Read THE INVITATION (The Marriage Diaries, Volume 5) Online

Authors: Erika Wilde

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

THE INVITATION (The Marriage Diaries, Volume 5) (6 page)

BOOK: THE INVITATION (The Marriage Diaries, Volume 5)
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Her husband was such a bold, domineering man in most aspects of his life, but it was times like this, when he exposed that rare, sensitive side that he kept so deeply buried that Jillian fell deeper in love with him. It meant everything to her that he took her feelings into consideration, that even now that they’d been admitted into the estate he was still willing to turn right back around and leave at her say so.

But despite her nerves, that wasn’t what she wanted. “I’m good,” she said, her reply completely honest. “It’s just a little fear of the unknown.”

The tips of his fingers touched her face and skimmed along her jaw. “If there is anything at all that makes you uncomfortable once we’re inside, just say the word and we’re outta there, got it?”

She smiled, that bit of security making all the difference. “Thank you.”

Dean tucked her hand possessively in the crook of his arm as they headed up the stairs and into the open courtyard, complete with a four-tiered marble fountain. The double front doors to the mansion were giant-sized and inlaid with beveled glass, and just as they arrived they opened. A pretty blonde haired woman greeted them, introducing herself as Cindy, one of the club’s hostesses for the evening.

After double-checking to make sure they were on the approved list, she led them into a large, spacious room that had been transformed into a bar and lounge, where most singles and couples mingled before venturing off to various areas of the mansion. Per the dress code for the lounge area, everyone was dressed decently — the women in nice outfits that covered all the essentials and the men in slacks and shirts, as if they were attending a normal cocktail party and not hanging out in a sex club.

The vibe was upscale, yet intimate. Elegant, yet seductive. Most everyone seemed familiar and friendly with each other as they conversed and socialized, giving Jillian the impression that they’d been here before and already knew the ropes, so to speak. Considering the exclusivity of the club, she and Dean were probably only a few of the first-timers there, but the atmosphere was warm and welcoming. As they strolled into the lounge, inviting smiles were cast their way, as well as interested glances from both men and women.

“There’s Mac and a few of my guys,” Dean said, and with his big, warm hand splayed against the small of her bare back, he escorted her in that direction.

As they approached the circle of men, Mac glanced up, saw them, and offered her a wolfish grin. The man was an outrageous flirt, even with her, and never missed an opportunity to let all that sexy charm work to his advantage. He was also like a brother to Dean, and there was no shortage of ribbing and rivalry between the two, with her sometimes caught in the middle.

Ignoring Dean completely, Mac stepped up to her, grabbed her hand, and kissed her on the cheek. “I keep waiting for you to realize what a schmuck Dean is and run away with me,” he said, a teasing light in his dark blue eyes that reminded her of rich sapphires. “Care to be persuaded this evening?”

She bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Mac was truly the one man who could talk to her so boldly and actually get away with it.

“Back off, Romeo,” Dean said before she could issue her own response. “She prefers quality over quantity.”

“Why don’t we let
be the judge of that?” Mac replied smoothly, just to antagonize Dean a bit more.

Dean scowled at him. “Don’t make me kick your ass
, in front of all these nice people, and get your membership revoked.”

“Next time, then,” Mac said, winking at her. He turned to the other two men standing just behind him, who’d been watching the exchange with amusement, and introduced them. “You remember Logan and Sawyer, don’t you?”

Jillian nodded. She’d met both of them, and others, at a fund-raiser they’d all attended a few months ago. Both men were extremely good looking and built like The Rock. “Nice to see you two again.”

“Same here,” they replied in unison.

Despite these men working for Dean, there was no awkwardness between any of them. Clearly, they were all comfortable here at The Players Club, and with the situation, which made everything so much easier for Jillian.

“I was just going to head to the bar to get a drink,” Mac said, inclining his head toward her. “Would you like to come with me? These boys have a few work related things to discuss before the fun begins.”

“Sure.” She slipped her hand into his extended arm. “I’d love a glass of wine.”

Mac led her away, and from behind her she heard Dean say in a low growl, “Keep your eyes off my wife’s ass,” to one of the other two men in the group.

