Read The Naked Truth About Love Online

Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

The Naked Truth About Love (4 page)

BOOK: The Naked Truth About Love
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Love Always Trusts

Paul and EJ continued to play pool while every man in the pool hall wished they could play EJ’s body like the fine instrument it was. No, it didn’t go unnoticed by Paul that every man in there wished they could be him. He watched them as they watched her. Naturally some men were less cultured and reserved than others. In fact some completely abandoned their game of pool and sat back to watch EJ bend over the pool table in her short dress and those stiletto heels. This went on for about a half an hour before Paul realized they’d better leave before he was forced to break his pool stick off in somebody’s ass.

minutes later they were standing at EJ’s front door. Like a gentleman Paul took EJ’s keys and opened the door to her apartment. He anxiously waited for her to invite him in. EJ shared the apartment with Miss Priss and normally Paul would just walk in, but Miss Priss wasn’t home and this wasn’t a normal visit.

walked in and waited for him to follow, but to her surprise he stood in the frame of the door looking like an extremely tall butterscotch milk shake with whip cream and caramel sauce. Not quite sure what the problem was she just stared at him as she mentally stripped him to his birthday suit. And OMG what a fine birthday suit it was. Speechless EJ waited for Paul to make the first move.

Aren’t you going to invite me in?” His sultry, baritone voice asked sending ripples of anticipation up EJ’s erotic core.

into the living room and placing her purse down, she slowly unbuckled the straps on her six inch stiletto sandals. Making sure that Paul got a good hard look at her long legs and her toned bare thighs she took her time. “I don’t know. Why do you need permission? You could be a vampire, a werewolf or even a hungry Zombie killer.” She teased as she walked towards him in her bare feet.

sexy, devilish grin spread quickly across Paul’s face like sunshine on a spring day. He chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. Hell, I could be a covert CIA Assassin… or I could just be a gentleman making sure his date gets home safely. You can trust me. I am not a vampire, werewolf or a Zombie, although I must admit that I am a tad bit hungry.”

I don’t know… You look kind of suspicious. You’ve never asked to come in after a date before.” She continued to seductively toy with him.

chuckled as he leaned against the door jam in a sexy don’t you wanna fuck me pose. Looking like a triple scoop of chocolate Haagen-Dazs ice cream… with the nuts, he looked absolutely edible. Licking his lips as he scanned EJ’s sexy body from head to toe he offered.  “True… But… We’ve never been here alone before.”

’s legs began to wobble and she swallowed hard as it became crystal clear that it was about to go down. Paul was famished and she was on the menu. “I guess you have a point. Sure, please come in.” 

the sexy swagger of a prowling lion Paul walked in and headed straight for EJ. Immediately violating her personal space he stared down at the barely five foot seven stick of dynamite that had completely blown him away from the second he set eyes on her. His hazel eyes locked on her blue eyes and they both searched each other’s soul for a good reason not to do what they were about to do.

not one sane reason to delay the inevitable Paul husky deep voice asked, “Would you be terribly upset with me if I kissed you?”

’s emotions had her head spinning like a carousel. Heat instantly flushed her body and she became woozy. She could hardly think let alone speak. Yet she somehow managed to murmur as she stared at Paul’s soft and oh so kissable lips, “Not at all. I think I’d be terribly upset with you if you didn’t kiss me.” 

stood almost a whole foot taller than the now barefoot EJ. Bending down to reach her he gently sampled her lips as he continued to get lost in her eyes. Closing her eyes EJ savored their very first kiss and craved a whole lot more.

her into his long, lean, muscular arms Paul pulled her soft body into his hard manly frame. Naturally, that wasn’t the only thing that was hard. Paul’s dick had been semi hard from the second he saw EJ in that dress and those heels. He was now as hard as a PhD dissertation written in Mandarin Chinese and he wanted her to feel just how hard she had made him. Lifting her body up in the air he forced her to encircle his waist with her thighs as he continued to wrestle her tongue to sweet submission.

