Read The Good Girls Online

Authors: Teresa Mummert

The Good Girls (9 page)

BOOK: The Good Girls
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“Ellie has been through a lot, and she doesn’t need to be spending so much time with someone who doesn’t have her best interests at heart.”

“How do you know what she’s been through, David?” I couldn’t help but get defensive when it was my shoulder Ellie had been crying on, and her father barely spoke five words to her in a day. “Have you spoken to her? Do you even care how she has been dealing with the death of her mother, the only
parent she’s ever had?”

“Watch how you talk to me, Cara. You’re eighteen in only a week.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I felt my heart sink as I thought of where I would go if David kicked me out. “You going to take away the only person your daughter has who cares about her? She’d never forgive you after that.”
Please don’t take her away from me.

“It means that if I think your friendship with my daughter is detrimental to her, I’ll have to do what is right for her.”

“Like abandon her? Or am I the one who will get left behind this time? It’s really hard to tell who you care about less.” I folded my arms over my chest, begging my lower lip to stop quivering. There is no way Dawn would let him just kick me out. She couldn’t.

He leaned in closer to me, his finger pointed at my face. “You have one week. I suggest you make things right with your mother…and God.”

He turned and walked away as I grabbed the banister, sinking down on the bottom step. The tears poured from me as I struggled to think about what I was going to do. Maybe Tristan would let me stay at his apartment with him. I was sure his roommates wouldn’t mind having a girl around, and I could get a job. No one actually expected me to graduate high school anyway.

“Cara?” Ellie called from upstairs, and I wiped my cheeks quickly and cleared my throat.

“I’ll be right up.”

“Shower’s free,” she replied as I heard her bedroom door close.

I would have to figure all of this out tomorrow. I didn’t want El to know what was happening before I knew what I was going to do. For all I knew, David hadn’t even talked to Dawn. There was no way she’d let him kick me out with nowhere to go.

I hurried upstairs and slipped into the bathroom, ignoring my pink, tearstained face as I undressed and slid under the hot water.

I hated the idea of leaving Ellie here alone. I knew the guys would look out for her, but I was worried just how much I could trust Brody with her heart.

I hurried through my shower and got dressed quickly before El knocked on my door.

“Come in,” I called out as I put mascara on my lashes and covered my lips with gloss.

“You look great,” Ellie said approvingly as she looked me over.

“It’s just an old pair of jeans,” I shook my head as I ran my fingers through my hair.

“Everything okay?” she asked as she stepped closer.

“I’m fine.”
Please let it go.

She grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face her. “You’re lying.” Her eyes searched mine, and I had to look at the floor to keep from breaking down again.

“Ellie, I’m fine. I promise.” I smiled, and she nodded slightly, dropping the subject.

We both slipped downstairs into the living room, and I handed Ellie the remote, letting her flip the channels as my mind wandered off. It wasn’t long before the lights in the house were being turned off, and Dawn and David said good night and headed up to bed.

We slipped out of the front door and ran down the driveway, laughing the entire way before diving into Tristan’s car. If I only had a few days left with El, I was going to make the best of it. I would worry about calling my mother tomorrow.



y blood felt as if it was pulsing through my body to the beat of the song thumping in the background. I looped my arms around Cara’s neck as her hands slid down my sides, resting on my hips as our bodies ground together on the dance floor.

We danced like this all the time now, and no one really batted an eye, although many loved to watch us.

“I think you’ve had a little too much,” I whispered.

Cara’s eyes were unfocused, and there was some lingering anger under the surface, but she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong.
Why won’t you trust me?

“What are you, my mom now?” Cara slurred, and my heart sank at how cold she was being. I knew she hated her mother, and the comparison was meant as an insult. I tried to pull away from her, upset that she wouldn’t open up to me, but she grabbed my hands and pulled me back to her.

“I’m sorry, El. Dance with me, please.”

She pulled me flush against her body as she began to move her hips again.

“Come on. I don’t want you to be upset with me. You can’t be upset with me. Not this week.”

“Why not this week, Cara?” I asked as I began to dance with her.

“Not any week, Ellie Belly,” she replied playfully, and I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head.

“I don’t understand you,” I murmured as a new song began to play. Everyone began to yell, excited for their song to come on.

“You’re the
one who understands me.”

I pressed my forehead against hers and closed my eyes as I let my mind get lost in the lyrics of the song. It was torture not to lean in and kiss her. I wanted to comfort her, take her mind off whatever it was that was plaguing her.