“Sorry, sir,” Logan said, sounding startled that he’d been caught.

Mac chuckled, having heard the conversation, too. “I have to admit,
having a hard time not looking at your ass in that dress. You look fantastic, by the way.”

She thanked him with a smile. “Dean and I have established a look but don’t touch rule that goes both ways, so he shouldn’t be snapping at one of his guys when I’ve seen plenty of the women in here staring at him, too.”

“He’s just marking his territory, as I would if you were with me,” he said as they reached one end of the bar. “Speaking of Dean marking his territory, that’s a stunning collar you’re wearing. It pretty much guarantees that any man looking at you knows you’re taken.”

Startled by his descriptive word, and what it implied, her fingers fluttered to the diamond choker encircling her throat. “

“Did I say collar?” He looked at her with way too much innocence for a very experienced man who knew the in’s and out’s of BDSM. “I meant

No, she was certain he’d meant collar, and realized that was probably Dean’s purpose, too. Her husband might be okay with other men looking, but the diamonds fitted tightly around her neck made a clear statement that she was taken — his quiet stamp of ownership.

The bartender arrived, and she ordered a glass of white wine and Mac asked for his standard Johnnie Walker Black. Just as the bartender turned away to prepare their drinks, Jillian gasped and literally jumped in place as an unexpected shocking sensation rippled deep inside her body, then settled into a slow, pleasurable hum against her g-spot. She clutched the edge of the mahogany bar, and just in time swallowed the moan that rose into her throat, catching the purely sexual sound before it could escape.

Mac glanced at her, a slight frown of concern marring his brows. “Did something startle you?”

She was going to
her husband. With effort, she tried to act normal, to pretend that she didn’t have a pleasure orb stimulating sensitive nerve endings and wreaking havoc with her concentration. “I’m . . . I’m fine.” She was so breathless she could barely talk.

Mac didn’t look completely convinced, but said nothing more. Their drinks arrived, and she took a big gulp of her wine, needing a bit of alcohol in her system to relax. She shuddered as the toy continued rubbing and shaking against her inner walls. Mac noticed her inability to stand still, and suddenly appeared very amused, his gaze much too perceptive.

“Dean must have got himself a new toy to play with,” he said, and grinned.

Jillian’s face flushed crimson, confirming Mac’s guess without saying a word. “I plead the fifth, and you are absolutely
for even going there.”

“I’ve been called much worse, and you should know by now that I’m about as bad as they come,” he replied with humor as he escorted her back toward Dean — who had his hand in his pocket and a smirk on his face.

The guys completed their conversation, while Jillian finished her wine, watching as couples paired up and left the lounge area in pursuit of other adventures. Logan broke away from their group to approach an attractive brunette, then Sawyer joined two women who’d been blatantly eyeing him, clearly angling for double the pleasure.

Jillian shifted on her feet and pressed her thighs together, barely able to maintain her composure with the vibrator humming so illicitly inside her — just enough to keep her on that fine edge of need. Dean chatted with Mac a few moments longer, before Mac finally took pity on her and decided to be on his way, too.

“Looks like your wife is getting anxious to check out the rest of the club,” Mac teased, making a not-so-subtle reference to just how fidgety she was. “My date for the evening just walked in, so you two have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Which left them wide-open with possibilities, Jillian was certain.

Mac stepped up to her and brushed his lips across her cheek in a platonic kiss. “Just relax and enjoy yourself,” he murmured into her ear. “That’s what we’re all here for.”

She watched him saunter away with masculine grace and way too much sexual confidence, toward a raven haired woman with bombshell curves who greeted him with a familiar smile. They spoke for a few seconds, the woman laughed in sensual delight at something Mac said, and a moment later they were gone, too.

Dean took the empty wine glass from her and set it on a nearby table. “Ready for me to give you a tour of the place?” he asked.

“You?” She narrowed her gaze suspiciously at her husband. “What do you know about the inside of The Players Club?”

“Enough.” He shrugged, much too nonchalantly. “I stopped by yesterday afternoon for a private, first-timer’s tour. I wanted to know exactly what to expect, and I needed to set up a few things for tonight’s fantasy.”