little EJ, her heart was beating as fast as if she had just finished running a thirty mile marathon. She couldn’t believe that she was about to make love to the love of her life. Paul’s long nimble fingers slowly glided down her elegant back before sliding across her ass in an effort to support her weight. They both exhaled a deep moan as he squeezed EJ’s firm round ass. EJ struggled to remain conscious as he began to methodically knead it as if it was fine bread dough as he continued to ravish her mouth.

couldn’t keep up with him. His mouth was ravenous and his hands were roaming uninhibited all over her most intimate parts. His dick was now frozen solid and rock hard. It was let’s just say HUMUNGOUS and frankly it scared the hell out of her. After all EJ was still a virgin, she had never had a man before.  Starting her maiden voyage with a man of this magnitude and girth was not going to be comfortable to say the least. Yes, she wanted Paul, but she needed things to slow down an iota.

away she struggled to catch her breath and regain her composure. She stared at him for what seemed like an eternity before finally speaking. “I’ve never done this before.”

What?” Paul’s husky voice asked before sampling the sweet nectar of her long neck.

innocent this seductive kiss was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “Oh God this feels so damn good.” She groaned.

grinned as he continued to kiss her neck down to the hollow of her throat. “You didn’t answer my question. What haven’t you done before? Made love on a first date… Because, you’d have to admit that technically this is far from our first date.”

No… I know, but that’s not what I was going to say.” She moaned as Paul licked the hollow of her neck and worked his way up to her delicate chin. “Oh help me Lord.”

she was officially his for the taking Paul sampled her lips once more before asking, “So what did you mean?”

who was so wet that she could accommodate a light pole as long as it was attached to Paul’s groin, sucked on Paul’s bottom lip. She had saved herself for him and she’d be damned if she’d chicken out now. “Paul…” She hesitated.

Yes my love…” His deep sexy voice inquired between soft seductive kisses that he strategically planted along her jaw line.

I’m still a virgin.”

heard her speak but he didn’t really hear what she said. It took awhile to process but when it did it floored him like a ton of cement bricks. “What did you just say?” He asked as he abruptly broke their lip lock.

shyly looked into Paul’s eyes. “I said that I’m a virgin.”

stared into EJ’s eyes which were now dark blue with lust for him. “EJ, I didn’t know. I thought that by now you would have…”

What… Slept with some guy that I didn’t love?”

EJ… That’s not what I meant and you know that… Look, if you’re not ready for this then I totally understand.”

Paul, I’ve waited for this moment all of my life, of course I’m ready for it. I’m just a little afraid.”

Look, you’ve saved yourself this long. EJ are you sure about this?”

Don’t you get it? Paul I’ve saved myself all this time for you. I want you to be my first. I just don’t want you to be disappointed with my performance or lack thereof.”

by her confession Paul was basically speechless. Touched he kissed her softly on her forehead and rubbed his face against hers. “I’m honored, but EJ…”

that he was about to back out she quickly looked at him. “Paul please don’t.”

sighed. “EJ as bad as I want this I think you should save yourself for your husband or at least someone you’re in love with.”

Is that what you tell those other girls you seduce?” She teased as her eyes pleaded with him.

Not really.” He chuckled. “But this is different, hell the way I feel about you is different. Besides, I make it a policy not to date virgins. Things get a little too complicated. I think you should take a little more time to think about this. Your first time should be with someone you love.”

Thanks for that gallant offer, but I have saved myself for the man that I love. I know you don’t want to hear this but that man is you. It’s always been you.”

all of this chitter chatter and back and forward banter, Paul’s dick had not softened or shrank one damn bit. In fact it had somehow become even stiffer than before. The thought of EJ’s tight, hot, virgin pussy enveloping his swollen dick excited him even more than he thought possible. He had to have her.

EJ I’m flattered, but…” He hesitated, wondering if he should confess his love for her as well. “Are you sure that this is what you want to do?” He asked as he searched her soul, and not her face for an honest answer.”

