Read The Mating Intent-mobi Online

Authors: Bonnie Vanak

The Mating Intent-mobi (17 page)

BOOK: The Mating Intent-mobi
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Air brushed against her hardened nipples. Gabriel nuzzled the long slope of her neck, licking her skin and making her shudder with fresh need.

Warm hands settled on her naked thighs, spreading them wide open. Suddenly she felt a brush of silky hair against her thighs, fingers upon her sex. Startled, she jerked forward. Gabriel dropped tender kisses along her neck.

“Relax pixie. It’s all right. I would never let anything bad happen to you. Just relax and enjoy it.”

A hot, rough tongue began licking her folds. She wanted to struggle and protest, but the feelings were too intense and pleasant. So long. It had been so long.

She became aware the music had stopped.

Then she felt two mouths upon her breasts, and silky tongues licking her hardened nipples.  Startled, she jerked upright, but he pulled her back down.

“Relax,” Gabriel crooned. “Let my men pleasure you.”

Her body turned boneless with desire, pushing aside all reason and thought as the shifters continued tasting her intimately.

The male between her legs gently thrust two fingers into her, sliding and withdrawing in an imitation of sex. Sienna writhed in Gabriel’s arms, her thoughts scrambled from the sheer pleasure shooting through her. 

She opened her eyes.

The bluish-white light emanating from her body now glowed with fierce intensity. It came from her body, bathing the panther shifter between her legs and the two males suckling her breasts. They glowed like lanterns. Brilliant crimson streaks shot through the blue light, the sexual heat from their auras.

The tension inside her built higher and higher. Gabriel pulled her tight against his hard body and whispered into her ear.

“Come for me, sweetheart.”

Sienna shattered, her screams splitting the night, the orgasm making her see stars. Collapsing against his chest, she felt boneless as he stroked her hair, murmuring to her.

Gabriel’s men pulled away from her body, sighing with satisfaction, the blue glow still encasing their bodies. They walked off into the woods.

He smoothed back her hair. “They’ve gone to celebrate the Blood Moon Festival with their partners.

She turned. They stared at each other. A vein throbbed in his neck. Yearning pulsed through her entire body. Desire edged his expression as he shed his shirt and dropped a hand to the waistband of his jeans.

Gabriel held her gaze. She could almost hear his blood running hot and heavy with the raw need for her. Only her.

“I have to have you, Sienna. Now. I can’t wait a second longer. But only if you will have me. If you are willing to join your body to mine, and share your energy with me.”

She thought of all she’d lost. And suddenly the past and the future mattered nothing.

Only this moment mattered. If she was going to die because she could not eradicate the evil inside her, then she wanted to live for once.

She tugged impatiently at his pants.

The zipper rasped in the silence as he slid it down, then he tugged his jeans past his lean hips, releasing his erection. Staring at his hot, hard length, the veins ridging his cock, the droplet of moisture weeping from the slit at the rounded head, she felt all breath leave her lungs in a loud whoosh.

Sienna lay down upon the blanket. Gabriel crawled over her and rested a palm over her heart.

“I feel your heartbeat,” he said, his gaze never leaving hers. “But I want to feel all of you. I want to be inside you, Sienna. In as far as I can go, until you can’t push me out. I want to fuck you so hard and so fast that every thought will be only me, and no matter where you go, I’ll be there inside your mind, the memory of every inch of my cock sliding into you, my mouth on yours, my body naked on top of yours.”

Positioning his cock at her wet entrance, he thrust deep. She winced. It had been too long since she’d had sex, and he was big. Bracing himself on his elbows, he remained still, staring down at her, giving her a moment.

She pulled him atop her for a kiss, the pressure between her legs easing. His tongue slid into her mouth. So sweet, so good.

Gabriel began to move inside her. Slow, steady thrusts, leisurely, as if they had all the time in the world. The moon smiled down upon them.

She began to glow once more. Blue-white light pulsed from her body, covering Gabriel, lighting up the entire glen. He smiled down at her and moved deep inside her.

“This is what we create together, Sienna. Good things, white light. When you and I make love, we draw out each other’s energy and turn it into magick.”

Dazed, she watched the light caress them, engulf them with tiny, iridescent sparks. The darkness inside her no longer howled for release. Pushed by the white light piercing her spirit, it shrank, no — it was changing.

