Read The Man at Key West Online

Authors: Katrina Britt

Tags: #Harlequin Premiere

The Man at Key West (4 page)

BOOK: The Man at Key West
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He was swinging the car down to where the launch was moored.

‘I asked you out for a drink and I don’t have to take you to the nearest joint. It’s a glorious day and we’re going to make the best of it.’

He swung her into the launch and set it off across the water. He did not speak until they were at the palm-shaded pier. There he hesitated with his
hands on her trim waist before he lifted her from the launch.

‘Do you really have a date for this evening ... say like going out to some dreary function with your parents or wandering around aimlessly on your own and possibly meeting up with a lifeguard?’

Sue glared up at him with a feeling of annoyance for pointing out how dull her present existence was. All the same, she had to defend herself.

‘I’m now a working girl, so life won’t be so dull after all once I get going. I might even accept a few dates for the lonely evenings,’ she said lightly.

‘Mine is as good a start as any you’ll get, madame,’ he murmured. ‘Good food, excellent wine and still more excellent conversation from yours truly.’ His eyes twinkled devilishly. ‘Not to mention all that masculinity thrown in.’

‘That’s what worries me,’ she answered. ‘You’re a very convincing man. But watch it!’

Jay chuckled as he lifted her on to the pier, then secured the launch. All his movements were done with a deceptively lazy air which did not fool Sue for one moment. Each movement was precise, and she felt shivers going deliciously down her spine.

Watching him, she felt strange and conflicting emotions. One moment she was content basking in the cadence of his deep voice along with the pleasure she felt at being in his exciting company; the next moment she was aghast at her folly in being with him at all. He was dangerous. There was no doubt she was not the first woman he had brought home to his villa, neither would she be the last.

‘Tell me,’ she said, feeling very aware of his light grip on her elbow as they walked to his villa, ‘do you use judo on your women friends if they don’t please you?’

He chuckled. ‘Heaven forbid! I have other ways of subduing them. Much pleasanter ways, of course.’

‘Of course,’ Sue murmured lightly, but her heart was racing. ‘I assume that this is only one of your happy homes?’

‘I’m glad you said happy, because I have no guard dogs or barbed wire enclosures. I’m not a speculator or a shady dealer in arms—I’m a business man. Satisfied?’ He smiled down at her mockingly. ‘You’ve been seeing too many movies. It’s time you began living yourself.’

‘So you keep telling me, but I prefer to do it my own way, thanks.’

Jay did not reply but steered her to the swimming pool and seated her on one of the loungers beneath a large floral umbrella. The sun was hot and a drink was very welcome, especially of the kind Jay’s man brought on a tray which he set down on the table nearby.

‘Try this,’ Jay said, offering Sue a tall glass with the ice clinking in it giving a frosted effect. ‘It’s strong, but it won’t take your hair up.’

Sue sipped warily then took a longer drink. ‘Hmm,’ she murmured blissfully. ‘What is it?’

‘Pina Colada—pineapple juice mixed with fresh coconut plus a dash of rum. Like it?’

‘Lovely,’ she answered, and watched his glance slide over her shapely form.

He grinned at her sudden blush. ‘What about a dip in the pool?’ he said, and tossed off the rest of his drink.

Sue’s heart lurched. She finished her drink thirstily, seeking for courage. She had to take the initiative or she would get nowhere with Jay. It was
imperative for her to scotch his every move.

‘Why not?’ she said, and stood up. ‘What was it you said? I have to begin to live. Here’s where I begin!’

‘Yes, but Sue...’

Jay’s look of utter consternation as she dropped her skirt was comical. He had recovered by the time she had taken off her top to reveal a scanty lace bra and briefs. The diving board was an utter joy as Sue lifted her slim arms above her head and dived in. She had reached the length of the pool and was about to go back when Jay joined her.

‘Race you back!’ she cried.

They touched the other end with a laugh and Sue dashed back her wet hair. The look in his dark eyes sent her in a long underwater shot towards the other end of the pool again and he was there beside her as she surfaced.