She threw her head back and laughed as Tristan came up behind her and began to dance against her back. The air was thick, and our exposed skin was slick with sweat, but that wouldn’t stop the party. My leg was between Cara’s, and hers between mine as our hips ground together. Tristan had his face above Cara’s shoulder, looking down between us as he watched us move. He took my hand from her neck and slipped it around his. I could feel his pulse thumping beneath my fingertips.

“You two look fucking hot right now,” he whispered into her ear, but his eyes were locked on mine.

“It takes no effort for Cara,” I replied, and he smirked, clearly oblivious that something was going on with her.

He then reached forward, placing his hands over Cara’s on my hips and pulling me tighter against her. A few guys in the crowd cheered, and our hips swayed wilder with every howl of encouragement. Our chests were pressed together, and I could feel her nipples harden against mine, even in the sweltering heat.

“I thought you didn’t like the idea of two girls together,” I mumbled, the liquor making the words pour out without thinking.
If you only knew how many nights we spent tangled together like this.

“I don’t mind if I’m with them.” He smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

“Let’s give them a show,” Cara whispered mischievously before pressing her mouth to mine. I was shocked at her sudden public display of affection, but I didn’t hesitate in parting my lips. The partygoers roared in approval, but the sound of my heart beat thudding in my ear muffled the sound. I could feel Tristan’s hot breath against my cheek, his face dangerously close to ours.

He pressed his mouth to Cara’s cheek, and she turned her head to kiss him as I dug my teeth into my lower lip, my body still moving against her to the beat of the music as I watched them make out only an inch from me.

“Kiss, El,” she whispered, and before I could protest, Tristan’s lips were on mine. He didn’t even hesitate. His touch was harder, more forceful than Cara’s, but I melted against his mouth. A deep rumble resonated from the back of his throat, and my knees nearly buckled. As he pulled back from me, I stared into his pale-blue eyes, transfixed by how he was looking at me with such want. My eyes went to Cara’s, not believing that she was okay with what was happening.

We danced through that song and the next as if it were perfectly normal that the three of us were so close.

“Follow me,” Cara whispered into my ear before her teeth grazed my earlobe, sending a shiver down my spine. I smiled, and Tristan ran his tongue over his lower lip as he grabbed Cara’s hand and pulled her toward the hallway. My fingers laced in her free hand as I trailed behind them, not allowing myself to second-guess what I was doing.

We slipped into a bedroom, and I pushed the door closed. Leaning back against it, I watched as Tristan pulled Cara against his chest, kissing her hard as she whimpered. I felt uncomfortable, like I was seeing something I shouldn’t be, something I knew she had done with him, but it was different to witness it. My thoughts became irrational as I grew angrier, accusing him in my head of taking advantage of her after she’d been drinking, even though I knew Cara well enough to know she was perfectly in control. My fingers gripped the doorknob behind me just as they broke free from each other, and Cara reached for me.

She took my hand and tugged me toward her as Tristan pulled his shirt over his head, his muscles flexing as his hand ran down over his stomach muscles.

“What are we doing?” I asked as her hands gripped my sides.

“Just having some fun.” Cara pressed her mouth against mine, her tongue moving over mine as it had so many times when we were alone. Her fingers slipped under my shirt and her palm pressed against my breast. As Tristan came up behind me and pressed against my back, I broke free from our kiss as I felt how turned on he was by us.

“I…I can’t do this.” I stepped out from between them and tugged down my shirt, feeling like a fool, fighting against the fog of alcohol in my brain. “
are you doing this?” My eyes searched Cara’s, and the sadness I’d seen earlier was back, but she didn’t say anything. “I need to go home.” I hurried to the door and left before either of them could protest.



hit. I have to go after her.”

Tristan stepped in front of the door with his hands in front of him. “Babe, you can’t just leave.”

“I have to, Tristan. She doesn’t have a ride home, and I’m not even sure she knows which direction home is.”

“So what the fuck am I supposed to do after you and your little cocktease pull this shit?”

My eyes narrowed as my anger sobered me up. “You can go fuck

He pushed off the door, towering over me as he glared down into my eyes. “What the fuck did you say?”

My heart felt like it was beating hard enough to crack my ribs. Tristan had always been intense, but this was the first time I was legitimately scared for my safety.

“I just need to find El. I can’t let her out there with all of those guys.” I kept my voice even and struggled to keep from looking intimidated. Tristan stepped to the side and waved his arm, granting me permission to leave.

I shouldered by him and out the door as I walked through the crowded house in search of Ellie. I hoped she hadn’t really tried to go home on her own.

