Read The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys Online

Authors: Raven Knights

Tags: #Erotic Romance: Contemporary, Interracial/Multicultural, Ménage à trois, Sci-fi, Paranormal

The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys

BOOK: The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys
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The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys


Raven Knight


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 


The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys by Raven Knight


Red Rose™ Publishing

Publishing with a touch of Class! ™

The symbol of the Red Rose and Red Rose is a trademark of Red Rose™ Publishing


Red Rose™ Publishing

Copyright© 2013 Raven Knight

ISBN: 978-1-4543-0271-1

Cover Artist: Honey Jans

Editor: Julie Skerven



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. Due to copyright laws you cannot trade, sell or give any ebooks away.

This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.



Red Rose™ Publishing

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The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys


Raven Knight

Chapter One


Star Hart rammed her bare foot into Norris’s puny balls and her third cousin and would-be assailant let her go, clutching himself and tumbling to the carpeting, howling like a baby. “You can’t get away from me!” he yelled his florid jowls jiggling and Star didn’t wait for him to recover to see if he was right.  She should have known that her enemy would stop at nothing to deflower her and thus gain her power.

At a blink of her eye, angel wings sprung from her slender shoulders and she flew through the ceiling, through the blazing orange sky and into outer space. Having left the Golden Planet, she no longer had control of her destination and spiraled through the air, unsure of where she’d land. “Mama,” she called out telepathically. “
Please…help me find a safe place to hide

And just that quickly she felt her mother; the love goddesses’, peaceful aura settle over her and her twirling seemed to slow down. Darkness enfolded her as she touched down and when she opened her eyes again, she was standing naked on the grounds of a large ranch, a warm summer breeze caressing her already overheated skin. She was coming into season, ready to bloom into her full sexual powers and she felt every bit of it.  Unfortunately for her, with her enemies, it was like a homing beacon for the otherworld
hoping to bed a future love goddess and gain her powers.

Now what? The vision of Norris trying to rape her, made her shake. Could he smell her and track her down? Probably.  She knew only one way to probably keep that from happening, she’d have to find the right man to help her shed her virginity, and time was not on her side.  On the plus side she was on earth and any mortal she shared her favors with couldn’t bind her to him like one of her kind. It could be a kind of a mutual sharing; one she’d never hoped to have before tonight. If she had to bed a human, she would do so. Humans were so primitive that if she made love to one, it would diminish her powers temporarily and make it harder for Norris to track her down. Her scent would fade. So what now? Did she use her powers to make the human want her, even if he didn’t? She was hardly a beauty.

She would do what she had to in order to survive, but desperately hoped that the human she crossed paths with willingly wanted to engage in an affair with her. If there was one thing she knew, it was that men of all species thought with their cocks. Where was she anyway and why had she landed on
man’s property?

Looking to her left, she saw what looked like men’s clothing fluttering in the midnight breeze on a clothesline. The scent the essence coming off the jeans and western shirt intrigued her and drew her forward. By their size, he must be a tall, well built man, which made her virgin pussy damp. Hell, this might be a pleasure after all.  She considered putting on his clothes but knew she didn’t have time to put on his things and imagine him.  Norris was bound to be on her tail.  Instead she reached for the blue towel hanging on the line and wrapped it around her, warming when she inhaled his scent.  Her body seemed to tingle when she enfolded it around her, maybe a good sign.   
Stop mooning about the sexy cowboy and go track him down she told herself.
Truthfully, he may be somebody she didn’t really like

Without a further thought, she hurried toward the low sprawling ranch house noticing that one dim light was still on. Even better, she could sense his very sensual very male presence inside.  For her formerly cloistered self it was intoxicating and scary all at the same time. “
Mama, I hope he’s nice
,” she muttered knowing her mother could decipher her silent thoughts. .

” her mother responded back to her, also telepathically making her wobble in her tracks with shock and crash onto his porch swing sending it clattering. “
But he’s troubled and only you can heal him. I sent you here for a reason.
Knock, child of mine
.” Oh, Lord, trust her to be a total klutz when it came to claiming a male. And could she even handle a sexual healing as only a love goddess in training junior class?

Chapter Two


Chad Austin sat in his ranch’s semi-dark living room, the television blaring some western movie he wasn’t even following. His hand wrapped around a frosty beer he almost didn’t have the energy to bring to his mouth. What was the point when his love life was down the toilet, and all his private kinky fantasies would never come true?  He wished to hell that his best friend, Diego Gomez, the ranch foreman, was around to drink with him. But Diego had a date and hadn’t been around all day. So Chad had been alone, brooding, keeping away from his father who was always mocking him for his failed love life.

“Women are a waste of time, son, except for the sex,” he kept telling him, as if that would make him feel better. “I learned that when your mother ran off.”

