The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance (3 page)

BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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Cole furrowed his brow. “Don’t think I’ve ever heard of him.”

“He wasn’t in power for very long. If this coin
Proculus, it could be worth a lot of money.”

How much?”

I’m not sure.” She hesitated. Should she admit how much she
it might be worth? After all, she wasn’t a coin expert and her guesstimate might be way off base. Looking into his dark brown eyes, she decided to take a chance. “Maybe mid five figures.

He exhaled in surprise. “That’s a lot of money for an old coin.”

She nodded. “It might be life changing for Mrs. Miller.”

Cole nodded. “I can see why she wants to sell it.”

Phoebe stared down at the coin. “And now she probably thinks I’m a thief.”

He wrapped his large, tanned hand over her small one. “You took the only option you thought was available to you at the time.”

A tingle of excitement raced down her spine at his touch. “Thanks,” she replied softly. He gazed at her for a moment, as if cataloging every detail of her face before he slowly withdrew his hand.

Okay.” Cole sat back in the wooden dining chair. “We should--”

The phone rang. Cole strode to the kitchen counter and answered it.

“Lawman--” The muffled word spoken by the caller was all Phoebe heard. She frowned. Cole said he was a P.I. Why was someone calling him Lawman?

His expression shuttered, Cole seemed to listen intently to the other party, then swore softly. “Got it. Thanks for the heads-up. Yeah, I know the ’copter’s out of action,” he replied. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”

He ended the call and turned to face Phoebe. “We’ve got trouble.”




Are you a cop?” She couldn’t help the thread of anxiety in her voice.

He quirked an eyebrow. “I used to be for a few years, until I decided I preferred working for myself. Why?”

She clutched her purse. “I heard the other person call you Lawman.”

That was my brother Logan.” He raked his hand through his short hair. “He’s just heard a description of my SUV broadcast on the news, in conjunction with an antiques store clerk allegedly stealing a valuable Roman coin.”

Phoebe’s heart thudded. “Oh, no. What am I going to do?” She bit her lip as she stared at Cole.

“We better go and see your old boss in Jackson Hole.”

Phoebe’s gaze flickered
to his face. “Really?” A smile touched her lips. “You’ll still help me?”

Yeah, I’ll still help you.”

Although his words were gruff, a warm flush stole through her. “Thank you,” she murmured.

“We better get going. The helicopter’s being serviced right now so if we want to keep a low profile, we should drive. The sooner I can swap cars the better.”

You’ve got a helicopter?” She stared at him, remembering that part of the phone conversation.

He chuckled ruefully. “My brothers and I co-own it, but Alex uses it most of the time. It’s being serviced while he’s on his honeymoon.”

“Oh.” How much would it cost to own a helicopter? She couldn’t even begin to imagine. She suddenly took a deep breath, the phrase “swap cars” echoing in her mind. “Cole, I know you said you’d help me, but I don’t want you to get in any trouble.”

His chuckle seemed more of a growl. “Right now you need my help, sweetheart. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

Her heartbeat quickened at the endearment. Although she knew he didn’t mean it, it reminded her of how long she’d been on her own. Apart from visiting her parents regularly before they temporarily moved to Hawaii and having a monthly chat with her sister living in New York, she led a pretty quiet life. Including a very quiet love life. She wasn’t a complete hermit; she had fun with a couple of close girlfriends, but there hadn’t been a man in her life for a while. A good, long while.

And he’s not the new man in your life,
she reminded herself.
You’re his client.

I’ll just pack a bag.” Cole strode down the hall, which she assumed led to one or more bedrooms. Before she could even think about how travel-stained her clothes would be by the time they reached Mr. Dawson’s house, he re-emerged carrying a small duffel bag. “Come on.” He beckoned to her, and she carefully placed the coin in her purse, zipping it up tightly, before following him outside.

He locked the door, noticing her looking around at the pasture surrounding the cabin. “I know I’m on fifty acres but it still pays to be cautious.”

She nodded, trailing behind him as he walked to the SUV. Scrambling into the passenger seat, she realized she was placing all her hope and trust in this man. Nobody knew where she was or who she was with.

He waited until she buckled her seat belt before starting the engine. “We’ll swap cars with my brother.”

“He won’t mind?”

He’s on his honeymoon. He won’t even know.” Cole’s white teeth flashed briefly. “Elk View Corner’s on the way to Jackson anyway.”