Yes, I’ve never wanted anything more in my twenty two years on this planet.”

You know if we do this we can’t take it back.” He warned.

I know. I understand that, but this is what I want. The question is what do you want to do?” EJ could tell by the anaconda that continued to squirm in his pants exactly what Paul really wanted to do. Besides he was a man. His dick smelled pussy and it was determined to fuck!

kissing her forehead he said not a word as he unwound her legs from around his waist and set her feet firmly on the ground. He studied her intensely as he weighed his options and made his final decision. EJ was apprehensive. She prayed that he’d go through with it, because she’d be devastated if he didn’t. Taking her by the hand Paul led her to her bedroom. EJ’s heart skipped a few beats as she realized that she was about to officially become a woman.

Chapter 6

Love Always Protects

set on the edge of EJ’s bed and carefully surveyed the magnificent woman before him. The soft light of her bedside lamp bounced off her flawless skin illuminating its beauty. God he wanted this woman so bad his dick was about to slit from the pressure that was boiling in his loins. Her bare legs enticed his touch and he did not resist. Ever so gently trailing his finger tips up the side of her calf to her exposed thigh he locked eyes with her.

Is everything okay?” He asked as he sensed the anxiety in her face.

Yeah… I’m just a little nervous.”

Don’t be. I’m going to be patient, loving, gentle and very giving. Okay?” His sensual voice assured her.

nodded yes. “I have no doubt that you will be. Do you mind if I go freshen up and change into something more appropriate?”

Sure… go ahead.” Paul said as he pulled her closer and softly kissed her stomach through her clothes. “Do you have any wine or anything to help us relax?”

Yes, there’s a bottle of wine in the kitchen on the Baker’s Rack. The cork screw is in the kitchen draw.”

Okay, I’ll get everything ready while you get ready for me.” Paul said as he stood. Pulling EJ into his manly arms he kissed her full in the mouth before reluctantly releasing her.


Paul could tell that EJ was frightened. He knew that the gigantic bulge in his jeans probably contributed a tremendous amount to her fear. Paul’s dick was a full three and a half inches bigger than the average six inch penis that was estimated by scientist to be the norm. Hell, many experienced women had a problem with it, so he knew that he was in for a long night.

was glad that EJ wanted to take some time to freshen up, because he needed some time to get his head and game plan together. Hell he had not been with a virgin since high school. Frankly the best advice that Teddy ever gave him was to steer clear of virgins. Teddy warned him that the sex wasn’t that great, the crying was disturbing and that the final pay off just wasn’t worth it.

the time Teddy’s advice seemed crass and insensitive, but after deflowering his first virgin, Paul wished that he had heeded that one piece of simple advice. It’s not that Teddy was being a pig about it, because he wasn’t. Teddy dated a lot of different women and never once intentionally, disrespected or hurt one of them. His point was that unless you were in love with the young lady it was just more trouble than it was worth.

likened it to a vampire turning another vampire. You become responsible for making sure they are going to be okay. In other words you kind of have to stick around for a while for emotional support. Anyone who took someone’s virginity and never called again was a womanizing ass, according to Teddy. Teddy warned Paul that a woman would never forget her first sexual experience or her first lover.  So, commit to a relationship before you consider taking her woman’s virginity.

of these thoughts raced through Paul’s mind as he filled the ice bucket with ice, uncorked the wine and put it on ice to chill. Taking two wine glasses from the cabinet he quickly poured himself a big glass of wine and immediately took it to the head before quickly pouring another. As he downed the second glass of wine he heard EJ stirring in the bedroom. Grabbing the wine bucket and the glasses he took a big breath counted to three and headed for EJ’s bedroom.

on the planet could have prepared him for what he saw when he enter that bedroom. EJ was standing in front of a full length mirror admiring her image. She looked like a fantasy dream come true. Wearing a blue cotton candy colored two piece, lace camisole and thong which accented her eyes and her smooth bronze skin. Her legs were long and thick and ended at a perfect round ass that made his mouth water.