I made my way down the narrow hall and into the dining room as the music seemed to pulse with my mind. Cameron was talking to some girl as his hand slid over her hip, and I struggled to focus my eyes to appear coherent.

“Cam, have you seen El?” My words slurred, and I didn’t even sound like myself.

He glanced around before he shook his head. “Last I saw she was being dragged away by you and Tristan. He didn’t last very long, huh?” He smiled as he ran his tongue over his lower lip.
What the fuck have I done?

“You know where Brody is?” I struggled to choke back the bile that was rising in my throat. I’d managed to destroy El’s reputation before I was going to leave her. Fucking perfect.

“After he watched what I saw, he left with some girl from Eastern. You know he had a thing for El. That shit was cold, Cara. Not that I blame you.”

“Fuck.” I squinted through the fog of alcohol in my head and the fog of smoke in the house and continued on, trying to find her. I couldn’t worry about Brody’s feelings right now.

After searching all of the unlocked rooms and the bathroom twice, I made my way out front so I could look up and down the road. Just as I turned back toward the house with my head hanging, I heard her voice.

“I don’t understand you.”

My head snapped up, and I looked off to the left of the house, my eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness. She stepped forward and was now in the glow of the porch light.
You look like an angel.

“You fucking scared me, El.” I stumbled toward her, and she stopped.

“What is going on with you? Something is obviously bothering you, and you won’t talk to me, and then you try to get me to fuck your boyfriend?”

“I was there,” I mumbled as I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to make my head stop spinning.

“I’m aware. I was aware as I watched you making out with him in front of me. Is that how you think I wanted to lose my fucking virginity, with some guy who is dating my best friend?”

My heart cracked and splintered in my chest. “I just thought…” my voice trailed off as I tried to form a coherent response without telling her the truth. I knew trying to get them together was a stupid move, but at least he’d watch after her if I couldn’t.
God, I’ve had way too much to drink

think. You
think about my feelings at all.” She turned around as she huffed, her hands twisting.
Please don’t hate me. You can’t hate me. I can’t leave you knowing you hate me.

“Please don’t turn away from me.” I stepped toward her and put my hand on her shoulder. She turned around slowly, tears streaking down her cheeks, and my heart stuttered. “I’m so fucking sorry, Elise.” I pulled her against me, and she reluctantly wrapped her arms around my neck as I rubbed my hands over her back. “I have no idea what I was thinking. I shouldn’t have ever put you in that situation.”

“I just don’t understand you.” She sighed against my neck, causing me to shiver and pull her tighter against my body.

She pulled back from me, and I used the pads of my thumbs to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. “Please don’t hate me.”

“I could never hate you, Cara. Don’t you know that by now?” I knew what she meant by what she didn’t say. It made me physically ache to be closer to her, even when her body was pressed against mine. I glanced around us, nervous someone might see us embracing, but the only other people outside were more concerned with vomiting or making out. I began to walk forward with Ellie in my arms until we were cloaked in shadows.

“I should never have put you in that situation, El. You mean too much to me.”

She pressed her forehead against mine as she nodded slightly. I let my eyes fall closed, relishing her embrace, knowing I wouldn’t get to do this much longer.

“You kissed me in front of everyone,” she whispered so quietly only I could hear her. I smiled as I tilted my chin up so our lips were nearly brushing.

“I couldn’t help myself,” I confessed as her lips spread into a smile. I raised my hand and brushed my fingers over the apple of her cheek and down her jaw before her mouth pressed against mine. She mumbled something against my lips but I couldn’t make out her words as we deepened our kiss. My hand slid around the back of her neck, holding her close to me, afraid she might disappear if I didn’t cling to her. She was like gravity, and my head was constantly in the clouds. I needed her to keep me grounded.

As she pulled away, her eyes searched mine. There was so much left unsaid, but I knew it would be wrong of me to tell her everything I was feeling when I would be out of her life in a matter of days. My entire body felt like it was slowly burning from the inside out. I forced a smile, pretending the pain wasn’t consuming me.

“Do you want to go back inside?”

El nodded as she slipped her hand in mine. I pulled her toward the porch. “I just want to go use the bathroom quickly. I’ll find you.”

I reluctantly let go of her hand and wandered off to find Tristan. I’d felt my phone vibrating in my pocket as I talked to El, but I didn’t want to answer it until I knew she was okay. I hoped he wasn’t too pissed. I felt so much guilt as it was for what I was doing to El. It was too much to even allow myself to think about how I’d been hurting him, too.

BOOK: The Good Girls
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