious to return. This
be a new beginning for them both. A new world they could explore together. They could build a life here, with his family surrounding them. Welcoming him, and welcoming

Did she understand that she would never be truly

The ether parted, and his cousin Nalik stepped through. Dark, imposing, the older male looked almost evil. The crowd around them hushed.

Nalik had always worn power well, but as a Laquazzeana he was downright terrifying. Did the other male know it?

One look at the scarred face and Marcos suspected Nalik did know. And took great enjoyment out of it.

A woman squealed his cousin’s name and the crowd parted for her. The beautiful girl that he had spoken with before. She too was Laquazzeana? How had it happened?

Aureliana had died to become one; had this girl? A woman stepped
through the ether next, leading the first group through. Portkeys could dissolve the boundaries between realms, but they were not overly large. Huge amounts of people could not use them at once; smaller parties would come through at a time.

This woman was old, powerful, and when he looked closer it was obvious she was damaged in some way physically.

Aureliana stepped closer and put a hand on Lana’s shoulder. “That is Eaudne. She is the one who may have the answer to the dark sorcery that plagues you, little sister. She is skilled in sorcery, and in the protection against it. We will speak to her soon, I am sure.”

Lana was trembling in his arms. He strongly suspected that if he didn’t keep a good hold of her she’d bolt back inside the monstrosity of a castle. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I will be with you, always. And that mean looking bastard there—that’s a cousin of mine. He might look like he could eat demons for breakfast, which he probably can, but he’s a softie on the inside. Mostly. Look at him, them.”

He hoped she saw what he did.

The young girl, he didn’t even know her name, had her arms wrapped around Nalik’s neck and he was holding her like he’d never want to leave her again. It was very obvious the two weren’t just mates, they were lovers. The kind the word was meant to describe. The kind he wanted to be with the female in his arms. “Look at how he looks at

She nodded and he felt the red hair brush against his chin. “He loves her.”

Aureliana must have heard. “He doesn’t just love her, he adores her. They went through so much to be together. Many of us have. But it is worth it, brother. I would not trade an
of what happened to me if it meant that I never found my mate.”

Heavy words to think about it.

More people crowded through the portkey. Marcos whistled low. His father hadn’t changed much, had he? He looked a great deal like Aodhan, but it was obvious he had not lost any of the arrogance that he had always possessed. The old man looked around the courtyard with obvious disdain.

That attitude would end up getting the old man’s ass kicked. Marcos would pay good money to watch just that. “There’s our father.”

“You look like him. A little.”

“I suppose I do. More is the pity. Can’t stand the man.”

“Why?” She looked up at him. He couldn’t help himself—he dropped a kiss on her nose. Her cheeks flushed, and she shivered.

His attention was fully on her; damn the old man, and all the others
around them.

He’d found his mate.
Nothing else mattered but that.

Marcos’s sister had one hand on his shoulder, the other patted her small son’s back. Aodhan stood at Marcos’s left. For a moment he was glad he wasn’t facing the old bastard alone. Not that he felt fear or uncertainty; what he felt was solidarity.

Their father walked toward the dais where the high king waited. Adrik Adrastos deigned to look at none that he considered lesser than himself. Even his children.

“Does he know, I wonder, about you, Auri?” Marcos smiled at his sister.

The expression she turned on him was one of pure wickedness. “Not that I know. And I’ve told Ren and my brother-in-law they aren’t to say anything,
I want to have a bit of fun.”

“Our grandfather’s people come next.” Aodhan’s words were more serious than Aureliana’s.

“Hail, hail, the gang’s all here.” Marcos did not know who he despised more, the father or the grandfather. Neither were good men; wealth, archaic traditions, arrogance, and greed had affected both of them in ways that he could not admire. But their grandfather,
had an angry streak that he had often taken out on whichever grandchild had been closest at the time. Marcos had felt the old man’s fist on several occasions. Whereas his own father had never struck him. There was that. “And of our other siblings? How many be there now?”

It was Nalik that answered as he stepped over to their group, his arm wrapped around his young
. “Eighteen. The youngest, a
is barely thirty.”

“They kept her?” They’d not been able to get rid of Aureliana fast enough.

“No. They sent her to Clarion when she was barely fourteen. She comes through with him next.” Nalik’s grin was just as wicked as Aureliana’s. “They do not realize that the heir that both your father
grandfather so desperately want is that girl. She has a great destiny to fill someday. Not anytime soon, though. Marcos, how have you been, dear cousin?”

“So-so. Until recently. Nalik, my
Lana, this is my eldest cousin. He taught me much about fighting.”

“I’d hope you have learned much in four hundred years.”

“I’ve learned a bit.”

Nalik and his female took a position next to Aureliana. Nalik looked at the woman in Marcos’s arms. “You will speak with Eaudne today, Marcos. She can help your female feel far less pain. She has great experience with
such things.”

He pulled in a breath, and turned Lana to face him. He could see the truth of his cousin’s words in her eyes. “Why did you not tell me you were hurting?”

“Because it is not near as bad as I have been accustomed to.” Her matter-of-fact words were like knives in his heart. What self-respecting Dardaptoan male wanted to hear that his female was hurting?

And know that he could do nothing about it?

He turned toward his sister and his cousin. “This woman, she can help?”

“Yes.” They spoke in unison.

“Then we will see her at once.”

“After everyone is through,” Lana said. “I need to see if my brother comes. My people need
to lead them. I cannot shelter here forever. I have responsibilities that must be met.”

“As do I. But my first goddess-given right and responsibility is to ensure you are safe and whole. And not hurting.”

“And I need to appear strong. My people—”

“Can wait.”

“As can I. I have waited this long. I need to see… my brother… He needs dealt with. And I should be the one to do it. When the Amyenka House is through, then I will seek out this woman. Until then, I have a
that I must uphold.”

Even though she argued with him he could feel the tremors shaking. She was afraid of what he would say; the realization stabbed at him.
was afraid of him.

It spoke of the long battle they would face, didn’t it?

“If you have such a duty, then I have the same. My duty is to remain at your side.”
















BOOK: The Outcast
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