Read The Forsaken Love of a Lord Online

Authors: Kristin Vayden

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical Romance

The Forsaken Love of a Lord (20 page)

BOOK: The Forsaken Love of a Lord
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“I most certainly felt the need to mention it twice.”

“Indeed? How kind,” She commented.

“Why do I get the distinct feeling that you are insincere?” he asked, his head tipping slightly to the side as he pulled her into the frame of a waltz. His movements were light, smooth, and carefree, much like his personality.

“Because you are smarter than you look,” Maria replied in a saucy manner, enjoying the freedom of speaking with a friend, not feeling the need to impress him.

“You know, that’s what I’ve always said. A pity most don’t ever realize it.” He shook his head, smiling into her eyes and then glancing away, apparently searching.

“So who is the lucky lady this week?” Maria asked, hitching a shoulder as they danced.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” He turned his gaze back to hers, his eyes slightly narrowing in a wry manner.

“And here I just complimented you on your intelligence.”

“No, you said I was smarter than I looked. You didn’t go into a description of the extent of that intelligence.”

“I believe you just insulted yourself.”

“Bloo—er, drat. I do believe I did, minx. You always were a quick wit.” His lips bent in a grin as he turned his attention back to her. “If you must know, I’m quite taken with the late Baron Whittle’s widow. She seems quite depressed. I think perhaps I am just the gentleman to cheer her up.”

“You mean seduce her.”

“An innocent should never—“

“While I may be an innocent, I am not
” Maria replied dryly.

“Such cheek! Very well, but you didn’t ever hear me admit it.”

“My lips are sealed.” She sighed, amused.

“So who is your target this season? he asked, appearing sincerely interested. "I assume you have one. Most ladies do when the season begins.”

“I’m not sure… I’m open to suggestions, if you have any,” Maria replied, trying not to let desperation leak through her tone.

“Hmm, I shall consider it. You’ll need good gentleman, an
gentleman, not those foxes and wolves pretending to be charming.”

“Foxes and wolves? Is that what you call yourself?” she teased.


“So you think I need a true gentleman.” She steered the conversation back to the type of man she needed.


“Someone with morals, with—“

“Foul! I have morals!” Curtis appeared offended.

“They simply go into hiding at the first glimpse of opportunity,” Maria replied, raising an eyebrow.

“Be that as it may…” he replied after a moment, his eyes narrowing. “I still, that is, if you wish to enlist my aid, given my soiled reputation and corrupt moral fiber…” He winked.

Maria resisted the urge to roll her eyes, but she smiled. “Yes, yes I’ll take whatever help I can get.”

So much for keeping desperation out of her tone.

“Give me a few days, and I’ll be sure to call on you, giving you a few candidates.”

“I appreciate your assistance,” Maria accepted with grace.

“Do you appreciate it enough to end the waltz slightly early so that I may, by chance, walk by the Lady Whittle?” He raised his eyebrows in hope.

“It’s the least I can do.” Maria shook her head as she giggled.

But at least she had enlisted some help on her quest.

A friend that would come with a list of hopeful prospects.

Friends were indeed a blessing.

Friends, however, were not husbands.

And she didn’t
a friend.

She needed a proposal.

The music was just coming to an end as they parted ways, Mr. Sheppard toward the Baron Whittle’s widow, and Maria standing alone.




Kristin's inspiration for the romance she writes comes from her tall, dark and handsome husband with killer blue eyes. With five children to chase, she is never at a loss for someone to kiss, something to cook or some mess to clean, but she loves every moment of it! She loves to make soap, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, and gluten free muffins. Life is full of blessings, and she praises God for the blessed and abundant life He's given her.



To Refuse A Rake


Emma has sworn off love.

After all, it is pointless to subject oneself to such torture when in the end, heartbreak is inevitable. Just like her sister had suffered. So, when Lord Daventry, the muddy brown-eyed boy from her childhood, returns to society she refuses to even look at him… well, maybe she’ll look once.

Or twice.

But only because his eyes have changed into the most decadent color of dark chocolate. And his tanned skin from his travels is distracting, especially paired with his wide and devilish grin.

The stirring of her blood from his hot whisper in her ear is nothing… at least that’s what she tells herself.

Lord Daventry has one response to marriage. Drink Brandy. Especially when his mother decides it is time for him to produce an heir. Reluctantly, he attends his first ball since returning from India, swearing to head to White’s shortly after the first dance. However, he is pleasantly surprised to discover that Miss Emma Kingsly, the same girl he tried to kiss when she was nine, is still unmarried.

Her frigid demeanor should have warned him off... but unable to ignore a challenge, he plunges in head first... never expecting to fall in love with the one woman in the ton completely set against marriage.


Redeeming the Deception of Grace


Lady Grace Hashiver has perfected the art of hiding behind a sarcastic wit when it comes to dealing with the rakish Ewan Emmett Duke of Greys, her childhood tormentor. It’s her only weapon, for if she let her guard down even for a moment; surely he’d know just how much she loved him. A love she knew could never happen.