It had been a brutal few days for Chad and he didn’t need the lecture from his bitter father. It wasn’t every day a man found his fiancé fucking a ranch hand in his own bed. Chad took a drink and banged down the can on the table beside him. After giving the ranch hand a beating and his walking papers, he had sent Bella away ignoring her pathetic tears and pleas to forgive him.  It wouldn’t be the first time a woman had played him for a fool, but he vowed it would be the last. He believed that his soul mate was out there…he just had to meet her...and until then he’d go celibate.

Keep dreaming, Chad.

Chad shut his eyes, seeing the scene with Bella in his head again, a knife ripping his insides. What a fool he’d been to think Bella really loved him. She was the prettiest young woman in the county and he’d fallen for her fast and hard. But, like so many others, she was more interested in his money than in him. He must be the king of being cheated on. Well, he was fucking done dating the locals who knew what he was worth.

Suddenly he heard a slam and some rattling on his porch as some dumb ass vandal messed around on his property.  He groaned, cursing drunk teens or ranch hands and strode toward the door, pulling his old shotgun off the rack, the shotgun he kept loaded with rock salt.  It wouldn’t kill them but it would sure discourage them from messing with him again. Who the hell would be coming here at 3:12 am?  He strode toward the door, a strange tingly feeling sweeping over him that had nothing to do with the two beers he’d drunk.  What the hell was wrong with him, he wondered, frowning down at his trembling hands. 

“Please, please let me in! I need your help!”

The breathy female voice coming from his porch shocked the hell out of him.  It wasn’t his cheating ex.  Bella was long gone.   And this chick sounded like she needed his help, unless it was a trick.  Wary, but intrigued, he tore open his door and was transfixed when he locked eyes with the almost nude dark eyed black beauty on his doorstep.  His slow gaze traveled over her as he studied the trembling woman on his doorstep clad only in his own towel stolen off his clothesline.  Caramel skinned with soulful eyes, she was unlike any woman he’d ever seen.  And she affected him just like catnip might his old tom cat.  He wanted to nuzzle her and take a big bite.  Then before he could tell himself to snap out of it, she pushed her way inside, brushing by him with an erotic scent that made him harder than steel.  He followed her like the dumb ass rube she was making him feel like, and closed the door behind them, seeing her panicked look.    Was someone chasing her? 
No, idiot, you have naked exotic beauty’s show up on your porch
every night
. She had a look of desperation on her beautiful face and was breathing hard. “You need to hide me,” she said almost as an order, which took him back.

“I…what?” He was distracted by the skimpy towel that was sliding down a little, baring a lot of her silky butterscotch tinted skin, the upper curve of pert, round, plump breasts making him salivate.  His dick automatically responded to her loveliness and he hoped she couldn’t see how stiff he was under his jeans. “Who the hell are you, sugar?  And who are you hiding from?”

“My name is Star,” she said stepping forward.  “And I’ll tell you who’s chasing me if you’ll be so kind as to make love to me.” She said dropped her towel. 

Cripes, what a gorgeous body she had. He gulped, feeling an animalistic need for her, yet trying to keep his wits. He knew was a little wasted and didn’t think he’d heard her correctly. Ignoring what he thought she’d offered, he swallowed hard then said, “Um, I’m Chad,” holding out his hand for her to shake, but she didn’t seem to notice because her almost hypnotic gaze was locked with his and suddenly he couldn’t look away. It seemed gallant to ask, “Let me get you some warm clothes—”

“Don’t bother. I’m not cold.” She did not seem to find her nakedness odd as she quickly rushed ahead. “I was attacked. You have to hide me.” It was again more a command than a request. Like she was some sort of powerful person, yet she was vulnerable as hell right now.

Chad, his head swimming, tried to clear his thoughts. “I’ll call the police, ma’am.” He quickly turned, but as soon as he did he felt two arms grabbing his bare midsection.  She was deliberately crushing her sex into his aching dick and grinding into him. What was really going on? He pulled away, as hard as that was, but he wanted to be a gentleman. “None of that. I don’t know you. Now I’m going to call the Sheriff. I know him—”

“No, please!” She ran to him and threw her arms around him, jarring him. “He can’t help me. There is nothing they can do.
have to do it.”

He unwrapped her arms from around his belly, although the press of her body against him turned him on like nothing else ever could. Then he whirled around to face her, trying to fight his stiff dick. “Look, sugar, if you’ve been attacked…you’ve got to report it to the cops.” He couldn’t help but notice how lovely her hair flowed in soft curls to her small shoulders. He tried to forget she was a sexy young woman. “You can’t let him get away with it or he’ll do it again.”

BOOK: The Love Goddess Brands Her Cowboys
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