Read The Omega Protocol Chronicles (Book 1): Exodus Online

Authors: Courtney McPhail

Tags: #Zombies

The Omega Protocol Chronicles (Book 1): Exodus (7 page)

BOOK: The Omega Protocol Chronicles (Book 1): Exodus
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Before Alan could go off on another rant, Travis spoke up. “What is it exactly?”

“It was set up by the Director. He recruited select people, those he trusted, those who had talents that would be needed. When it went into effect, the recruits would be sent coordinates for a safe zone where we would rendezvous. It’s there that we’ll make what the documents referred to as humanity’s last stand.”

Alan scoffed. “I can’t believe this. Do you realize how crazy you sound right now? Secret islands for the CIA to use during the apocalypse. It’s insane!”

“You know, I saw two men chewing the face off some woman today, so don’t talk to me about crazy.”

“Unbelievable,” Alan said, throwing up his hands. “You are--”

“Alan, shut the fuck up and let the man talk,” Travis interrupted, glaring at his brother.

Malcolm nodded his thanks to Travis before continuing. “The coordinates point to an island up north. The trip is going to be a long one, especially since we need to avoid the main roads. We’re going to need supplies; enough fuel, food and water to last us the whole way. That is going to take time to gather together but I have some ideas of how to do that.”

“The CIA has safe houses around the country for their operatives. They would have some supplies we can use and can provide us shelter while we gather the rest. The closest one is in Shenandoah Park. I checked the map, it’s not too far and there are several out of the way gas stations along the way to get fuel. The park is unpopulated so we can hunker down there while we gather supplies for the trip.”

Alan seemed ready to argue again, his shoulders rising as he took a deep breath, the corner of his upper lip rising in a sneer but Malcolm spoke before the other man could start.

“Look, if you don’t want to believe me, no skin off my back. You can come with us or stay here or go wherever you want, I don’t care but if you come with us, then you are going to listen to me. I won’t be fought every step of the way, not when it could jeopardize the safety of my family. Take tonight to decide if you are coming with us. If not, good luck.”

With his piece said, Malcolm gave Janet a long look to say
I tried, your turn now
 and he left the rest of them on the observation deck. He had no patience left to spend his time arguing with Alan. He wasn’t going to fight to convince that man to listen to him. Malcolm knew where he was going, it was their decision to make if they followed.

The vehicles were dark, everyone else having finally laid down inside them to get some much needed sleep. Malcolm knew that he should join them, he hadn’t slept since he was out on the boat, but he couldn’t make himself grab shut eye now. Adrenaline was still thick in his veins, his mind running through various plans and strategies to deal with the days ahead. Even if he could force his body to lay down, he knew his brain would not shut off to let him rest.

He decided to grab the portable radio from his bag and see what he could pick up. Perhaps there would be word about what was going on in other areas. It would help to know what places to avoid when they left tomorrow.

He clicked through the frequencies, picking up static again and again, before hitting the channel that the EBS was running on, looping the same evacuation message he had heard before. It was then he remembered Craig, the disembodied voice that had told him about the new world order. In all the chaos since he had docked the boat, he had forgotten about the man.

He flipped the radio to the frequency Craig had given him. He figured that he owed the guy his life for warning him about what was happening on land. He could pay him back by warning him about what had happened at Fort Lee.

“Malcolm, my man. It’s good to hear your voice.” Craig’s voice came through clear over the radio. “Hope that means you had some good luck.”

“I found my family. They’re okay.”

“That’s great, man. I’m glad to hear it.” There was a pause, the radio going quiet before he spoke again. “Though I’m sorry to tell you that my safe house isn’t so safe anymore. We got overrun a few hours ago and we had to abandon it.”

“Where are you now?”

“Well, I figured I’d swing by, pick you up and we could be road trip buddies. We’re heading to Fort Lee.”

“Shit, Craig, you gotta get the hell off the highway. The military turned on the civilians. They razed the highway.”