Ewan Emmett, Duke of Greys is perfectly thrilled to torment Grace at every opportunity, until an old acquaintance begins an honest suit for Grace’s hand. When Ewan begins to feel the pangs of jealousy causing him to question his reasons for his constant teasing of Grace, he discovers a depth of emotion he didn’t know he harbored towards the golden haired beauty. Suddenly he is not longer the tease, but on the receiving end of the torment as he wonders if he’s too late to fight for her love.

Sometimes, all love needs is a little healthy competition. Wouldn’t you agree?


Knight of the Highlander


Colin is not who he claims to be…

His position as the blacksmith of Clan Chattan is simply a cover, a means to an end. He was sent with one mission; find Jacobite loyalists and eliminate their threat. But that’s not what keeps him up at night, or what burns hotter than his forge. The most dangerous threat is one of his own making; falling in love.

Arywnn knows someone is watching her…

In her dreams he’s handsome, braw, and willing to take her away from her reclusive mother and tyrant laird father. But her daydreams are a frivolity she cannot afford, not while a spy lurks within their clan. Worse yet, her father has promised her hand to whomever discovers the blackguard.

A midnight meeting…

A whispered kiss…

And a rogue English knight all change the course of destiny in a way neither could have ever imagined.

Colin must play a dangerous game, but the prize is worth the risk; Arywnn’s heart.


Living London

Book one of the Westin Legacy


Love is stronger than we can imagine.

Love is never impossible. But for Joselyn Westin, it’s not probable. After the death of her grandmother, Joselyn feels lost in world that seems empty, till a cryptic message in one of her grandmother’s favorite books changes everything.

Sometimes love happens in the most unexpected, incredible places. Jocelyn wakes up in London, during the Regency Era. But her knowledge of the time is poorly lacking, even with all the historical romances she’s read. She quickly learns that life is the greatest teacher.

What Joselyn discovers is more than just history, it’s a way of living, a way of loving and discovering that for love, nothing is impossible.

Especially when you find yourself “Living London.”


Surviving Scotland

Book Two of the Westin Legacy


Only love is strong enough to grasp what it was never meant to have.

Elle can’t deny that Ioan is handsome. That is, until he opens his mouth. How can someone so masculine and striking be so irritating? Yet part of her knows that if his sarcastic and teasing temper changed, she’d lose her heart.

Ioan knows that Elle is untouchable. To protect his heart, he keeps her at arm’s length with incessant teasing and a quick wit. She can never know the truth. But like a moth drawn to the flame he can’t resist her. Indeed he already burned.

When the Jacobites attack Carnasserie castle, the Black Watch come to assist. Though Elle has her own personal battle to win, they both with learn that Surviving Scotland isn’t for the faint of heart…


Beyond Broken


He was searching for hope in a world that offered him everything. With his life spiraling out of control, he sought salvation at a rehab center, never expecting to find light after admitting all the darkness he carried. The last thing he needed, was to fall in love.

But sometimes we can’t choose who we love--it chooses us. And that what she did; she chose him, mind, body, and soul. And he was helpless in love’s grasp.

She knew his name spelled trouble, but was unable to distance her heart until it was too late, until it already deep within his grasp. Sometimes, even when you want to help those you love, even when you have the best intentions--they have to love themselves enough to want to change.

Nobody ever said love was easy, and for them? The battle has just begun.


**Beyond Broken is a NA romance with a very strong inspirational thread. However, it is still not considered a religious or inspirational romance because of the elemental theme of drug abuse, sex, and strong language**




When everything falls apart, you’re faced with two choices. Do you lose your faith or do you really begin to live it?

For Abby, she chooses to walk by faith, and in turn God takes the smoldering ashes of her world and begins to bring her to life.

Levi Jensen was waiting for the right woman. He’d made his share of mistakes and refused to settle for just anyone. But he never thought God would bring him a petite blonde with two children. But Levi soon learns that God’s plans are always better than our own.

God created romance. Abby and Levi learn firsthand, that through difficulties, hardship and mistakes, God brings about beauty for ashes. He always writes the best love stories. The kind that last forever.



Books in order of date published:

To Refuse a Rake by Kristin Vayden

Pursued by Kristin Vayden

Knight of the Highlander by Kristin Vayden

The Only Reason for the London Season by Kristin Vayden

What the Duke Wants by Kristin Vayden

An Unlikely Duchess by Nadine Millard

Drown by Jennifer Rae Gravely

Seeking Scandal by Nadine Millard

Hourglass by K.S. Smith Megan C. Smith

To Tempt an Earl (Greenford Waters Legacy) by Kristin Vayden

Betraying Ever After by Kelly Martin

Phoenix Rising by Elise Faber

Rivers by Jennifer Rae Gravely

Hourglass Squared by K.S. Smith Megan C. Smith


Books released as second edition:

Surviving Scotland by Kristin Vayden

Living London by Kristin Vayden

Redeeming the Deception of Grace by Kristin Vayden


Books to be released:

Out of the Blue by E.L. Irwin (releases 10/21)

The Forsaken Love of a Lord by Kristin Vayden (releases 10/30)

Unwilling by KD Wood (releases 11/11)

The Dark Hour byJF Jenkins

Dream Weaver by Charito Ravanera (no release date at this time)



Table of Contents















How to Silence a Rake




BOOK: The Forsaken Love of a Lord
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