Gabriel was doing this. His energy, infused with hers, turned the darkness into light.

Had it happened before when they’d made love years ago? She didn’t remember anything like this, not this powerful.

The sweet tension gathered low in her loins. Gabriel raised himself up on his hands and thrust harder, grunting and straining. She squeezed around him as the pressure mounted, and gripped his arms. Everything inside her hurled toward an apex of pure pleasure.

“Now Sienna! Come for me!”

Screaming, she arched and climaxed as he threw back his head, chords and tendons on his neck straining. Gabriel shouted her name. She felt his barb hook deep into her G-spot, causing her to climax harder.

And then she felt his energy rush into her spirit as his seed flooded her womb, pushing away darkness and evil, washing it with pure, white light.

They collapsed to the blanket, his weight heavy atop her. She stroked his sweat-dampened hair, rubbed the muscles on his back. Finally he lifted off her, smiling down at her.

Gradually she became aware of her surroundings, the stickiness between her thighs, the sweat slicking their bodies. Post-coital lassitude turned to sharp awareness.  Sienna cupped her breasts, and fumbled for her clothing. She did some rapid calculating. Safe, she was in her safe period with no chance of getting pregnant.

“Sweetheart? What’s wrong?”

“I need a shower.” And a cold soaking of common sense. She hastily dressed and fled the glen, running for the house.

Inside the bathroom, she tossed off her clothing and stepped into the shower, twisting the knob for cold. Icy cold, cleansing water poured down on her. Sienna took a washcloth, dampened it and scrubbed fiercely between her thighs, erasing evidence of his seed and her arousal.

The shower door opened. Gabriel stood there, fully nude. His penis swung gently between his thighs. His big body tensed as he stepped inside.

“What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

She shook her head, bracing a hand against the wall as the spray streamed upon her. If she said a single word, she’d break.

“Sienna. Talk to me. I’m not leaving until you do.”

Tipping her head upward to let the water hit her face, Sienna closed her eyes.

And then heard the door creak close, the soft pad of his footsteps and a deep sigh.  Two arms encased her around the waist from behind, as he rested his chin upon her shoulder.  Gabriel cradled his groin against her bottom.

“My beautiful Elf, please don’t shut me out. Was it what my men did to you?”

She shook her head.

“Making love with me?”

Another head shake.

“You wanted a shower all the sudden because you don’t like getting sweaty and you’re one of those Elven who is horrified at the idea of perspiring?”

A small smile touched her mouth. She shook her head.

“Ah, I got it. You wanted to shower because you’re secretly hoping I’d wash your back. And your front.” Gabriel reached for the washcloth, soaped it and gently ran it over her breasts.

Trembling, Sienna sagged against him. 

“I’m okay.”

“No sense in wasting water. Bad for the environment.”

He ran his tongue across her neck and she shuddered, the need for him suddenly very, very bad. And it was bad because he had an intoxicating effect on her, making her forget sense and reason.

“It’s just overwhelming. Everything I feel inside. Everything I feel for you. And it hurts to know I’ll have no future here,” she whispered, moaning as he kissed a line down her throat.

“Don’t be so certain. But for now, don’t think of the future. Live for the night, the Blood Moon, when all in my clan sheds inhibition and we celebrate life. You give so much life to others. It’s time you finally attended to your own needs.” Gabriel smoothed back her wet hair.

She faced him and tracked the bulge and flex of biceps, the wideness of his shoulders held in her firm grip. He had the hard body and sleek muscles of a big cat. Intense longing shivered through her. They had just had sex, and arousal pulsed through her all over again.

Rubbing a spot on his chest, toying with the dark hairs, she traced a line down his muscled torso. “Have you had many lovers since I last saw you?”

The question had haunted her at night, tormenting her with visions of other women enjoying his exquisite devotion, moaning with pleasure as he caressed them.

Gabriel clasped her chin and raised her head to meet his fierce gaze. “Not many. I did, after you first left, trying to forget you. Didn’t work. It was like eating tofu when you’ve sampled steak — stale and unremarkable. So I resorted to using my fist, imagining my cock was deep inside you, your sweet mouth on mine. That way I could fantasize about you without involving anyone else.”