“Oh.” That he’d given this evening’s activities that much thought, to the point that he’d made certain arrangements prior to them arriving, amped up her curiosity. “You can do that?”

“Yes.” He placed his hand on her lower back and guided her out of the lounge. “Members can reserve certain rooms ahead of time, depending on their interest or kink, and I had something particular in mind for you and I. But first, let’s look around together.”

They strolled back into the grand entry hall, where other people were also milling about and heading in different directions. The enormous chandelier hanging from the ceiling cast prisms of light around the room as they stopped before a split staircase with two directional signs: to the right for public viewing rooms, and to the left for private rooms. Another stairway led down another flight of stairs with a sign designating that area “The Dungeon”.

“The Dungeon is probably a little more hard-core than we want to venture into, at least on our first night here,” Dean said before she could ask what
part of the mansion entailed. “Lots of whips, chains, and more on the sado-masochistic side of things.”

Admittedly, Jillian was beginning to enjoy a little pain with her pleasure, but her husband was right . . . she wasn’t quite ready to venture down such an extreme path on their first visit to The Player’s Club.

They ascended the stairs, veered off to the right, and spent the next half hour exploring the open, public, viewing areas — where you could either be a voyeur or exhibitionist. Dean refused to turn off the pleasure orb still vibrating inside her, and the physical stimulation coupled with the visual titillation heightened every one of her five senses as they watched all sorts of sexual vices play out before them: couples fucking, women on women getting it on, orgies, and light BDSM just to name a few of the milder acts.

They passed through rooms decorated in themes, complete with costumes, where people acted out their fantasies for everyone to watch. All around them was the scent of sex, the sound of sex . . . heavy breathing. Moans. The slap of flesh against flesh. Gasps of pleasure. It was sensory overload, like the hottest form of foreplay, and she was drenched as a result.

Dean stopped her at a window that looked into a room where two men were pleasuring a woman — or rather, she was letting them do as they pleased to
. Dean moved behind her, hands on her waist as he pressed the thick, straining length of his cock bulging the fly of his slacks up against her ass . . . just like one of the guys in the viewing room was fucking the woman who was on her hands and knees, while the woman sucked the other man’s cock.

Lust sizzled through Jillian as Dean ground himself harder against her backside, his breath hot against her ear, the hum of the vibrator ramping up her arousal and making her desperate for some kind of relief.

“Do you like watching those two men having their way with that woman?” he murmured huskily, clearly just as turned on by the sight. “Are you imagining yourself as that woman, wondering what it would feel like to give and receive pleasure at the same time?”

Oh, yes, she
, and that fantasy liquefied her. Her nipples turned hard and tight as the trio in the enclosed room continued fucking and sucking, and she whimpered in response and thrust her hips back against Dean’s, grinding against his stiff erection.

His breath exhaled on a groan, and a moment later the vibrator inside her kicked up a notch, jolting her entire body with the shocking sensation. Jillian’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head, and her knees would have completely given out on her if Dean hadn’t wrapped a strong arm around her waist to anchor her body to his. His free hand slid around to the front of her dress and slipped beneath the hem, skimming upward until his fingers dipped beneath the elastic band of her panties and stroked her wet flesh.

She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out at the contact, and without thinking she braced her stilettos further apart, giving him complete access to her.

“Keep watching,” he demanded in a rough whisper as his fingers brushed over her pulsing clit and tugged on the engorged flesh, taunting her just like the orb teased and tormented her deep inside. “Keep imagining.”

She couldn’t do anything
watch and imagine, the fantasy so potent her mouth went dry and moisture rushed between her legs. A part of her brain told her she ought to be mortified for being so uninhibited. They were in a public area. There were people nearby, behind them, probably even watching as Dean’s fingers worked their magic and promised satisfaction. But she didn’t care. They were both still fully clothed and her body’s demands over-ruled all common sense, especially when her husband knew exactly how to touch her to make her shatter into a million pieces.

BOOK: THE INVITATION (The Marriage Diaries, Volume 5)
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