Paul’s dick began to rapidly expand and strain the fabric of his jeans like the Incredible Hulk. Carefully setting the wine and glasses down on her dresser he quickly loosened his shirt to hide the Lochness Monster lurking in his jeans.  Walking up slowly behind her he gingerly encircled her waist with his strong arms. Kissing her softly on the neck he rocked her slowly in his arms to an imaginary song that played in their heads.

hugged his arms and swayed to the make-believe music as she watched their image in the mirror. God she loved how good they looked together and how good it felt to be in his arms. This moment was perfect. She wanted him and she did not care if he split her in half with that big dick that was now poking her in her ass.

the music in his head played out and EJ relaxed in his arms Paul took the liberty to ask EJ a few simple but uncomfortable questions.

Are you on birth control?” He asked as he softly kissed the soft skin on her shoulder.

No, not yet.” She answered in a small voice.

Don’t worry… I have some condoms. We should be okay.”

No condoms, I’m allergic to latex.” She shook her head no. “Besides, I want to feel you… at least for my first time.”

EJ, you can’t be serious? I’m not ready to be a father. No! We have to have some kind of protection. Do you have any non latex condoms?” Paul asked as he abruptly turned her to face him.

Paul, why would I have condoms?”

To protect yourself... If you are allergic to latex you should have a stash of non latex condoms just in case.” 

Just in case what? I’m sorry, but I didn’t see this happening, especially not tonight. And even if I did have condoms I highly doubt that they’d ever fit that thing in your pants. What the hell is that anyway? Dam! Could you be any bigger?” She quickly started to meltdown.

Okay… Okay… It’s alright. I’ll just make a quick drug store run. Calm down, it’s okay.” Paul tried to comfort her as he pulled her close.

What? No… I’m not letting you leave here. Didn’t you see the movie Bootie Call? We don’t need them. Look I trust you. I know that you’ve been with other women, but I trust you. Please just tell me that you don’t have any communicable diseases. I know that you’re careful, but I just need to hear it.” EJ pleaded.

sighed, “EJ, listen to me… I don’t screw anybody without a glove, absolutely nobody. I’ve never had sex without a condom. I swear that I don’t have any communicable diseases. I just had a complete physical for football and I am as healthy as a thoroughbred, that’s not our problem.”

What’s the problem then?”

The problem is that we are too young to raise a child. I’m about to go to the NFL to play professional ball and you’re going to grad school next year. EJ, we can’t afford for you to get pregnant. Honestly, I’m just not ready for that type of responsibility. You can understand that right?”

Paul I’m not ready for a child either. What do you think I’m trying to trap you or something?”

Come on EJ… I never said that! That thought never even entered my mind. If it happened I know it wouldn’t have been intentional. Still, we just can’t take that risk at this point in our lives. We both have too much to lose. Now, I’m sorry, but either I make a run to the store or I’m gonna have to ask for a rain check.”

Ok look, I’m on a twenty eight day cycle. In fact I can set a clock by my cycle it’s so regular. A woman can only get pregnant during a max of six days out of her total cycle. And they say that those days fall six days before the beginning of her menstrual cycle.”

TMI… TMDI… EJ that’s just too much damn information! So if there’s a point that you’re trying to make then please make it. Otherwise, I’m taking my ass to the store to buy some damn non latex condoms!” Paul responded frustrated.

My point is that I just finished my cycle last week. I’m not even remotely close to the six day danger zone. It’s safe. We can have sex without fear of making a baby. It’s called…”

The Rhythm Method, yeah I know. That’s all you really had to say.  Look EJ that shit is not one hundred percent accurate and you know it. So no! I’m going to the drug store.”

Paul, condoms aren’t one hundred percent effective either. So it’s six in one hand and a half a dozen in the other. The only thing that is one hundred percent certain is that you are not going anywhere. To hell with those condoms! No! Do you want to do this or not?”