He slid a hand down and gripped his penis. “It brought me a little relief, made the nights more bearable.”

She rested her hand atop his, cupped his heavy testicles. Gabriel threw back his head and groaned. “Gods, my imagination isn’t that great. Not compared to the real you. Tell me you want me again, Sienna. Please. If I have you for one night, maybe it will make the nights my arms are empty less lonely.”

“I want you.” Yes, she cried out inside.
I don’t care what happens to me. I want this. I want you.

“No regrets?”

“Just one.” She cupped his smooth cheek, stroking her fingers over his warm skin. “I regret not doing this sooner because you’re right. I need to live for the night.”

A crooked grin spread over his face. He kissed her again, his lips warm and firm against hers. His tongue slid into her mouth, stroking and caressing. Gabriel’s kisses felt possessive and intense. He kissed her as if she were the last female on earth and he was desperate to get inside her.

Sienna closed her eyes as she slid her arms around his neck.
Pretend like he did all those years. Pretend there can be a future with him, that you’re not here for the night, but inside your bedroom, with children you conceived fast asleep down the hall. Pretend you won’t leave him tomorrow or the day after.

As he kissed her, his hand cupped her left breast. Then his thumb drifted lazily over the tightening nipple. Sienna gasped as sharp, delicious pleasure speared her. His hips rocked gently, his rock hard erection pressing against her, indicating his need. He wanted her all over again.

She reached down and grabbed his dick. “Goodness, how do you do that? Already?”

Gabriel grinned. “All I do is think of you, Sienna, and I’m instantly hard. I could make love to you all day long and never stop.”

Then he looked solemn. “It’s not sex. It’s something deeper, touching me here.” He brought her hand to his chest. “I may have taken your virginity, but you took my heart.”

His honesty shattered her barriers. Sienna stared up at him, all her defenses dropping. “I wish we could stay here forever, shutting away the world. Love me, Gabriel. Create the illusion that this will never end and we could always stay together.”

“It’s no illusion, sweetheart. Not if you want it enough.”

Gabriel kissed her again, his mouth moving against hers with arrogant authority. He sucked on her bottom lip, released it with a faint popping sound. Between tiny, biting kisses, he whispered into her mouth.

“You’re so damn hot. You turn me inside out. Give me everything you have, Sienna. Don’t be afraid to lose control.”

Never had she handed over her tightly-held control to anyone. She bit her trembling lips. “I think…”

He laid a finger over her mouth. “Don’t think. Feel. Just breathe and trust me. Fall into passion with me, Sienna and let me catch you. I’ve waited for you so long.”

A shaky hiss of breath escaped her lungs.

Then he reached for the bar of soap, and began to wash her.

Symbolic and soothing, his actions roused her desire as he slid the soap over her arms, the slope of her neck. Droplets clung to his hair, sparkled in his long, dark lashes. Water cascaded down his strong, muscled neck, beaded in his chest hair.

He looked so beautiful and sexy, it took her breath away.

His heated gaze remained affixed to hers as he stroked the soap over her wet skin. Gabriel brushed kisses alongside her jaw. His hands cupped the rounded curve of her hips, pulling her tight against him.

“Turn around,” he said, his voice thick.

Sienna closed her eyes as he stood behind her, lathering her breasts, gently teasing the hardened nipples with gentle strokes of his thumbs. As he massaged her, he molded his body against hers, his erection rubbing against her bottom. Each languid stroke aroused her senses, making her forget everything but the sensual slide of his hands against her skin.

Gabriel washed away her regrets and her worries, replacing them with heightened desire.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispered. Taking the lobe of her ear between his teeth, he gently bit.

She moaned as he turned her around. A soft white glow pulsed from her body and enveloped them both. Tendrils of pure white light swirled in the shower, charged by the sexual energy they created.

His mouth went from her ear to her throat, nuzzling down to her bare collarbone. He suckled her breasts, his tongue flicking over each crested peak. Sienna sagged against him, pushing her hot skin against his questing mouth. Sensation speared her, so fresh and tantalizing, it was as if she were a virgin again. An Elf who had never experienced desire or the tender touch of a lover’s strong, skilled hands.

BOOK: The Mating Intent-mobi
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