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Authors: Sheri WhiteFeather

The Heart of a Stranger (13 page)

BOOK: The Heart of a Stranger
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They caressed for what seemed like hours, hands questing, sighs and shivers captured in the fading light.

Then suddenly the need turned raw, the passion steeped in fire.

When he lifted her hips and plunged into her, she gasped.

There was hard, hip-grinding sex, but there was gentleness, too. The truth they saw in each other's eyes. The sacrifices they would make to stay together, the hurt and the pain they would shed.

And the fear.

She wouldn't allow herself to be afraid, to dwell on losing him.

Ricky Mercado was hers, and she intended to keep him.

He moved in and out of her body, setting the rhythm, thrilling her. Tongue thrusts mimicked hip thrusts. Groans mirrored moans. Heat rivaled hunger.

And when he spilled into her, she relished the feeling.

The climax that swept them both away.


“Are you really gonna be our daddy?”

Nina gazed up at Ricky, and he grinned. She'd been asking him that question for days, reaffirming his place in her family.

He sat next to her and her sister on the sofa. “Yes, Miss Nina, I am.”

“Are you and Mama gonna have babies?” This came from Paige.

“I hope so.” Since they'd been making love without the restriction of birth control, it could happen at any time.

“I want a little brother,” Nina announced.

“Me, too.” Paige gave him a sweet smile. Both
girls wore matching dresses and butterfly barrettes. “Will you ask God to give us a boy?”

“I'll do my best.” Suddenly his emotions nearly ran away with him, so he cleared his throat. God had given him a second chance, blessings he couldn't begin to count.

Amy came into the room, and Nina, as usual, started to chatter. “Know what?” she said to the teenager. “We're gonna have a little brother.”

“Really?” Amy widened her eyes at Ricky, and he clarified the facts.

“It's still in the planning stages,” he told her. “And they might get a baby sister instead.”

“How about another set of twins,” she teased. “Maybe one of each.”

The reality hit him, and he sat for a moment, grinning to himself. He liked the idea of two more kids at once. He'd already spoken with Lourdes about remodeling the house and adding on a few more rooms.

This was the home they would share as husband and wife. The home Ricky Mercado would raise his family in.

He and Lourdes had agreed on a big church wedding, and the Catholic nuptials would take place as soon as they could arrange a fitting ceremony.

Ricky looked over at Amy, who'd attired herself in a miniskirt and boots. She would be returning to California soon, but she would be back on her next school break, and of course, she and her parents would fly in for the wedding. Lourdes had already asked Amy to be her maid of honor.

And the twins, he thought, shifting his gaze to his soon-to-be-adopted daughters, would walk down the aisle as flower girls.

Cáco entered the living room wearing a colorful Southwestern ensemble and a squash-blossom necklace. She sat in a chair near Amy and smiled at Ricky.

He knew that in the older woman's mind, he and Lourdes were already married. He'd given Lourdes several new mares as a wedding gift, which was an Indian practice he hadn't even been aware of. He hadn't known that Comanche suitors used to bring their prospective brides horses. Or that once the gift was accepted, their union was sealed.

“What's taking Mama so long to get ready?” Nina asked.

“I don't know.” Ricky was already dressed to go out, and so were Amy, Cáco and the kids. They were having dinner at the Lone Star Country Club, a special-occasion meal he'd arranged. “I'll go check on her.”

He headed for the master bedroom and found Lourdes fussing with her appearance in front of the mirror.

A sleek black dress clung to her curves, and she'd arranged her glorious hair into a topknot, with long, flowing pieces framing her face.

He came up behind her, and both of their reflections shined in the mirror.

His heart made a strong yet sappy dive for his throat. “You look incredible.”

“Are you sure the hair's okay?”

She fluffed the loose strands, and he saw how nervous she was.

“You're perfect.” He slipped his arms around her waist and drew her back to his front. When he nuzzled her neck, she relaxed against his body. He inhaled a subtle note of her perfume, the fragrance that reminded
him of spun sugar and spring flowers. “My family is going to adore you.”

“I'm not the country club type, Ricky. I'm so worried I won't fit in.”

“Are you kidding? You're the classiest lady I know. And my sister is just dying to meet you. Pop, too,” he added referring to his dad. He'd already told his father all about Lourdes, putting a sparkle in the old man's eye.

She met his gaze in the mirror. “I just want to make a good impression.”

He brushed her cheek with his lips. “You will.”

They arrived at the country club and were seated at a large, linen-draped table. Some folks thought the meals at the posh Empire Room didn't live up to its fancy blue-and-white decor, but Ricky appreciated the food and the atmosphere.

The twins bubbled with enthusiasm. They couldn't resist ordering Shirley Temples and sipping the grenadine-spiked sodas with an air of class.

The other guests, friends and family members Ricky had invited, began to filter in.

Westin escorted his stunning wife, Celeste—a petite blonde who kept the tough-as-nails ex-marine on his toes.

Johnny Mercado arrived with Haley and Luke, who brought little Lena and requested a high chair to accommodate their happy-as-a-clam daughter.

Tyler and Marisa Murdoch, both dark-eyed and dark-haired, made an attractive couple, as did Cole Yardley and his barely pregnant wife, Elise.

As Ricky and Yardley exchanged a greeting, Yardley leaned forward. “I have some news about the case.”

Ricky studied the ATF operative, a man he'd come to like and respect. “I'm listening.”

“There's no need for you and Westin to hunt down Gonzalez.”

Ricky thought about the jungle rat who'd terrorized Westin's family. The same jungle rat who'd formed an unholy alliance with John Valente. “Did you catch him?”

“No, but a Central American drug lord he cheated did.”

Which meant Gonzalez was dead. Ricky glanced at Westin, and the colonel gave him a quiet nod. Apparently Yardley had already shared the news with Westin.

His wife must be relieved, Ricky thought. Celeste had been panicked about her husband going off on another dangerous mission.

Ricky shifted his attention to Lourdes. She would be relieved, as well. More than relieved, he suspected, considering her recent fear of losing him.

She sat next to him, chatting companionably with Haley. His sister and his future wife were becoming fast friends, which pleased him beyond words.

Ricky continued to check out everyone at the table, including Luke, his closest buddy and brother-in-law. He intended to ask Luke to serve as his best man. The same honor Luke had bestowed upon him this past summer.

Next, Ricky turned to look at his dad. Johnny had walked Haley down the aisle and would probably do the same for Lourdes, filling in for her deceased father.

Cáco, of course, would have a role in the ceremony, too—carrying a white candle for the bride and groom.

The bride and groom.

Struck by the thought, Ricky smiled at his lady.

His Lourdes. His angel.

She'd given him a chance to start over, to be the man he was meant to be. The man who would help her raise a house full of children and run a soon-to-be-thriving horse farm.

“I love you,” he whispered.

Her eyes went misty. “I love you, too.”

For a few seconds, they simply stared each other, caught in one of those timeless moments.

Then they resumed their meal and socialized with friends and family, content to enjoy their life together.

From now until forever.

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Sheri WhiteFeather for her contribution to the LONE STAR COUNTRY CLUB series.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7213-6


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