Seriously? Do you really want to know my answer? Seriously, EJ?”

Yes! Are we going to do this or not, because I can just put my damn night clothes on, wrap my hair up and take my ass to bed! So tell me something so that I know what I need to do.” EJ challenged.

We can do something, but we’re not… I repeat Not… having intercourse.” Paul declared with absolute authority.  “And I mean that shit. I am not ready to be a father! I’m sorry, but I’m just not.”

Like I want to have a baby by your ass! You’re not the only one with a damn future you know.” EJ retaliated.

Good because you are not going to have a baby by me, because I’m not screwing you!”

Great! Because nobody asked you too! You started this bullshit, not me. I waited this long I can wait a little longer. What about you?” EJ challenged. “And you might want to consult with that bulge in your pants before you answer.” She laughed. “Oh my God! I can’t believe it’s actually gotten bigger.”

didn’t have to look down to know that she was telling the truth. The truth was the hotter their debate grew the more his body craved EJ. As all rational thought and reason left his big head and was instantly distorted by his little head, Paul surrendered.

off his shirt and struggling to get out of his wife beater tee shirt Paul snatched EJ in his arms and pull her close.  Planting a breath stealing kiss on her lips he asked, “Baby are you sure about this Rhythm Method crap?”

felt the heat between her thighs began to build as she ran her fingers along the fine lines of Paul’s rock hard eight pack abs. His taunt muscles flexed beneath her fingertips. Fired up, hot and horny, her brain started to fog. She could hardly answer him. Her pussy clenched and she knew that she had to have him.

would have said anything to stop him from leaving her apartment. Still she actually believed that they could safely make love without creating a baby. It was her body and her decision so she said, “Yes. I’m sure.”

Paul was no big ass dummy. He knew that the Rhythm Method was straight up bullshit and had a piss poor track record, but he didn’t give a damn! He’d be damned if he’d let the sun rise without tasting’s EJ’s cotton candy panties. Paul knew a whole lot of other ways to have sex that didn’t involve penetration. His plan was do everything possible to satisfy EJ and his Lochness Monster without intercourse. It was a good plan, unfortunately the best made plans are soon laid to waste.


Lifting EJ up in his arms as if she was as light as a feather Paul’s mouth sought the taste of hers. Eager to finally get it started EJ did not hesitate slipping her tongue in his mouth in search of his. Hold her by her bronze color ass Paul walked her over to the bed and gingerly laid her on her back. Quickly stripping down to his navy blue boxer brief he stood before EJ allowing her to survey his finest before crawling on the bed with her.

looked at Paul as if he was a giant box of Godiva Chocolates. Just the mere thought of what he was about to do to her made her juices flow like a faucet. Her heart thundered and threatened to explode as he crawled between her legs and gently spread them wide. Kneeling between her knees he gathered her to him and kissed her mouth hard again before removing her camisole top.

bountiful, full breast danced free before sitting up like two ripe grapefruits just waiting to be picked.  Her nipples were drawn hard as dark brown pebbles and they jutted out proudly begging Paul to taste their sweet nectar. He did not resist as he immediately sampled one and then the other.

sensation was intoxicating to EJ she almost swooned from his intense suckling. The feeling was electrifying and it resonated to her erotic zone causing her to let out a low pitched animal like groan. And though it did strange things to her insides EJ never wanted that sensation to end.

’s voice was husky and deep as he asked, “Have you ever had oral sex?”

’s eyes brightened as they met his and though she was too sexual excited to speak she managed to shake her head no.

’s hazel eyes darkened with lust as he asked, “Do you mind if I taste you.”

mouth immediately met his with a searing kiss. His tongue flicked wildly at the sides of her hollow mouth in response. EJ sucked Paul’s mouth with an inexplicable need and refused to let his mouth break contact with hers.

BOOK: The Naked Truth About Love
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