They drove a few miles until they hit the highway. Cole drove expertly, keeping just under the speed limit. For the first time, she noticed just how luxurious the interior of the vehicle was. Plush leather seats and a dazzling array of dials and gadgets on the dash that put her boring white sedan to shame.

She looked out of the window, wishing she could enjoy the scenery. But all she could think of was the coin in her purse, and the mess she’d gotten herself into. She just hoped if she and Cole were able to get everything straightened out, Mrs. Miller would understand Phoebe had acted in the elderly lady’s best interest.

Occasionally she peeked at Cole’s profile. His large, tanned hands gripped the steering wheel, and she wondered what they would feel like wrapped around her waist, or even caressing her bare flesh.
Don’t go there
, she cautioned herself, feeling the telltale warmth of a blush dusting her cheeks.
You’re probably not his type.
Her mouth drooped for a second. When was the last time she’d been anybody’s type?

Stifling a sigh, she resolutely looked out of the window again. Perhaps, when all this was over, she should try to get back into the dating game. Although hanging out at bars and nightclubs didn’t appeal to her, maybe there was a reputable internet dating site she could join. Giving in to the urge to glance at Cole again, she realized it would take a lot for another man to measure up to her P.I. Perhaps she was meant to remain single and eventually become a crazy antiques or cat lady.

“Elk View Corner’s coming up.” Cole’s voice broke into her thoughts.

She blinked, taking in the scenery flashing past with new interest. “Is this where your brother lives?”

“Yeah. Two of them.” He took his eyes off the road for a second to glance at her. “And they’re both on their honeymoons.” He chuckled. “I don’t think Alex’s wife has moved any of her stuff in, so we’ll go to Garrett’s.”

At her questioning look, he explained, “Alex lives in San Diego and comes down here when he can. But Garrett lives here full-time, and so does Maddie.” He cast a quick, assessing look at her before returning his attention to the highway. “I think her clothes will fit you. They stopped in to see me before they went on their honeymoon.”

Cole signaled right at the sign that said Welcome to Elk View Corner. Douglas fir trees lined the sides of the road, and Phoebe wished she were visiting here under different circumstances.

They turned into a dirt road. “Alex’s ranch is over there.” He nodded to the right.“ And Garrett is right next door.” He looked at his watch. “It’s seven p.m. The ranch hands should have gone home by now, so nobody will be hanging around.”

Turning into a well-kept driveway, the SUV slowed a little as it entered a gravel courtyard. Cole pulled up outside a one-story house. Phoebe admired the neat pink roses in the front garden.

That’s Maddie’s handiwork.” He grinned. “Garrett’s not exactly a gardener.”

They got out of the vehicle, Cole striding toward the house as if he belonged there and not as an alleged getaway driver helping an alleged coin thief. Phoebe followed, unable to help glancing around in case there
somebody there. But it was just like Cole said, the ranch seemed deserted, apart from a bird’s shrill cry breaking the stillness.

He took out a key from his back pocket. “For emergencies. His car should be here,” he muttered, as he opened the garage door and ushered her inside. He switched on the light and Phoebe blinked, two cars filling her view. One was a cherry red sedan and one was a large, black SUV.

“Good.” Cole lifted a key hanging on the wall. “We’ll take the SUV. Maddie’s car might be too noticeable.”

Phoebe nodded, then trailed him to the house. “Are you sure this is okay?”

He turned around, placing one hand on her shoulder. Her heart skipped a beat at the contact. “Garrett won’t mind. And right now, he’s in Lake Como. We’ll return the car before he even gets back.”

Italy?” What it would be like to go to Italy on your honeymoon?

Yeah.” His lips turned upwards and she caught her breath at the change in his expression. For an instant he looked, happy, lighter, and she wondered if it was the fact that he was helping her that made him seem so gruff and serious.

Maddie was stranded on the highway. Luckily for her, Garrett came along.” He shrugged. “A few weeks later, they flew to Vegas, got married and are now enjoying a


Especially since Maddie was supposed to marry someone else at the time.” He sounded amused.

Phoebe’s eyes widened. She couldn’t get a decent boyfriend, let alone a fiance. And Maddie had two guys to choose from?

“Come on.” Cole turned toward the house. “We can fix something to eat and you can borrow some clothes. Then we have to get going.” He glanced at his watch. “It’s going to take about four hours to get to Jackson, and I think it’s better if we get moving ASAP.”