‘Forfeit for whoever loses,’ he said, and she caught the gleam of his teeth as he pushed her head under the water.

When Sue reached the far end of the pool she did the last bit under water. Then she was reaching for his ankles as he reached the end finishing rail and pulled with her ebbing strength before he could grab it.

They both touched the bottom of the pool and quick as a flash Sue was up to touch the rail. Then she was pulling herself up out of the water to sit on the side. But Jay had not surfaced. He lay beneath the surface of the pool, head bent and sagging.

‘Jay!’ she screamed, and dived in. The next instant he had seized her in a vicelike grip and they surfaced together.

‘I’ll teach you to take a rise out of me,’ he grinned as he silenced her with a punishing kiss. Sue’s hands were pushing against his hirsute chest until she forced his face away from her own.

‘I like that!’ she exclaimed fiercely, treading water. ‘It was you who cheated in the first place, pushing me under water like you did. Just like a
man! We women could win every time if we wanted.’

He let her go and she pulled herself up out of the water. The manservant had already put towels
conveniently nearby and Sue snatched one up to dry her limbs.

‘I’d like to take you up on that,’ said Jay, looking wildly attractive as he emerged from the water in his briefs with his golden torso and wide shoulders gleaming in the sun. His dark eyes narrowed on her delightful figure. ‘Tell you what,’ he added, ‘what about a race around the pool to dry off your
absurd bikini?’

Sue glared at him as she rubbed her hair. ‘You think I’ll lose, don’t you?’ she snapped. ‘You’re on!’

Dropping the towel, she was off like a hare with a very good start. Jay, again taken by surprise, loped after her. Sue had never run so hard in her
life. It was a good sized pool and Jay had the advantage of having lived with its shape for a long
time, but Sue made a gallant effort.
She had to win. He was far too arrogant and he needed to be taken down a peg or two, to her way
of thinking. Her tawny hair was flying out like a
banner and her feet hardly touched the ground
She did not dare to turn around to find out how
far Jay was behind her, but presently his chuckle
seemed ominously near.

A last spurt brought her to the end of the pool
and she threw herself down on the nearest mattress. Gasping for breath, Sue lay flat on her back with her eyes closed against the brightness of the sky, and she was only vaguely aware of Jay dropping beside her.

When a shadow fell across her face in the brightness of the sun she opened her eyes to find him bending over her. The bright smile of victory froze on her face as his eyes held hers before he bent his head to her lips. He drew her unresisting into his arms, pinning down her own and making her helpless against him.

A moment later he had taken her lips in a shattering kiss, and Sue knew that she was exquisitely lost in the wonder of it. The kiss seemed to go on for ever, sending shivers down her spine as he parted her lips ruthlessly. Their bodies were clamped together and she could feel his heart thudding into her soft chest.

She could not have pulled away to save her life, even when his hands began to caress her bare limbs. It seemed that every touch set her body on fire with longing. She was afraid to resist in case he went beyond merely caressing. Lost in the intense pleasure of his nearness, she pressed herself lovingly against him. It was Jay who reluctantly raised himself from her embrace.

She said nothing, but was content to be held loosely in his arms to breathe in his masculine fragrance.

‘I think we’d better go indoors,’ he said thickly, and rose to his feet to smile down at her and offer his hand. ‘Come on,’ he teased. ‘I’m famished—we’re going in to lunch.’

Sue sat up and shivered a little away from his warmth. She pushed her hair back with a shaking
hand, aware how near she had been in succumbing to his charms. He gripped her hand and pulled her to her feet, then took her loosely into his arms.

‘Being thoroughly kissed suits you,’ he murmured, with a teasingly wicked gleam in his eyes, and proceeded to bury his face in her gleaming hair. ‘That wanton look with your hair all aglow and your lipstick wiped out with kisses is undermining my morale. You’re quite a surprise. I’d love to see you when you’ve been made love to in the real sense of the word.’ Sue said nothing. Her sudden return to earth after the heaven of being in his arms was shattering to anyone as inexperienced as herself.