“You think I’m stupid enough to come in on the main roads?” Craig scoffed. “We’re coming in on county road 5. That anywhere close to you?”

“We’re at the Barnaby Outlook. A few clicks east of county road 5.”

“Hold on.” The radio went dead for a few moments and Malcolm waited impatiently for Craig to come back on. He hated the idea of the man putting himself in danger because he had followed him. “Okay, I see it on the map. We gotta back track a bit before we can swing over there. Shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes before we get there.”

. “How many of you are there?”

“Only me and Lorraine made it out. We lost seven.”

“Shit man, I’m sorry.”

“Thanks,” he replied. “We should be there shortly. I’ll raise you when we get close so you know it’s us rolling up on you.”

Malcolm watched as Janet and Travis came up the path from the outlook. Janet waved to Malcolm before heading to the van to check on the kids while Travis took a seat across the table from him.

“Thought you said you’d take watch?”

“Jose volunteered to take over for me. Alan isn’t really feeling the brotherly love right now.” Malcolm noted how tired the man across the table looked, his eyes sunken and the lines around his mouth strained. “He didn’t much like me siding with you.”

“So you’re coming with us?”

“I am. And Jenny. Alan too. He just doesn’t want to admit it yet. He’s got to act like it’s all a big put on, make it seem like he’s doing all of us a favour by coming. That’s my brother.”

Before Malcolm could comment, Travis nodded to the radio on the table. “Pick anything up on it?”

“Yeah, a guy. He’s on his way here, making his way out of the city. I guess you could say he’s a friend of mine.”

“You trust this friend of yours?”

“As much as I trust you guys,” Malcolm said. “He helped me when he could have just left me to fend for himself. That’s gotta count for something.”

Travis nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

“You mean, you aren’t going to push me like your brother?”

Travis laughed, a bitter tinge to it. “In case you haven’t noticed yet, my brother and I are very different men. I’ve got nothing to prove. I just want to make sure that the people I care about are safe. Way I figure it, letting a guy who worked for the CIA lead is the best way to do that. You aren’t going to find me fighting you.”

“But your brother will?”

“I love him. He’s my big brother but he’s always had something to prove. He likes to wave his dick around, make himself look like the big man and for most of his life people got out of his way.” Travis ran a hand over his face, his frustration about the topic clear. “Look, I’ll do my best to keep him out of your way, play peacemaker as best I can.”

Malcolm studied Travis, noticing the resigned slump of his shoulders and his bowed head. He could tell that running interference for his brother was a familiar task.

“Something tells me the role of peacemaker is one you’ve had for a long time when it comes to him,” Malcolm said, figuring that honesty would serve him best in this situation.

“You’ve got good instincts,” Travis said. “They teach you that at the academy?”

“People Reading 101 was a requirement,” Malcolm said, pulling up his mouth in a half smile. Travis smiled as well before turning serious.

“You don’t have to worry about Alan. He’s not dangerous, just stubborn and a bit of an asshole. Even at his worst, I can handle him.” Travis paused, taking a deep breath, as if gathering courage to speak what was really bouncing around in his head. “And if things do get out of control and you don’t want him with this group, I’ll understand. All I ask is that no matter what he does, you don’t hold Jenny accountable for it. If he has to go, you don’t send her with us, you keep her with you. For her sake and the baby’s.”

Malcolm studied Travis, from his deadly serious eyes to the fists clenched on top of his thighs. He meant every word he was saying and he seemed to have no problem speaking on behalf of his brother’s wife. That went a long way in explaining the strange vibe he had gotten from the three of them when they first met. There were quite a lot of unresolved issues between them and Malcolm could make a good guess what was at the root of them.

But before he could say anything, the radio in his hand crackled to life. “Yo Malcolm, we’re turning onto the road to the outlook. Should be there in a couple minutes.”