Cole unlocked the front door. She followed him to the spacious kitchen, placing her purse on the kitchen table. “Can I help?”

“I’ve got it.” He waved away her offer. Opening a cupboard, he got out two glasses and filled them with water. “Here.” He placed a tumbler in front of her.

She sipped the cool water gratefully, while she watched Cole move around the well-equipped kitchen. Garrett and Maddie had turned off the refrigerator before they’d left for their honeymoon, but the pantry seemed to be well stocked.

“Pasta okay?” Cole held out a packet of tube pasta.

Sure.” Right now, anything sounded good. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she’d sat down at the table.

He rummaged in the pantry once more. “There’s a jar of tomato and basil sauce to go with it.”

“Great.” She smiled, admiring his muscular frame when he bent down to get a saucepan out of the cupboard. His faded jeans lovingly molded his tight butt and a wave of heat flashed through her.

Hastily taking a sip of water, she told herself to get a grip. Cole was helping her, nothing more. And by the time this was all over, she would pay him as much as she could afford, which would definitely be more than one dollar per hour. She just hoped he didn’t regret assisting

When the pasta was ready, Phoebe concentrated on eating the simple meal. Glancing over at Cole, she noticed he made short work of his meal and took long swallows of his own glass of water.

“I’ll do the dishes while you look at Maddie’s clothes,” he informed her when she’d taken her last bite.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise at his offer.

“It’ll be quicker this way,” he added, collecting the plates and piling them on the sink.

Okay.” Phoebe rose from the table.

The bedrooms are down there.” He waved a hand towards the hallway.

She nodded, grabbing her purse and slipping down the hall, wondering which was the master bedroom. A man who didn’t complain about doing the dishes. Or cooking. Cole Trask was definitely turning out to be a keeper. Except …
you’re his client
, she scolded herself.
Don’t get any crazy ideas.

Her shoulders sagged for a second, then she straightened them. Right now, she had to focus on borrowing some clothes so they could leave here as quickly as possible.

Entering one of the bedrooms, decorated in rich blue with cream accents, she opened the closet.  Women’s and men’s clothes hung neatly, with shoes beneath. Phoebe carefully looked through Maddie’s clothes, looking for something that was cool, comfortable, and most important of all, fitted her.

She pulled out a pair of navy capris and a light blue t-shirt. Holding them against her in the mirror, she decided they might suit her. Checking that she was still alone in the bedroom, she hastily took off her clothes and slipped on Maddie’s.

The toning blues flattered her coloring. She turned this way and that, delighted that the clothes fit.
In fact, they actually seemed to flatter her curves, something that her own outfits struggled to do. And the capris would be much more practical for climbing into the SUV, as well as looking good with her low-heeled navy pumps.

She was about to shut the closet when a half-opened drawer caught her eye. Silk and lacy scraps of fabric enticed her to take a closer look, and before she realized it, she’d fully opened the drawer. Bras and panties nestled in the deep drawer, and hesitantly, Phoebe picked up a silky white pair of panties. They seemed to be her size. Her cheeks flushing, she placed the panties in her purse. When all this was over, she’d reimburse Maddie for the lingerie and return her clothes. But the thought of only having one pair of panties for the next couple of days made her wince.

Gathering up her skirt and top, Phoebe peeked into the master bath. She’d love to take a shower right now, and wash away the grime of the day, but there wasn’t any time. She took one last look in the mirror, a small smile gracing her lips as she gazed at her new outfit, before heading back to the kitchen.

Ready,” she announced.

Cole swung around, standing still for a moment, his gaze appearing to take in her appearance. “Good,” he finally uttered. Turning back to the pantry, he took out a large bottle of water. “We better get going.”

“Should we leave a note about borrowing Maddie’s clothes and the SUV?” She gestured at her outfit, conscious of still holding her travel-stained skirt and blouse.

No. If someone - not that it’s likely - recognized my SUV from the news, the authorities might think to look here.” At her anxious exclamation, he hastened to add, “I think it’s only a slight possibility. But it pays to be cautious. I’ll call Garrett later, when all this is over and I’ve returned his SUV.” He smiled. “He won’t mind.”

BOOK: The Lawman’s Blackmailed Bride (Billionaire Brothers 3): BBW Romance
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