‘I like your aftershave,’ she murmured with her lips against his firm brow throat.

She was rewarded by a soft triumphant chuckle as she moved closer to his hard body. Somehow it was a natural gesture, even though she was appalled at her own wantonness. They stayed close for a while without the need for words until the sound of a clock chiming somewhere in the villa parted them.

‘I trust your make-do bikini is dry,’ Jay teased, sliding his hands to her hips, then up to cup her breast in the scanty covering there. ‘It feels fine,’ he added with a chuckle. ‘How long will it take you to dress? I give you ten minutes. The house is yours, so take any room you want to freshen up in.’

Sue had held her breath at the feel of his roving hands, and now she let out a sigh of bliss to look up at him bemusedly.

‘You were saying ...?’ she said bemusedly, and he kissed the tip of her nose.

‘If you don’t go now I shall have no need for further talk. I shall act in accordance with how I’m feeling, and you know what that will mean. We shall at least miss lunch. So move! I’m not made of iron, my sweet.’

It was only then that Sue realised how near their bare bodies had been, with only the scantiest of covering between them. Jay scooped up her clothes where she had dropped them and took her hand, and together they ran towards the open windows of the villa.

Sue had showered and dressed in one of the luxurious bathrooms, used one of the large fluffy towels, and sat herself down at the lovely big mirror reflecting most of the room. Her surroundings were as unreal as what had happened outside just now. She could not believe she was looking at the same girl who had gone after a job that morning as anything as ordinary as a photographer.

That was what this new assignment appeared to her now—a perfectly ordinary job of work, a real comedown from being in Jay’s arms. Sue surveyed her face in the mirror still with the dreamy look in her eyes, a kind of dewy look as if she had just awakened from a deep sleep into the real way of living, with Jay.

Was it his kisses that made her mouth so beautifully warm and tempting? Was this what Jay had seen when he had remarked about her looking truly kissed, this surprising transformation of a face suddenly glowing with life and subtle invitation? If his kisses had transformed her what would real lovemaking do? The mere thought of belonging to Jay sent an ache of longing for him through her whole being. She stared uneasily at her own accusing reflection. What was happening to her was beyond all comprehension—all this awareness of the needs of her own body and his hunger for hers.

Her lips still glowed from his kisses and did not require the lipstick she applied. She had never known anyone like Jay Denver before. It puzzled her that he had not continued with his advances down at the pool. He must have known with his experience that she would not have put up much resistance if he had taken her in the irrevocable act of love.

So why had he been satisfied with the preliminaries of lovemaking? Had it been just a ploy on his part to sharpen her appetite for something more satisfying? Experienced men like Jay usually had everything worked out before taking a girl home to their house or flat.

Sue had discovered this times without number in the past and she had become adept in dealing with such situations—but that was before she had met Jay. The utter bliss of being in his arms, the sudden flaring need in her own limbs each time he caressed her—it was all beyond her.

At last she was ready. On her way to the dining area, she decided to telephone her father to tell him the good news about her job. The sound of his voice and the evident relief at her success touched her deeply. How long she was able to stay in the vicinity with Jay was another matter. Her father was pleased to hear that she was with him.

‘I like that young man, my dear,’ he said warmly. ‘I would trust you with him anywhere.’

Sue did not know whether to laugh or cry. If only he knew how close she had been to losing her virginity for the first time in her life! But she had to remember that her father was married now and that her troubles would only come second to those of his wife. It might only be a matter of conscience with him now because Sue had given up so much of her own life to him after her formative years.

Sue thought dismally that it would help if she could find some kind of rapport with Connie. One of the tragedies of parents who remarried was the fact that sometimes it cut them adrift from their offspring of a former marriage. Sue sighed unhappily and went in search of Jay.

BOOK: The Man at Key West
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