“10-4, see you then,” Malcolm radioed back and then turned to Travis. “I promise I will look out for Jenny like she’s my own sister.”

It was enough for the man and he shook Malcolm’s hand as the rumble of an engine drifted up the road. Malcolm made a mental note to keep an eye on the Wakefields as a cube van pulled into the lot. Malcolm wasn’t one to meddle in people’s lives but if the love triangle he suspected existed was a reality, it could affect everyone in the group.

The driver’s side door of the cube van opened and a young guy jumped down. He had dark brown hair that poked out from beneath a blue beanie hat. He wore a black hoodie, bright white sneakers and baggy jeans with a metal chain dangling from the pocket. He looked every part the stoner kid, complete with puppy dog eyes and a dopey grin plastered on his face.

“Malcolm?” the kid said as he approached them. Malcolm shook his head in bemusement as he held out his hand.

“Craig, good to meet you,” Malcolm said. “Can’t believe you’re a goddamn kid.”

“I’m nineteen years old,” Craig said with mock anger. “And I didn’t come in here all ‘Holy shit, I didn’t know you were a crusty old man! Tell me, how’s the early bird special at IHOP these days? Bet you save a lot with your senior citizen discount!’ now did I, man?”

“I’m only forty-two but point taken,” Malcolm said with a grin. This kid was something, all right. “I’m glad you made it safe. What were the roads like?”

“Empty. At least the back roads. The main roads and cities are fucked. I picked up some chatter as we drove and the checkpoints have been overrun, either by the freaks or people. It’s chaos out there. We’re on our own now.”

“We figured as much. We’re planning on heading out at first light, make our way to Shenandoah Park. There’s a place I know there that will be safe. Then we’re heading north.”

“Sounds like a solid plan,” Craig replied before looking back at the van where a blonde woman was still sitting in the passenger seat. Craig went over and opened the door, beckoning the woman to hop out of the van. “Sorry, darling, I didn’t mean to ignore you. Malcolm, this is Lorraine. She’s a neighbour of mine. Lorraine, this is the guy I was telling you about.”

The woman approached and shook Malcolm’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you.”

Malcolm would peg her at being in her late forties, judging by the fine lines that were showing around her eyes. Her blue eyes were dull as she looked at him, something just beyond the surface haunting them. She looked lost and he wondered what she had seen that had done that. It was then he noted that she was wearing blue scrubs and a plastic ID card was still clipped to the front pocket identifying her as an emergency room nurse. Question answered. If she had been working during the beginning of the outbreak it was easy to imagine what she had seen tending to the infected.

“If either of you are hungry, we have some snack food from the vending machines. Not the best stuff but it will fill your belly.”

Craig grinned at him. “We got here just in time then.”

He walked over to the back of the van to throw up the door and Malcolm shone his flashlight into the back. The thing was stacked to the top with food, a quick glance revealing cans of tuna, beans, peas and carrots, pasta, peaches; boxes of cereal, crackers and oatmeal. It was a treasure trove of food.

“Where the hell did you get this?”

“When we had to leave the apartment building, it was down the street. We didn’t even know it was full when we took it. It was the only vehicle we could find that had keys in it. There was some blood inside so we figure they were making a delivery and got attacked.”

“This was a win we needed.”

“Happy to oblige,” Craig said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Now I’m going to get me some Cheetos.”

Malcolm laughed as the kid grabbed the orange bag and dug into it, licking his fingers with a smile on his face. After the shitstorm on the highway, they finally had something good happen. They had food and they had a plan.

Now he just had to keep everyone safe as they travelled across hundreds of miles of hostile territory in search of a place that might not be what he promised. He could only hope that the good stuff would keep happening.

Subject File # 744

Administrator - Have you been experiencing any heightened anxiety recently?

Subject - Only just every single day since all of this started.

Subject - Since then has there been any time, however brief, where you’ve felt calm and secure?  

BOOK: The Omega Protocol Chronicles (Book 1): Exodus
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